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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭Luxembourgo

    A very limited politician highlighting how utterly watered down the word racist is in this country.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Regarding the "buy irish" campaign, its classed as economic protectionism, see

    The case 249/81, European Commission v. Ireland, concerning the free movement of goods, also known as the "Buy Irish campaign", pertained to a nationwide advertising campaign, led by the Irish Goods Council, and promoting national products under the slogan "buy Irish". This practice led the EC Commission to take Ireland to the CJEU, which established that the practice of promoting the purchase of national products through public authorities was contrary to Article 30 of the EC Treaty (Article 34 of the TEU). Indeed, although without any binding force, this campaign may be capable of influencing the conduct of traders and consumers, and therefore constitutes a quantitative restriction on trade between Member States of the European Union.

    The Court of Justice of the European Union held that the Irish Government was responsible. This was under the Treaty for the activities of the Council even though the campaign was run by a private company. 

     Moreover, the case is a classic example of where the Irish Government had launched a campaign to promote its own goods over other European Union Member States. This was held to not be allowed and it will always be a breach of the Treaty. Consequently, it discriminates other Member States, therefore breaching the Treaty.  

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,463 ✭✭✭Arthur Daley

    Casey got 23% of the vote in the 2018 Presidential election. Not bad given the political elites of Ireland lined up against him.

    No doubt 4 years on it would be much higher.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    As the saying goes, nearly never bulled a cow

    • 2016 - Seanad election - failed
    • 2018 - Presidental election - failed
    • 2019 - EU election - failed
    • 2020 - General election - failed. Impressively he managed to fail twice in this as he ran in two constituencies 😅

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,804 ✭✭✭✭briany

    Casey's a shyster. I don't know if he was looking for an ego boost, a raising of his profile, on a pure earner or all 3, but running for the Presidency of Ireland on a platform that included going on about travellers has an awful bang of Irish people treating the Irish presidency like the American one. Irish presidents don't have any real power to shape policy anyway. If the people of Ireland want to go in on travellers, they can elect a party who has it in their manifesto to do so. Meanwhile, the President of Ireland should be someone who isn't really a partisan figure, who it's generally agreed is sound and represents the country nicely (see Miggeldy and his dogs).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

    Mickey D never came across a Marxist tyrant that he didn't like, so stop it with your "non partisan" nonsense. It nothing but a sad reflection of our fawning media that his support for tyrants didn't get a fraction of the attention that Casey's comments about travellers did.

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,463 ✭✭✭Arthur Daley

    still we're getting up to 23% voting now for a self proclaimed proud Irishman who'd put Irish people first. So we've moved up from the 2 or 3% claimed earlier who'd vote for an Irish first candidate.

    That 2 or 3% rolls off the tongue of the looney left because they're so used to getting it themselves decade after decade.😂

    If only 2 or 3% of Irish people had a problem with what is going on, it wouldn't tally with what we've observed in neighbouring countries.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Just to clarify, that was 0.2% and 0.3%

    The decimal point matters when you are talking about the electorate

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    Well, I would note there is no "Open Borders" party which campaigns at elections for endless mass migration, with taxpayer funded housing, healthcare and education for any foreigner which can find their way to Ireland at the expense and to the detriment of Irish people. Nor is there any individual politician which openly puts their name to such an aim. They skipped the whole process of presenting a manifesto to the Irish people and winning voter support for it. They just went to the elected TDs and dominated them instead. Even if you go to through the whole hard-fought struggle of establishing a political machine which can out-compete FF, FG or SF at a local level in a system which is designed to defeat any challengers to the "mainstream" - congratulations, you have 1 TD out of 166. What now?

    I think the methodology needs to be outside party politics - it needs to work to making support for mass migration as unpopular as covering yourself in raw sewage before going out looking for votes. It needs to highlight that construction companies, large landlords, media and NGOs are enemies of the Irish people so that associating yourself with such a group or their aims is politically shameful for all parties. The aim should not be to elect 1 TD, but to make any TD or party which supports mass migration or associates themselves with mass migration advocates politically toxic.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Thankfully the real world doesn't work like that

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  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭freemickey


    The truth is against those who orchestrated this situation.

    A grassroots method of conveying information is what works. Don't bend the truth, don't embellish it, don't twist it, don't be dishonest. Put it forward straight and simple.

    Graffiti, flyers, brochures. Spell out the numbers and statistics, put them in places of high visibility. Public transport, stations, over existing advertisements, housing developments, hospitals, supermarkets. Lamination, glue. Carry a few around and leave them when you go. Think like an advertising agency.

    Don't put any framework around it, don't put forward questions, don't make political statements, don't attach names or groups.

    Just numbers, trends, statistics and barcode links to cso and so on. Be transparent.

    It's public information, then let the public see.

    Truth. They hate this one trick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭Miadhc

    National Party, nothing at all to worry about, no chance of every getting a seat in the Dail.

    That's why leftist and anti fascist groups will immediately go to whatever area NP has been leafletting/canvassing and give out leaflets to the local plebs reminding them that NP are Super Nazi Fascists.

    It shows these leftists dont trust the working class to make their own minds on groups like NP and are afraid the message will resonate with some.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    As I said before, no significant challenge is required against the likes of the NP, they are literally their own worst enemy.

    Let us know how you get on with the revolution, will it be televised?

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭freemickey

    An excerpt from the above

    "Job insecurity and casual employment have jumped, housing costs are some of the highest in the world, travel times and traffic congestion in the major cities have risen dramatically, and wage growth has stalled.

