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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,916 ✭✭✭ronivek

    As has been discussed several times in this thread I believe: these amounts were related to contracts which had been agreed and signed before the embargo. This was a legal loophole left intentionally in the embargo; and this is on the entire European Union and not just France and Germany.

    This graphic is also misleading because France and Germany have the largest arms industries in the EU; along with being amongst the largest nations in the EU. So naturally their total exports will always be larger in absolute terms than other nations. Proportional to GDP these numbers would look a lot more balanced across those nations who export arms.

    In either case none of this matters. What matters is what Germany and France are doing right now as a result of Russia's actions; so if we're going to judge them then judge them on that basis rather than digging into the past to try and find someone to blame.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,676 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    Yes, I think the fact that their advance on Kyiv ended in humiliating defeat and a rapid withdrawal was a big factor. They decided to trash the place on the way out and kill as many civilians as possible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,529 ✭✭✭jmreire

    I lived there for a nr of year's, Wibbs, and I can tell you that there is plenty of anti-Govt sentiment out there, And more specifically anti -Russian sentiment, and the further you go from Moscow, the move visible and vocal it becomes. They know what's going on, but feel powerless to change it...look at what happened during the elections since Putin came to power, massive crack down on the opposition etc. And as for the Govt propaganda, with no other opinion's allowed, and no one to the challenge the Govt narrative. So it reminds me of the Irish Family, with several members at war with each other, but they will present a united front in the face of a perceived external threat. Its my belief that if Russia had a democratic system in place, it would be a completely different Country to what it is today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,004 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    It was an area controlled by the Russians for several weeks. When the Russians fled those arriving within around 24 hours discovered fresh corpses on the streets, backyards and down in basements. I presume any killed during the occupation and buried will be exhumed and examined to determine cause of death. Witnesses will also provide statements. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians start bombing the area to hinder investigations. Also, I believe the investigations will be carried out by several bodies, the Ukrainian prosecutors, possibly ICC investigators and others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,676 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    All of tomorrow's UK newspapers are leading on the war crimes in Bucha, at least they have their priorities right.

    It strikes me that this is hugely problematic for the Putin regime....they could get away with defending themselves for the invasion and claiming they felt threatened and so on, but standing accused of war crimes, genocide, atrocities etc is publicity of the most unsavoury type for the regime.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,395 ✭✭✭EltonJohn69

    get putin round for peace talks and poison the bag of scum. He deserves a slow agonising death.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So Ukraine can't add to visually confirmed Russian losses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,916 ✭✭✭ronivek

    Which neatly avoids the claims that Russia brought mobile crematoria and thousands of body-bags for a military action which was only supposed to take some two or three weeks maximum. Or the detailed instructions on how to dig mass graves.

    And also avoids the claims of people going missing in various other areas of Ukraine where there was very little or no resistance like Kherson and Melitopol.

    It's also avoiding the fact that Russia has been gunning down civilians since day 1; this is not something that happened only as they started the pull out of Kyiv.

    So I don't even buy that they had the excuse of being defeated and feeling like "taking revenge": this was pre-meditated and systemic beyond the level of the ordinary grunt, beyond the level of those kinds of possible mitigating factors. It seems clear to me they were either given tactit permission or explicit instruction to conduct themselves in this manner; and we have seen evidence of this all over Ukraine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,676 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    Indeed : if you go the Guardian website, you'll see an article from Bucha describing how they started killing civilians there in late February for no reason, almost as soon as they arrived in the town.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    The Russian army have come out of this across as an unhinged and unorganized pack of idiots to be honest. Undisciplined battalions probably pissed out of their heads on Vodka murdering civilians and losing all over the place.

