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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,948 ✭✭✭circadian

    At no point during this war have the Russians told the truth or done anything in good faith. They'll bomb the **** out of it regardless.

    My guess is the response will be "go **** yourself"

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,278 ✭✭✭thomil

    If I may...?

    That Twitter user is talking out of his derriere! The weapon shown there is a German weapon indeed, a Panzerfaust 3 anti tank weapon. I don't know where he's getting the "scrap" from, because the paperwork shown in the tweet is simply the maintenance record for the weapon, which outlines the inspections and documentation checks for the weapon. The page shown in the second image of that tweet ends with an inspection on December 4th, 2012, however there are numerous additional pages behind it, indicating that the weapon has undergone its regular checks as required.

    Generally, modern weapons are designed to last for quite a while, having a shelf life of at least twenty years. Provided the page shown in the Tweet is the first page for the inspection log, which would indicate that the weapon was delivered to the Bundeswehr (the Federal German Defence Forces) in 2005, this weapon would still be below that mark and good to use. You can bet that even some of the Javelins or Stingers that have come in from the States are as old as this Panzerfaust 3. Also keep in mind that Germany sent 1000 of these Panzerfaust 3, together with 200 Stinger missiles, to Ukraine already.

    There has been one major issue with weapons deliveries from Germany, and that's with a shoulder-launched surface to air missile called the 9K32 Strela, NATO designation SA-7 Grail. This weapon, while quite a bit older than the Stinger, is generally comparable, if slightly less capable. However, it is a standard-issue MANPADS with the Ukrainian Armed Forces and as such very much in demand. Germany inherited several thousands of these weapons from the East German Nationale Volksarmee (NVA, National People's Army in English), where it had been standard issue. The weapon remained in use with the Bundeswehr until 2012, when it was decommissioned and mothballed.

    The weapons were kept in storage and thus remained listed in the Bundeswehr's inventory. However, as Strela was no longer an active weapons system, it didn't see any more active maintenance, unlike systems such as the Panzerfaust 3 or Stinger. I presume that when the request from Ukraine for such weapons arrived, the clerks in the Ministry of Defense simply checked their computer to see if they had any in stock and saw the 2700 missiles listed, which resulted in the positive feedback to the initial request. It was only when soldiers went into the warehouse to check the weapons the day after the request that they discovered what was really going on and that a lot of those missiles were just not safe to use anymore. 700 missiles were completely unsafe, with micro fissures in the propellant casing leading to the propellant partially oxidising, whilst other had severe corrosion issues. A lot of the transport and storage boxes had gotten mouldy, meaning that the warehouses where these weapons are stored are now off-limits to anyone without a hazmat suit. Having said that, 500 missiles that were operational were sent to Ukraine as soon as possible. I'm not sure what"s going on with the remaining missiles, I hope they're getting thorough inspections and the ones that are still usable get sent to Ukraine ASAP.

    Whilst I'm thoroughly appalled at the way the government back home in Germany is handling the invasion of Ukraine, there is some perspective needed when it comes to actual military aid. To put it bluntly, Germany doesn't have as much to give as many would think, certainly not when it comes to infantry or man-portable weapons. Ever since reunification, the Bundeswehr has been systematically wound down, with base closures on a massive scale, the radical decommissioning of all Warsaw Pact weapons inherited from Eastern Germany, numerous half-baked "defence reforms" that ended up achieving sweet foxtrot alpha, apart from providing nice payouts to "consultants" and lobbyists for the defense industry. Things reached their lowest point in 2015, when none of the brand-new German 212A submarines were safe to put to sea, a new class of corvette was introduced that did its best to gas its own crew due to a design flaw in the exhaust system, the availability of the Eurofighter Typhoon fleet fell to such a low level that Poland had to cover some QRA missions, and so on. Right now, most of Germany's parachute regiments haven't had a practice jump in years, mostly because they can't find enough serviceable parachutes and harnesses. The Army is equipped with transport helicopters in which the cabin floor crumples when soldiers in combat boots step on them. Things have gotten better since 2015, the submarine fleet is back operational, the issue with the Braunschweig class corvettes have been fixed and the Eurofighter availability has risen to 70-79% of aircraft being available for operations on any given day, but there are still numerous issues that will take years to fix. For all its outward appearances, Germany isn't too far off equipment-wise from the Russian Army.

    Good luck trying to figure me out. I haven't managed that myself yet!

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Irish troops are all over the world, what difference has it made here?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I think terrorism is a good way of putting it. How far do 'we' put up with it. It's really down to NATO and their assessment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 873 ✭✭✭Addmagnet

    It's ok, it's all over folks, nothing to see, move along home ...

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Great. Care to spend some time answering my questions? I answered yours.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,374 ✭✭✭SortingYouOut

    Are there Irish troops in an offensive capacity against a country with power to the extent of Russias?

    Beverly Hills, California

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,652 ✭✭✭greenpilot

    It's a delight to read subject matter from someone who knows what they're talking about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭relax carry on

    The pictures literally have RT and a Twitter username for Igor Zhdanov a "journalist" for Russia Today on them. What do you think the Russian propaganda outlet is trying to do with pictures like that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 799 ✭✭✭CB19Kevo

    Russia can unite all they want -- outside of Ukraine! Let them suffer the sanctions as a wall of NATO infrastructure is placed around them.

