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Covid vaccines - thread banned users in First Post



  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    I've no influence over anyone's decision, and I'm powerless over other people's choice's and only responsible for my own choices and believe you me I've learned the hard way.

    I'm not qualified to deter or encourage medical decisions.

    People roll their own dice because they have the choice.

    Talking about compassion, compassion is letting people use their own will, by pushing one's will on others is irresponsible and undermining their integrity.

    Cool the jet's there, you're getting rather assumptions. I've no influence or ownership of people's choice's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    absolutely - and no one was forced to get a vaccine in Ireland. However that didn't stop some lunatics going around accusing hard working medical professionals of murder and genocide. Nor did it stop people telling lies to those who are vaccinated claiming incorrectly that they are endangering their health.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's the same video in both posts, no? What's the difference between the two? Please provide a transcript, seeing as that's your go-to in terms of proof.

    Also, it's a bit rich to be demanding explanations from others when you've proven your dishonesty. You made an outlandish claim, then you were asked to back it up. You provided a link which doesn't back up what you claimed, in reply to that request, then threw a hissy fit when this was pointed out to you.

    "where does it say that?"

    "it says it here at this link...."

    "that link doesn't say that, though?"


    Clear. As. Mud.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    I steer clear of all those people on both sides, you had one side guilt shaming the unvaccinated and the other side guilt shaming the vaccinated. Resentments were at boiling point when people should have been stress free and looking after their own well being and looking out for each other, instead they went on a crusade of madness.

    Both sides absolutely militant with their idealistic world views. Absolute nutters on both sides of that trap.

    The only people who know my medical history and decisions is my local medical center and it's staying that way. If people want to tell the world about their business, more power to them. But then again humans are complex, anything is liable to trigger some people.

    A lot of people who used to shout from the rooftops that they're totally against flu vaccines and SSRIs. They were frequently dissing people from taking antidepressants and suggesting meditation and new age spiritual boloxilogy over antidepressants, interfering with people's lives.

    Look at AA and NA they'll tell you you're not sober if you're getting outside help such as a 6 month course of antidepressants. Someone off their heads with anxiety and suicidal ideation being told what to do by some lush who suggests pray away the pain.... and if you pour out your soul to us we'll help you get better.

    People have choice whether to take the medicine or therapy, and nobody has the right to play doctor if they're unqualified.

    I presume everyone who post's here would never guilt shame people who did or didn't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol more of this "two sides" bullshit.

    There wasn't two sides.

    There's sane, rational people and there's conspiracy theorists.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,676 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Pregnancy was alerted as a severe complication if a person had COVID, there were high numbers of deaths and miscarriages. We then had anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists (there was one active on this thread and in the pregnancy forum) trying to spread FUD around vaccines and pregnancy.

    When first released, they waited an extra few months before recommending vaccines during pregnancy to ensure there were no adverse effects (this takes extra time as pregnancy also takes time) but the data (among other sources, there was of course safety tests done prior to rollout but the trial numbers will obviously be smaller than a full rollout even though the COVID vaccine trials were massive compared to other medical trials) was being gathered from those who got vaccinated and didn't know they were pregnant at the time and they were found to be overwhelmingly safe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    ok .... not sure what this is about .. but more power to you

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    As Jock Ewing said in Dallas, it's a very powerful scene.... nobody gives you power, you take it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

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  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    Hopefully it'll remain overwhelming safe. And I'm hoping they will continue to put a lot of research into how they're a benefit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,526 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    And if your daughter, niece, friend's daughter asked you whether she should be vaccinated during her pregnancy what would be your answer?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    yep - and I know that there is still a massive amount of research going in to it and future vaccines. The wealth of data that has been recorded on the mRNA technology has already allowed the biopharma industry accelerate their development of the tech for other uses.

    What we have gotten is a decade worth of research and development done in a couple of years due to massive investment from all stakeholders - the knock on benefits will be fantastic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    There aren't "two sides" to this anymore than there are "two sides" to whether the world is flat or round.

    If you are applying equal weight to grifters and charlatans when it comes to medical science or science in general then you seriously need to re-evaluate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    You're totally wrong there, people have a choice. By putting them into two brackets is very narrow minded.

    You've people who are vaccine hesitant too, they're not antivaxx.

    Nobody's stopping you from getting your 5th booster are they ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Not at all. You are lending equal weight to both, that's the scary part.

    The scientific and medical community is not "split" on this. There is the science, then there's a fringe of lunatics, cranks, grifters who sell easy exciting answers to people with low critical thinking. The anti-vax market is worth 10's of millions, and it's estimated around a dozen people on social media account for over 60% of all anti-vax disinfo around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    You're misinterpreting my post again.

    I'm implying that it was absolutely shocking to see the antivaxers shaming the vaccinated and the pro vaxers shaming the unvaccinated.

    Are you advocating division by medical decision ?

    Because you're showing your true colors if that's the case.

    So you're against choice and want to poke everything in sight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    do you even know what the term stakeholders means?

    in this case the stakeholders would be just about every person on the planet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    There's no such thing as "pro-vaxxers", likewise there's no such thing as "round-earthers"

    Vaccines work and are overwhelmingly safe. During the pandemic, people who refused to be vaccinated were increasing the risk of transmission to others (they carry the viral load for longer depending on variant). Likewise, if they got Covid they were much more likely to end up in hospital, consuming the stretched resources of health services. Likewise with Measles, which we had pretty much eradicated, it was making a comeback thanks to anti-vaxxers refusing to get their children jabbed.

    It's selfishness based on ignorance. People have every right to point it out.

