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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 23 eltoorock

    The evil landlords are quitting the market thanks to government interfering. The investment trusts only build in the cities so there will be no-where to rent privately in small towns soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,464 ✭✭✭rgossip30

    I went to one of these events 20 years ago out of curiosity . A black women came out on stage and said ''we are here now and there is nothing you can do about it '' . I am not sure whether she was goading the audience but I felt a sense of ingratitude on her part .

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I was out at Burgess Park today in Athlone and it was a great event. Loads of tasty African dishes, great music and met loads of wonderful folks who shared their stories of how they came to be here and how they have settled in.

    A wonderful day out, I'm looking forward to the next one.

    Got chatting to the lady who organised it. This was the first time they've done an event in Athlone for Africa Day but she was so happy with the turnout and atmosphere that its going to absolutely be an annual event.

    The local people all seemed to be really enjoying it too.

    Great weather too!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Obviously leaving the eu is a given with its open borders and mass migration "ponzi scam".

    Ahh but EU multiculturalism is the "right" kind of mixing of cultures... cause integration tends to occur relatively easily, and there is very little obvious friction between traditionally European cultures. And no, it's nothing to do with skin colour but rather a commonality in how cultures evolved over time, and the shared historical experiences that pushed us all towards similar values.

    As for the EU and mass immigration, thankfully, we're seeing a cooling off in terms of supporting such immigration. Sweden, the poster child for mass immigration/multiculturalism is implementing stricter limitations on both inward immigration, but also the terms to determine residency, along with who becomes eligible for their generous social supports. Denmark has implemented their own range of tightened limitations on immigration, and have been talking about those already within their borders. Germany and France, are both swinging politically due to pressure from their electorates over the negatives of mass immigration and the failures of integration.. Fact is, the number of countries still encouraging multiculturalism, or immigration, is getting quite small.

    So, there won't be any issues with staying within the EU, and enjoying the immigration from those EU member states.

    As for what to fix next, I'd like to see an examination of our political system, the links between the politicians and property/business developers, the legal system, and lastly, justice. However, the thread remains Multiculturalism in Ireland.. not any of those things.

    RYEL.. Out of curiosity, are you ever going to counter others opinions? You dismiss very well.. but you never really engage with posters and seek to argue against their points.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yet when I bring up the fact polish people are the largest non national group in prison here.

    Ahh, but that's not what happened, is it? You attempted to push the Poles as being worthy of criticism, based entirely on their population in the prisons.. You didn't expand beyond that.. because you were were trying to shift focus away from the discussion on Muslims not integrating. It was a shallow argument, and most posters didn't engage with it, because they knew you were playing games, rather than having any real interest in the topic.

    Silence and posters all ask why I talk about it.

    I'm pretty sure that I was the only poster to ask you why you were attempting to talk about it..

    Somehow i have managed to directly talk about Europeans in an Irish multiculturalism context but also no one does or something.

    Except you didn't. All you did was state that Eastern Europeans were the largest percentage of foreign populations in our prisons, and then demand that we talk about it. Where was your discussion about Polish culture, and the success or failure of integration into Irish culture? I certainly can't recall you posting anything of substance relating to European contributions as regards to multiculturalism in Ireland.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭freemickey

    Neo colonialism. A foreign entity lands in a country and extracts all the wealth it can before it leaves again, a hollowed husk of a country left in it's wake.

    Under the overall guidance of multinational corporations with their promises of wealth to tribal leaders like Varadkar, a new language is introduced in order to conduct wealth extraction ("can't say that, must say this"), pressure applied via encouragement of migration, similar to water jets in deep mining, money money money....right, see you later lads, we'll leave you to clean up the mess we made, off to another country to extract and wreck. Pyramids.

    Just picture the likes of Google being the ones in the boat below, Irish people dancing around like fools to placate them , learning the right "multicultural mindset", and then off they bugger. The new East India Company's.

    They'll be floating off out of Ireland soon enough with their extracted wealth.

    "Ich bin multinationaler mann"

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's all a conspiracy mannnn, how can you not see!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭freemickey

    Totally duuude!

    The connection between too many people and increased cost on financial and social infrastructure is just too much to undertand! So many steps to follow! Many confusions!

    You've got nothing. Not a solitary iota of a defence against the simple truth. So you're dancing around like a monkey with cymbals instead talking about lizards and conspiracies, hoping it rubs off. It won't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    How very dissmissive of you Klaz. Then moaning about me being dissmissive all done with absolutely no irony at all.

    I do love a good laugh though.

    EU folks are the right kind of multiculturalism despite Poles being the largest non national group in prisons followed by another eu nation followed by another eu nation.

    Yeah don't look at all these white European criminals in our prisons they are the right kind of multiculturalism.

