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You've been looking in the wrong direction, the dangers are coming from the right.



  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭arthursway


    What are you even accusing the right of exactly OP?

    Are you accusing them of trying to take over the world in some new world order?

    Why are they doing this?

    Who is the leader?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I'm not using him as anything, I merely showed a mindset that is accepted within the right wing right now.

    Someone who brags about using his wheelchair to bring guns to what turned out to be an insurrection and who in the midst of the war in Ukraine, has called Zelensky a thug and expressed understanding for Putin. This is what the Republican party has allowed itself to become. And I say that about a party which also recently gave passes to people who spoke at a white supremacy conference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I'm accussing them of make the world a more dangerous place in which millions of people have to suffer. They are doing this for their own power and agendas and to protect the version of life that they are comfortable with even if it means this suffering and subjugation of others.

    Why does there have to be a leader? There are several influential figures. Putin, Rupert Murdoch, Christian Chandler, Steve Bannon, Nigel Farage, Angelos Frangopoulos, Boris Johnson, Jacobs Rees Mogg, Donald Trump, Marine LePen, Charles Koch, Viktor Orban, Bolsanaro, Lukaschenko, Tucker Carlson, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud and many many more I'm sure.

    Is all this a surprise to you?

    Do you think there has to be collective group with an appointed leader and strategies for anything I'm saying to be the case?

  • Registered Users Posts: 921 ✭✭✭Mike Murdock

    So when all is said and done, what is your solution/solutions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    This from today in the House of Commons.

    Arron Banks, for those who have failed to connect the dots, is the man who is suing Carol Cadwalladr because she correctly identified him as being problematic with respect to Brexit.

    Nice little earner for Farage, even though not all that is from RT, sure he can be trusted to be unbiased on his nightly show on GB News. As I pointed out last night, this is why he has tried to deflect attention on to the topic of climate change and trying to prevent anything meaningful happening there. He knows he will find welcoming ears for that argument and then they are likely to defacto defend him on the topic of Russia.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    Crowdfunded her defence then stood up in court and repeatedly admitted that there was no evidence to back up her claims and was walloped for costs, but sure, it wasn't her money so why would she care.

    Absolute mugs 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Call out the people who are causing damage to democratic processes, governance and the intent to work towards a prosperous secure planet for as many as possible.

    Don't laugh them off as being 'good for ratings', entertaining, just calling it as they see it or anything else. If you're going to get mad at people supposedly doing damage to the world, get mad at the right people. What else can anyone do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    'no evidence to back up her claims'

    Check the post immediately before yours, it's on the record in the house of commons now. Still think she is the problem here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,770 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    I know people from England. Many simply do not see themselves as European. They feel closer ties with the Commonwealth. Now not all of those are ‘Nigel Farage’ types. Which is what you are trying to portray. Many are very reasonable people. In fact it was ironically once put to me by an English person. ‘Why is Ireland in the EU? When it loses sovereignty.’ Well before Brexit.

    Looking at the 1971 vote which was a tense one.

    ’The Commons last night voted for entry into Europe by 356 votes to 244, a majority of 112’

    And subsequent British attitudes to the European Commisson. It seems to me Britain was always the reluctant guest at the party. And as the EU moved more towards a political movement more than an economic one. I understand how their angst increased.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    But, the 'dark forces' I am referring to in my OP are those who have ignored these acts and tell us that the 'right are defenders of free speech' when all the evidence suggests otherwise.

    When free speech rallies are being held by the likes of Tommy Robinson and Geert Vilders you certainly need to back up that statement. To give you an example closer to home think why is it people like Dave Rubin are the only ones holding such rallies. Can you point to one free speech rally from the left?

    Try google free speech rally and you’ll see how publication after publication smears any such rally as ‘right wing’. Disagreement is allowed within the right wing, but not within the left wing. What kind of things have you previously called Joe Manchin?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,770 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    It almost seems as if the OP thinks only ‘the left’ are open to robust debate and discussion. Meanwhile the ‘evil dark forces’ of ‘the right’ are all one homogenous group. With little or no ‘shades of right’. Such a view seems to be very Star Wars/Star Trek cartoonist caricatures.

    I will admit when I was younger I was an idealist and viewed any kind of conservatism as ‘backward’. But as I got older I learned to appreciate that politics is much more nuanced. Someone could be conservative on one issue but not on another. It is why there is such a thing as the floating voter.

    The OP seems unshakable in their belief that the evil right are to blame for all the worlds ills. There is nothing in between. Which is all very ironic considering once upon a time Putin along with Russia were considered as far left as you could go. If any Irish politician was ever found to have visited ‘the reds’ serious questions were asked back home.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    It went to court, where established facts matter and she was blown out of the water, all her allegations were nothing but guff and spoofery.

