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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Aleksandr Dugin talking about nazis in Ukraine

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,518 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    I doubt Putin was misled though. it's far more the case that he is a dictator / autocrat and only hears what he wants to hear. If he's sacking or jailing people, it's just about making them scapegoats and trying to deflect attention away from himself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,298 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    According to Biden, it’s Genocide… hard to argue against this…

    how to deescalate it ?

    i don’t think that’s possible… Putin and Russia attacks of a genocidal level on and in The Ukraine…threatening everyone else…

    what next ?

    im honestly typing this as no kind of expert but how the fûck is WW3 avoidable from where we are now ?

    The Ukraine is bordered by nations including Poland , Slovakia and Hungry, ALL EU members…

    Russia has stated and threatened bad intent on numerous occasions towards the EU…Russia is heading west.

    Josep Borell of the EU has already stated.. “ faced with Russian threats, the EU must stay firm and above all act “

    Who is Borrell ? he is the high representative of the EU for foreign affairs and security policy and Vice President of the European Commission.

    Take more then the EU, but I’ve a feeling it’s coming to the time or now IS where a de-escalating is no longer probable or possible.

    how does one stop Russia ? A conventional war ? No, it’s going to be nuclear…. Got to be, strike fast, hard and accurately…

    The moment a tangible threat is ventured towards the West, the EU as isn’t far off, something will need to be done.

    we are listening to threatening rhetoric…. Same threatening rhetoric was used against the Ukraine by Moscow

    its probably time to hit Russia, WW3 ? Kinda is already no ? China ramping up the rhetoric against the US / EU and indeed Taiwan closer to home…. A country of 23 million….

    then there is the Biden factor, all the look of a man who’d rather be anywhere but where he is, just months from being an octogenarian and looks like he wanted the seaside of Cape Cod not the hot seat of the white house. Not decisive not deterring.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Hard to say,everyone i basically an enemy of Russia and Putin now.

    Looks like Putin is intimidating Finland as well,because of their NATO application.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The boards account referencing the “Hungarian” Twitter account has pivoted recently from being a “look how great the uk have managed Covid” to “look, Russia are winning the war and sanctions are having no impact”.

    What’s the going rate for this type of work?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,330 ✭✭✭deise08

    Outsiders order pizzas for the soldiers in Ukraine.

    Never even crossed my to do anything like this.


    People buying tickets for the zoos to help the animals.

    Dolphinariums too needing funding to feed the animals there.

    (dolphins sourced from Taiji dolphin hunts but that's another argument for another day.)

    There are so many ways we can help without actually enlisting, just have to think outside the box.

    Post edited by deise08 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭Field east

    NATO should immediately revise its rules and regulations eg take Moldavia or Georgia and give them temporary/junior / guest membership immediately if they agree to the concept . Basic agreements could include the following

    • you will be supported in the same way, with immediate effect , as if you are a full member
    • you will not be asked to contribute any finance to NATO for the first 10 years
    • you will strive towards becoming a full NATO member within the 10 years
    • you will have fully complied with all NATOs regulations by year 10
    • You will not do anything contrary to NATO policy/strategy


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,457 ✭✭✭francois

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,146 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Nuclear war, strike fast, hard and accurately? This is not Hollywood. There is no strike fast, hard and accurately that doesn't lead to an extinction level event. The key difference being that in conventional war the movers and shakers don't risk their kids dying in it, nuclear war fries everyone. Bunkers only delay the inevitable. Probably time to hit Russia. FFS. 🤦

    How is it going to end? Rhetoric and spin will continue.

    Mariopul will fall eventually battered into dust by Russia and those defending her*. Russia will likely hold much of the Donbas and the corridor to Crimea. It's the booby prize for putin, but a booby prize he can sell to his masses of boobs. Talks will be ongoing and a general cessation of violence will occur, Russia will pull out of Ukraine outside the Donbas/"independent states"/Crimea. There will be some resistance within those regions a la the Troubles up North, but many if not most of the Ukrainian nationalists will have left for the rest of Ukraine. Many of the Ukrainian refugees will return home, a fair number won't. The mass of weapons left in Ukraine could cause problems of their own, so the Ukrainian government and Western governments have to keep an eye and lid on that.

