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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,382 ✭✭✭✭Geuze

    In terms of green policies, I agree with this excerpt from an interview:

    JP: American political debates are generally more interested in redistribution than long-term investment for future innovation. What are the incentives creating that problem and can they be fixed?

    "A big part of the incentive problem is that future people don’t have the vote. Future residents don’t have the vote, so we prevent building which placates the fears of current homeowners but prevents future residents from moving in. Future patients don’t have the vote, so we regulate drug prices at the expense of future new drug innovations and so forth. This has always been true, of course, but culture can be a solution to otherwise tough-to-solve incentive problems. America’s forward looking, pro-innovation, pro-science culture meant that in the past we were more likely to protect the future.

    We could solve many more of our problem if both sides stowed some of their cultural agendas to focus on areas of agreement. I think, for example, that we could solve the climate change problem with a combination of a revenue neutral carbon tax and American ingenuity. Nuclear, geo-thermal, hydrogen–these aren’t just clean fuels they are better fuels! Unfortunately, instead of focusing on innovation we get a lot of nonsense about paper straws and low-flow showers. I hate paper straws and low-flow showers! There is a wing of the environmental movement that wants to punish consumerism, individualism, and America more than they want to solve environmental problems so they see an innovation agenda as a kind of cheating. Retribution is the goal of their practice.

    In contrast, what I want is for all of us to use more water, more energy and yes more plastic straws and also have a better environment. That’s the American way."

    I agree with the tone of this. I want more mobility, not less. I want to be able to fly abroad. I want to be energy-efficient, yes, but I want continued economic growth.

    I get the feeling some GP people might prefer 0% GDP growth.

    In contrast, I want my children and grandchildren to reap the benefits of income/output growth.

    I welcome more carbon taxes, combined with cuts in other taxes, for example the 48.5% marginal income tax rate on median earnings.

    I agree with banning coal, but not gas, we simply and practically need it.

    I agree with cycle lanes, but where is the doubling of railway tracks? Still single track lines to all cities (except Cork and Belfast)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I wonder could this policy decision be considered as "destroying the country" too?

    First time in 75 years, fares have been reduced

    RTE news : Public transport fares to reduce from tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,191 ✭✭✭RandomViewer

    Doesn't apply to private operators, very urban centric and probably a backdoor way of funding Bus Eireann

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,276 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    If the greens wanted an easy win they should be concentrating on transport. A train return from newbridge to heuston is about 16 euro return but from sallins 5 miles away its 6 euro and they wonder why people are driving to sallins every morning. Brain dead

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    LNG terminal in Shannon €1billion

    LNG the most expensive gas you can buy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 894 ✭✭✭Bayonet

    What does being poor have to do with it? Obama bought seafront property after telling us that region would be under water. Being rich won't help him, according to you.

    People move, they don't stay around as water rises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Maybe we should try do something about this

    RTE news : 50-50 chance of temperatures hitting 1.5C threshold

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Great to see the wind sector playing such a vital role in reducing the costs of electricity.

    With fossil fuel prices going la-la we need to ramp up the roll out of renewables

    RTE news : Strongest ever April for wind energy in Ireland

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    Fcuking shame then that wholesale prices for renewables having zero impact on the price that anyone in the EU pays for electricity, as a result of the EU Marginal price policy beloved of the greens - where the price of electricity paid by the consumer is determined by the dearest component of any energy generation mix. At present this is mainly natural gas

    And no the answer isn't more wind or what have you. Because atm when the wind don't blow we have to rely on gas (and other non renewables) to keep the lights on and the wheels turning.

    It's nearly like the greens would like everyone to think renewables somehow magically make electricity prices cheaper when the main thing they do is make obscene profits for private investors in the renewable sector.

    Post edited by Mecanudo on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,065 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Hyperbole. It's not as if people have their feet stuck to the ground. As stated above, humans are adaptable and better at mitigating than preventing. People will move and adapt. If that means sea levels rise in the Irish Sea and the middle class Dublin Greens have to up sticks a bit or that it devalues their property, well so be it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,065 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Heard this well covered earlier. If I was running any of the commercial bus services like Kavanaghs or Wexford Bus, McGinleys etc., I'd be pretty pissed off and perhaps wont to take the state on in the courts. This is using taxpayers money to make PS operators more competitive, which tax has to come in part from the efforts of the commercial bus services. Robbing Peter and giving to his brother Paul.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    Talking of fracked gas and rising energy prices across Europe. This is an interesting article from the Guardian

    in 2014 on the possible influence that the Russians were having regarding the issue of fracked gas and wider energy supplies in Europe .

    A Nato official told the Guardian that Russia's influence on energy supplies was causing problems for Europe. The official said: "We don't go into the details of discussions among allied leaders, but Russia has been using a mix of hard and soft power in its attempt to recreate a sphere of influence, including through a campaign of disinformation on many issues, including energy. In general, the potential for Russia using energy supplies as a means of putting pressure on European nations is a matter of concern. No country should use supply and pricing terms as tools of coercion.

