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To Mask or not to two - Mask Megathread cont.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Seanergy

    If your going to keep shorten my username from Seanergy to Sean please accept me shortening your username to Ais.

    "I was commenting on his notion of retaining temporary powers as a long term solution for covid anxiety."

    You were not commenting on "my notion" of *insert your imagination here.

    Maybe instead of instructing @xhomelezz to reread what you said maybe you should reread what I said.

    Note emergency powers are not "temporary powers" as you have degraded them to. Emergency poswers be renewed as often as deemed fit. They are only temporary in that they need to be renewed every twelve months.

    It makes sense to have the legisaltion in place so that if the need arises to blanket the population with a mask mandate or other emergency laws at short notice it can be done, with hast.

    As my post said, the emergency laws expire next week and it would be reckless to allow them to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,580 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    An emergency law should be an exceptional measure for (and most importantly for the duration of) an emergency. Not be kelp around on and on just in case or to placate some people who have a need for some good old authoritarianism. Emergency laws are not a virtue of the constitutional state. Their timely termination when no longer required however is.

    And its not like if a true emergency arose again they couldn't pop out a new one just like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,529 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    The Government need to hold the line and not give in to pressure from the media who for some strange reason are pushing for a return to compulsory mask wearing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,481 ✭✭✭fun loving criminal

    Yeah because the media was behind them making them mandatory in the Oireachtas a few days ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,839 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    Ah again with the toys out of pram. Call me whatever you want, it doesn't change the validity of the points I've raised.

    Once again you're unable to provide a reason for why you think that the temporary emergency (the key really is in the name) legislation should be retained, but no, appeasing the anxieties of a minority or "just in case" is not sufficient reason to retain laws that by their nature bypass the normal governance and oversight process.

    The only reasons I can ascertain from your posts are a love of authoritarian regulations and a real problem with people making their own decisions based on their own circumstances and assessment of risk.

    Maybe if you actually can quantify what exactly you are concerned about at this point in our experience with Covid, there might be a discussion to be had. I don't mean another link/article dump either - what are YOU concerned about at this point?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,839 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    And yet none of what you've posted today contradicts anything I've said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,839 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    They made a fortune from Covid related advertising and increased advertising revenue generally with all the interviews and analysis.

    Plus it's a payday for the likes of McConkey and Luke O'Neill who would otherwise fade back into obscurity

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,300 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    There you go with the pub philosopher pop psychology again... anxieties... authoritarianism... a real problem.

    "The only reasons I can ascertain" ... yeah you have been trotting out this kind of crap over the entire thread / course of the pandemic like a broken record. You dont realise it shows up how limited your 'ascertain' process is. It doesnt impress anyone.

    Werent you saying we shouldnt hve mask mandates pre vaccines and pre omicron?

    The alternative reasons are the number of cases ending up in hospital putting strain on health service trying to get through covid backlogs and staff shortages.. the infectiousness of this virus which far exceeds any other respiratory virus such a flu.

    The majority of Irish people and EU countries accepted masks when deemed necessary by the proper authorities. Werent you in the minority then whose anxieties about masks were ignored? And still that bitterness comes through. You lost the war.

    Being in favour of mask mandates is no more authoritarian than favouring smoking bans or drink/drug driving laws.

    Living with covid doesnt mean ignoring or forgetting about it. It should mean low cost sustainable measures such as masks ventilation filters sick leave processes etc take it into account.

    Hey if you can pop psychology others it can bounce back at you.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,839 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    The problems with our health service have existed long before Covid and if anything have been massively exposed by it. It may be convenient for the HSE to hide behind Covid as a reason to defer everything else, but given the annual investment it's not good enough (and we're now seeing the consequences of that) - and remember, the service is at "breaking point" EVERY winter as a result.

    No-one has said we should ignore or forget about Covid, but nor do we need to act or be as concerned about it as we were in early 2020. Two years on the population is vaccinated, the virus itself is even less dangerous, and we have 2 years of data to tell us where our treatment efforts need to be focussed.

    And yes, Covid is more infectious but infection/cases does not necessarily mean illness, or more significantly serious illness, since omicron became the dominant strain. But even before that, the facts are that most people are thankfully not at any great risk from it

    But let's remember, the number in ICU is approx 50 at any one time. Additionally, 50% of those in hospital "with Covid" are those who presented for something else entirely. These are TINY numbers in a population of 5 million people, and restrictions are not a solution for that - addressing the mismanagement of the HSE and the money poured into it is the answer there.

    And again.. NO ONE is saying that you can't wear masks, socially distance or do anything else you want to - you (and others) just need to stop expecting everyone else to be as concerned about Covid as you apparently still are. Anyone who wants to wear a mask will do so, but others won't and that's just as valid at this point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,300 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Care to share what these covid measures are that you see for living with covid?

