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Irish Property Market chat II - *read mod note post #1 before posting*



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭The Student

    I too have Polish friends who return to Poland for medical care. The care they return for is private care. The public health system in Poland is just as bad if not worse in some areas as the Irish healthcare system. Polish people who live/work in Ireland can afford private care in Poland hence the reason they return for it.

    Despite what people will tell you living in Poland is not easy.

    We have gone to far to the "left" whether people accept it or not. I am in my early 50's started full time employment in the mid 80's at a point when you did not get any social welfare unless you had your PRSI "stamps". So you had to work for a min of 6 to 9 months before you had enough "stamps" to get social welfare.

    I am also a landlord who when renting my property was approached by a single mother who was "entitled" to HAP of a given figure. My niece and her partner both working full time with no children could not afford the rent or to buy in the very area my property was in. Ironically I found out that the single mother was only paying €200 a month to live in the location two full time workers could not afford to live in!

    I still believe our welfare system is one of the main factors our property sector is the way it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭pluckyplucky

    The government's manage national housing on an international market.

    So, too, is the national social welfare system managed on an international scale.

    You can't have your cake and eat it. Hence where we are.

    This is a commonality between the many countries facing these housing crises. International investment firms have turned housing into a gold rush, the only game in town.

    In just that one example, the expropriation of the assets (peoples homes, mind) of these powerful parasitic entities is going to end up on the table sooner or later. No point crying or laughing about the ensuing chaos, it'll just be a different version of the current chaos, albeit with a chance of solution rather than inevitable failure.

    "Unsustainable" is not the word for the housing situation, "imminent train wreck" is more apt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,100 ✭✭✭Browney7

    The state is participating in nearly 1/3rd of private tenancies in the state via HAP, homeless HAP, Ras and enhanced leasing schemes. There is no doubt that state inaction on actually building housing or procuring it and instead interfering in the private rental market is causing huge distortions and likely driving up rental rates for everyone.

    If the state is happy to pay 15k a year for rent for a property for someone and if by going out to work they'd lose this benefit why the hell would they? Especially with the price of childcare also. HAP is a disaster for the state and renters who arent eligible for HAP and great for the funds especially - state guaranteed rent which they can send to Canada/offshore tax free. Ires even "Happed up" a block and then leased it in bulk to an AHB to save the ongoing hassle

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,068 ✭✭✭Murph85

    The parasites are the government! They facilitate this dont they? Did I vote in a company with profit maximization as their goal to represent me? No... I voted for politicians, that are meant to look put for broader society... the invest funds being identified as the bogey man here, is comedy! There is one culprit, appalling, reckless and lazy beyond belief " shure til be grand" governance...

  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭pluckyplucky

    Farcical. A Monty Python sketch.

    God forbid anyone would ever suggest collusion within these deals. Not I, anyway.

    Expropriation is going to happen, or something similarly gigantic. Anyone still genuinely thinking this is a matter of "building more" must be wearing horse blinkers that allow a square inch of vision, backward binoculars. How many home constructions would need to be built to reduce (not maintain) prices within a reasonable timeframe? 80k a year? Good luck with that.

    And then the Ukrainian refugees crisis atop it all? As I said above, imminence.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭pluckyplucky

    This is true. You don't blame the person who picks up free money on the street, you blame the person who took it out of your wallet and purposely left it there.

    Still, neither are going to be getting Christmas cards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,068 ✭✭✭Murph85

    The irish emigrate this time not due to a famine, but due to housing and we replace them with unfortunates from a foreign war zone. But getting the housing for nothing, that the irish in their own country, cant afford..

    You couldnt make it up...

  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭pluckyplucky

    This is the thing though, where are people going to go? It's the same crisis everywhere, just different shades.

    It's coming down to the bone now, with fewer and fewer options to escape. People, without choice, are simply going to have to stand their ground. Pressure is building up and up, and there's no relief valve of emigration this time.

    This housing crisis needs to be fixed yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,680 ✭✭✭CorkRed93

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,937 ✭✭✭hometruths

    How come this country can be so good at so many different things where there is international competition, yet be so dysfunctional in areas where we have total control.

