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Covid vaccines - thread banned users in First Post



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    According to you: boosters are unnecessary. Okay. Governments and health professionals all over world are recommending them, what do you know that they don't know?

    Likewise, what is the conspiracy here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    What serious side effect do you believe pfzier was lying about.

    Simple question. You dodged it as I predicted.

    And again mate, you misrepresent things constantly. I don't believe what you claim about the BMJ.

    Also, it's really funny that you're bringing it around to the VAERS and Eurdaviligance databases again...

    So, according to you these databases all show the side effects of the vaccine then? They show that the vaccines have caused people to die?

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,193 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    I'm not able to answer that question as I simply don't know due to a lack of data, They said NO saftey concerns, mentioned some people got a headache. My point was the data was wrong and some of it known to be falsified why should we then disregard governemt reporting systems which track both mild and serious side effets. There's currently 301 fatal outcomes in the Euro database for Pfizer alone with another 5,000 odd cases unresolved, with the bulk of the cases in women under 65.

    Are you making the claim none of them could be vaccine related, as it appears you are. Anyone that says one could be related it a conspiracy therorist, correct?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    you don't understand anything about Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance - and with each post about it reinforces this fact. This lack of understanding of the area of science just means that you are interpreting data and reports incorrectly.

    As I mentioned before my wife is highly qualified in this area and has 20 years experience in the area and would say that you are talking absolute nonsense. I personally couldn't give a flying f what you think in your own capacity but will reserve the right to call out nonsense in a public arena just incase there is someone who is just as gullible as yourself taking your opinion as fact

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    But the data isn't wrong and you are claiming that the data was falsified based of another misrepresentation of yours.

    Nor am I claiming that none of the side effects in the databases are caused by the vaccines. That again is a misrepresentation. It's constant with you.

    I just want to get this straight: You're claiming that the 301 cases of death and 5000 unresolved cases and all of the reported side effects were all caused by the vaccine.

    Is this correct?

    If this is not correct, please outline in clear terms what you believe the EudraVigilance data shows.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    King Mob - no point in asking him questions - he has already admitted he hasn't a clue what he is looking at. He may as well be looking in to a field of thistles instead of clinical data.

    All he 'knows' is that there must be something bad as he needs to rubber stamp his bias and he will not back down

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    If everyone who drank a can of coke in the last month had to report any side effects within 30 days we would get millions of reports of injuries and deaths, you understand this right?

    The open reporting databases exist so that experts can see any trends and patterns that emerge. These are experts who can interpret the data properly.

    The problem with these open databases is that anti-vaxxers (often deliberately) mis-interpret the information.

    In the US the data is VAERS, UK its Yellow Card and Europe it's ADRreports.

    There are hundreds of explainers of this online. It's shocking to see this being repeated two years into the pandemic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Yea. But I was hoping that he would hang himself if I gave him enough rope.

    He's misrepresenting the EudraViligance as well. He keeps doing it and it's very easy to see.

    Watch now as he weasels and tries to claim that he never said anything about side effects coming from that database.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,193 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    Ok so you agree with me great, I wasn't making the claim they are all caued by the Pfizer vaccine. The data shows side effects reported after the vaccine, they may or may not have been caused by it. We just don't know, the data isn't great and doesn't really show us anything concrete to make a definitive call either way.

    The 95% or even 100% claims of no infection in south africa from Pfizer were premature as they turned out to be incorrect, would you agree? I'm not asking why that was the case as we differ in opinion there.

    Now back to your evidence for boosing people with previous infection or vaccine against a mild disease, where is your evidence it's a good thing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol. Weaseling away from your misterpretations as always.

    The data only cannot be used to make any conclusions about the safety of the vaccines.

    You tried to anyway. You misrepresented the data. Or more likely you were just repeating propaganda you've been fed.

    And no mate, I keep telling you, I don't agree with the claims you're making that are most likely misrepresentations.

    And as I told you, I'm not bothered to dig up evidence for you. You will just abandon the point the second you are in a corner.

