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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 25,284 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    Not generalised. As I said, my parents lost their medical cards, if you choose not to believe me you can. But that’s a fact. Every person coming here for asylum from the war will receive one. Those are both facts… it’s your lookout as to what you want to believe.. I’m not being challenged you simply don’t want to engage in this debate faithfully… but that is to be expected considering the ‘agenda’.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭jmreire

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Well look at the history of elections. Think you can pick any county and it will be the same. There will be a few spoiled but not many.

    The problem with spoiled votes is they don't tell you anything. They can be spoiled in protest, by messers voting for Homer Simpson or folks putting X's etc.

    Voting for or not voting for particular parties/candidates is a lot more telling. One prime example is the near total abandonment of FF by voters after the fustercluck they made of the place back in 08/09.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Your parents losing their medical cards tells us nothing more than your parents lost their medical cards.

    Could be for any number of reasons. You choose to blame foreigners, grand, that's your choice, but based on everything I know about the social welfare, it's more likely due to something related to your parents finances i.e. they failed a means test.

    You were on here a couple of weeks ago aghast at a cousin being asked to provide financial information and you blamed foreigners for that too. The fact that this is part of the normal process was ignored by you in your rants so its little wonder that you would ignore the actual reason why your parents lost that entitlement and instead try to assign blame to a third party.

    I get the feeling that it's always someone else's fault when you encounter a problem.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Great to see govt announcements related to the regularisation scheme being done in multiple languages e.g. Portuguese, Cantonese etc

    Incidentally, I heard from 2 friends today, they got emails notifying them the vetting process is underway, shouldn't be too long now and they'll have their permit as another lady I know got her notification on Friday.

    Even with the influx from Ukraine it seems like the govt are sticking to their timelines and getting everything processed, fantastic to see

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  • Posts: 3,656 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    When I was leaving work today I was told 2 Ukranian women were starting next week. They only arrived in Ireland 2 weeks ago and their kids are already in school. They got PPS and Medical card at the airport. They will now have a wage within 2 weeks. The place I work felt were approached by a local woman who is hosting them, my employers felt they couldn't say no as they rely on local business and good word of mouth. . The Ukranian women will be paid the same as I am .... minimum wage.

    Ironically we are within 10km of Mosney Direct Provision Centre, where people have been stuck for 10years on a weekly income of €38 per person, it was €19 when they arrived here many years ago. They are stuck in a system, no houses, no medical cards, no jobs.........because they are not white! That's the reality of this.

    My employers said they couldn't say no as they would be called out on it by the local host family who are clients and lose business. They are not happy about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭MarkEadie

    No such thing as white privilege eh? It shows how badly those in Direct Provision have been treated and should accelerate the implementation of the white paper which will remove Direct Provision once and for all and confine it to the history books where it will be looked on very badly by future generations.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Total rubbish.

    Asylum seekers are entitled to work and to medical cards. And asylum seekers can be any colour. So, you are either spreading lies or just completely ignorant to the facts.

    Do you think asylum seekers should be entitled to everything that citizens are?

  • Posts: 3,656 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I object to being called a liar. Assylum seekers are not allowed apply for a drivers licence so they cannot travel to many jobs as most DP centres are in remote areas or smaller towns. Currently work permits are printed on A4 sheets of paper and many employers are not happy with their validity. They do not get anything like an Irish Residency Permit Card. People in DP also find it almost impossible to open bank accounts as they surrender their Passport when they apply for assylum and cannot get Driving Licence.

    I am asking (as MANY other employers and citizens are asking) why Ukranians are allowed bypass all of the above and get jobs within 2 weeks, along with PPS and medical cards? I hope the representatives of the Direct Provision communities call the Irish Government out on grounds of racism. Because this is what it is.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    So you just totally changed your post. You said they cannot work or get medical cards, which they can.

    Also, they can apply for and hold drivers licence.

    Bank of Ireland do indeed allow.Asylum seekers to have a bank account. Maybe other banks, I'm not aware.

    So, object all you want, but everything you state is a lie. So, your choice.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16 Hud420

    ill be leaving this country soon as I’ve grown disillusioned with the place, I’ve just turned 31 and the thought of working my whole life to pay for a house that people like Roderic O Gorman want to hand people fresh off a plane for free after 3 months disgusts me,

    im a fully qualified carpenter and I’m stuck living at home in my mothers spare bedroom. What other country on earth does this happen in? People like Roderic want the likes of me to build houses for these people and then hand over my tax money to sort everything else for them while I know I’ll most likely never be able to afford it for myself,

    ive grown up in south central Dublin my whole life and the number of foreigners these days is off the charts, anyone with eyes who isn’t deluded can see it, I refuse to get into the rat race of the whole thing and have accepted that the game is rigged here, I won’t be back, enjoy your housing crisis cause mugs like me won’t be helping to fix it,

    multiculturalism doesn’t work, it never has, and in 30 years Africa and the Middle East will still be sh*t holes and all the likes of the left will have achieved is turning Western Europe into one as well? Look at London Brussels Paris etc? Are they better off from taking these people in? Can anyone genuinely say yes with a straight face? The natives have left these places in their droves and Dublin will eventually end up the exact same, ghettos full of foreigners

    Post edited by Ten of Swords on

  • Posts: 3,656 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    you have a very aggressive style of posting..... not just with me but with almost every poster on this thread. You seem to have a major chip on your shoulder.

