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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    Ah, the old 'read the thread' response to a challenge. The last refuge of the person who hasn't a leg to stand on

    Lol. Indeed. And that's why I'm using a certain amount of irony quoting that phrase - when it was regularly trotted out in this very thread by one green advocate who indeed "didn't have a leg to stand on". But if you had read the thread in any detail you would know that and who the "scoundrels" likely are. That said slinging of trite insults and name calling is fairly on course with many of your own comments regardless

    The poster replied to is being a little more than disingenuous when they claim their statements stand up. When they same poster knows not only that they previously engaged in that discussion but failed to backup those comments .

    As for this

    "The EU commission plan is to decrease Gas use in Europe. The LNG plants are purely to allow them to become independent of the Russian gas pipelines. Ireland are not importing gas from Russia, therefore LNG plants are not required for Ireland."

    Again we are talking about the short to medium term and the EU is actively expanding its gas reserves and increasing gas storage facilities. See.

    Ensuring that all Member States have access to liquid gas markets and diversified sources of supply is therefore a key objective of the EU's Energy Union.

    The EU is actively encouraging all its EU countries to increase and divesify their natural gas / LNG storage facilities and sources and that includes Ireland

    Currently Ireland provides some of its own natural gas with the rest supplied by the UK, which as detailed by the Energy Regulator is no longer a secure or reliable supply due to Brexit and the UK gas reserves in running out.

    Hence Ireland as part of Europe needs to start playing ball and not hooky with the greens behind the bicycle shed.

    Post edited by Mecanudo on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    Whose reality? Yours?

    Btw you didn't answer the question "who is this entity who has told you of this bizarre "strategy" that LNG is "dead" and natural gas exploration is "unviable"?

    Because that statement does not stand up to scrutiny. LNG is actively been promoted by the EU with natural gas been one of the two non renewables again promoted by the EU as necessary for essential energy generation across the EU for the immediate future

    Coupled with current natural gas prices and the invasion of Ukraine that now means that all European natural gas resources are a valuable resource required for the move to renewable energy generation.

    You pretending otherwise doesn’t cut it.

    Post edited by Mecanudo on

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    Funny how how some green supporters were such a fan of that response by a poster, that has since disappeared for whatever reason, and now if that practice is even referred to it`s "the last refuge of the person who hasn`t a leg to stand on".

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    I`m afraid it`s just your own take on reality. The only political party, (and one that is at 2% support in the latest opinion poll), that is proposing a bill to ban LNG is the Green Party, and with a Green Party bill passed on banning exploration (bizarrely other than for gold and silver) we now have no way of knowing if there are viable untapped gas reserves or not. Ryan continuing to ignore the possibilities of Barryroe are not helping either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    Re planning. Perhaps if all those green advocates weren't jumping up and down and screaming trying to prevent essential energy infrastructure amongst other things - then two years planning process to finalisation or less would be readibly achievable for essential energy related developments

    A primary difference between wind power and natural gas is that gas is a dependable source of energy and as identified by the EU as an essential source of energy when the wind doesn't blow, as has already happened on many occasions and most notably the near windless conditions right across Europe last winter

    As for the gas pipeline from Moffat in the UK and what changed in 2020?

    Maybe you didn't hear about Brexit when the UK withdrew from the European Union on 31 January 2020. No?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    it's not me pretending anything i am afraid.

    if gas reserves aren't viable to extract then unless the state is going to extract themselves and make a loss on it then those reserves are not going to be extracted because none of the private companies who engage in such activities will invest and carry out such exploration and extraction.

    the fact is, what reserves ireland have that could be viably and economically extracted have been or are currently being so.

    barryroe obviously isn't viable because if it was there would already be extraction going on there long ago.

    other european countries are extracting because it's economically viable to do so or their governments can afford to make a loss on it and there are reasonable amounts that can be extracted to make it worth the bother.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    it has already been shown in the thread that there aren't really any possibilities of barryroe.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Unlikely, and as I said, everything I posted is verifiable.

    If the greens are the issue then why has Barryroe not been tapped into since it was discovered in the late 70's.

    Seems strange that such a resource has been left idle for so long

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    No it hasn`t. What has been shown is that Ryan is determined not to see what the possibilities are,as well as the Irish Green party with their bill banning exploration, (gold and silver and heaven knows what else excluded other than oil and gas), determined not to find out if there is any other viable gas or oil fields.

