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Did the USA play a significantly negative role in events leading to Ukraine invasion?



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Indeed. Sticking it to the "smart people" and "official narratives" by making up alternative stories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Watch him weasel away from that simple yes or no question.#

    Even he is not delusional or stupid enough to believe Putin's claim here. But he can't disagree with it either as that might mean he's wrong about something.

    So he'll dodge.

    BTW, @CalamariFritti perhaps this is a good reason for why Dohnjoe posted those photos you were so offended by. We have cheerful and other Putin mouth pieces and fence sitters like yourself who are all trying to tell us that these people didn't exist or that these crimes weren't happening.

    It's a bit hard to do with the evidence staring you in the face. Which is probably why you've abandoned and run away from your previous claims.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    No. Not making up. He repeats things he's told.

    He only makes things up when he gets stuck in a corner and has to bullshit his way out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    People who are like-minded like you desperately need this to be true and absolutely evident why that is.

    Russia carried out atrocities? Of course, there is a war on. Ukraine doing the same.

    The video.

    Russian or Ukraine forces look to have bombed that street with fire and the individuals walking and crossing the street and people on bikes got caught up in the attack, and this attack was so quick couldn’t flee it. The shrapnel, tree damage, damage to houses, burned-out cars, vans burned out, crater holes on side pathways, and road damages, are all very much evidence of something big occurring down there on that long street. This narrative is not evil enough for the Ukrainian flag brigade though and some of you guys!!!!

    That narrative since is too clean for you guys, prefer to promote instead here the Russian army was killing the entire population on the way out of there, the Russian army just left bodies to be found later by the Ukraine army so they are prosecuted for war crimes and their country would be accused of war crimes, Instead sense says Russia left bodies on the ground way out because they were fatalities of war after a recent battle.

    Only one person on that street got his hands tied behind his back. Was he murdered in an earlier event? Was it staged, Nobody knows but you people are convinced have all the answers based on images provided by the government that's fighting Russia.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Why did the Nazis leave the concentration camps behind...

    Oh... right... Holocaust denier...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    This is Bucha a month ago.

    You seem to have this notion that because the area around the bodies is damaged from earlier in the conflict, that "bombs" were the cause of death. Okay, but how come few or any of the bodies show any signs of being killed by bombs? In fact, looks to me like most of these people were shot, not blown up.

    The people with their hands tied behind their back (on the streets and in the basements), we can all agree they have been executed.

    This was an area controlled by Russians. Every local witness is saying the same thing, that the Russians military were murdering people and looting, why is that? are they all lying do you think?

    So far there are no witnesses whatsoever or no evidence that anyone one else did this, do you think that someone else did this? what's your evidence for that?

    And to repeat the question: what evidence would convince you that these people were killed by Russian soldiers?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There is actually a strong similarity to Holocaust denial. Eg holocaust deniers frequently deny first hand amounts. Same happened with Sandy Hook. Instead you have people adding a narrative that suits to the photos. Eg Cheerful has basically written off all the accounts of how troops behaved and basically described the scene as if Ukrainians posed corpses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Putin started this war. The problem with the Ukrainian supporter brigade they don’t have any understanding of world history and why Nato helping Ukraine would be a matter of real concern for Russia. America nearly had WW3 with Russia over Cuba and ready to go all in to take out those nukes hundreds of miles away. Were their determinations/ national security concerns any different/ or unique to Russian ones? Planned an assault of Cuba with troops and airplanes?

    Why is Putin evil and western Europe leaders are class acts for destroying cities in Syria, Libya, and Iraq? Where the western people outrage for the starving kids of Yemen. A country has the worst conditions far worse than Ukraine but I never saw a 1000 page thread for them. Most of this bleeding hearts never around in those threads. Is it racism- why people dont get out the flags for them? Or is western war on poor countries justified by these manics?

    Nobody knows what the playbook is for Ukraine is, but I don’t believe this was a military failure by Russia., Well, the western media was on about Kyiv military failures by Russia. Russia forces were capturing all the South coast from Ukraine and still are in control of it. Now with the South campaign over for the most part. East side the Ukraine army has a genuine problem over getting encircled and wiped out.. Russia hitting their fuel depots probably running low on fuel ( ukraine army) to even move equipment around and since western media blocking one side opinion of the war we dont see how bad of shape the Ukraine army in right now. War in the east will reveal alot about the military strength of the Ukraine army after one month of fighting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    You are openly a Holocaust denier, you think that "Nazi's" were involved in the assassination of JFK and 9/11. Your grasp of history seems poor at best, full on conspiracy theorist at worst.