    You can say anything you like in the HOC, it's called Parliamentary privilege. Perhaps you heard of it? 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Again with the 'all the worlds ills'.

    You claim to know what it is I think and you can't even repeat what it is I am saying, maybe slow down a tad and have a think about what I've said before presuming or actually wishing I said something else that is easier for you to challenge.

    There was no need for you to give us your own life's evolution with respect to politics like it included some sort of moment of revelation, I haven't referred to you specifically and yet it seems as if you feel I did as if I touched a nerve with respect to your personal position. If you truly understood politics, you would know that Putin was never considered as far left as you could go. He has always fallen under the category of a dictator with personal motivations and never displayed any sort of benevolence towards the people of Russia.

    You are correct about the existence of floating voters, that has always been the case, and yet if you stopped to think about it long enough, you would see how recent significant elections say there is something going on and that people do not seem to be voting based on the performance of the candidates. Trump saw his vote count increase after 4 years of a wildly ineffectual and damaging Presidency which culminated in his disastrous management of Covid, inflaming of the BLM conversation and his undermining of election integrity. And this happened because he and his friends in the media (his very close friends in particular) created a false flag where the enemy was this 'radical socialist left' of which there is zero real world evidence of in the US, and they nearly pulled it off.

    Similar happened in the UK with Johnson being handed an 80 seat majority despite the disclosure of the falsehoods of Brexit, his own ineptitude and self-serving motivations and again a media diverting focus from these realities. (That's not ignoring Labours ineptitude in presenting an alternative which was also a factor that led to the final scale of the majority)

    Just to go back to your opening statement about my presumed assumption that 'only the left are open to robust debate and discussion.' Again, they're your words, not mine. But I would point out the examples throughout the recent years of right wing influencers directly expressing no interest in the views of medical scientists in relation to dealing with Covid, Trumps history of wanting to claim that he knows more than anyone about anything and Michael Gove saying that people had had enough of experts. And as for the open and robust debate and discussion about the climate situation, where is that among right wing ideologies?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    They're not free speech rallies, they are hate rallies trying to get a pass by claiming it's free speech. What do you think about the banning of various books from schools in the US? Is that evidence of free speech? Or how about Putin banning his opponents from holding rallies? Is that free speech? How about when Trump tried to ban a journalist from the White House Press room and expressed a desire to be able to control the media? Free speech again I presume.

    Disagreement is allowed within the right wing

    Are you for real? How has any member of congress who voted to hold Trump accountable for the actions they said he was responsible for been treated?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Are you aware the case only concluded being heard in January and a judgement has yet to be announced?

  • Registered Users Posts: 921 ✭✭✭Mike Murdock

    Just look how he treated John McCain after he voted to save Obamacare.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,422 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    Anyone who subscribes to Left or Right is a problem imo.

    A binary idea that looks at the other side as their arch enemy.

    I wouldn't even call myself a 'centrist' because it put's me on that left/right spectrum. I take every issue as I see it.

    The worst people are those who think they are so right, there is no reason to even tolerate a discussion on any topic. And that could be anyone on the Left or Right, but that is IS far more coming the Left these days.

    If boards existed in the 80's and i was an adult, I'd be arguing here against right-wing conservatives, who in Ireland typicality would be Catholics. I hated religion and religious people as a teen.

    I never though 40 years later I'd be mostly arguing against the Left. But I'm not doing it as a 'righty'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,770 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    This is really blinkered stuff. You need to look back objectively at what you are saying. No touching of nerves. I am just trying to gently say you should really reevaluate your position. As for ‘right wing’ ideology as you would term it I immediately think of C Na G. Look how they elvolved into a middle of the road party. If possible I suggest you converse face to face with someone with not as ‘black and white’ views as yourself. It would do you good I think. Get away from the bubble in your mind.

    Thinking anything but left wing is = evil - is not a healthy or balanced attitude to have, honestly.

    In real life political people of all hues eventually have to work together to some extent. Compromise by committee etc. Consensus at some stage.

    Being so dogmatic and self righteous is never healthy. You look for extremes rather than nuance. Perhaps coloured by your time in America I assume?

    I know you are not the type to bend - even a little ! In any of your viewpoints. But I suggest you try and mature your political opinions a bit. Life is about growth development etc. You would not make a good politician IMO.

    Because you have IMO an unsophisticated teenage ‘black or white’ type viewpoint. Life is full of grey. Grey is what I see as political glue. Where the middle ground find appeal.

