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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Absolutely the Arabs and Persians and North Africans had advanced civilizations long before Europeans and if you assumed (wrongly again) that I was referring to their origins you are racist. Then something came over them and destroyed all that and we all know what it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,695 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    I don’t know, what was it, kebab sauce? Messy stuff at the best of times 😒

    Say one thing though, you’re awfully hypersensitive for a fella who isn’t just playing the victim. Every time anyone says anything you’re up on your high horse trying to turn it round and make yourself out to be the victim.

    You claimed Christianity was part of the culture that developed the devices we’re using now, and the other culture gave us nothing, kebabs maybe. I was pointing out that they didn’t just contribute kebabs to the world, they made just as much a contribution to the development of the devices we’re using now as Christianity did, and atheism… wouldn’t want to leave out atheism, or Buddhism, or a whole pile of other religious and cultural influences… cheers Steve 👌

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Sure, you are visiting from another planet, because on this one all cultures are conjoined with religions.

    Well, it's my fault, I should stop engaging.

  • Posts: 1,010 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    The process of dismissal is what got the reward. His behaviour was still very poor

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,695 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    No different than the behaviour of anyone else then which would get them fired.


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So we are just going to ignore how American foreign policy downplays any criticism of Israeli aggression in palestine using antisemitism claims. Or how the isreali state uses antisemitism to negate criticism of its actions.

    Like how you ignored my counter post to yours?

    Nobody cares about Palestine and Israel. Not really. Oh, people will make all the right noises, but this shite has been going on for decades, without any real improvement. The pro-Palestine "side" dismiss the bad stuff Palestinians do, or justify it because Israel is worse... and vice versa with Pro-Israel crowd doing the same thing. It's a subject for people to argue and show their outrage.. but they don't care. Very few of them will ever take their heads out of their asses long enough to visit Israel/Palestine and show any real commitment to their supposed beliefs. The simple truth is that, in the west, people love to posture, and there's loads of things we ignore. Just like people ignore the ongoing colonialism or military operations of France in Africa.. It's not important.

    Whereas what affects the future development of Ireland is a topic that people are waking up to consider worth discussing. Like how we can avoid all the mistakes that other European nations have made.

    Because its only islam something something....

    It's Islam for many things, but don't worry, we're all well used to the deflections when such topics come up.

    Should we setup a new thread to dicuss the specifics of how we all hate Muslims?

    I would love to see you provide some direct quotes from posters saying how they hate all Muslims. I suspect you won't find many. You do seem to have a problem with exaggerating quite a bit.

    Or should we talk about your bigger multicultural issues facing the state.

    Honestly, I'd love to see you enter the discussion, engage with posters and argue the topic, as opposed to the vague accusations, exaggerated claims, and one liners. Would be interesting to see if you're capable of assuming a position and defending it, rather than the usual deflections we see from you.

    Eastern europeans make up the largest non national population in our prisons. Shouldn't we deal with the largest issue before worrying about Islam who make up less than 2% of all people in Ireland.

    Who complained (before your post) about the Muslim prison population in Ireland? I suspect nobody did.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    No body caring in this thread is not the same as something not happening.

    A poster claimed there is no word like islamaphobia and I think antisemitism has a very similar meaning.

    Someone claimed no other religion uses the religion to shut down discussion. I presented the case of isreal.

    Who is deflecting?

    Now you ask me to find racist posts

    Do the mods not delete the obviously racist posts.

    Would you have me search for deleted posts klaz?


    The largest block of non nationals in prisons in this country are europeans. Particularly eastern europeans particularly polish people.

    If multiculturalism is a failure then considering the largest groupings in our prisons is an easy way of assessing negative impact on that state of ireland.

    And its eastern europeans who are the largest non national problem there.

    Post edited by RYEL on

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    This is an example of a racist post.

    Declaring the entire Muslim peoples and their history as having achieved nothing but kebabs is not constructive dialogue and would to me be an example of anti Muslim rhetoric in this thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,177 ✭✭✭Fandymo

    Where are you sourcing your figures from? I could only find European

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    My information is from media reports on prison populations during Covid.

    Polish people are the largest non national grouping in irish prisons followed by Romanians and Lithuanians.

    Europeans in general are over represented in our prison population compared to people from the Middle East.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,177 ✭✭✭Fandymo

    Have you got a link? Like I say I could only find general info like Europe, South America etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    I would love to make a list and compare the evolution and achievements and the current state of the western cultures and societies with those there but I got warned for doing so, so for the moment I will let this go, until next time.

    And just to make it clear, it's cultural racism, not plain racism. It's not about the race, skin colour or place of birth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    If you search Google for Polish people in Irish prisons you will get articles about the Polish poulation in Irish prisons fandymo.

    The article I read was the irish examiner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

    I don't get the relevance. Isn't the fact that so many of them are in prison, if true, an argument against multiculturalism and not for it? We shouldn't be importing any groups with high levels of criminality, regardless of their race. You're stuck in the racialist mindset, when it's never been about race for most of us.

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

    There was a post saying far worse about Catholicism just a few posts earlier, was that racist too?

