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Social Housing Issue



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,569 ✭✭✭dubrov

    Option A - Sell up and move

    Option B - Suck it up and accept it

    The guards/courts aren't going to help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 640 ✭✭✭MakersMark

    Total disaster for the Ops relatives.

    The dirtbags inquestion should be thrown out on the road and have all benefits stopped including child benefit.

    Op, there no legal remedy here unfortunately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 584 ✭✭✭CrookedJack

    Hardly a disaster considering the daughter is completely unaffected by it. And she's also likely imaginary.

    Out of curiosity how does throwing them out and removing all the social welfare make them less likely to deal drugs? Surely it means there's little else the can to? Also why are you punishing the children, don't they deserve a home? And the same child benefit that every other kids gets? Or is it only kids who's parents can afford a house who should be looked after?

    Post edited by CrookedJack on

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭JCN12

    We are in a situation in this country where people in such convenient circumstances have nothing to lose.

    Maybe if there were real consequences to consistent bad behaviour, people would step up (and realise how blessed they are).

    Remember, the majority of the worlds population don't have heavily subsidised housing or financial benefits to live off if you don't fancy working.

    We need to stop enabling this behaviour and lifestyle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 640 ✭✭✭MakersMark

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  • Registered Users Posts: 584 ✭✭✭CrookedJack

    I notice you didn't answer any of my practical, specific questions. How does making people homeless make it more possible for them to get a job, and less likely to deal drugs? Why are we punishing children for the bad behaviour of their parents?

    If we make them all homeless they'll end up living in shanty towns, like in the rest of the world, is that really better?

    I mean sure you'd be able to look down on them and feel morally superior, which I get is the main motivation here, but just imagine all the other problems a bunch of Irish favelas would bring.

    Massive multi-generational problems, all so you can feel like you punished some "bad behaviour".

    Ah ok, I see I was expecting too much rationality from you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 591 ✭✭✭MSVforever

    It's pretty easy to see why folks like the OP is pi$$@d off with this type of behaviour.

    Basically you can have zero responsibility, popping out kids left, right and centre without being able to afford them in the first place and the state is looking after you as a reward.

    Then someone is busting their back side working all type of hours in order to be able to afford the same house in the same estate.

    On top of this they have to pay for childcare etc while they are working and paying taxes.

    Yes you will own the house eventually after getting a 20 years mortgage etc but if you lose your job, get long term sick etc and can't pay the mortgage anymore you are out on the streets.

    Meanwhile those wasters are paying 10-15% from their dole, dealing on the side, becoming a nuisance to their neighbours but can't be kicked out.

    So yes, in this instance I fully understand the OP. There are plenty hard working low income families, ill folks with permanent disabilities and poor pensioners who live in shabby emergency accommodation. They would give an arm and a leg to live in one of these social houses.

    Meanwhile the scummers, who ruin communities, should be left in emergency accommodation or run down estates.

    Proper evaluation of folks who move into part v housing is vital.

    Why should bad behaviour be rewarded?

  • Registered Users Posts: 584 ✭✭✭CrookedJack

    So just plain social-housing bashing then? Well at least you're not pretending it's something else like the others were.

    To be clear - We don't house people who can't house themselves because they are good people. We do it because WE are good people, because we live in a society where you don't have to earn basic human rights, you get them because you're human.

    Housing people who don't deserve it is necessary to prevent multi-generational poverty, or at least alleviate it. Housing these people in mixed communities is necessary to prevent slums, and to to give their children the opportunity to mix with other social classes.

    Only children should think of these complex social issues in terms or rewarding some people, or punishing others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭JCN12

    The reality is that the problem is only getting worse, not better. As a by product of our approach to the welfare state, we have created such multi generational problems.

    So to address your question. What would such individuals do, should their benefits be suspended or social house reallocated to someone else in need?

    They would need to do the same as the person who may lose their home for a variety of reasons in the private housing sector.

    As for whether it would make them less likely to deal drugs?

    Well, if they are dealing in them anyway, it's hardly a valid argument? At least the state would not be enabling it, or providing the capital.

    Why punish children? Again, it's an argument that can be applied to almost any part of the justice spectrum. Perhaps if we don't allow such behaviour to develop in the first instance, the children would not suffer at all. Perhaps they may even have a better standard of life? Wholesome even. Imagine.

    It's doubtful that the numerous posters here are bashing the premise of social housing or the merits of it or looking for a reason to look down upon someone.

    It's more an argument of social justice, and how it should be applied to better the lives of those who actually seek it or want to earn it.

    Post edited by JCN12 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭votecounts

    What would the OP do if they were drug dealing out of their house if the"Scum" owned the house privately.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 591 ✭✭✭MSVforever

    I'm not bashing social housing per se. In fact I don't have an issue with subsidising basic accommodation in form of apartments for everybody. This is how it works in the rest of Europe.