    You create these simplistic black/white narratives about world events and then get all indignant with your own generalisations. For example, the Iraq war. I marched against that war, most people I know were against it, the protests around the world were among the largest ever recorded. Most European countries, including traditional allies of UK/US were opposed to the war.

    You cherry-pick wars or conflicts or situations around the world which involve "the West" in order to act outraged about them, okay, but I've never seen you ever mention any other conflict in which "the West" wasn't involved. Then you virtue signal about other people not being selectively outraged like you are.

    You claim that "Putin started this war", but you've spent most of your posts here validating it and blaming the West.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Why are you so naive to fact that there is a brutal war on?

    Russia invaded Ukraine.

    The population most part will side with the Ukraine government. There be pro- Russians help the Russian army of course yet they end up dead in clean-up operations, but this is used against Russia. Russia killed these men? ( look at the atrocities blame game)

    We don’t know if Ukraine forces captured Russian soldiers and Sympathisers in Bucka and they murdered them and look what Russia did here. These isolated events are very hard to investigate as there now sanitized for an audience.

    The west is currently carrying out an offensive/media war against Russia so it's very hard to say if Russia truly killing people on way out of places when retreating or all part of a disinformation war against them,. Its very possible some Russian thug soldiers killed civilians, but dont believe it was preplanned event.

    Shelling often does not blow up bodies to kill them. Go on Twitter find plenty of photographs of bodies on streets similar to Bucka and cause was of death was shelling (caption)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    You say it's possible that Russian thug soldiers killed civilians, okay, and you also say that you don't think it was preplanned.

    But in the paragraph before you entertain that it was preplanned, that it was fabricated. You also hint that someone has been "sanitizing" the situation, who and how? and based on what evidence?

    There hasn't been any fighting in Bucha since March 22. These bodies certainly don't look like they've been there over a week. As mentioned they don't have any signs or marks of shellfire, so why would you think they've been killed by shell fire? (I suspect you only believe this because you see they were in an area that was damaged earlier by conflict)

    And to repeat the question: what evidence would convince you that these people were killed by Russian soldiers?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Again false.

    JFK and 9/11 and Holocaust.

    The event- for the most part, occurred as the official narrative outlines.

    There is a backstory and the in-between stuff- " hidden and kept secret from the public (debunkers don't bother with it or choose to ignore).

    Got known would fundamentally change our understanding of that event. Holocaust less so because we know camps existed, Jews were murdered by death squads and so on, we know the Nazi regime was evil and had a doctrine of hate against Jews/slavs/ gypsies/ and other races.

    One example: since it's a thread about Russia.

    9/11 controlled demolition is something you can’t seem to grasp could have happened!! Explaining this to a child sometimes that building seven first time in all of human history a fire took hold in a steel-framed building brought it down.

    Having an opinion that is different from the mainstream makes me crazy and yet never in history happened before in that way by fire but has been done by controlled demolition!!

    Who’s the crazy one here. I don’t believe in miracles? 

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    But you are basing this idea that people died from shelling because it looks like that to you.

    You claimed there was a giant mirror in the wreckage of the twin towers because it looked like that to you.

    You claimed that the Gas chambers in Auschwitz are fake because it looks like that to you.

    In all cases you are simply looking at photos on the internet and deciding you're an expert in any and all fields.

    I also find it funny that you are now arguing that shelling does not always blow up bodies. Yet, in the 9/11 threads you kept arguing that it's not possible for a passport to survive a plane crash.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Yup. Exact same shite. There'll be ghouls combing through the videos and photos looking for anything that can be claimed to be an anomaly. Anything from the colour of someone's shoes, to the position of a car mirror...

    Those anomalies will be passed up the line to the grifters who will condense them into formats that play well to the demographic. Usually short attention getting soundbites, memes, and youtube videos. Then their marks, like Cheerful, eat that **** up, never question it, and then donate and start spamming this grifters stuff all over.

    The difference is that now cause this stuff is happening far away and to foreigners, it will be a lot less distasteful for the grifters to make **** up about the victims. And there'll be so many, and they'll be so concerned with other stuff, they won't have the time or ability to stop these grifters with lawsuits like they did with Alex Jones.

    I'm sure that prick will be all over this crap again as well.

    And I'm sure that Cheerful will lap up every word of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    You openly claimed that "Nazis" were involved in secret inside jobs for assassinate JFK and involved in 911. Sorry Cheerful, but I can produce the posts if you like. Likewise, you have been a prolific Holocaust denier on this site, dramatically rounding down the number of Jews (and Jews only) killed. You also claimed that you believed "the Jews" purposefully inflated numbers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Your party on the internet claims Russia had preplanned the slaughter before the invasion and gave binders to its troops about digging mass graves and Kremlin permitted their men to kill as many Ukrainian innocents as possible.