    Our total ICU capacity is tiny in the context of a population of 5 million even if we tripled it. So anyone using raw numbers is being disingenuous. 1000 people needing ICU would be tiny v 5 million but would far exceed capacity. Its the percentage that is relevant.

    How much do more ICU beds cost v how much do mask mandates cost in price of masks v hospital cases and cost of sick and isolation days. ICU capacity has been increased but there are constraints. It cannot just be increased quickly or cheaply and has to be paid for. I would certainly favour masks to continue versus higher taxes.

    Masks are not a restriction they are a condition of access. Nobody is restricted from accessing services or spending money due to masks.

    The number of people in hospital with covid over the last 3 months in a vaccinated population v omicron dwarfs that of any previous respiratory virus in modern times.

    Like drink driving, public smoking, speed limits etc the reason for mask mandates is that it is a public space and your own actions are not the sole control of what happens.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,580 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    You're not going to turn mask wearing into a 'virtue' for all of us, forget it. Its not like drink driving or speed limits at all. In fact mask wearing is not even in any way proven to have a meaningful impact. Its just in your opinion that it is. If you personally wanna continue to be careful and virtuous you're free to do so.

    We need to go back to normal as we do now no dithering and no second thoughts. Or else we will never do it - and sorry for the drastic language - but the back-to-normal-ditherers can eff right off with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,300 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Masks reducing transmission is not just my opinion. It is the considered assessment of every major health authority in the world based on the case studies, lab investigations and compatitive studies.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,580 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    a) its not and b) reducing transmission is counter productive where we are. Reducing transmission was allegedly necessary while this virus was potentially able to overwhelm the health system. Reducing transmission now is counter productive. The virus is endemic and living with covid doesn't mean continued restrictions however benign you deem them to be. Living with covid means the population needs to absorb the effects of this endemic into continuously less severe cycles over time. Build real herd immunity. Reducing transmission is just treading water and will drag the backend out of it

    I get it that this is an uncomfortable idea for some. I'm serious. The last two years were scary. But the answer cannot be to panic back into 'measures' every time some people are getting worried over numbers. We never knew numbers of colds or influenza either. Had we known they would likely have been astronomical.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,300 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Every major health authority in the world recommended mask mandates during the pandemic - something you objected to.

    And they continue to advise them now.

    Masks are about limiting the peak so we dont all get sick at once with its impact on hospitap capacity and delivery of services such as education.

    Given how fast variants emerge herd immunity might well be a mirage unless you would like to provide anything to support your claim that is a realistic aim.

    Your definition of living with covid is meaningless. It isnt living with covid. It is doing nothing about covid which is pretty much what you have advocated for since spring 2020.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,481 ✭✭✭fun loving criminal

    Ah please, there's no herd immunity and you don't have a clue about how severe or less severe future variants can be. Read something yesterday about a 20% chance of a more dangerous variant emerging.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,580 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    Yes and we have panicked into overdrive, scared the population out of their wits, racked up enormous debt and what do we have to show for it? We are in the exact same position like countries that have done very little or hardly anything. So the answer is lets have some more of it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,580 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    Read something yesterday about the continuum of time and there is a good chance we don't actually exist. (Not joking btw, I can send you link if you're into that sort of thing) Point is how would anyone know? I'm serious too.

    And again. If that actually happened what would stop us thinking of new measures? You think a mask mandate now which allegedly may reduce transmission however minuscule would actually prevent that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,300 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Ireland had one of the lowest excess death tolls. Thats what we have to show for it.

    A Europe where most countries adopted a laissez faire attitude to covid would have seen a far wider spread. A lot easier being a free rider when your neighbours are a bulwark.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,580 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    Lets not do this again. You want masks I don't lets leave it there. Not going to make a difference what you and I type here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Seanergy

    Is the health service not on it's knees right now? Are you able to deny that?

    Good old authoritaranism? Our Covid-19 "restristions" are now the second lightest in the world. Mongolia is in first place.

    Keeping the emergency laws in place so that the mandate can be reinforced.

    No, cannot just be popped out like that, procedures must be followed, many hands, it takes time. Being able to act fast is key. The quicker the masks go on the quicker they come off.

    Ireland’s Covid-19 restrictions now second lightest in world.

    Ireland’s response to Covid-19 is the second lightest in the world, an analysis of 185 countries has found, according to the Sunday Times.

    Ongoing tracking of the severity of government measures by the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University puts Ireland above only Mongolia in terms of current restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

    There were growing calls last week for the Government to reintroduce some public health restrictions, such as mask wearing on public transport, following a surge in hospital cases, which stood at 1,452 on Saturday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,957 ✭✭✭kirk.