    I worked directly with people in DPCentres , specfically helping them access services and entitlements when they left Direct Provision. Most of them were turfed out when they got through the DP system , with no Social worker to help them navigate the outside world, especially getting on the housing list. It was very difficult to see how much they struggled, in many ways DP causes institutionalization. I am remarking how unfair the system is when you see how easy it is for Ukranians to access everything they need. My heart goes out to them, they have been hugely traumatised and displaced.............but so have immigrants from African countries and Syrian refugees too. It beggars belief that Ukranians have been able to jump straight to the top of the queue.

    I am not interested in arguing with you. I am simply discussing and debating the huge anomalies in how different nationalities are being treated on their arrival in Ireland. I'll leave you to score point with someone else. Over and out.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Everyone your age should go overseas, it will open your mind and give you some great perspectives. Ireland is a pretty good country to live in, you will see that if you travel enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 Hud420

    I’ve been overseas plenty, and I’ll be returning to Australia, a place where you’re rewarded for your hard work and no one gets hand outs, people like yourself have forced people like me to have to leave my home town and family to make any kind of life for myself so you can feel some sense of humanitarian pride while lecturing us all from your high horse. Congratulations, you’ve succeeded,

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    You don't need to argue with me. Everything you said was false.

    If you did work with people in DP, then you know they were seeking asylum, which is different to people who are already refugees.

    So, Ukrainian refugees have refugee status.

    Asylum seekers are seeking asylum, so looking for refugee status.

    Are you suggesting that asylum seekers in this country should be treated better than people who already hold refugee status?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    To be fair, everything @[Deleted User] was true up to a certain point in time with several of the issues highlighted (DL, work, bank acc) have only been sorted recently. In addition, while they can apply for work, it is a horrific process (I've posted the details in this thread previously) with insane requirements for the AS and the employer

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Maybe, but no point posting these things as facts, when they are not facts, therefore untruths.

    And how could someone looking for asylum be treated better than anyone who has refugee status?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,284 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    I wonder in years to come will the shîtshow that this country is about to enter….with…

    poorer healthcare

    less available social welfare for those in need

    over subscribed public transport

    inaccessible social housing

    lead to a rise in the ‘right’… Far right even ? when we have been content to share and give a dig out… to find our thanks for that, being on the receiving end of hundreds of thousands of people… who will be enabled with billions of euros of financial, healthcare, housing and logistical assistance ? If people can’t get the help they need in difficult times, taxpayers… what then ? What’s the answer ? I say IF , but it’s looking more likely to be when, it’s already starting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,922 ✭✭✭Cordell

    ffs there's no privilege in having to leave your country because of a war. The difference is that the Ukrainians did it through legal ways, that's all, there are real war refugees and there is no need to have their application verified.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I would suggest that there is a huge amount of social welfare.

    there is public transport available to everyone, even the small rural town I spent my teenage years in, have rural lift, public transport now and it is great!

    Social housing, no one actually wants to be sorted because people who are not eligible have a massive chip on their shoulder about social housing.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It was a stupid and short-sighted move before Ukraine, and it's an utterly retarded notion now.

    Let's see. A influx of population, all of whom need a start in getting their lives back in order. That would mean housing, spending money, places in schools for their kids, employment (hopefully), and without employment then full access to welfare, along with accelerated access to the HSE. So.. a massive drain on resources, regardless of your opinion on whether 50k or 200k+ refugees should come here.

    At the same time, the government is going ahead with legalising a estimated 30k illegal immigrants, who have been their own drain on resources, and put very little back into the economy, due to their illegal status.

    So.. DaCor.. is there a limit? I was just wondering should we bring in, say... 30k refugees from each of the dozens of conflicts, civil wars, etc around the world, and perhaps encourage another 100k of migrants from abroad, who likely are unsuitable per our rather lacklustre immigration standards?

    I'm genuinely curious whether you really care what happens to this country, or are just trolling... pushing this nonsense for kicks?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm terribly shocked to be agreeing with Bubblypop, but you're talking shite.

    Asylum in this country is colour blind. There have been asylum seekers "stuck" in the system from all manner of countries, with all types of races or skin colour involved.

    Ukrainians are getting a streamlined affair, because the conflict has been pushed as a "European" conflict. And.. it might shock you to know that many Europeans are dark brown, or even Black. Yup. Even with inward immigration, Spain and Italy both have substantial Black populations of their own, and they're both quite supportive of helping out the Ukrainians. You might also want to check your demographics of Ukrainians.. while Whites are the clear majority, there's also plenty of those with Tartar blood, or mixes with the M.East/Central Asia, so, there's many people who aren't "white".

