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The wondrous adventures of Sinn Fein (part 3) Mod Notes and Threadbanned List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,728 ✭✭✭blackwhite

    I could have sworn SF and the legions of shinnerbots were all outraged any time that Denis O'Brien took defamation actions against Irish media outlets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,704 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Of course they were. Freedom of the press only matters when it is for Sinn Fein.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Trying to kneecap the media.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,421 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    That is now 3 SF TD's suing RTE because of things that have been said in the past 2 years.

    Not a normal party. It is an obvious and outright attempt to try and silence anyone who has a bad word to say about them. A shot across the bow so to speak.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Straight from the Populist Runbook

    1). The mainstream media are all establishment figures, and you should get your news/information from opinionated sources who are "calling out the truth".

    2). That the Irish State is somehow ran by a shadowy elite made up of a cosy relationship between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. We need to "drain the swamp".

    3). Appeal to the sort of cheap jingoistic Nationalism that serves as a comfort blanket for people.

    4) Promise everything, and sort out the figures afterwards.

    Thankfully it didn't work in France, the US, and Slovenia; but we have to remain perceptive to what is happening here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,728 ✭✭✭blackwhite

    Since 2016 they've been shameless in copying a large swathe of the Trump handbook to try and spin their narratives

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,704 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    When I watched that first video, my only thought was "what a gobshite" and then the applause from the clowns was disgusting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    well said and thats before you get to the nature of whom is doing this. thats the worrying part.

    I know a few middle class types who went with SF for the sake of it last time. the next time it will be bitter and the more no talent people they put out next time, the more these new SF voters will wake up.

    it would all be so clear for them if they helf their hands up about their past and grew up in the present. but alas they are idiots.

    and now they are on the path to suing people. setting the groundwork for suing or scaring people who want to reference ¨the war¨ in any GE.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,704 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    It is really dangerous, the way that Sinn Fein are behaving.

    The failure of Sinn Fein supporting posters to engage in discussion on these issues in this thread is a really worrying development as it shows confidence that they can fool the general public.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,581 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    I'd imagine that a certain group of accounts getting banned has greatly reduced the number of outright pro-SF posts, and the prevalence of another group of posters shouting down anyone who doesn't align fully with their aggressively anti-SF position with accusations of being a Shinnerbot has greatly reduced the number of posts from those who sit in a more moderate position.

    I'd imagine this is more likely the cause for the thread turning into the, 'ah sure isn't it terrible' echo chamber it has than any shadowy cabal in West Belfast deciding the Boards faction of the SFOS has done their job and the public are fooled.

    Through our repeated dialogue on here, you'll be well aware exactly where I stand on SF, yet I've had the Shinnerbot tag thrown my way on occasion for things so egregious as pointing out that throwing sh*t at the wall and seeing if it sticks undermines legitimate criticism of SF.

    I've on a few occasions been about to reply on this thread only to decide I couldn't be bothered because I was pretty confident I could predict the exact responses I'd get and from whom.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭nigeldaniel

    Unfortunately, there are plenty 18 to 22-year-olds who find this kind of thing exciting and would vote for chaos if he were around just to see what would happen. Its entertainment for increasing numbers I'm afraid.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    Sorry to share two tweets but I thought this was hilarious and just proves how desperate SF supporters are at the moment to deflect

    From Resident Sinn Fein online supporter paddy.....of course backing up his online troll mate Chay, he linked his main account not the other ones he uses

    The response is hilarious, poor old Paddy, best is the rest of the SF usual supporters trying to say it is awful even after this was posted

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,421 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    This cuts both ways in fairness. I have been called everything from a right-wing hack, a government shill, a member of FG and the Greens, a snowflake, a racist, a sexist and so on....

    What we do know though is a most active and vocal member of who supports SF has been more or less banned from this thread, despite numerous warnings. They only have themselves to blame at the end of the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,581 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    You're not wrong there, Mark. I've seen the FG comments directed at you in particular. I do try to make a point of calling out that nonsense whatever side it is coming from.

    I wasn't suggesting that this gradual whittling down to an echo chamber was unique to this thread rather than something that tends to happen with any long-running thread, but rather using the specific circumstances of this thread to point out why I suspect there is a great reduction in opposing viewpoints being shared right here on this specific thread.

    I posted to say that I thought this was a lot more likely than a shadowy West Belfast cabal deciding that SFOS had done such a good job of fooling the public that they didn't need to post on a random Boards thread any more, which was Blanch's hypothesis on the reduction in pro-SF posts on these issues.

    Beyond noting that removing a prolific poster from the discussion is an obvious factor in the reduction in posts running contrary to the usual thread position, I'd rather not get into further discussion about specific other posters who aren't in a position to post to defend themselves. I do realise I may appear hypocritical in mentioning the McMurphy 10 but not wishing to discuss that poster, but I'd find a significant enough difference between a thread ban and an entire site permaban for chronic sock puppeting to draw a line between the two circumstances.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,704 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    RTE are out to get them is the new agenda of the SFOS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,704 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Well, we now know that any person who cares in any way about the environment, climate change and the future for our country should never vote for SF after their desperate motion to cancel the carbon tax increase. What despicable populist behaviour putting all our futures at risk for short-term political gain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    As usual reading off a sheet of paper.....