    "There were growing calls last week for the Government to reintroduce some public health restrictions, such as mask wearing '

    What does that even mean sounds like waffle

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,437 ✭✭✭robbiezero

    Doing nothing about Covid is exactly how I am and want to be living with it and thankfully looks to be the only game in town from here on

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,839 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    Again all you seem to be doing is regurgitating the opinions of others, with a bizarre tweet about spy cams thrown in?

    So, again, what do YOU think...

    - Would cameras like that be something you'd support? Would you not see a problem with privacy and overreach of state powers?

    - Is the only reason you have for retaining the legislation the "just in case" argument? Your point about things taking time doesn't line up with decisions and changes that were made within 24 hours at various times over the last 2 years. Do you not see a problem with how this interferes with our political process and the need to have things discussed in the Dail?

    - We don't have any restrictions at this point. This was recommended by even NPHET and Tony Holohan who we were all told were the experts. Personally I've disagreed with the timing and duration of their measures, but for someone like yourself who supported them, why is their recommendation now suddenly not good enough? Because you read it on twitter, or the IT (whose interest it's in to keep the coverage going)?

    Oh and don't forget this one..

    - What exactly are YOU so concerned about at this point that you not only want restrictions like mask wearing back and mandated, but with stricter enforcement? Do you accept that we are in a very different place with Covid than we were in March 2020?

    Let's hear what YOU think

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,957 ✭✭✭kirk.

    No word on restrictions

    I think we'll see it out .As Leo says we don't want on-off restrictions

  • Registered Users Posts: 842 ✭✭✭Hego Damask

    Masks did nothing during Christmas wave, what makes you think they will do anything now ?

    Again you are free to wear a mask, protect yourself, why should I have to ?

    The only reason you could possibly want to force people to is you want authoritarianism , you want the power - why ???

    Look into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,971 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    It's entirely fair for the public to be asked to do everything possible to support the health service and for them to heed that request.

    Wearing a mask, sanitising your hands, working from home where it is possible, is no big imposition for a healthy person or a healthy family.

    Anyone who thinks it's authoritarianism or a conspiratorial control grab is just deliberately stupid, obtuse and anti-social. Just go and ask any hospital worker what their working conditions are like today, this minute and how much elective work they've had to cancel because of overwhelming Covid positive admissions. Then go and put on a mask.

    I had Covid a fortnight ago, I'm fit and healthy in my 40s and it was still absolutely no picnic for about 4 days and I'm still floored after it.

    Go and do what you're asked and stop moaning just because you have the freedom to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,604 ✭✭✭Amadan Dubh

    Masks have done nothing in hospitals as well.

    Everyone wearing high grade masks and wearing them properly yet there are still outbreaks there.

    And yet somehow the general public with reused masks, carried about in their pockets and made of whatever it is they purchased, will make a difference.

    The mask is just symbolic and I always has been. I'm just glad that it is no longer lynchable to state this.

    Post edited by Amadan Dubh on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,033 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    So because there are cases and outbreaks in hospitals masks don't work.. yeah right, you'll have to work harder guys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,300 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    "Masks did nothing during Christmas wave"- how do you know? Did any of the restrictions that were in place do anything? How do you know?

    I've already replied earlier in the thread to this canard about authoritarianism and 'power'. When you say "the only reason" what that means is the only reason you could think of. Which says a lot about where your thought processes are coming from.

    Was it authoritarian to favour mask mandates here before they were introduced?

    Was it authoritarian to favour mask mandates last year when they were in force?

    But now suddenly it's authoritarian? Nope, doesn't stand up to any kind of scrutiny.

    The alternative reasons are the number of cases ending up in hospital putting strain on health service trying to get through covid backlogs and staff shortages.. the infectiousness of this virus which far exceeds any other respiratory virus such a flu.

    Being in favour of mask mandates is no more authoritarian than favouring smoking bans or drink/drug driving laws. It is a public space and your actions in that space are not the sole driver of the outcome. If you disagree that they are warranted right now, that's your prerogative, but shouting "authoritarianism" isn't an argument worthy of the slighest respect.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,604 ✭✭✭Amadan Dubh

    Yes, and? Are you saying that the outbreaks somehow happened in spite or the masks or what is your takeaway?

    Anyone with half a brain who followed what went on the last two years can see that masks became more about their symbolic nature than covid-spread prevention. Recently, we can see that COVID has become an issue in hospitals and it cannot be contained within that environment but mask wearing is at its highest and is likely involving high grade masks worn properly so if they can't contain outbreaks, then a logical conclusion is that masks do little and in the wider public with the low grade mask and improper wearing we see, they do sweet f all!

    And this is not to say that no one is being forced not to wear a mask. Go ahead, live and let live and all that.