    Finland and Sweden will likely join NATO. Ukraine won't(that was already a fantasy for Russia and Ukraine), but will be fast tracked for EU membership. A large chunk of investment from the EU will be ploughed into Ukraine(Russian reperations are pretty much fanstasy land). A better Ukraine will emerge in time.

    Russia will get some concessions because of gas and oil, but not many and not for long. Russia will be frozen out of Western politics and economics for the foreseeable. McDonalds may open again in Moscow, but they'll be eating McCrow.

    China will continue to be China, but between this and covid more Western concerns will pivot away from her, not least because of rising costs and cheaper labour to exploit elsewhere.

    The EU will be looking down the barrel of recession, with rising inflation and tightening of belts and gnashing of teeth. America will continue to be America. The EU will rearm, but slowly, with much back and forth once the hot war has gone tepid if not cold and the electorate are clamouring for cheaper bread rather than more bullets.

    Rhetoric and spin will continue. Another crisis will change avatars on twitter.

    *It's 100% Russia's on the head of Russia and hers alone, but the nature of city warfare means those defending are naturally not very concerned about civic infrastructure.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,948 ✭✭✭circadian

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,406 ✭✭✭✭road_high

    I reiterate again- we are being taken for absolute idiots in the west by these scumbags;

    Im sick of it- deport, deport, deport- now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,150 ✭✭✭opinionated3

    Absolutely infuriating. Hopefully no citizen of this country every uses his business ever again. Then he can"F" off back to his home country where everything is so great.......

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    Sure he's probably one of the New Irish. 😂

    Just remember: Diversity is a strength, that/s why the Balkans are such a great place to live

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,508 ✭✭✭wassie

    From the article:

    Russian national Yuriy, who revealed he served in Chechnya and Afghanistan, claimed the Z "is not a Russian symbol" but "a Latin symbol", adding that it is "a Zorro symbol".

    That makes sense. Easily confused.....kind of like a swastika symbol. [Source: Wikipedia]

    The swastika primarily recognized in the West for its use by the Nazi party, is an ancient religious icon in various Eurasian cultures.

    What a bollox in his camo pants living a western lifestyle here in Ireland. Has his 4WD all tricked up - obviously to go on his wild extreme bare-shirted hunting adventures with Vlad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    LOL if there's one thing the left and right can agree on in France it's their distaste for the Americans. Gratitude not being a trait that the surrender monkeys are renowned for 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,097 ✭✭✭threeball

    Its called social media and the echo chamber it created where all the nutbags were connected together to reinforce their psychosis. Add in troll farms to set the kindling and you have full on bushfire breaking out all sides and getting worldwide attention.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,015 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    I think in a corrupt country, dealing with corrupt people, money speaks volume.

    So this bill from Ukrainian parlament may actually work:

    The new law sets out that the following financial rewards be offered for military equipment (amounts in US dollars):

    - Combat aircraft (fighter and assault aircraft) – 1,000,000;

    - Combat helicopter – 500,000;

    - Reactive volley fire system – 25,000-35,000;

    - Tank, ground artillery (self-propelled) – 100,000;

    - Infantry fighting vehicle (landing), armoured personnel carrier, armoured reconnaissance patrol vehicle – 50,000;

    - Military vehicle (truck, specialised), military tractor, military engineering vehicles: reconnaissance, demining, mine barriers, bridges, fencing, for paving roads, for earthworks, to overcome water obstacles – 10,000;

    - Ships of 1st or 2nd rank – 1,000,000;

    - Ships of 3rd or 4th rank – 500,000;

    - Ships of military (auxiliary) support – 200,000;

    - Ships of small combat (reconnaissance) purpose – 50,000.

    It's only a question, when Russian soldiers will know about it.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    That's certainly the optimistic view and relies on Putin to be rational. If he were really rational would he have invaded Ukraine in the first place? I'd go as far as saying your scenario is the most likely, but far from certain. Putin would love to have his borders right up against Poland again. They must not have Viagra in Russia, because this seems to do it for him. *

    There seems to be a bit of a brain fog on this thread (this bit isn't directed at you, W) where nuclear war seems to be considered an acceptable risk. Best case scenario and there is only a "limited" exchange of nuclear weapons and we ONLY get transported back to the dark ages it will be horrific. Better off dead horrific. Society will collapse and modern, westernised humans aren't close to being psychologically equipped to deal with it. Imagine having to bow and scrape to the likes of the Kinahan gang just so you're left alone... today.