    And remember don't shoot the messenger. Its an article and says what it says

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    It could also be argued that those who are economically less well off, don't own their own property, rent etc - are potentially more able to move without significant impacts on their own financial resources. It certainly may not be a desirable outcome, but the fact that people on low incomes and or who rent does not mean they're stuck to one single location. This is especially true case of the US where its not unusual for people to rent and to move on a semi regular basis for a variety of reasons.

    In large parts of Europe, welfare means that public housing is provided by the state which takes the hit if or when things go wrong and not the tenant.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    humans are crap at preventing but great at adapting. That’s how this whole thing will ultimately play out

  • Registered Users Posts: 894 ✭✭✭Bayonet

    I'm not sure you got my earlier point. Climate change is slow moving. Tides don't rise over night. It's similar to continental shifts. Presumably no one will fall through cracks formed because it's so slow. As I said though, humans are great at adapting and we'll build sea walls, we'll mitigate through technology. I mean they're already experimenting with seeding the atmosphere to reduce Co2. So I'm not too concerned about a degree increase in the next century.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,343 ✭✭✭✭Atlantic Dawn

    Apparently the reduction in pollution is now causing more hurricanes in the Atlantic, I give up, next week they will be telling us to buy bigger engined cars to stop global cooling...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,569 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    It's the usual tabloid non-science. There are 2 important clues

    1. It is written by Seth Borenstein, Associated Press
    2. Fiction created with computer models, per the article:

    NOAA hurricane scientist Hiroyuki Murakami ran numerous climate computer simulations to explain changes in storm activity in different parts of the globe that cannot be explained by natural climate cycles and found a link to aerosol pollution from industry and cars — sulphur particles and droplets in the air that make it hard to breathe and see.

    The programs they have written have no demonstrated record of skill in prediction, they are not evidence of climate change and can be safely dismissed.

    Similar to John Gibbons, Seth Borenstein is another propagandist masquerading as a journalist, he also showed up in the Climategate email leaks. His usual topic of reporting is "extreme weather". Another fact to consider about Associated Press, they receive funding to distribute propaganda handed to them in press releases. Comrade Di Ho Bi is not the only billionaire controlling news, quite a bit of climate reporting is funded by billionaires who want to control the energy supply.

    Prengaman’s position is one of two funded by the Rockefeller Foundation as part of the launch of AP’s climate initiative, a partnership with philanthropic foundations to enhance global understanding of climate change and its impact. The initiative includes positions in Africa and likely expansion of climate coverage in the Amazon, Asia and Europe.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I blame the lizard people..... and Bill Gates, mustn't forget him, he's responsible for everything..... apparently

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,191 ✭✭✭RandomViewer

    Nothing that dramatic, just Greedy people manipulating gullible green idiots, same idiots whose grandparents gave half their wages to the Catholic Church while their 10 kids survived on bread and tea. Stupid people have a need to be led and as society seems to be getting dumber the idiots are now easier led than ever. Falling for every gimmick and false prophet, PT Barnum would be the head of the IPCC if he was around now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    It isn't the Gates' he's after, it's the Rockerfellars

    Maybe Pa was reading his briefings from Exxon

    It hurts the most when your family turn against you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    If only everyone was as smart as you to be able to see the truth through that cloud of overwhelming scientific evidence

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,191 ✭✭✭RandomViewer

    We are supposed to have been underwater for the last 9 years by your predictions, funny how Al Gore's bank balance continued to grow eventhough not one of his predictions have come to pass, this is millennium bug 2.0, buy new stuff quick, quick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    We are supposed to have been underwater for the last 9 years by your predictions

    Citation needed

    BTW, Al Gore isn't a scientist and doesn't make 'scientific predictions' worth caring about. If Al gore is your idea of the latest scientific evidence I think we've found the reason why you're so uninformed

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The EU are throwing another 195 billion into the pot to accelerate the move away from Russian energy. This is all on top of already committed goals

    Plans include

    • a faster rollout of renewables from 40% to 45% of energy production
    • Reduction in energy consumption through efficiency gains from 9% to 13%
    • Switch to alternate suppliers
    • Restart the EU solar industry
    • Ramp up of green hydrogen production

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    Meanwhile and in the period of transition we need a safe, secure and reliable source of natural gas including both our tapped and untapped reserves of natural gas and LNG terminals to facilitate the importation of gas from diverse sources.

    And no the current UK pipeline doesn't count - see energy regulator a few weeks back if you can't remember why

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,276 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    Meanwhile blackrock investments a company with a value of over 4trillion are calling bullshit on a lot of this climate change stuff....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    Tell that to the Indians and Pakistanis die of a the heat currently. Thebes had 4 months of rain and now 50degree temperatures.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    1. LFG, liquidised fossil gas, is the most expensive fossil fuels available.
    2. Theres a shortage of LFG. It comes from Qatar which have a terrible human right record or America who can’t supply enough for themselves cause of poor infrastructure.
    3. It will now cost about a €billion to build a terminal in Ireland.
    4. building a terminal will invole pipelines. Remember the pipeline controversy about the corrib.