    Troublemakers could be dealt with in a similar fashion as in this project in the Netherlands:

  • Registered Users Posts: 591 ✭✭✭MSVforever

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    These poor people need to be housed. Think of the Children. Social housing is a must. Especially for people who wont work.

    We have young people working minimum wage never be able to afford a house in Ireland. A squeezed middle class barely keeping heads above water.

    Why should these working people have all the fun working their arses off, and not having a thing to show for it.

    No way ... in the interest of fairness social housing should be given out to those who don't want to work whole sale like the rest of Europe.....

    Complaining about social housing will label you a bigot probably by someone on here who will never experience living next to one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 584 ✭✭✭CrookedJack

    Don't worry, there's nothing bigoted about never wanting to live next door to someone on social housing. It's very fair and reasonable to think people with disabilities, widows, lone parents and the elderly are completely unacceptable neighbours.

    I mean come on you're working your ass off, last thing you want is some sad-faced, single mother in her dressing gown all day ruining your life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,708 ✭✭✭✭

    So it's a ransom situation is it? Give them more because if not they'll commit more crime and be more scummy.

    I would echo other warnings in this thread to buyers in new estates. Consider the fact that if just 10 houses are social it will only take one family to make all your lives a living hell.

    It's a big gamble.

    Better off buying second hand in a mature area to narrow the odds imho

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,391 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69


    Why should I work and contribute to some waster who couldn’t be arsed putting into the pot?

    No thanks.

    You want something in this life, well go and work for it…….

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,965 ✭✭✭✭AndrewJRenko

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,184 ✭✭✭riclad

    I thought that dublin City council had a policy if you deal drugs we will evict you, you could send an email to the hse, or contact your local td. Or you can get the local people residents in the estate, to sign a letter we want this family moved out, I don't know do you live in dublin , different councils have different policy's on drug dealing. They are not having loud party's, waking people up, I'm not sure how this effects your daughter, unless they kids are making excessive noise at all hours. Even if they council want to evict a family there's procedures they have to go through . They have maybe to provide other accommodation for the family. Its sounds like random people are going there to buy drugs or drink at all hours.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Not necessarily true.

    I live in a mature private estate built almost 40 years ago, and in the last five years all but two houses that have come up for sale on my road, have been bought by the local authority.

  • Registered Users Posts: 792 ✭✭✭CreadanLady


    You are getting so carried away. You seem to think that antisocial behaviour including drug dealing is grounds to have a local authority evict a tenant and Tusla take their children away.

    I can tell you , you are beyond naive. A local authority will not and cannot evict a tenant in anthing other than constantly recurrent extreme antisocial behaviour that diesn't response to repeated interventions from multiple agencies. And similarly, Tusla won't take a child into care unless as an absolute last and final resort because mother's situation, which hasn't responded to multiple prior engagements, is such that there is a severe and imminent risk to the child's life or well being.

    I can tell you, it is not that simple. And there will be no moving that family unless they voluntarily move, or unless there is some major event like the imprisonment of the mother and a court order for the council to repossess the house. Any of these are extremely unlikely.

    (That is often the reason why young mothers are selected to be middle-men drug dealers - a judge is much less likely to imprison a young mother, for obvious reasons)

    You seem to think it is like the 1950's where a local busy body, with a sympathetic Guard and a Priest could have anyone who didn't fit neatly into their pious, god fearing society carted off to the District Asylum or the Magdelene laundry.

    I understand your daughter's fear of the drug dealing and the dodgy callers. But why are you honing in on other things to criticise her, such as:

    1. her swanning around wearing a dressing gown
    2. not mowing the lawn
    3. kids not being in car seats

    Sure, none of these things are great, but how do they impact your daughter's family? THey don't. And criticising things like that just smacks of pure snobbery and Maud Flanders clutching her pearls.

    And on the council evicting them, well even if they could, they would only have to re-house them somewhere else, where the same issues will likely crop up. So it is all extra hassle for them to keep moving them on. So why would they bother.

    What you would have to do is to make it more hassle for the council not to move them on. That means repeatedly tracking down and pleading with Councillors, Council Officers, Directors by phone, letters, emails, Garda reports, solicitors letters, residents petitions, etc etc for an extended period of time to basically wear them down into making arrangements to move the family on. All being time consuming, stressful and expensive pursuits.

    It would probably be less hassle for you and your daughter to just turn a blind eye and try ignore the woman and leave off the Maud Flanders suburban outrage.

    The MFV Creadan Lady is a mussel dredger from Dunmore East.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    We live in a society where the drug dealers are the victims, and ordinary working people are the villains.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,760 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    In light of this calling very significant questions as to whether this thread is trolling or not; and the worthless quality of much of the recent posts I'm closing this thread.

This discussion has been closed.