    It is only the realm fantasy where only one viewpoint is the correct one. It is the height of arrogance and as history has proven again and again - dangerous. No matter what ideology a person starts from.

    As another poster pointed out you sound like the ideological worst of the opposite end of those you seem to be in fear of. 100% on the dogmatic scale in my opinion.

    In any successful political life there is compromise and evolution. It is how successful political people get broad appeal. The niche vote only goes so far.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    You clearly assume way too much.

    To make it clear as to my own experience in engaging with people from various groups, I've said this before, and really don't need to defend my position, but I've nothing to hide.

    As you know, I currently live in the US. Here, I am good friends with a number of conservatives, including one who worked for a US senator, although they typically weren't in direct contact with them. We discuss politics frequently. I'm casual 'friends' with a former cop who is very anti anything Liberal. In my friends back in Ireland, there are a couple who hold views similar to yourself. I'm also friends here with a Russian whose young family is still in Russia. He too is conservative in nature and was a Trump fan of sorts. From my time in the UK, I have a Muslim friend of Indian heritage and a number of Asian friends from various backgrounds. So I'm more than comfortable with saying that I feel I have lived far from a blinkered existence.

    When it comes to News media, I've watched way more Fox than CNN, NBC or what have you though no longer really watch any television.

    You are consistently trying to make this about me, that's fine, I'm more than happy to defend my own position, but shouldn't have to repeat it when I've said it already more than once.

    With that out of the way, for what is I think the 3rd time to you directly, I have never expressed the position that anything non-left wing is evil. Stop trying to give life to that strawman so you can pretend to kick it to death.

    Maybe instead of looking at yourself, as some perceived exemplar, you should look at the world around you and see what is going on within it.

    The evidence is there, don't ignore it. Or try to deflect from it.

    You are posting like you dropped in to the middle of the thread and don't know what it is what was said in the OP, I suggest you read it again or maybe post 116 is a succinct summary that might work for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    So don't subscribe to it, just look at the origins of the problems in Russia, in relation to Brexit, with respect to dealing with pandemics or the climate and ask yourself who is helping or hurting in each situation.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,422 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    What has so called 'Russian Interference' done for Russia, in respect of Brexit. Nothing whatsoever is the answer, if it was ever a thing at all. The UK is standing in full solidarity with the EU against Russia and is in fact leading the way in terms of sanctions. You see, in serious matters the UK leaving the EU has in fact made no difference at all.

    Chris Bryant is by far the Labour party's most loathsome MP. Can't stand him. He's full of BS fed to him by that discredited Carole 'codswallop' Cadwalladr.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,770 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    I read the OP it is why I am posting. It is written in condescending tone of religious fervour. Extremely dogmatic. I would compare it to many Vegans who post on It has the same level of blinkered zeal, religious fervour and condescending tone.

    I still think your mind has been warped from your time in America. CNN AND FOX are parodies of themselves. I would stop watching those for a start if I were you. Pointless output more worried about ratings.

    Your whole argument seems to be an extrapolation based on American politics. And looking for anything that even could equate to it worldwide. Ignoring other variables such as history, geopolitics and culture. To me there is a real whiff of ‘America knows best’ argument about your posts.

    If America does xyz that means other countries do xyz. And you look for parallels while framing them from American context.

    You may think American is no1 and the centre of the world. But thankfully it is not. There are many other variables in other countries that America simply does not have. Right from geopolitics to just even cultural.

    You are trying to force your argument with American framing on Irish people for instance. A vastly different sort of politics than America will ever have. PR the two and a half party system.

    And not only that the framing is narrow even in that American context. Dismissing ‘the right’. Many of those on ‘the left’ in your American framing. Would be viewed as on ‘the right’ in Irish politics.

    So much so I would argue if many of ‘the left’ in America were transplanted to the Dail. They would have to set up their own party on ‘the right’.

    As Irish politics does not have any credible ‘the right’.

    The sense I get from your posts is what I have experienced with some vocal American relations.

    ’Well in America we xyz why don’t you abc in Ireland?’

    Basically you think global politics is aping America. And think the globe should follow what you believe in. Completely disregarding the unique culture and heritage other countries/regions have outside your American framing. I think it is the height of arrogance and almost colonial / imperialist in mindset. Except your chosen side is the American definition of ‘the left’.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 621 ✭✭✭bureau2009

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,097 ✭✭✭✭Rjd2

    Bryant is a wretched little man, the other week he was advocated revoking UK citizenship to dual citizens who refused to renounce Russia .

    He obviously supported the Iraq war and took the piss when it came to MP expenses.