    Likewise if you choose not to wear a seatbelt, you don't just affect yourself, you potentially put others at unnecessary risk. Same principle.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    Sometimes seatbelts fail, it's the same with anything really.

    You have every right to point out people's ignorance, no problem whatsoever with that.

    Would you feel a ok with someone who fear's the vaccines being ridiculed, banished from society and treated like an outcast ?

    Because that's been done already, and the people who have been all gun ho at the vaccine hesitant people are trying to make amends with friends and family but I'd say 99.98% of people who were put into obscurity are telling people to get lost.

    People double vaccinated were still living in fear of the unvaccinated, and going along with the banish them from everything. The media were at it too, many a stressd out person were on their own last Christmas because they were potential killer's of people who took the medicine which was supposed to treat the illness....

    Come on you know what was happening, and it was sickening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Yes, sometimes seatbelts fail. There's a tiny chance your seatbelt will actually kill you. That chance is far, far outweighed by the odds that your seatbelt will save you.

    I know two anti-vaxxers, they weren't "banished" from society, they simply couldn't do certain things during the pandemic for common sense reasons. They didn't play the victim card, but my sympathy obviously lies with the frontline health workers and those dying of Covid rather during a pandemic than a group of people who refuse treatment for no real reasons and put others and the health services at increased risk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    Well ok banished from society was a bit of a strong statement, I'll retract that my apologies.

    The Frontline workers especially nurses worked tirelessly and the way they were treated wasn't exactly thoughtful. I'd be burnt out emotionally and physically if I was on their shift's and being a frontline worker isn't as glamorous as it looks. It's more like a vocation than a career at this point. They're paid poorly and they work harder than consultants and doctors.

    As for the victim card, it's their own choice and some people were happy out eating outside and not going to pubs.

    In an ironic way the unvaccinated who accepted the rules and didn't feel victimized were probably more safer than all the vaccinated who were mingling willy nilly and didn't care which direction they were spewing their moiste laden breaths during the winters.

    And still there's a shortage of staff and resources in the HSE

    It's absolutely shocking after the last two years plus

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    Not if the virus keeps weakening as it mutates, sooner or later it'll hopefully be so weak it'll be less harmful than hay fever.

    Then there's no need for vaccines for the stake holders as you put it.. As it stands they're suggesting anyone who is vulnerable get boosted and the rest of us should be ok.

    This is the definition of stake holders.... we're not all in it together that's for sure. Because we were given the treatment for free, no doubt inflation and taxes will make up for the shortfall.

    A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by the business. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its investors, employees, customers, and suppliers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    good - so you googled the meaning of stakeholder.

    What scientific evidence do you have that the virus will keep weakening? you do realise that there are significant populations around the world who have had little or no access to any vaccine.

    I was pointing out that the investment that was put in to mRNA tech has accelerated beyond any normal time frame the development of the tech that will be used in other pharmaceutical areas.

    Anyway - since this is the direction this thread is going we can now all agree that the issue of 'Covid Vaccines Safety' isn't a topic anymore as the scientific evidence is overwhelming in its safety and the only people disputing it are resorting to posting memes and previously debunked Facebook opinions

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    Id say it's up to yourself and have a good think about it.

    Fortunately they are intelligent and I'm confident no matter what decision they make it's the right decision for them.

    They're not lacking coping skills, they're well brought up in a stable home. If it goes wrong I'd be there to support them whenever they need it.

    I'm too wide to be giving you the high moral ground on this one.

    Trying to bring my female friends and family members into the discussion is just a bit much to be honest. What you're trying to do is just pathetic and very much what a liberal or something similar would do when they can't have a discussion without getting personal.

    This is a forum so you're entitled to post what you like, but I can see through it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    I've said it a few time myself maybe they should close the thread it's been trashed out over and over.

    All the superstar scientist's are saying it weakens in order to live in it's host.

    In order to survive a virus needs to not kill it's host. If it's a clever virus it'll mutate itself out of harming it's host. If a virus is thick deadly and strong it'll wreak havoc.

    It's all about evolution, the hunter in the jungle at the edge of towns and villages is now shy of humans, there was a time when they would hunt us down and we'd have to travel in big numbers. All you need is a gun and a mask on the back of your head, because they won't stalk you if you're able to see them. They don't know you're wearing a mask.

    My biggest concern is gestation and breastfeeding, I'm more worried about women's health than anything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭whippet

    what concerns to do you have around gestation and breastfeeding with regards to the vaccine?

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,596 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    My biggest concern is gestation and breastfeeding, I'm more worried about women's health than anything.

    no need

    CDC has released new data on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant people and is recommending all people 12 years of age and older get vaccinated against COVID-19.

    plus the risks to the mother and unborn are significantly worse if catching the virus and not vaccinated

    What You Need to Know

    If you are pregnant or were recently pregnant, you are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 compared to people who are not pregnant. Additionally, if you have COVID-19 during pregnancy, you are at increased risk of complications that can affect your pregnancy and developing baby.

    Getting a COVID-19 vaccine can help protect you from getting very sick from COVID-19.

    COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.

    People who are pregnant should stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines, including getting a COVID-19 booster shot when it’s time to get one.

    Evidence continues to build showing that COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is safe and effective.

    There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems in women or men.

    so there you go, your fears are alleviated

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  • Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭gladvimpaker

    Just like that, so are you 100% sure beyond any doubt that no woman who's pregnant is going to have complications from the covid 19 vaccine.

    Are you sure that they're not administrating placebo's to pregnant women ?

    Traditional Vaccines in the past went through rigorous research and are safe.

    The jury's still out on this one.