    Seems the E.U. does not have your idea of reality when it comes to LNG. Quite happy with it as a transitional source and encouraging countries to avail of it. Do you think that perhaps Ryan missed the memo by falling asleep again when supposed to be working ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    For one you me or anybody else will not know what is there unless Ryan wakes up and attempts to finds out, and for two with the present price of gas, financially viability is now a whole different world where we see other countries back exploring for both oil and gas.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    If the E.U. viewed our energy supply as unsecure prior to this statement then I very much doubt they will now view it as more secure with the U.K. now like ourselves in the pick what you like game on commitments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    I think you'll find that you certainly don't have a grasp of the facts eitherway.

    Do you know what viable in terms of natural gas exploration means?

    Demand for natural gas is continuing apace across Europe and with rising gas prices and the need for secure and reliable sources - with the result our untapped gas reserves are now more viable than ever. That is why a company is already prepared to move to the penultimate stage of exploration on the Barryroe oil and gas field. However strangely enough Mr Ryan the minister with responsibility for oil and gas exploration is inexplicably stonewalling the company despite the company in question repeatedly sending communications to said Minister. Time I reckon the minister was taken to task for that. Funny thing is he's apparently quite happy to give out prospecting licenses for gold and silver but not to finalise the exploration for essential natural gas resources. Truly bizarre.

    so Its fuq all squared got to do whether you or your granny think these reserves are 'viable'. Its the market and demand which decides that not the denizens of the green party or even how things were "long ago".

    Governments don't tend to involved financially in exploration and extraction of oil and gas - that's why there are companies who take that risk. So its absolutely no shine off the anyones nose - where those companies decide that natural gas resources such as those at Barryroe and additional resources near the existing Corrib gas field are indeed now viable according to the companies already in the process of exploration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    Lol. You claiming something is "verifiable" does not make it so. Especially where much of what you posted was either vague innuendo and the bits that weren't- you repeatedly failed to back up when asked to so.

    The hillarious thing was that you and broken evidently didn't even know of the existence of the Barryroe proposal less than a couple of months ago and now you're experts on the company..

    Seems strange that such a resource has been left idle for so long

    That you have to ask why something was not done in the past, but is now ready to go ahead shows that you are unfamiliar with the concept of change

    Demand for natural gas is continuing apace across Europe and with rising gas prices and the need for secure and reliable sources - with the result our untapped gas reserves are now more viable than ever.  Maybe you think the company are going to extract the natural gas and keep it under their beds or maybe its all some type of big conspiracy and its the Russians again?

    Post edited by Mecanudo on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    brexit etc has been highlighted to the greens numerous times who still insist that there is nothing to worry about. just look at the replys from some of their supporter on here. They just have no concept of reality and are a bunch of dreamers. they basically trust a country who will have no problem ripping up an internationally legal agreement for their own benefit but in the greens eyes if the **** hit the fan regarding gas supply the brits would see in their heart to make sure good old ireland is ok. it would be laughable if it wasnt so serious. Briatin looks after number one and we should be doing the same here not pandering to a bunch of rich idealistic private school boys with **** all else to worry about but how they can tell everyone they are saving the world.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    However strangely enough Mr Ryan the minister with responsibility for oil and gas exploration is inexplicably stonewalling the company despite the company in question repeatedly sending communications to said Minister.

    They have a set list of requirements to meet. If they haven't done so, no decision will be made as their application would be incomplete. If they have fulfilled all requirements then its just a matter of waiting. It'll be decided when its decided.

    Considering the asset was discovered and is sitting there since the 1970's and hasn't been tapped, they were never in a rush so a while more won't make a difference.

    There are 3 things that will determine what happens with Barryroe

    1. Its commercial viability versus its risk. As mentioned (and linked to) previously, several investors have pulled out of deals with Providence so there are real questions on this.
    2. Getting investors to provide funding, as mentioned they have had to announce they were going to go it alone as investors pulled out twice yet they do not have the resources to go it alone. Again, real questions would need to be answered here. The answers to these questions are a strict requirement before the issuing of any licence (licence requirements linked to previously).
    3. Getting someone to do the actual extraction. See 1 & 2. Providing details of who would do the extraction is also a requirement prior to the issuing of any licence as such a company would have to be able to show they can do it safely, without risk to people and the environment (also linked previously).

    Maybe they will get a licence to do the extraction and maybe they will actually get it done, who knows, but as far as the govt is concerned, all they need is to do is make sure the requirements for a licence application are met, after that its up to Providence to do the work. If Providence are unable to meet those requirements, no license will be forthcoming.

    its pretty simple really.

    To be honest though, I don't know why ye are so fussed about Barryroe, it has only a couple of years worth of supply, less than Corrib, and if Corrib is anything to go by (11 years from project start to production start) it would be the 2030's before we'd see anything coming out of it.