    They claimed this was a mass grave for Ukrainians dug by Russians another one., Until it was shown was grave dugs by Ukraine, earlier in the month. Narrative quickly fell apart. Your party was pushing this hard for days another atrocity.

    Who is that man tied up near the damaged pallets? Do you know? Provide his background here as you seem to be so knowledgeable in what the Russians did elsewhere? Dohnjoe educate yourself find plenty of photographs of victims on the streets of warzones and see similar scenes to what you observe in Bucka. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Not sure what "your party on the internet" means?

    Fresh bodies have been discovered in the streets of Bucha and in basements about a day after the Russians left and almost 10 days after the last fighting in the district. Apart from these, according to locals there are several hundred bodies buried in the district, a portion of which are in mass graves. These could be bodies of Russian soldiers killed, but it's unlikely as they would most likely be repatriated. They could also be the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers, but many locals claim they are bodies of civilians.

    Civilians get killed during conflict, unfortunately it happens. However the disturbing part of this situation is that locals and witnesses are claiming civilians have been deliberately murdered by Russian soldiers (also allegations of rape and torture). Local and witness testimony backs this up. The fresh bodies on the streets and the fact that some have their hands tied also back this up. Bodies discovered in a basement (and filmed) showed signs of torture and execution. We don't know the scale or size of it yet until the bodies are all examined (either collected or exhumed from single/mass graves) however it's starting to look like the Russian soldiers were involved in killed civilians and summary executions of civilians in Bucha, we just don't know how many. Investigations will determine that.

    Back to my question (for the 6th or 7th time): what evidence would convince you that these people were killed by Russian soldiers?

    And you claimed that Bucha would be "sanitized" what do you mean by that? Likewise what evidence do you have that this was "fabricated" as you've suggested by Ukraine?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Still in the comfort zone of claiming fire brought down building seven 7. I speculate what crazy people could exist in the world to pull it off and get away it still today.

    First time in all of the known human history fire collapsed a tall steel-framed building at the acceleration of gravity.

    Commonsense: controlled demolition explains the uniqueness of why it fell down.

    Lack of commonsense: fire magically did something brand new here to building seven to bring it down. This event never got repeated elsewhere since 9/11. and reveals the nature of the crime was CD

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,724 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Supposedly educated folks sure learned this in school?

    How can building of 47 floors with concrete and steel framing collapse, at the acceleration of gravity. Natural collapse involves crushing smashing bending of components coming down on top of each other during the fall, what happened here is impoossible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    And you believe that the European Union was created by "Nazis". I've noticed they are central to a lot of your conspiracy theories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,724 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Theres an entire forum dedicated to 9/11 where over the course of hundreds of pages you failed pathetically and repeatedly to convince anyone of any conspiracy. If anything, anyone who was reading it and not sure, now thinks that it was defo not an inside job due to your inane ramblings.

    So I'd suggest you try again in that forum if you still have the stamina.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Cheerful, engineering expert, military strategist and virologist. What else does he have in his repertoire of expertise?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol. Talk about comfort zone. You are so desperate to avoid digging yourself deeper into the hole you've already dug, you're trying to deflect to your same old, tired, embarrassing 9/11 stuff.

    It's the same shite over and over with you.

    You don't see how brainwashed you are, but others do.

    Every time you post, you show why people shouldn't think like you. You've caused far more damage to your own beliefs than any skeptic could.

    You kill any credibility any topic might have by posting in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Only people with embarrassing posts about 9/11 are from your side.

    Building supposedly crushed itself on the way down: according to the official narrative, yet they admit here the building came down at the acceleration of gravity.

    Impossible. breaking up the building like this, energy used, to clear things out of the way.

    None of you so-called experts care to explain how the acceleration of gravity occurred here. Freefall objects cant do any crushing or bend steel columns or clearing the way of floor space, that cant happen energy will be used if that is case.

    Beams and girders and steel and furniture on floors thrown around here during the collapse, energy is used. Facts that people like you ignore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Back to "9/11 was an inside job" I see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Lack of self-awareness around your ramblings is stunning. You had an entire post about my views about JFK, 9/11 and the holocaust, then pretend i was first to go off tangent here.  

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol. I like how you're now parroting the self awareness line after people have been pointing it out to you.

    You really are just mirroring people and you think that is enough to counter their arguments.

    You see, the difference is you are trying to deflect to your claims about 9/11 because it's almost like you have a compulsion to rant about it any time you hear or see the words. You can't help yourself.

    We bring up your claims about 9/11 and the holocaust and such because they show that you aren't very well informed, that you are very dishonest and that you believe very very stupid stuff.

    You don't understand the difference. But other people do.

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