    Notwithstanding these negative outcomes, Australian governments are now wedded to what amounts to a migration driven Population Ponzi scheme. The migration keeps GDP in positive territory, so governments and bureaucrats can boast that Australia is growing and not in recession, despite living standards flatlining and the environment tanking. And our universities and vocational education institutions have dropped the ball on education and turned into corporate parasites, selling permanent residence to international students and paying million dollar-plus salaries to their administrators.

    Australians have been conned by nonsense from political, business and media elites about the size and nature of our migration programs. We have fallen for the bogus claim that questioning any migration program, no matter it’s size, is racist. For the record, one quarter of Australians were born overseas and one half had one or both parents born overseas. We are more multiracial than the United States or the United Kingdom—more multiracial and welcoming than pretty much anywhere in the world.

    We have believed convenient lies like “we need migrants to pay our pensions” or “we don’t have these skills in Australia”, or “our economy depends on high migration levels”. To the extent there’s any truth in the latter, it is because we are now running a Ponzi scheme. The longer we let it grow, the bigger the collapse at the end will be."

    Does that sound familiar? We have a few extra twists like multinational tax avoidance and their foreign labour force hire, institutional investors buying up housing too But they wouldn't get away with it without the sheer numbers of extra people to maintain pressure.

    They call it a Ponzi scheme, I call it a pyramid scheme. The literature is growing on this migration led scam and it has been in full-swing in Ireland for a decade, increasing pace.

    Why is housing the cost it is, why school places for children are hot competition, why waiting times for hospital care is so bad, and so on.

    Look up from your feet and see around you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 eltoorock

    Ireland is housing Ukrainians and Russians together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,826 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    There is an overarching theme of the modern left not trusting the working class to know what it should think and it is a constant source of disappointment to them when they drive to those areas.

    It's a class snobbery driving it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    When have the modern left been the government of ireland exactly?

    Conpiracy theory nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    So after we build the trains and solve the traveller and foreigner problem what do the old men of boards recommend we do next to fix ireland?

    Obviously leaving the eu is a given with its open borders and mass migration "ponzi scam".

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭freemickey

    Any ideas yourself? I wouldn't be holding my breath beyond "add another layer to the pyramid" aka "just build more and more and more and fill and fill and fill".

    Ask any young people how thats working out for them so far.

    Migration is a pyramid scheme used to increase price pressure for profit, whether you like it or not.

    And it's going to collapse, again, whether you like it or not.

    Sustainability is the future. Migration scams are failing like all scams do and have no place in the future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 eltoorock

    The young are brainwashed in school that immigration is good and anyone who questions this is racist. Then they can't get accommodation or a part-time job and complain that their parents' generation has it easier.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    The young are brainwashed in school. Is that also be the modern left?

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    Who is at the top of the migration pryamid scheme mickey?

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭freemickey

    All stupid ideas come to an end, and that's what we're beginning to witness in real time.

    All pyramid schemes collapse because no matter how widespread the propaganda arm of the scam may be, "multiculturalism", the facts are the facts.

    Rent, costs, immobility, healthcare, education. Real things that effect people are crumbling and the profiteering goebble-goblins are panicking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭freemickey

    You're full of rhetoric.

    Any ideas yourself, or is that too much of a stretch?

  • Posts: 25,611 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    It's sad seeing how much the left have lost any semblance of usefulness for so many people. Even the left parties who still have some protectionist interests tend to not really state anything, just in case they're called racist. "We need foreigners because we don't have enough people to do minimum wage jobs in **** conditions". Somehow that's become a left-wing position now. Meanwhile the corporatist right pretend they don't want the exact same thing and must laugh their bollocks off at the lefties taking care of it for them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭freemickey

    A quick glance at the scheme of things will tell you that profits are soaring for some. Billionaires doubling and tripling their wealth across the board. It's not disconnected.

    Corporations that employ tactics like tax avoidance have record profits. Big proponents of "multiculturalism".

    Corporate landlords. Even smaller landlords. It's raining money thanks to increased scarcity via migration.

    Vulture funds.

    Politicians (who happen to have serious connections to landlords, if they aren't directly landlords themselves).

    Land holders, land developers.

    Trickle down effect on spurious NGO's profiting off it too.

    Corporate business owners who want wages suppressed with cheap imported labour. See the latest statement from O'Keefe about the war refugees.

    And so on.

    Do you really need to wonder who profits from migration pyramid schemes?

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    What about if my granny died and I rent out her house. Am I one of the evil Landlords driving multiculturalism for profit?

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭freemickey

    You're trying your best to instill invective with endless "just asking" nonsense, using words like "evil".

    You clearly have nothing to contribute and are railing against reality. Great, so you don't like realising it's all a pyramid scheme that is robbing the country of function. Who cares what you like?

    To answer your inane question, no, you don't become an evil landlord by renting out your Granny's home. Are you going to charge the most you can get? You're just an incidental by-product of a failing system that got lucky.

    You'll get lots of money for the home, because there is increased artificial scarcity via migration. Congratulations on being a hanger-on.

    Doesn't change that it's all a pyramid scheme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    Oh I have loads of ideas mickey I wouldnt waste my time sharing them with many of posters on this thread who on one hand defend morons like musk while on the other are crying about oligarchs controlling the pyramid scheme.

    Don't forget the blaming the modern left for everything despite the left never holding the reins of power in ireland.

    Posters who swing in and say people never talk about the Europeans when they talk about multiculturalism.

    Yet when I bring up the fact polish people are the largest non national group in prison here.

    Silence and posters all ask why I talk about it.

    Somehow i have managed to directly talk about Europeans in an Irish multiculturalism context but also no one does or something.

    The eastern european version of schrodingers cat.

    But it's all those africans who come here but arent doctors fault. Right?

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I blame the lizard people myself

    Oh and Bill Gates, dastardly fella that lad