    Brilliant point. It's never occurred to me but actually glaringly clear now you've pointed it out.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,501 ✭✭✭Timing belt

    To be honest I think immigration into the country to fill jobs will be higher than the Ukrainian refugees as a lot of companies are struggling to fill vacancies and won’t be able to keep the show on the road otherwise. The churn in employment as employers try to poach is also leading to pay rises which will lead to higher property prices…To put it simply the economy is to hot in certain sectors.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 8,482 CMod ✭✭✭✭Sierra Oscar

    Looks like it was well attended by a load of auld biddies well settled in life. Really highlights the generational divide in communities currently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,730 ✭✭✭PommieBast

    Affordability is a problem everywhere but one thing that is unique to Dublin is the opaque way property sales are done. At least when I found a place in London it was a next-day yes/no with the advertised price and not weeks of farting around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,604 ✭✭✭Amadan Dubh

    Unfortunately there was no reflectin from them during covid restrictions when the young they're seeking to keep out of their communities sacrificed everything solely for them. McWilliams points out a lot the difference in atittude as soon as someone gets their foot on the property ladder; all of a sudden there is a "I'm fine and in the clear so I don't care what happens to those left behind". There is certainly a selfish, me féin streak to Irish people that is often not obvious from the shallow, overly friendly welcome they give to you and I think that town hall meeting of old biddies objecting to new homes that would be used for younger people (heaven forbid any of them would downsize from their own houses) is a fine example of this toxic trait in Irish people. Perhaps a hangover from colonialism where we had nothing, some would say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭mcsean2163

    Well I know old people that would be happy to downsize but not move away from their neighbours.

    I'd say most reasonable people would be concerned about 881 social housing development. That's a very concentrated social housing scheme, surely a mix would be better, e.g. 60/40 social/ private. Where we are the plan is to link up two social housing schemes with a third to form a super ghetto.

    Are we supposed to think it's a good thing if huge developments (social or private) move in suddenly?

    The contempt for elderly people here is off putting. As someone else said places that were countryside are no longer so, Dublin has grown and I think it's unfair to attack the residents for choosing to live where they live.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,206 ✭✭✭combat14

    now the indo today are expressing concern at how much people have to borrow managing to remind us all that last time it was all a bubble:

    "Surging house prices have pushed up the amount people are having to borrow to secure a home to levels not seen since the Celtic Tiger bubble."

    later in the article..

    “The Central Bank lending limits are the pin preventing the grenade from exploding,”

    at least it makes a change from the pure property porn earlier in the week!!.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭The Student

    This is where people don't realise (certainly from a private landlords perspective). The State is not paying €15k for rent. They are only paying €7.5k (€15k less tax @ 50%).

    So if you look at this from an economic perspective for a moment. The State has "housed people", the State then dictates the conditions of rental making them legal. The State does not have risk of non payment of rent, the State does not have any maintenance issues etc.

    On top of this the State does not need to employ staff to maintain council owned houses, the State can then sit back and blame the "evil landlord" (remember the local plumber, taxi driver, PAYE worker) which I suspect the majority of people have a private landlord either in their family or within their social circle.

    The State (the Govt) is responsible for this but so are some sectors of society. We have people who are "entitled" to this that and the other. I regularly view Facebook and groups of those looking for council housing. The number of people in their mid to late 20's who highlight being on the Housing list for 10 - 12 yrs and are near the top of the list is shocking.

    I am all for helping people to get on but we have this idea that "I am entitled". With rights/entitlements comes responsibilities, yes if you have tried to actually buy a property and you reach your mid 30's and you have been unable then yes the State should assist at that point. But not when you reach 18 and start getting housing support.

    I remember reading multiple posts on Boards over the years saying people wanted the rental market to become professional and that the small landlords should be out of the market because they were amateur. Well guess what, you got your wish and look at how thats working out.

    Our housing situation is intertwined with our welfare system and we need to review our welfare system if we are ever going to improve our housing situation. While this will not fix the situation on its own, it certainly will go some way to improving it.

    Mods again I think the above needs to be factored into the thread regarding the housing situation because of the affect it plays on the wider housing market.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,068 ✭✭✭Murph85

    What do they propose? 20 bungalows. Look I live very close to dundrum. 16 floors there is 0TT. But its typical irish, dont put the high rise where makes sense, docklands, sandyford business park etc, put it beside existing peoples homes... it's totally backwards...

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,034 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    Well put.

    And for people who will say everyone living in the 881 apartments will be salt of the earth, a friend of mine who lives in a large relatively new estate in Dun Laoghaire commented that he can see kids from the new social block openly dealing drugs from his home office window.

    thats the kind of thing people are concerned about.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,603 ✭✭✭Villa05

    I would agree with most of your post especially the last sentence.

