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What does the future hold for Donald Trump? - threadbans in OP



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    What's his BEFORE versus AFTER net wealth do you think? I'm not going to ask for data sources, just trying to understand your (in my opinion) ludicrous viewpoint.

    You think he was that hard up for cash that he needed to run for office to get richer? The guy has enough money to live out his days on his golf courses doing what he loves, playing golf. What extra money is he getting that could be worth the years of campaigning, travelling around etc at his age? What do you think he intention is with the extra money? What's he going to spend it on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,312 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    I'm not trying to "win" anything here, because there's nothing to "win".

    One day, you might understand that. 😉

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

    What reliable source can you cite for trump's wealth claims

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm sure there will be variable estimates but Forbes put his net worth at around $3bn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,651 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    I don't believe Trump is an evil white supremacist. I do believe that he was entirely in it for the money, plenty of people felt that Trump never expected to win but saw running as a great way to build his Brand (and get the GOP and others to pay for it).

    I do believe that he saw those with supremacist tendencies as potential support and thus was happy to accept that support. Just as I don't believe he is a Russian mole, but he will quite happily sell out to Russia if that is in his best interests.

    Does he love his country? He has never shown any signs of loving his country but loves what it offers him. He openly hates many aspects of the country. He hates nearly 50% of the people in it. He hates that it incudes immigrants. He hates the legal system, judges. He hates politicians and politics. He hates freedom to knell, he hates protestors, he hates freedom of speech, he sided with Putin over his own security services, he hates the media. What part of it do you think he actually loves?

    He did almost nothing to make it actually better. Massively increased its debt, increased the political divide, did nothing for education, nothing for healthcare, nothing for infrastructure, nothing for gun control, nothing for race relations, didn't invest in the future in terms of renewables, gave succour to world tyrants like Saudi Arabia, Putin and KJU.

    He never made a honest effort to build the wall because he was never honest about it. What was the final plan? The final costs? Who was going to pay for it? How would it be maintained? What about the land it would need to be bought to build it? He never, never produced any actual plan apart from 'give me a few billions to build something'. That was it. He was never worried about immigration, he was only concerned about stoking fears. What plans did he have to help those countries build up their economies for immigration wasn't a factor? Oh year, he trashed the trade deal and forced jobs back to the US (which is fine as an ideal, but the offshoot is those Mexicans that lose jobs will look to come to the US!).

    Apparently the likes of CNN etc owe their ratings to Trump, yet you think they wanted to kill the golden goose? He has huge parts of the media in his pocket, they give him unbridled access, unquestioning 'interviews' which are nothing more than Trump al broadcasts. Fox News, ONN etc.

    Obama was constantly mocked and belittled by the media. Biden is portrayed as demented, crazy, too old, etc etc.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So what's the point of you being in this thread then? Surely it's to engage and discuss ideas and if you disagree with someone to try and persuade them of your viewpoint and hopefully "win" them over to seeing your side of the argument? At least that's why I'm here. You might just be here to "fight fascism" or just throw snide remarks at anyone with a different opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,651 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    Are you really asking the question of why a rich person wants more money? Seriously?

    Beyond the money, Trump clearly loves the adulation. He was, is, happiest at rallies. Having all those people cheer for him. When he goes to rallies for GOP races, he always talks about himself. Whatever candidate he is there to support gets nothing more than a cursory mention before goes into his 'I'm your favourite President' routine.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No, I'm asking why a billionaire living an easy stress-free life doing reality TV, globe-trotting, opening up golf courses, living off his real-estate empire, would give all that up to do a marathon 2 year election campaign followed by 4 years of constant scrutiny and criticism on a relative pittance salary (by his standards).

    For argument's sake, say his wealth went from $3bn to $4bn - you think at his age that it's worth the 6 years of toil and graft? Personally I think Trump is far too lazy to do all that for money.