    Farage is a berk also tbf, so I dunno "let them fight " etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    The sense I get from your posts is that you are deliberately misconstruing what I've said, I've clearly and repeatedly referenced Brexit, Covid and the climate conversation as being influenced by this mindset. All these are relevant to people in Ireland. And we already observe and discuss in detail events in the US.

    I also said that I no longer watch cable news TV, and haven't for at least 5 years, (obviously I see snippets here and there but no longer have access to turn it on immediately). You have no idea how long I have been in the US but suffice to say it is less time than I have been posting on Boards, and is inside the timeframe since I stopped having access to constant cable news. And yet you insist that that is why I have a particular view.

    And stop with this nonsense of me trying to force my framing on Irish people. We have countless threads on here about issues outside of Ireland, many of the conversations on here that touch on the right wing ideologies are started by people referring to events in the US or elsewhere outside Ireland, do you think that is trying to force a view on Irish people? Was the thread on multiculturalism in Sweden specifically relevant to Ireland moreso than anything that I have discussed here? Or how about events with migrants in European cities? The fact that you think I am doing this and are apparently ok with threads on the other topics is exactly why I felt it was appropriate to put this thread on here.

    I didn't say global politics is aping America, I said there are similarities in politics around the world with events in the US. Do you see the difference?

    You are correct, Irish politics does not have a credible 'the right' and lets hope it stays that way. And that doesn't mean I want only a Left wing government either, Ireland doesn't have that either. We did have a thread on here not so long ago saying that we need a stronger right wing viewpoint in Irish politics so, not that I need it, I think that is more than enough to talk about the issues with that mindset.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,770 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    No I haven’t. I had you tapped straight away mentioning how your OP screamed Americanism and American framing. Then you said you live in America! You are trying to shoehorn global politics and your own political biases into this narrow American framing IMO. So you can feel good about yourself.

    To do so you have to manage to frame it in a way where only people who think like you are correct. The righteous people.

    Your posts immediately looked like something from the Huff Post or NY times ‘opinion piece’ to me. Same vibe.

    For example NY Times - ‘How Brexit is worse than Trump’ - opinion piece.

    Same style as yourself giving things an American framing.

    Another NY times opinion piece - ‘How woke became an insult’

    Same vibe again. I would never use the word ‘Woke’ by the way pure Americanism.

    Post edited by gormdubhgorm on

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    You had me 'tapped straight away' 😁 I see you're influenced by american terminology yourself. As I said, I'm posting on Boards since 2014, way before I came to US so you might want to stick to the day job before becoming an online detective.

    What would you think if I dug out some 4Chan posts and suggested the were the same as the frequent non-woke type threads we see on here frequently?

    All of the above aside, again, you're focused on me, which is fine, I get it, shoot the messenger and all that. But the point from the OP still stands, right wing ideology is currently, and has been for several years, much more likely to generate ideals that are bad for society if not outright disastrous. The focus on pro-nouns and what bathrooms people use has been a deliberate deflection tactic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,627 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    This man is seeking the Republican Nomination to run for Senate in Georgia and has been endorsed by Trump and Mitch McConnell.

    This mindset should be nowhere near such a pivotal role in a country's political system over 20 years in to the 21st century, and yet, it could well be if he wins the GOP nomination and given what the party is doing to electoral boards in the state.

    We know listening to science was something many people push back against, we saw just how big an issue that was with how Covid played out (and is playing out) whether it is in matters healthcare or environmental, having someone who questions whether or not evolution is real can't be a good thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,770 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Again I don’t use 4chan that again to me is an American framing. You already tried to claim I should go back to posting on the ‘wokism of the day’ thread. When the truth is not only do I not read it I don’t post in it. Anything that is geared towards ‘woke’ in the positive or the pejorative I avoid like the plague. Normally = American tone and argument used by Irish people who ape America. Which annoys me. I find it odd.

    It was the self righteous nature of the OP that drew me to it.

    Implicit in your argument and line of thought seems to be if you are not with ‘us’ your American definition of ‘the left’. You must therefore be against ‘us’ and of ‘the right’.

    Retirning to what you disparagingly refer to as ‘online detective work’

    Your tone in your OP gave it away. I was influenced by a few things in your OP.

    1) The Americanisms as you say

    2) The obviously implied American type framing ‘the right’ ‘the left’

    3) Your complete dismissal of all other opinions except those on ‘the left’. Real dogmatic nothing in between and no nuance. Real sense of self righteous arrogance about that as I have said.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 41,065 ✭✭✭✭Annasopra

    It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.

    Terry Pratchet
