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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,529 ✭✭✭brickster69

    Have you read the contracts ?

    Russia is now accepting payment for Gas in Rouble's or Gold from countries he is sanctioning.

    That is it, i understand you cannot grasp what it means, it is quite unbelievable

    “The earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.”

    - Camille Paglia

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,172 ✭✭✭realdanbreen

    Here's an idea. Why don't you take a break from "your eagerness to query and question western actions " until the immediate problem of this war is over! Right now Ukrainians are being slaughtered in their own country by invading Russians. Russians are threatening to use nuclear weapons and all the indications are that they will use chemical/biological weapons very soon. So let's first try and put an end to this tyrant and his apologists and then afterwards maybe you can pontificate or enlighten us with your concerns.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,145 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    The proliferation of precision guided anti-tank weapons has rendered tanks and vehicles obsolete

    Francie, they've been pretty much saying the same thing since the tank was invented in World War One, yet military strategists and planners across the world's best armies keep developing and building them. And they're not cheap to develop and build. If NATO forces actually engaged with Russia in Ukraine their tanks would roll in as a very important part of prosecuting their attack.

    This is a World War Two German 88mm anti aircraft and anti tank gun.

    If the Ukrainians dug one of them out of a museum it would destroy any armoured vehicle the Russians have and would have a fair chance of doing serious damage to a Russian tank too. It would get their attention that's for sure.

    Put it another way, has the proliferation of precision guided anti-aircraft weapons rendered air power obsolete?

    Our own Manic Moran, actual expert and ex tanker in his youtube guise put this vid up yesterday and linked it here in one of his posts and makes a lot of very good points about what we're seeing, and what we're not seeing in this war. It's well worth a look IMHO.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Elint in the radio spectrum requires antennae. The metal skin of an aircraft blocks radio signals, so antennae have to be external. While they might be able to dual purpose a commercial aircrafts existing antennae, that might pose risks and would limit the bands that could be monitored. Additional antenae added for SIGINT purposes would likely be noticeable and be noted.

    I doubt there is anything about aerial refueling that would amount to a secret or intelligence coup these days. About as exciting as staking out a a petrol station.

    Most ELINT involves the passive reception of radio spectrum signals. Getting close to an ELINT aircraft that's basically just listening, isn't likely to be an information rich experience either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 797 ✭✭✭Glenomra

    Great that they tell the truth even if people don't want to hear.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭Field east

    Be careful what you wish for. Would it not be better to establish a very long term strategy as to where we - all nations - would like to be in , say 30 years from now . We could start off by - in the post Putin era- clearly DIFFERENCIATING between the Putinists/Oligarchs/stablishment and the ordinary RU people and go from there. IMO it would be very important that all our actions should be about winning over the RU population to peaceful ways of coexisting, etc. Otherwise it will be a continuation of the same

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,799 ✭✭✭✭DrumSteve

    Does he do them anymore?

    Last I heard was the rubles thibg

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,529 ✭✭✭brickster69

    An easy way to understand it is this in reverse. Russian company owes 12.6 mln for bond. Company has money to pay bond but bank does not accept the money.

    Now with Russia's case Country wants to buy gas with Euro but Russia says i want Gold or Ruble because Euro is worthless for me because of the sanctions you put on yourself. Here is the amount in Rubles and Gold and when we receive it we will send you the gas. If you do not pay you do not get the gas.

    That is it !

    “The earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.”

    - Camille Paglia

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    Some US thoughts on Russian munitions situation.

    Russia is running out of precision guided munitions and it is more likely to rely on so-called dumb bombs and artillery, a senior Pentagon official said on Thursday.

    Russia is suffering high failure rates as high as 60% for some of its precision-guided missiles while its forces have taken heavy casualties and are low on supplies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,708 ✭✭✭✭briany

    The West has pumped in military assets, provided military training, is taking in millions of refugees, and is allowing Ukrainian diplomatic missions to recruit foreign fighters in most, if not all, countries that would comprise NATO and more - somewhere in the vicinity of 20,000 men so far. It would be incorrect to say that the West is happy to stand by and watch so long as it's only Ukrainian lives on the line.

    If Western governments calculated that flying a humanitarian mission to Mariupol to drop in supplies would not potentially lead to an escalation, it would have been done weeks ago. Removing the threat of escalation from the equation, it would make no sense not to. Air drops would allow the defenders of Mariupol to keep on fighting, and the humanitarian aspect would be a PR boost as well. Adding back in the threat of escalation, if the Red Cross cannot deliver adequate supplies to the residents of Mariupol, I see no reason why the Russians would allow it to happen by air from Western aircraft. The Russians would most likely claim it was actively hampering their objectives by giving sustenance and (this would be their claim) ammo to the defenders of the city. Unless some sort of backchannel agreement is made for that to happen, the Russians will fire and if one plane goes down, that's it - it's no more airdrops and/or a further escalation in tension.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,172 ✭✭✭realdanbreen

    He'll be on crimecall with Sharon looking for his stuff back!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,016 ✭✭✭RGARDINR