    Its also very important to note here, that Providence are going after the oil primarily and have only a passing interest it seems in the gas. Gas would only be extracted when and if it ever suited them but its not the purpose of their activities at that site.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Jaysus, I just took a look at the historical share price for Providence, its no wonder they can't get investors

    From a high of £8.51 a share, to current price of £0.02 a share

    Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks something is "off". Their sp crashed after 2013 and has only been going downward since

    Even zooming in, the picture for the last 5 years is far from rosy

    Its little wonder their CEO had to resign after the APEC debacle

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Lol, the document you linked to is a committee opinion that was submitted for debate in 2016. Never got anywhere, was never binding

    You talking absolute nonsense.

    A LNG terminal is not a short term solution, its not even a medium term solution. The original Shannon LNG permits were granted in 2008 (when the greens were in government btw). The US company who were trying to build it got nowhere in 7 years and ultimately sold the project to another company in 2015, It was sold again in 2017 and 3 more years went by without any progress (all of this time was without a green to be seen near government). Then in 2020, the ECJ (an EU institution) ruled against the project and said that they'd need to re-start the application from scratch with a full environmental impact

    Another ECJ 2020 ruling was that the LNG terminal was in breach of the habitats directive for failing to complete the necessary Environmental impact assessments, and later on that year the parent company's financing was impacted by French opposition to the importation of Shale (fracked) gas

    The current planning application lodged by New Fortress Energy is a 10 year planning application. So much for their confidence that they can have it up and running in 2 years

    They are hoping to build a 600mw plant, We'll likely have multiple GW of offshore wind turbines plus the French interconnector completed before this project would reach operational status.

    Your position is completely untenable. It relies on the LNG terminal being magically able to secure the planning, funding, and the long term supply agreements they need to secure LNG supply for the terminal all within a timeframe that is completely unrealistic given the history of this project thus far

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Norway has led the way on EV adoption and have implemented a lot of good policies to bring it about. The evidence is in the numbers, 83.7% EV share for Jan 2022 sales. Include the hybrid share and its over 90%.

    Some have been replicated here, some have not. You'd have to wonder if it would make more sense for Ireland to follow suit in a much more ambitious way. At least we've totally removed the incentives for PHEV purchases, its a start at least

    To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, here's a selection of the policies I'm talking about

    • No sales tax on EV's
    • Higher rate of sales tax on ICE's
    • Proactive installation of EV charging infrastructure to the extent that the ratio of EV's to public chargers is continously falling
    • "Right to charge" legislation for rental tenants so they can install home chargers even in apartment block garages and landlords can't prevent it
    • Initially started with free stuff e.g. parking, tolls, ferry crossings etc (rolled back to reduced charges now as adoption climbs but still cheaper than ICE charges)

    They even have zero emission construction sites there too, how cool is that lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    From the Irish Examiner a few months ago and there is no mention of your "3 thing that will determine what happens with Barryroe" from Ryan`s Department. A spokesperson for the Department of the Environment Climate and Communications only offered that the application for a lease undertaking for Barryroe is "under consideration".

    I know Eamon has a tendency to fall asleep during discussion, but being asleep at the wheel on natural gas considerations for 10 months when his party is attempting to ban LNG is a bit of a stretch. But maybe those prospecting licenses for gold and silver were more important and they took up all his waken hours.

    A bit callously offhand about Barryroe having a couple of years less supply of natural gas than Corrib, when Corrib is being rapidly depleted and our numb-nuts have banned exploration and are attempting to ban LNG. Especially after what our own energy regulator had to say about our energy security and from the U.K. today the very real possibility of a major tiff between the U.K and E.U.

    From your post it would be easy to assume you believe we do not need natural gas in any form for transition and favour us building our own nuclear plants, as that is the only other recognised transitional energy source.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    Admiring a country who became one of the worlds wealtiest through gas,oil exploration is a tad ironic. They fund their green agenda by sellling fossil fuels to the rest of the world and feel great that they dont burn it at home kind of like the greens here....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    I believe if you talk to anyone outside of the leafy Dublin suburbs you will find they believe there are much better ways for this government to spend taxpayers money than on the promotion of E.V.s. They will be a long long way down a line headed by the cost of living, housing shortage, health waiting lists, rental property charges etc.

    We are not Norway, one of the worlds wealthiest countries ironically due to their large deposits of oil and gas

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    to add to your post, even if they do extract anything it will be sold on the open market, so there is no guarantee it will make any difference to us.

    sure some would argue that the government maybe could require as part of the license conditions (probably won't be able to in reality) that anything extracted can only be sold to irish consumers but if the value from that to the company doing the extraction is not high they won't bother.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    It`s natural gas we are talking about. Not LNG that can be liquefied to 1/600th. of its natural gas volume and transported by ship to anywhere in the world.