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    What is a racialist?

    I am pointing out that if multiculturalism is the problem then the first thing we need to do is deal with the largest source of the problem.

    The biggest source of our problem is obviously European immigration as demonstrated by our prison population. So should we as posters not address the main source of our problems.

    Rather than worrying about people from the mid East who make up less than 2% of our population and 0.7% of our prison population and don't by and large have open access to our country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

    The ghettoization problems and the crime that comes with that in many European countries often involve African and Middle Eastern communities, so it's not irrational that said groups might get more focus. We used to call that pattern recognition, now we call it "racism". Regardless of that, any groups with high levels of criminality probably aren't groups we should be taking in large numbers of for obvious reasons.

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,177 ✭✭✭Fandymo

    Wouldn't it make more sense to look at the numbers per capita??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    Go right ahead fandymo.

    I looked at this previously and found that europeans are over represented in irish prisons compared to people from the mid East when done as percentage of population in Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    No because it will paint a whole different picture.

    The polish minority is 2.57%

    There are 100 poles in prison, out of 3980 inmates, that is 2.51%. They are underrepresented. If we also consider the age groups, they are much more underrepresented than it appears.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No body caring in this thread is not the same as something not happening.

    Then you should be more careful in how you write your statements. Nobody has claimed it's not happening.. Such a strange position to take. You made the claim, and now you're shifting to a different claim.

    Who is deflecting?

    You, because neither of those posters justify your points which I responded to. You leaped. Your soared. You introduced new statements or elements as if everything can be mashed together, and the older stuff is instantly forgotten.

    Now you ask me to find racist posts

    I want you to stop making claims that you cannot support with evidence (I shouldn't even need to ask for evidence). And no, my asking you for evidence is not deflection...

    The largest block of non nationals in prisons in this country are europeans. Particularly eastern europeans particularly polish people.

    So? And? What's the relevance? You haven't taken and made any kind of position in this thread. One liners with simple statements don't count. Where does the prison population come into direct relevance with the discussions/posters you've referred to?

    Because they don't

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    Europeans are over represented against mid Eastern people in Irish prisons. That is a fact.

    Europeans make up the largest block of foreign born people in Irish prisons that is a fact.

    Are europeans free from being judged for the problems of multiculturalism in Ireland?

  • Registered Users Posts: 894 ✭✭✭Bayonet

    This has probably been mentioned here by now, but there's a difference between mutli-ethnic and multi-culture.

    Multi-ethnic just means a nation with other ethnic groups. This describes many nations. Multi-culture is as the name suggests, different minority cultures within a country.

    Multi-ethnic means you will inevitably have some multi-culture, but in a multi-ethnic society the dominant culture should be centred around the country. The flag, the anthem, national holidays, patron saints, the general societal idiosyncrasies that have formed over centuries.

    What western Europe has tended to do, is import ethnics (some of which come from cultures that are essentially the antithesis to liberal democracy) and have promoted the idea of keeping your original culture. No aggressive USA style 'prove your patriotism' stuff.

    So you end up with people coming to your country with no particular love for it, it's just a handy place with decent benefits and they continue living as they did in whatever developing country they came from.

    In short: Multi-ethnic 👍️ multi-culture 👎️

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,919 ✭✭✭Cordell

    These are immigration issues, not multicultural issues. Where we have multicultural issues is with people arrested for islamic terrorism activities, but let's ignore that, it's nor relevant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭Amenhotep

    Amazed I missed this, this guy , he is quite extreme ..

    I wonder did RTE do any hit pieces ... haha nah of course not, this is progressive and diverse and a good thing in their view.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Except, that you are the only one pushing the idea that the prison population is the major issue behind multiculturalism (in Ireland). Nobody else made that claim until you did.

    The vast majority of issues that posters have regarding multiculturalism relate to preventing the problems that have occurred in other European nations, and the point has been made, repeatedly, that while Ireland's foreign population is still relatively low compared to that of other European nations, that population will grow over time. The concerns are also more related to integration, assimilation, and the cultural impact over time.

    As such, most of the discussions are preventative in nature. The hope of avoiding the problems that have happened elsewhere..

    TBH this is one of the problems with many Irish people. The unwillingness or inability to consider the future, plan for it, and respond to potential problems before they happen. Instead, problems arise, our political (or State) leadership dithers over responding to it, invariably deferring committing to an effective response until the problem becomes too big to actually handle. Which is pretty much the stance that you've presented too.

    Eastern Europeans integrate/assimilate very well within European nations. The presence of them within the prison population isn't any particular concern in terms of multiculturalism, because the numbers are still low and their impact to the development of Ireland is miniscule. Which is probably why you're seeking to make into some kind of issue.

    Rather than seek to counter/respond to the concerns that posters have over Islam, or multiculturalism in general, you've chosen to push the conversation away from Islam, to instead focus on Eastern Europeans in prisons. I do find that interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    overrepresented in comparison to their percentage of the population or are you making a mendacious argument?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,825 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

    Didnt realise it was this thread deleted