    Yes I think that would be the best thing to do, to eventually bring Russia into the fold but I think America will think Russia been knocked back by years and years both military and domestically and not have to worry about them as much as there in such a bad state they won't be up there as a global player for a very long time, that America can shift most of their focus onto China then. To be honest America has 2 main countries in the world they are worried about and after the Russian fiasco when eventually this all settles they won't have to worry as much about them and can just go and deal with China and put most of their efforts in there. They would be thinking if we can deal with China preferably by peace and America is still the top dog on the world stage then America will be happy but will China. I think China will be thinking a weak Russia on their border is the worse outcome in the long run, I know people say ohh they might land grab off Russia but they won't cos Russia would use nukes especially if there so military weak at that point they couldn't possibly fight off a Chinese invasion if that was to happen, I know China might get cheaper fuel from Russia but at the end of this America's focus will be on China and dealing with them and not to worry about Russia. A strong Russia would divide America's attention but that won't be the case after this Russian invasion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,880 ✭✭✭✭josip

    Correct. I've had a lot of arguments with friends and family about the 'must have some sympathy with average Russians'.

    Sorry, while they're murdering average Ukrainians across the border, all my sympathies are going to them.

    Not a single ounce to the Russians.

    None, inget, rien, nista.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    And after the war all the Germans were saying "Ich bin kein Nazi".

    Will all the Russians be saying "Ich bin kein Putinista" soon......

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    If the Ukrainians retake Kherson that will be a massive victory for them and a huge blow to the Russians. It would demonstrate clearly that the Russians are going to have serious difficulty holding anything they take in the Ukraine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,177 ✭✭✭✭ILoveYourVibes

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,177 ✭✭✭✭ILoveYourVibes

    here it is ready it yourself

    Price per MT

    : U$D 885 (Eight hundred and seventy five US Dollar) FOB Rotterdam

    Contract Duration 12 months

    I know its from 2013 but its not likely to have changed much apart from price.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,062 ✭✭✭Hobgoblin11

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,177 ✭✭✭✭ILoveYourVibes

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,177 ✭✭✭✭ILoveYourVibes

    Yes they certainly do because of fluctuations in currency and precisely the reasons i brought up.

    By the way i found a more recent contract 2021

    It is certainly in dollars.

    And he should accept it in dollars ...china will trade with russia and he can use them ..or he can keep them ..china is NOT going to accept roubles ...and there is no use keeping them for a few years.

    Maybe you are right horse battery you think its for the stage in russia ?? to look like he is doing something?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,702 ✭✭✭firemansam4

    Listening to my local radio station in Donegal here, the idiot presenting the show going on about the terrible crisis in Ukraine, condemning Russian actions but then the buts come into play...

    But Ukraine and the US were clearly provoking Russia into this situation by Ukraine flirting with nato and holding war games with them, nato trying to expand eastwards ect.

    This presenter would not be the contrarian type you describe, but is still parroting back some of this rubbish as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,453 ✭✭✭weisses

    Mixed reports about Vladimir Zjirinovski ...

    Some outlets saying he died of covid .... Please let it be true...

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    They are starting to back away from Putin. Are the rats preparing to desert the ship.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,348 ✭✭✭✭Vicxas

    Did the Russian Stock market go ahead and open yesterday? How badly did it do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Seems to be plenty of Photos and videos of unexploded Russian

    misssles in Ukraine

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,177 ✭✭✭✭ILoveYourVibes

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,186 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    I am no fan of EU and it's federalist drive and would have been no fan of some of the shyte that the US got up to over the years in the likes of Chile, Vietnam, Nicaragua, etc, but I wasn't dumb enough to believe that the good old USSR were anything but a despotic regime that totally subjugated everyone anywhere they got their hands on.

    I have to say the EU has stepped up, but I do think a lot of that is down to the Eastern European and former soviet and Warsaw pact countries who have led the way much like the case with FIFA.

    These countries know only too well what Soviet (for the most part Russian) domination was like and they have no desire to see the return of something similar.

    I do find their are two weird cohorts of people at play here.

    One hates anything US, British, NATO and would have been old soviet fanboys/girls.

    I think the likes of Wallace and Daly fall into this category.

    This cohort often ties in with modern very liberal social agendas and if anything make rights activists look really bad.

    Then there is another cohort of recent arrivals on the scene who buy into all the Brexit, Trump bullcrap which would have been tied into Putin and these people parrot the absolute shyte pedaled on social media and even on the likes of Fox news and RT.

    This cohort tie in with conservative people, anti wholesale immigration proponents, anti islamist, anti modern "woke" agenda (by woke I mean the ones that think we can pick a gender by the day or that want to change language to be all inclusive mullarkey - manhole is now personhole, pregnant persons, etc) and end up making them look like neo nazis and tools.

    You get strange bedfellows that would still support Putin just because he is anti current US, EU, NATO, etc.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,916 ✭✭✭ronivek

    Well I think it is important to understand why Russia might have made the decisions it has made; and also if the West could have done anything different. But yeah often it feels a lot like people are trying to somehow paint Russia as being "forced" into invading which is clearly nonsense.

    I think also some people are probably just trying to appear to be objective by "looking at the other side" in a rather shallow kind of way; even if they don't necessarily believe what they're saying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 983 ✭✭✭Mike3549

    Actually it went quite good. +15% approx, but no shorting was allowed and no sales/purchases for foreign people

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