    It would be coming ashore by pipeline, same as Kinsale`s Marathon fields, so where do you see it being sold rather than to Ireland ?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Decommissioning of the infrastructure at the Kinsale gas fields has begun.

    Gas production from the wells was shut in on the 5th of July 2020 when all the gas reserves in the various fields were depleted. All of the gas production wells have now been permanently plugged with cement and the associated facilities (platforms, pipelines, cables, subsea structures, and onshore terminal) are also being decommissioned.

    Looks like any Barryroe gas would need it's own pipeline, ouch, that added expense puts further challenges on the viability of any development there.

    That is, of course, after the oil has been extracted as Providence don't have any plans for extracting gas except through the Kinsale network of pipes..... at some stage..... after the first load of oil has been extracted......whenever that might be. Now that those pipes are no longer available who knows if that gas will be extracted even if they manage to get an operation up and running.

    But it's possible the devil is in the details as PSE applied to keep some of the pipes last year so who knows, maybe those might be useful. Providence could certainly do with catching a break

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    So if only sleepy Eamon got the finger out the Kinsale pipeline could service Barryroe.

    Very poor foresight allowing a pipeline being ripped up when another will likely be need on the same route. Cannot see that being good for the environment, can you ?

    A cynic could be forgiven for thinking that Eamon`s delaying is not unconnected to putting a further obstacle in Barryroe`s path.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    You're so full of your own "facts" you again fail utterly to see the real picture.

    The link provided was the source EU LNG meeting which has become a blueprint for EU LNG gas storage

    Here's an update from the 11 May 2022 to counter the nonsense you're spouting lol

    The Council today reached a mandate for negotiations with the European Parliament on a proposal on gas storage. In order to improve EU security of supply in the current geopolitical context, the proposal aims to ensure that gas storage capacities in the EU are filled before the next winter season and can be shared between member states in a spirit of solidarity. The mandate was agreed by the representatives of the member states in Coreper.

    The only reason the Shannon LNG terminal has been held up is because of various idiotic objections by various green factions including those objecting to the development and the original planning application. So whilst the greens may not have been in "government" throughout the last two decades - green vested interests continue to do their damnest to fcuk the country over. And a 10 year planning application for projects of that type of development are the norm, but bear no relation to the time required for completion. But do continue to grasp at straws. It remains *You're* talking absolute nonsense btw.

    As for this lack of logic

    "Your position is completely untenable. It relies on the LNG terminal being magically able to secure the planning, funding, and the long term supply agreements they need to secure LNG supply for the terminal all within a timeframe that is completely unrealistic given the history of this project thus far"

    Its not "my position". LNG storage infrastructure is currently EU working policy. And you don't need to worry your little old head about the Shannon LNG company's funding or anything else. That has nothing to do with any government funding. The current situation with regard to the planning application looks like it will be a shoe in considering current EU policy with Varadkar stating the government will not object to the project when planning permission is granted.

    The company has already confirmed a two year window from planning permission agreement to completion of the terminal. Go look it up if you can be bothered listening to what others are blue in the face telling you about the reality of the current energy situation.

    Post edited by Mecanudo on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭Mecanudo

    They have a set list of requirements to meet. If they haven't done so, no decision will be made as their application would be incomplete. If they have fulfilled all requirements then its just a matter of waiting. It'll be decided when its decided

    Bull sheet. You really have no idea what you're talking about

    The company with the remit for the existing Barryroe exploration licence are seeking to move to the penultimate stage of exploration and extraction. To this end they have sought to make contact with the relevant minister in Charge. Which just happens to be Mr Eamon Ryan

    It is on record that there has been NO return communications from Mr Ryan or his department despite multiple communications from the company.

    So again unless you have to some special insider link to Mr Ryan communications - you're taking complete and utter horse manure.

    If you claim otherwise and as requested previously - provide a link for your claims. Otherwise stop making stuff up. It does you no favours.

    To be honest I've no idea why you are rabidly against Irish reserves of natural gas being used to support the period of transition to renewable energy generation. It's not like its going to be forever - but accessing our own reserves and LNG will allow for new technologies to come to fruition in pursuit of the goal of 80% renewable energy by 2050.

    Again with the very odd obsession with what investors might or might not be doing. Do you spend the same inordinate about of time concerning yourself with investor shenanigans in renewable energy developments? Why not? Why only Barryroe? One thing for sure - it shows you're repeated attempts at baseless **** throwing regardless.

    It's like some greens are ignoring their own parties policy on the need for natural gas and the EUs policy on safe, secure and reliable sources of natural gas for the foreseeable. Bizarre and then something else would certainly one way to describe it.