    You just did it with your claim about the side effects in the database. You just did it with you claim that the Pfzier said there were no side effects. You just did it with you claim that pfzier faked all their data. You did it with you claims about what the FDA lady said.

    I have lost track of all the points you've abandoned and run away from.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Every "I'm just concerned about vaccines" type in this thread:

    "But X pharma company said Y vaccine was COMPLETELY safe" - No, no they didn't.

    "But they told us vaccines were 100% safe" - No. Vaccines are safe, but not 100% safe. Those aren't mutually exclusive statements.

    "But all the deaths and injuries on the databases" - Hundreds of millions of people were just vaccinated, multiple times. Considering over 100,000 people die of various causes every month in Europe, and the database collects raw information on injuries and deaths up to 30 days from taking the vaccine - you do the math. These figures are for experts to data-mine, not for lay-people.

    "But Big PhaRmA made large profits" - Yes. And mask making companies also made big profits. Like anyone I'm not a fan of large corporations, but they sometimes come in handy when we need a lot of a certain thing, fast. Like in a pandemic.

    "People shouldn't take the vaccines/boosters" - Thanks, I'll take my medical advice from professionals, not internet people on conspiracy theory forums

    "Covid is not that serious, so much hype" - Millions have died as a result of it and at stages it brought national health systems close to collapse. Nonchalant about that, but hysterical over a tiny number of vaccine issues.

    Have I missed anything?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    "I'm not an anti-vaxxer or a conspiracy theorist." -Yet keeps repeating the same anti-vaxxer propaganda and conspiracy theories.

    "Stop comparing me to those crazy conspiracy theorists." - Yet won't comment on or challenge any of those conspiracy theorists and often say that they are right or "have a point".

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,193 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    That's what I said, the data can not be used to make a claim, that works both ways. I didn't misrepresent the CDC not FDA lady there you are misrepresentating again, taking words and twisting them to make something appear false when it's not. She said, vaccinated people don't carry the virus, trasmit the virus or get sick, that was a crock of ****, maybe slow it down this time so you don't mistake the claim she made on the back of the trail data.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    But I'm using the data to claim anything.

    And no, you're once again misrepresenting and weaseling.

    You first claimed that she said that vaccinated people "don't get the virus and don't transmit the virus".

    That's not what she said.

    You are now claiming that she said "vaccinated people don't carry the virus, trasmit the virus or get sick".

    That's not what she said either. Your video has her quote and you still can't get it right.

    Are you doing all of this on purpose or are you really just not understanding how you're misrepresenting things?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    Did you actually listen to that clip - in the study that was quoted some vaccinated people did indeed get the virus .... and there have been variants etc since then. So once again you are making crap up and even when you present your 'evidence' you haven't even listened or read it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Also I'm confused whether or not that study is real or fake or what.

    He's claiming that she's lying. But her comments are apparently based on that study. So the study must be lying and part of this grand conspiracy.

    Which is weird and funny cause earlier in the thread he was going off at me for disrespecting her and dismissing her authority and credentials. He was terribly offended. Yet for some reason, it's perfectly fine for him to accuse her of crimes and/or being dumber and worse at her job than him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,193 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    You may transcribe it word for word. As we're hearing two different things.

    The nub of it is the trail data from Pfizer showed vaccines don't transmit the virus, that was bullshoite of the highest order.

    The science then changed to very rare breakthrough cases (vaccine failure) to where we are now, complete failure against transmission and disease.

    We're in a position now where the disease is mild and infection via Omicron shows 100% protection against death.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    You are consistently producing debunked and refuted anti-vax talking points, one by one, so any semblance of objectivity you are trying to project here is crumbling rapidly.

    Note the context.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol. No mate, you made the claim. You tried to transcribe it already and then you added in things she didn't say.

    You claim she said: "vaccinated people don't carry the virus, trasmit the virus or get sick."

    Why did you add "transmit the virus" when that's not what she said?

    We're not hearing different things. You're misrepresenting things because you're desperate for a point.