    Russia can decide what role they want in the world after that, let the EU and West come together.

    But we need to get them out of Ukraine first.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭threeball

    You have no idea whats happening in NATO. You're hearing official lines from the British and Americans. Other NATO members are not in support of the NATO stance so stop saying you're in agreement with NATO when NATO isn't even in agreement with itself. Be honest and say you are like the Brits and Americans, self interested. Americans are there to give the Russians a bloody nose without really committing to anything themselves. The Brits go wherever the Americans do. Both engaging in a proxy war with Ukranians as pawns and just like Srebrenica and Syria they stand back and watch whilst innocents get slaughtered. They only 6months ago did the same to the Afghans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,890 ✭✭✭enricoh

    On rte news earlier they were saying Mariupol is totally destroyed and it's likely to never be rebuilt.

    I wonder would the Ukrainians been better off tactically withdrawing from some of the cities n ambushing out in the countryside.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,818 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    Russia is one of the great Empires of Europe, and while that started to fall apart in the European mindset and power structures gradually from WW1.

    It never changed in Russia, and the same applies to China. Both remain Empires at heart and in outlook and their dalliance with Communism did not change that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 331 ✭✭Slava_Ukraine

    Then, best get it done now. Give the Moskovites a chance to rebuild and we will face the same situation in lets say 10 years? It's going to happen unless they are either de-nuclearized or neutralised.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,818 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    Correct but when they are giving an ultimatum to a city that is nearly all rubble now, you have to suspect it will go very bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    I think that the city provided a tactical advantage - tanks and armor quite useless in urban areas -

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Registered Users Posts: 894 ✭✭✭Bayonet

    Problem is they'll claim to have given them a chance and that anyone who stayed is an enemy combatant. Anyway, the city will be gone. Seems Putin is doubling down now and just going for destruction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,053 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Why do you keep talking of NATO?? NATO as a military alliance are hardly relevant in this situation. It is not NATO who have invaded a sovereign state. No point at the moment banging on about NATO this and NATO that. If there is to be intervention and many of us hope that it will come soon, it should be from a collective of European states, whether EU members or not.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's been stateted NATO will defend every last square inch/cm of NATO and wont put boots on the ground in Ukraine. They have said this is to avoid escalation. This is easily verifiable.

    Western countries have supported Ukraine, without which I believe there would be a very significant result so far in Ukraine.

    FWIW, I wasn't in agreement with the way Western countries pulled out of Afghanistan. It was shameful.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    This is an incredibly contradictory post. Are you criticizing NATO for action or inaction?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭threeball

    Its an extremely flat country, mainly arable land with huge swathes of land with zero obstruction. Any army would be sitting ducks. Assault columns that can attack from small areas of cover and retreat are likely the only way to resist in such terrain.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I've said on here sanctions should be kept until Russia is denuclearised. Russia has threatened nuclear war and that cannot be forgotten.

    Sorry misquoted... reply meant for Slava_Ukraine

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There are no sanctions possible that would ever make Russia give up the bomb.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,922 ✭✭✭GM228

    As are many non NATO nations (including Russia believe it or not), but just like UN missions it's on a peace keeping basis.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    What states? Poland has suggested supplying migs... through the US, but then drew back behind NATO, specifically saying they wouldn't act alone.

    To say NATO is irrelevant is bizarre. It's stopping Russia reinstating the Russian empire along the lines of the USSR.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,303 ✭✭✭liamtech

    I think the question facing the Ukrainians in Mariupol is stark

    • Keep fighting and hold up the Russian Units in the area - potentially inflict more casualties on them
    • Risk the lives of remaining civilians if Russia decides to level the city (whether by Aerial bombing or Artillery)
    • Surrender and perhaps taken prisoner - ominous
    • Attempt a break out which seems impossible given the situation

    I cannot see them surrendering anyway - I guess they could try a break out but exhaustion must be endemic at this stage

    the above map shows a civilian airport in the area to the west - but i suspect they have nothing capable of getting out - Also several reports say the Russians are dominant in the air over this region

    This is horrid stuff -

    Sic semper tyrannis - thus always to Tyrants

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Especially when half the world won’t sanction then

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭threeball

    I'm ciriticising them for only acting when its in their own self interest and having zero respect for any human life bar that of their own citizens (and often only in the interests of their elite). Basic human decency would have seen them intervene in any of the conflicts I mentioned. They're always quite happy to start a fight or egg it on but are rarely anywhere to be seen once it goes out of control or spills into other areas. I don't see whats contradictory about wanting an organisation arranged to defend to actually stand up for some principles which they profess to be the guardians of.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,053 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Whilst of far less consequence compared to what Ukrainian citizens are going though, this war is already showing signs of impact of parts of our economy. I'm only a small fish but noticeable drop in sales (discretionary spending) since the latter part of February. It has the likelihood of impacting on many small businesses far worse than Covid.

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