    So you think he's not actually racist or sexist or anti-immigrant at all, that it was just a PR stunt for votes?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,539 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    Because he wasn't really a billionaire? And, he doesn't work very hard? He didn't toil for 4 years; he mostly campaigned for 4 years. He barely stayed in DC and was off 'playing golf' otherwise. He could barely be arsed from campaigning to deal with Covid.

    He's sexist, there's no doubt of that and has lots of racist history. But, this is old stuff wrt to him. What do you think the future holds? I think up to his neck in legal problems incl. indictments and trials.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,312 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    This is a discussion forum, where I can dip into any topic I wish. One day, you might get that as well. 😉

    But I am not interested in trying to "win" anything. There is nothing to win in a discussion and if you think that there is, you're on a hiding to nothing. But I'll choose the depth of my involvement and, frankly, if the opposite viewpoint is someone shilling for Donald Trump after all we know about him, then that person doesn't deserve much time. If someone still supports Trump after the lies about a "stolen election" leading up to the scenes we saw on Jan 6th, then that person is either monumentally stupid or they actually approve of his actions.

    There can be no innocent support of Donald Trump any more.

    As for "snide remarks" thrown at anyone with a "different opinion", you'd do well to take a look in the mirror in that respect lad.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Fair enough, hope you are enjoying the current Presidency which is an astounding success. It's also clear by observing Democrat-run cities and states that a vote for the Democrats is a vote for success and in no way is it causing a spike in violent and non-violent crimes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,205 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    That's your personal problem.

    So teachers are allowed to talk to their K-3 students about gay people and gayness and homosexuality?

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,736 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Why would a billionaire living an easy stress-free life direct charitable donations made to his charity foundations to his own businesses? Why would a billionaire use charitable donations to buy portraits of himself and hang them in his properties? Why would he have fake Time covers made talking about how great he is?

    Because whatever wealth he did have was largely tied to real estate, businesses and loans. Regardless though, he's a man who values power and fame. He didn't care about actually being President, he just wanted to be President. He wanted the power that comes with it. And as for money, he made rules and regulations which benefitted the rich more than anyone else, his family used links made to advance their business interests, and he regularly held or tried to hold events in his properties, as well as his likely 100+ visits to his own golf courses and charging security etc at his properties. And if he's so rich, why is he constantly sending out pathetic begging emails to his followers, full of lies and fake promises.

    Money is not enough for him, and he never had as much money as he claimed he did (by his own admission under deposition, what he claimed as his wealth varied depending on what he felt it was, not what it actually was). He wanted the power and the financial benefits which would come from having been President because all of a sudden, Trump properties would become properties owned by the President of the USA, which is a benefit even after leaving office.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,312 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    Compared to the last charlatan that was in the WH, is has been an "astounding success", even if Biden is a thoroughly boring, mild, POTUS.

    But as is typical for the average Trump worshipper, we're back to whataboutery, because there's nowhere else to go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,651 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    Why did he do the apprentice based on your logic. Why do anything at all? Because they can. They want power. They want the adulation. And it seems that he was in plenty of money issues based on the loans he has and the repayments. The apprentice lifted him to a new sphere, a run for POTUS, even if he lost, got the Trump brand out there. Wall to wall coverage.

    He only got scruntiny because he ended up winning. That and how he carried on. From not divesting himself from his business, from using his own assets to get extra monies from the state, from getting his children in power positions in the WH. Had he carried on like Obama he woud have had nothing to worry about.

    I think he, like in pretty much everything else, will go with whatever position is most favourable to him. It isn't that he is or isn't racist, that would require him to actually thin about someone else. I think he doesn't think beyond himself and his own gratification. If that means playing both sides, 'good people on both sides' then so be it. If that means playing to a certain base, then he is fine with it. Just look at his playing to the religious types. Do you really think this guy ever actually goes to church? He is never able to talk about his religion, his favorite parts of the bible etc, because he doesn't have one. But it suits a purpose.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I think he is about as religious as Obama - i.e. not very religious but they had to play it up a bit under the old rules of US elections. In future you'll see less and less politicians pretending to be religious.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No, they are not, because those are concepts rooted in sex and sexuality. Which no 4 or 5 year olds have any need to be learning. The fact that there is a need for this law is disturbing, but reflective of the indoctrination going on in US schools these days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,539 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    Try thinking harder. Obama was pretty religious. You're just making sh1t up at this point.

