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Virgin Media blocking news sites?

  • 09-04-2022 5:57pm
    Registered Users Posts: 738 ✭✭✭

    I'm with Virgin Media. Does anybody know if they censor web browsing, and if so, what are the general kinds of criteria?

    I've had a bookmark in my browser for some time, and today when I load it I get an "Access Denied" error, with a URL of "".

    For reference, the URL I'm trying to view is:

    It's a news article from 2018 about a Swedish citizen being given access in aa library to missile information. All I can think of is that, judging by the URL, it's a Russian site. But that's hardly reason to block it.

    I've checked, and on the Virgin Media website I've got my parental controls disabled.

    Apologies if this is a well-discussed topic, I did search and found nothing.