    Also, no man, that's not what the Pfizer trail data showed or claimed. You lied about that too.

    And no,  "Omicron shows 100% protection against death" is a lie too.

    Constant, unabashed dishonesty at every single point with you.

    It's ridiculous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    Total rubbish ... everything you've said is nonsense and is proven to be nonsense

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,193 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    Cant believe any of what you said, completely falsified. She did say it only you won't admit it.

    Transcribe it, you won't though as your too lazy, just like you are with producing the data I originally asked for to support your claims.

    New England Journal of Medicine is now fake news if you don't believe an Omicron infection prevents death just as good as the vaccine.

    It's all a conspiracy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    I am shocked, SHOCKED, that posters who have been repeatedly threadbanned on multiple Covid threads on this site, display all the anti-vax and quackery red flags and reproduce every anti-vax trope one by one have turned out to be anti-vaxxers. Shocked.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Again, I don't believe you are accurately representing the New England Journal of Medicine as you've constantly misrepresented pretty much everything at this stage. I'm not calling them fake news. I'm saying that you sir, are a liar. You are already trying to change what you said.

    You said previously: "Omicron shows 100% protection against death". Now you're backtracking on that and claiming that it's only as good as the vaccine.

    Which is it?

    And I've also explained to you how you're misrepresenting the CDC lady.

    You claimed she said: "vaccinated people don't carry the virus, trasmit the virus or get sick."

    She said: "vaccinated people don't carry the virus and don't get sick."

    Why did you add "transmit the virus" when that's not what she said?

    Answer this question directly please. (But we know you won't.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,193 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    CDC, BMJ, Lancet, MSM, Newstalk, Irish Times, New England journal of medicine have all been dismissed as misleading so far.

    King Mob was asked to back up his feelings but couldn't be bothered. He could have easily put things to bed.

    I'll stick by my claim that profit is now the main motivation behind booster campaigns faced with Omicron.

    I'm not barred from the Vaccine or booster thread and I'm barred by choice from the mask one as I'd completely lose it with the headbangers in there if I went back in. My last infraction was for informing someone about a science based non prescription method for helping kill an upper respiratory virus which worked for previous SARS infections.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Again, misrepresentation. No one has dismissed those sources as misleading.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    You are re-producing very specific anti-vax propaganda we've seen here before. That's not a coincidence and it's not an accident.

    Not only that, but you are fighting tooth and nail over every inch of it. You aren't fooling anyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,193 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    You mean the ones that have only been published in the last couple of weeks i've refrenced but haven't posted. Yes you've seen them before, more codswollop. I'm here to see King Mobs data he can't be bothered to produce nothing more. It's not going to appear as he's a liar it does not exist. he's done everything possible to avoid producing the goods. He's fooling nobody. Maybe you have the data, can you provide it on his behalf..

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    You have an interpretation of X which is incorrect. Okay. However when it's explained to you, the context given to you, and fact checks are linked to you - you ignore and cling to that faulty interpretation. Right. You systematically repeat this process, so your agenda is crystal clear.

    What's the conspiracy? You can't explain it

    What do you know that medical science doesn't? You can't answer

    One by one you simply rehash well known anti-vax points, VAERS/Adrreports, selective out of context quotes from experts, etc. Stuff a 5 second fact check can explain.

    Now excuse me whilst I go to a conspiracy forum because I want to know more about vaccines.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol Dude. I've explained this to you many many times. I never claimed to have any data. I just told you that I'm not arsed to go digging up anything for you because you are 1) massively dishonest on every level and 2) cowardly to the point that you'd avoid the topic once it starts getting to difficult for you.

    I've been exceedingly clear on this and have repeated myself many times now. You of course are just misrepresenting things because that appears to be your only method of discussion.

    Tell you what do, if you answer my last question directly, clearly and honestly I'll provide anything you ask for:

    You claimed she said: "vaccinated people don't carry the virus, trasmit the virus or get sick."

    She said: "vaccinated people don't carry the virus and don't get sick."

    Why did you add "transmit the virus" when that's not what she said?