    Trump never was or will be religious. It's a tool for him.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I think the Democrats' insanity will see Trump re-elected in 2024. The very possibility of it is a reflection on the joke of a political system. He touched a nerve with voters in middle America because they someone who, flawed as he was, still had a personality and a desire to fight for them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,736 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    The relationship between a husband and wife (the kid's father and mother) is equally rooted in sex and sexuality. Nobody is suggesting children should be taught the intricacies of LGBT relationships in particular, but to ban teachers from being able to acknowledge that some families are comprised of LGBT people (which is likely that some of the kids come from those families) is ridiculous and is rooted in homophobia.

    It's not indoctrination to say "This thing which exists, exists". It's not about saying this is better or worse, but simply acknowledging actual reality. But then again, most of the people who oppose that are too busy waiting for JFK Jr to show up at Trump's next rally.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 83,205 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    So you agree it’s a bill with the effect of “dont say gay.” So it’s queer of you to complain that it’s being called that by people who understand the legal impact it has. The 3/5ths Compromise and the Fugitive Slave clause don’t mention slaves or slavery, either, nonetheless these were clauses protecting the institution of slavery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,716 ✭✭✭✭everlast75

    I strongly suspect that even if Trump was proved to be a racist, corrupt inept businessman and a fraud, it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference. Somehow, it would all be the woke, radical left and the MSM's fault.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,472 ✭✭✭✭kowloon

    He doesn't love his country, he loves himself. Look at his actions from day one. The "wave of love" for him at his inauguration. The biggest inauguration. He continued to hold rallies after the election because he loves to be centre stage with his followers chanting his name and he loves to see his name on flags and t-shirts. His obsession with ratings. I think that's as important to him as the money.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Again, there's no problem with teaching of any of that, but it should be age-appropriate. Toddlers should be off-limits for that. I have a toddler myself and the idea of him being taught about sexual while in creche just disturbs me. He will learn when he's old enough. Like around 8 years old maybe. It's not natural to be teaching that to 4 year olds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,442 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    even if Trump was proved to be a racist, corrupt inept businessman and a fraud,

    has that not happened already?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

    You see, That's not a citation. Which article states that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,205 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    The wrinkle here is you assume sex will only come for your child at a time of their knowledge, maturity and consent. You may have noticed a parallel topic these days: pedophilia. Teaching very young children what sex even is makes it more straightforward for parents, teachers and administrators to be alerted by their child if they've been sexually abused by someone they've been entrusted with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,736 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    And again, there's a difference between being taught about "sexual" and simply acknowledging something exists.

    Say there's another toddler in the same creche as your child. That toddler has two mothers, a lesbian couple. Do you think it's unacceptable for the teacher to acknowledge that some children, like that other child, have two mothers, or sometimes two fathers etc? If the child draws a picture of themselves and their mothers, can the teacher ackowledge that? If your child asked the teacher why that kid has two mothers, can the teacher answer? Or should the teacher stick strictly to only referring to parents as a mother and a father and that that child's parents are sinners and are going to hell?

    It's not about indoctrination, because LGBT people, more than anyone else, know that a person does not and cannot choose to be LGBT. You cannot be indoctrinated into becoming LGBT. Nor is it in any way about grooming, because perverts are not going to care if the child knows about same-sex relationships etc (and given that most sexual abuse is men abusing young girls, means anything LGBT-related is not a factor).

    The entire thing is simply trying to further homophobia to try and counter the shifting tide in society which is more accepting of LGBT people's rights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,716 ✭✭✭✭everlast75

    To the average person, yes.

    I meant to a true believer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 83,205 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    He only got 2,000 people to attend the venue, previously he had 15,000 there in 2016.

    Lost his edge

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