    However most sw spend is now used to prop up/inflate house prices and especially rents. These policies enrich the most wealthy and to add insult to injury, these entities pay no tax even though the assets they hold would not be viable without infrastructure provided and serviced by the tax payer

    I have not heard one left leaning party calling for this

    Beware of the wolf in sheeps clothing

  • Administrators Posts: 53,755 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭awec

    The location proposed for it is absolutely perfect. That is exactly where high buildings should be placed.

    It's right beside the Luas. It's in the city. Dundrum residents need to realise they're living in a city, not a little village.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭mcsean2163

    Institutional funds don't pay 50% tax and may not even pay tax in Ireland...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭The Student

    Thats why my original post specifically mentions private landlords who account for the majority of private rentals at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 199 ✭✭Granolite

    The posters picking on the age profile of a small section of the people in attendance at a public meeting is terribly simplistic, reactionary and nasty. If these same posters feel so strongly about the need for development like this to proceed why not attend themselves to speak up and advocate for such development? It would be a positive change from endlessly quoting tired "old biddy" tropes.

    5.6kWp - SW (220 degrees) - North Sligo

  • Registered Users Posts: 995 ✭✭✭iColdFusion

    To be fair I cant make any promises that I wont become contrary as f#ck once I finally get a foot on the property ladder, its an extremely painful process and I will be massively overpaying no matter what so god help anyone who wants to build something affecting me because ill have years of stress ready to vent in their direction 😄

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭JimmyVik

    I would agree with that. They should plan properly and designate areas to build high rise together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 995 ✭✭✭iColdFusion

    There is a massive amount of whitewashing going on with the new social housing figures that people outside the construction industry don't see, full estates are being bought up off the plans by councils and social housing bodies, these are private developers building houses on private land for profit that would otherwise be for sale to the general public but get branded as "Tuath/Respond/Cluid/X Council's new social housing development" when really all those bodies have done is write a large tax payer cheque, pose for some photos and wait for them to be built so they can claim the credit for solving the housing crisis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,100 ✭✭✭Browney7

    From the 2019 budget approx a quarter of the HAP budget went to "corporate landlords" so not an insignificant number. I expect a corporate landlord could encompass REIT,ICAVs,self directed pension wrappers etc. Yes the REIT shareholders will pay tax on dividends but the top 10 shareholders in Ires own 62% and are all tax exempt vehicles.

    Also, if people have a property or two to top up their pension income on top of a the state pension then the tax take would be in the 20%s until their income was above 36k or so.

    I'd welcome a study as to what level of income tax the state generates from rent and what HAP really costs but if I was to make a high level approximation I'd apply a low 30s% haircut to the HAP spend which will still accumulate to a nice ticking bomb in Leinster House to go with the pension time bomb for some other schmuck to sort out in 20 years time.

    Add into that the "enhanced leasing scheme" where the state is responsible for repairs and the lessor gets rental increases based on consumer CPI then there is some serious investment uplift being pocketed by effectively tying a (admittedly dumb and potentially lazy) AA- borrower into a ridiculously bad deal. Dermot Desmond summed it up nicely pre pandemic with "having a laugh".

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,604 ✭✭✭Amadan Dubh

    These people weren't out at town meetings the last few years as their house prices rocketed up once again, nor were they campaigning that rents were increasing far beyond what is reasonable. Why? Because they were and are benefitting from the housing crisis; the young workers who pay the high rents create a yield-potential for properties which then increases the property's value or else the young take on massive mortgages to push cash up to the old people. They are the elites in society and are obsessed with self-preservation; notwithstanding that Dublin cannot sustain its immigration or jobs levels unless these old people get out of the way. The rich and poor divide in Ireland is correlated with homeowners and renters which itself is correlated with old and young. This is the general position.

    If I was to say "I don't welcome new jobs announcements in Ireland anymore because I know it will mean more pressure on housing. In fact, I welcome job cuts because it will help the housing crisis by reducing demand", this looks quite negative but it is the exact same attitude as NIMBYs are taking; they are anti-progress and self-serving.

    We may have reached a tipping point in house prices. There are signs globally that the Covid-induced surge in prices is abating and that other forces - the high cost of living and interest rates - may soon act as a restraint on buyers, potentially pushing the market into reverse. As Davy Stockbrokers noted its latest economic report, there was a fall in the median premium over the asking price in the first quarter of 2022, the first for some time. A cooling of some sort was perhaps inevitable but a price reversal, should it occur, is unlikely to unwind the appreciation in values we’ve seen in the past two years. Davy expects property price inflation this year to average 7 per cent.

    Soft-landing talk and on the day that NASDAQ completes its worst month since November 2008. It has been foretold that this is how it begins; gradually, then suddenly.

    Post edited by Amadan Dubh on