    They've given Putin an even bigger problem. He doesn't have control of his army.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,529 ✭✭✭jmreire

    There's no disputing the fact that until Putin choose to intervene an stir up animosity between the ethnic Russians and Ukrainians, they got on fine with each other generally speaking. They were not killing each other at any rate. Then Putin's troublemakers arrived, and the war started. Just like Syria, peaceful protester's and then the shooting started. To this day, its not known for sure who fired the first shot, but opinion generally claims that it was Assad's men who started the shooting. So after the shooting starts, then its reciprocated. A friend of mine who was in Dunbas in 2014, was telling me recently, that in the area he was in ( Ethnic Russian) the amount of attacks carried out by Ukrainians was unreal. It was definitely not a one way street. So, and just like Kosovo and many other places as well, when the shooting starts, the lines become very blurred.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,722 ✭✭✭seenitall

    Well, whatever about dogs, they seem to like to rape and murder little children. When not tick-tocking, of course.

    The above is not verified yet the reports of other little girls who have been raped makes it a believable case. What else but to wish the scum the very same fate? I do, with all my heart.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,922 ✭✭✭GM228

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,529 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Anything that they can recover, and repair / cannibalize they will. These ate expensive machines, and spare parts may not be readily available for them, especially if these parts are manufactured in the west now that sanctions are in place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,670 ✭✭✭storker

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,529 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Putin ( hereafter called "The Emperor" ) was repeatedly told by his loyal advisors that indeed he was right in his thinking that it was really him they wanted to rule over them in the breakaway province, which has been hijacked in an illegal election. In fact they were waiting with flowers and vodka to welcome his army, and all was going according to plan with the new Government waiting to step in, as soon as the foreign imposed Govt fled. And of course your Majesty, should there be any foreign inspired resistance, no worries, you have one of the most up to date and best equipped military's in the whole world. There devotion to you is 100%.They are of course willing to die for you and the Motherland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,529 ✭✭✭jmreire

    And this is why now of all times, Ukrainians need to resist the urge to retaliate. Revenge is a dish best served cold......

  • Registered Users Posts: 665 ✭✭✭goldenmick

    I cant believe that a *discreet* bounty of 100 million or so hasn't been offered to a few professional mercenaries for the head of Putin.

    I cant believe that Nato and the US will not intervene when the most horrific war crimes are being committed on a daily basis.

    I cant believe that an entire country with 40 million people can be allowed to be systematically destroyed.

    I cant believe that the free world will not stand up and confront the threat of nuclear retaliation for any interference.

    I cant believe there are those concerned only for their own skin because of the nuclear threat, so the raping and murder of little girls continues.

    I cant believe that a solitary man can be allowed to do exactly as he pleases, for as long as he pleases, and to whom he pleases.

    I cant believe that the human race stands by and watches all of this.

    I believe if a God exists then mankind will pay the ultimate price for its disgrace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,059 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    I doubt it's possible for Putin to ever get what he deserves. All indications seem to point to him being quite sick and that it's possibly cancer. The haste of this cluster f*** could be explained by someone on limited time wanting to leave a mark on history and to leave Russia in a position he feels it desperately needs to be in but which he fears his successors wouldn't have the balls to achieve.

    Post edited by cnocbui on

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭joseywhales

    He doesn't do it to whom he pleases, he preys on the vulnerable, you won't see him invaded his hated America any time soon, instead he murders his "cousins", he is really just a coward.

    Also I believe all these things because they have been happening somewhere in the world since the dawn of civilisation but that doesn't make it right.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,059 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The anti ship missile aspect of the recently damaged Russian ship is interesting.

    Here is the range plotted on Google maps. The easternmost is from mariupol. This makes the black sea v dangerous for Russia. Ukraine must stop Russia from taking this corridor.

    It also highlights the importance of this weaponry. It is vital that Ukraine is supplied and resupplied.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If it ever kicked off with nato, watch/read up on the "7 days to the Rhine" plan. Now today we know Russia has no hope of achieving this based on the abysmal performance in Ukraine. What it does tell us, however, is that they did not expect things to go nuclear right away. In fact they thought they could go as far as France in the following week without it going nuclear.