    DP was a shitfest because it was badly thought out, and implemented in an incredibly stupid manner. But then, that's what happens when you pander to the NGOs and social media accounts. The people are "stuck" in DP because of the appeals processes which prevent the quick processing of claims, spreading the resources available, and ultimately blocking the quick resolution of a whole bunch of scammers. All the while, genuine Asylum seekers are made to wait until their turn comes along, and considering the type of claims that have been processed, most are lacking in the documentation to get their claims processed. You really should dig a little deeper, avoiding the need to find something to be outraged over, and you'll quickly come to realise that the Asylum process in this country is incredibly sympathetic, and supportive to those who apply. The problem is twofold... inept administration due to political interference (and the constant interference of the NGOs, our migrant Unions), and the sheer number of bogus claims being made. Even those who aren't obviously bogus are missing documentation, and often resist the investigation process... all the while they stay in DP.

    Ukrainians are war refugees. Not Asylum seekers. They might seek Asylum if this government finds the balls to deport them when the conflict is resolved, but for now, you're merging two very different situations...

    TBH I'm quite disgusted that you would seek to push the racism angle...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Err... I also lived in Australia.. and that country has it's own share of clusterF problems. You're also going to have serious problems with getting a house anywhere decent, considering the way their housing market has evolved, and the way in which climate change is affecting them. Property prices are going to soar..

    Lastly, as much as I loved my time in Oz.. yeah.. nah.. I wouldn't trust them to put my interests ahead of their own. You're Irish. You're not Australian.. and that will come back to bite you more than a few times, as their economy shudders more, their political system continues to crap out idiots, and.. there's no shortage of crackpot woke idiots in the main population centres. Great country for a few years, but not a place to settle down without your eyes being very wide open.

    TBH most of the world has gone screwy. I'd figured Asia to be the most stable region, but covid messed that one up. Honestly, you're going to have to put up with a lot of **** regardless of where you end up. Ireland has it's issues, but it's still (for now) in a better state than most other nations around the world...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭rgossip30

    I don’t think they are losing medical cards or benefits but seeing a Doctor or medical assistance is becomin almost impossible .

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 Hud420

    I’m sure Australia like everywhere else has its own problems but I’m prepared to take my chances at this point and all I can say is myself, my partner and a good few others i know are all headed for there, all the other men I know going are tradesmen and like myself have had enough of Ireland and the way it’s being ran, there’s no hope of building the quota of houses needed to bring an end to this housing crisis especially while we’re looking at bringing in another 200K people as is rumoured, and I’m not working 60 hours a week and doing crazy commutes from Kildare/Meath/Wicklow/Louth etc to fund social housing in Dublin for what are essentially scammers.

    I’m just happy for the time being to go somewhere that I can comfortably afford my own place and live a decent life. if all goes wrong and it doesn’t work out down under we’ve already decided we definitely won’t be coming back here, can you really blame us?

    I only left Australia last time because of the covid outbreak and I knew there’d be no hand outs for the likes of myself which is completely fair, I’m sure very few foreign nationals left here for the same reason, that’s my problem, they get everything handed to them from houses to social welfare payments to medical cards and for the most part put nothing back in to the pot, I’ve had enough, I’m out, and there’s plenty more like me, anyone I know with a trade, half a brain and nothing tying them down is planning on leaving too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭rgossip30

    Fantastic how illegals will be looked after pronto .

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Not trolling at all. Personally know several dozen people who have lived here illegally, several for over a decade and one close to 2 decades.

    These are folks who have lived, worked and raised families here with kids in the local schools, playing on the local GAA teams, athletics club, etc.

    One sent me a photo earlier this evening of the letter they received a few days ago from the Dept of Justice granting their stamp 4 and I couldn't be happier.

    As for resources, they have been contributing for years through taxation so are as entitled as anyone. Being illegal doesn't mean you can't work and pay taxes (depending on how they entered the country).

    Housing? They all pay rent and none are in social housing.

    To answer your question, of course I care about the country, its one of the reasons I'm so happy to see this scheme progressing, it's going to be great for the country. Really hoping it becomes something they do every 4,5,6 years on a regular basis.

    As for your hysteria, that's all it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭rgossip30

    So can you precisely explain with a link what is required to become a barrister if one does not need a law degree. What degree would be suitable and the study required to pass the entrance exam for the one year barrister degree?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Did you know that boards has a legal forum with folks who work and study the law. It's a great resource for people with questions

    Just thought I'd mention it

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,839 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    Looks like support for resettling Ukrainian refugees is falling as the cost of living increases start to bite...

    And in a finding that will concern the Government, the poll has also revealed a significant weakening in support for Ukrainian refugee relief.

    Asked what the priority for government spending should be, 56pc said the cost of living, 34pc said the housing crisis, and just 8pc said Ukrainian refugee relief.

    There have been suggestions that Ireland intends to accommodate up to 200,000 refugees. However, there is only 20pc support for an intake of up to that magnitude, with most support (38pc) for only up to 40,000 refugees.

    Growing public alarm over spiralling prices as living costs start to bite, poll reveals

    Reality has set in for the general public anyway, if not yet for the Government and open-doors advocates.