    Nuclear war wont go from 0-60 in seconds. It gets ratcheted up, bit by bit until enough threats are mouthed and finally someone goes, 'er, are they actually serious... and... if they are serious, would we be - I know this is going to sound crazy - would we be better of, erm, striking first...'

    Sounds crazy, but it's far from not possible.

    * instead of sending pizzas to Ukrainian soldiers, can we send Viagra to Putin?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    F me... can the Irish Government procurement agency offer similar for a few SU-57s - Would be a nice way to build up our air defence. Would even throw in a few 501s as a sweetener.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,097 ✭✭✭threeball

    You're obsessed with nuclear war. Try going a day without mentioning it. If you can't manage that, try to at least go 5 posts and gradually work up from there. It's not healthy to be so worried about something.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Pretty sure we're supposed to play the ball not the man - mod warnings. So, why don't you refute what I'm saying. Articulate why I'm being irrational.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Whats happened is the Twitter / Tiktok / Instagram world has resulted in vast numbers who dont even stop to think is what they just watched / read / heard complete scutter. Instead of stopping, evaluating the information and checking does it add up, they just swipe on to the next snippet without applying any critical thought and the nonsense infests the mind. What is worse, is that those who dont in any way evaluate the information they are presented with parrot it on without even thinking, are also those most likely to believe the are the "enlightened" who see things for how the really are.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,015 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    All the time peddling this threat, you are playing into Putins hands. He made this threat for a reason, to scare people like you....

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Okay, I admit it. I'm the reason Putin invaded Ukraine. Wow - it feels good to get that off my chest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,916 ✭✭✭ronivek

    Why? Can you speak Russian to a level of fluency to make such a call, or are they simply reinforcing what you already want to believe?

    No; but the preponderance of evidence points to these calls being genuine. In particular:

    • Ukrainian SBU has been releasing all kinds of Russian recordings over the years; in particular Russian military communications which have been widely discussed and distributed by intelligence types.
    • Witnesses and journalists and defence correspondents corroborate many of the things reported in these calls; often some days after the calls are originally released.
    • Just about every human being can detect human emotion through spoken language without necessarily understanding the language itself; especially strong emotion.
    • There is no credible refutation I've seen from actual native speakers on any of the recordings I've listened to.

    I accept your point that these calls are clearly propaganda; and equally point out that propaganda by definition does not mean it is fabricated. There is a tendency for some people to use the word to mean "something false" whereas the real meaning is "information which tends to support one side or view".

    From reading reports from Ukrainian people in previously Russian held towns at least in some cases there seems to be some Russian troops who are acting relatively OK and another bunch who are animals.

    I mean sure; out of 200,000 troops there are bound to be some number who are decent people. In fact I'm sure most of them are relatively "decent" if your standard of decency is not executing civilians or raping. I wonder how many of these "decent" people might actually speak out or act against their less "decent" colleagues?

    I think the only thing that's clear at this stage is the Russian armed forces at best do nothing to discourage or punish these types of abuses; and at worst it is a core part of their strategy which is actively incorporated at every level and in every unit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,408 ✭✭✭✭TheValeyard

    All Eyes On Rafah

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Given your answer to any involvement protagonists is to suggest they can't have a valid opinion unless they drop everything and go fight for Ukraine, this sudden playing the ball angle coming from you has a strong whiff to it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,097 ✭✭✭threeball

    Because its chicken little stuff. The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Yes there's a potential for nuclear to be used but that potential has been there since the day it was invented. Putin blowing air threatening countries if they helped Ukraine has already proven to be a load of shite. He's like the little knacker shouting hold me back, hold me back when he's squaring up to a lad he knows would kick his head clean off his shoulders.

    There are so many levels this would need to escalate by in order to ever go nuclear. Just like the mental suggestion earlier that the west should strike Russia first. Its complete muck. If a nuclear strike ever happens it would be initiated by a Russia or North Korea and this is only ever going to happen where there is an incursion inside their country and they fear being overthrown. We have not nor will we reach that point. Russia will be driven back inside its borders. Every country surrounding it will arm itself to the teeth and the international community will isolate it.

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