    I believe this exposes the thinking. Putin is a relic of this era and I suspect he believes he could have poked nato to test it. I think if he succeeded in Ukraine within a couple of days then that would have been his next step.

    It's possible that zelenskys decision to reject the US offer of a middle of the night ride out of Ukraine at the start has helped avoid a wider war.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,916 ✭✭✭ronivek

    It's not ships that are the problem; I don't believe Ukraine have once asked for anti-ship missiles. Russia haven't even attempted an amphibious landing and we're in the 2nd month already; you have to imagine every landing position is heavily mined and fortified at this stage.

    They need air defences and aircraft; neither of which the West seems to be willing to provide. They have asked for tanks although I have no idea why; tank crews require lots of training to be effective and tanks aren't exactly the best idea without proper air support.

    Also I haven't seen any reputable source on the ship being damaged. Remember they also claimed to have sank a different ship earlier in the war which has since been proven false.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    What can a bumbling "power" like Russia now achieve ?

    No hope of a land invasion in Europe, thanks Ukraine.

    Above image shows anti ship missile ranges if deployed around the north and baltic seas. No hope of getting a navy through that if NATO and Russia is at war.

    I plotted those ranges for the fun of it.

    It exposed something. See the south west coast of Ireland.....

    There is something Russia could actually achieve even with their rag tag army. They could use their Arctic ports to avoid any anti ship missiles. Do more "exercises". Turn direction in the middle of the night and land unopposed in the south west...

    Within a very short space of time they would hold easily defensible mountain positions. It's a clear run to shannon, limerick, athlone, the curragh. At this point the tiny army we do have has been nullified.

    About the best we could hope for is a guerilla war fed from northern Ireland via the British. Based on events in Ukraine the Russians would likely decimate the population.

    What's in it for Russia? It's the absolute best bang for their buck use of their forces right now. Believe it or not. It would change the game and turn tables on the United States, Britain and Europe. There is quite alot to gain for them....

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    At the very least I would be running irish army exercises in that area and naval patrols.

    All sounds a bit mad on the face of it. Unfortunately it's not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,309 ✭✭✭✭wotzgoingon

    You're off your head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,059 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Well they did...

    "KIEV (RIA Novosti): The Ukrainian authorities have asked the United States to provide anti-ship missiles “Harpoon”, Ukrainian edition of ZN.UA reported on Monday."

    "To bolster its defenses against invading Russian forces, Ukraine is asking the Biden administration for armed drones, anti-ship missiles, “off-the-shelf” electronic jamming equipment and surface-to-air missiles that can strike aircraft at a higher altitude, according to four sources with knowledge of the request.'"

    "According to another source, Ukraine has been asking for lethal aid on the Black Sea, and the UK has "a list of what they require and we try and meet it where we can. The PM is committed to helping Ukraine defend itself and he will support that need.”

    Unlike other allies who have been prudent in sending additional aid until a provocation comes from Russia, Johnson disagrees. According to a senior government source, "Boris says we don't need another trigger... He [Putin] has already crossed the line ... Whatever Zelensky asks for he will get if we have it.

    Props to Boris Johnson! The contrast with Germany couldn't be greater.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,059 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Unopposed? Have you any idea how many tractors there are in that 'safe' zone? have you learned nothing from this conflict?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    Predictably the Russians are denying the reports of mass killings and genocide in Bucha and elsewhere.

    In a number of online statements the Russian authorities claim "no residents suffered from any violent action" And allegedly "Russian servicemen distributed 452 t of humanitarian aid to civilians"

    And if those lies weren't enough this additional bit is the real clincher

    After all, we’re not members of the ICC,” the state-run TASS news agency quoted Peskov, the Kremlin Press Secretary as saying.

    In other news Anonymous are stating that they have just published the name, rank, and other details of 120,000 Russian servicemen obtained from a recent hack of Russian communications.

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