    Poor old Pearse, just because turf is used by up to 30% doesn't mean they don't have alternatives. He is struggling with the old maths again, 4%, 9% and 30% of what? not a good thing for the Minister for Finance.

    "A daft idea?" has Pearse never heard of the old climate issue we have. This grand standing for social media is getting boring now

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Given what the government have been doing to help house ukraines here,would yous not feel that sf have been proven right in highlighting flaws regarding housing (and the failure of privitisation) here and the solutions were about all along in terms of fixing up corporation housing and rapid build solutions

    They were always able to do it,but wouldnt bother,until europe was looking over their shoulder at how they were treating ukraine refugees......corporation tax couldnt be touched was the god for the media,until this was also proven bollocks,when they agreed to do it,and sky didnt fall in

    Whole political establishment here,is built on a host of really poor,blindly accepted assertions and smearing anyone who speaks out....after 100 years of perpetual ffg rule,we are long overdue a change

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    Was this the same Sinn Fein who have systematically blocked housing across the country?

    Also the same Sinn fein who took over DCC saying they would build houses, then spent the next 5 years building the lowest amount of houses ever.

    Then deleting the document off the Sinn Fein website when they announced about taking over DCC and they would build houses?

    Not sure how you think Sinn Fein was right about housing, throwing them out of Ireland and we would be a lot better off

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I see Pearse is in a spot of bother for making up figures for fuel poverty deaths

    He's quoting all Ireland figures from 15 years ago

    Yes 15 years ago

    and including deaths from pollution

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    This is the SF TD who is supposed to be good with numbers 🤦‍♂️

    He also got a bit mixed up with the numbers on the turf the other day as well......God help us all if he is Minister for Finance....

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A lot of his 2800 including polution btw,from 15 years ago are outside the jurisdiction in Northern Ireland too

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,704 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    So SF are in favour of modular housing as a long-term solution for homelessness. Well, that is news for me. Have they told all their supporters waiting for the three-bed house in the suburbs with enough garden room for a trampoline?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I have seen first hand some of the accommodation being used for refugees. Mums and children sharing one bedroom. Sharing bathroom and kitchen facilities with numerous other families. How many Margaret Cashes or Erica Flemings would accept such accommodation? Yet, the refugees are not complaining. They are preparing to learn English in order to get jobs, as this is what they did pre war.

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    A record for shinners (too high imo)

    FFG at well below 50% combined,never taught id live to see the day....may we,at long last dare to dream of seeing someone break their stranglehold on power here

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,486 ✭✭✭touts

    The Shinners will hit 40% before the next election. We are heading into a period of high inflation and shortages that have not been seen in living memory. Sinn Fein will tell everyone that they have the answer if we just elect them. If they are at the mid 30s now then 40+ is likely before this crisis is over. If FF FG had any sense they would collapse the government now (over the greens demands) and let the Shinners and their socialist coalition be in power when the **** really hits the fan in the next two years.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'd be surprised if SF reached 40% in an election, it would get them into a government, probably with FF if they changed their stance as they'd take a lot if not all of the IFC and pbp seats in that and would struggle to get a coalition together if at all

    I've no problem personally with Republicanism

    I am one

    I do with socialism and I do especially with populism because both are a lie that basically fool the fed up by promising the unattainable

    Every country in the world that's fallen foul to socialism and populism have had a sore lesson learned

    The most notable example being Greece of course

    I've also a big problem with Russian cow towing which was an urgent recent SF flip flop

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,581 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    Growing up in the North in a pretty underprivileged background and perhaps lacking the political nous to fully comprehend that promising =/= doing, I was certainly an easy mark for populist politics in my teens. As I got older and more cynical, the empty promises lost their impact.

    As I started to do better financially, I never had the economic shift to the right that I was assured would come by those convinced they knew better. While I certainly find the small number taking advantage of our generous social welfare system offensive, I still feel the abuse is a price worth paying to avoid those in need falling through the cracks. I'm perfectly happy with the idea that because I've worked my way into a position of privilege that I'm in a position to contribute more than those who can't or won't. I don't think SF are any more socialist in reality than I am. They're Social Democrats, with a tendency to pander towards the low income side of things, so comparisons to legitimate Socialist states aren't really fair.

    Economically incompetent with populist, 'promise them anything to get their votes' tendencies certainly, but the "32 county Socialist Republic' rhetoric is practically non-existent these days really though.

    I do still understand the appeal of populism for the underprivileged and disenfranchised though. While even the cynical among them might be pretty sure the Shinners won't deliver what they want in reality, they know the establishment parties won't, and sure the Shinners might deliver on some of their promises even if they can't deliver on all of them.

    The rise of populist politics is a symptom of a greater issue rather than the cause.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I think SF are populist

    All opposition parties have to be to an extent but SF are that on steroids

    On canvass,everything is promised

    On that basis,you cannot say what they are

    At the rate they're going,they'll be centre,not left of centre soon

    On that journey, their remaining job is to convince the sceptics

    This particular poll is another one of those up 1 down 2,I'd expect if an election was held in the morning that the figure would be 28 or 29,which would like Marine le pen,leave them out again