    Like I said I love a good laugh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    I do enjoy people who think that nobody notices the switcheroo they pull when they try to claim the left has never been in power in Ireland, like the left is defined by Brendan Ogles daydreams of a Cuban economy

    FF, FG, Labour, the Greens, Progressive Democrats (hmm interesting name for a conservative party). All enthusiastic proponents the European Social Democratic model, all pro immigration. SF and I-cant believe-its-not-Labour are the exact same.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    How very dissmissive of you Klaz. Then moaning about me being dissmissive all done with absolutely no irony at all.

    What did I dismiss? In fact, I have encouraged you to step beyond the soundbites, and engage in a decent argument.

    EU folks are the right kind of multiculturalism despite Poles being the largest non national group in prisons followed by another eu nation followed by another eu nation.

    Citation please. Europeans (from EU member states) are the biggest group, then Eastern Europeans. I didn't see anything that said that Poles were the largest group... although considering population sizes for respective nations, it would stand to reason that they would be well represented.

    And your point is? No, seriously.. what's your point in highlighting Poles being the biggest non-Irish grouping in our prisons?

    If you scroll back, I made a similar query (which you ignored), because you were the first poster to raise the issue of prison populations and ethnicity. No other poster had been discussing it (within dozens of pages).. and then, you threw it out, like it was some amazing revelation.

    Yeah don't look at all these white European criminals in our prisons they are the right kind of multiculturalism

    Between the two of us, you're the one expressing the biggest interest in skin colour.. that's rather telling.

    Like I said I love a good laugh.

    Can't see what's worth laughing about here, unless you enjoy showing others just how superficial your opinions are. After all, in spite of repeated encouragements by me for you to do more than make soundbite remarks and dismiss others opinions (without countering them), you're still behaving exactly the same way as before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    Not dissmissive but my opinions are superficial.

    Then you criticise my behaviour because you dislike the words I type.

    "Repeated encouragement".

    Honestly read your own posts for a laugh.

    Polish people are the largest non national group in Irish prisons. Citation already provided on thread klaz. Then Romanians then Lithuanians. Three EU nations.

    Have you not declared multiculturalism a failure throughout this thread klaz. Should we not consider all parts of multicultural ireland?

    Especially considering eu citizens are the largest non national group if we view them as a whole.

    And then if we aren't just judging on skin colour or religous belief (but yeah the anti Muslim thing is skin colour too) then the obvious way to look at how societies are integrating or not with Irish society is to see how they represented in the prison population surely.

    But let's not do that eh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    Honestly dyr the PD's were a Conservative party. Even wiki knows that.

    The greens and Labour were and are the minor parties in a coalition and not leading a government of the left but again you know that.

    Labour have been semingly irreparably damaged by forming governments with those centre parties too and after this government the greens may be similarly punished for a period.

    Ireland has always been lead by a Centre right party as the main party of goverment.

    Or will you name for me the first Taoiseach of a left or centre left party of ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭Luxembourgo

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You really are trying so hard to play the victim here. You're just so misunderstood, aren't you?

    Have you not declared multiculturalism a failure throughout this thread klaz. Should we not consider all parts of multicultural ireland?

    Sure... consider away. An argument made would be nice though.

    And then if we aren't just judging on skin colour or religous belief (but yeah the anti Muslim thing is skin colour too)

    Um, Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in many western nations, and Africa too. You do realise that the Islamic population consists of peoples of all racial backgrounds? Again, though, it's you that's focusing on race rather than culture/religion.

    then the obvious way to look at how societies are integrating or not with Irish society is to see how they represented in the prison population surely.

    Now compare the overall population numbers of that national group, with the numbers in prison, and you'll find that judging multiculturalism (as it relates to that specific group) based on prison population makes little logical sense. It might make some sense if the prison populations were considerably high in comparison with the overall national population, like with Travellers, but.. that's not the case with the Polish. You might be better off looking at unemployment rates vs those employed, but I suspect that wouldn't suit your desire to throw muck at the Eastern Europeans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    I'm not the one claiming I'm misunderstood. Nor am I claiming ownership of some silent electorate majority who hate travellers etc.

    Nice try at deflection though.

    Any actual stats or sources to back up any of your assertions klaz.

    Are muslims in Irish prisons over or under represented in comparison to Europeans in irish prisons?

    Last time I presented stats in this thread from Irish media and Irish prison sources, people of Arabic origin were under represented agaisnt eu europeans as a percentage of population.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Don't ask me names, but I tried 2 chicken dishes, one was drumsticks with some delicious flavours and the other was a shredded chicken and rice combo type, also very tasty

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm not the one claiming I'm misunderstood. Nor am I claiming ownership of some silent electorate majority who hate travellers etc.

    No, of course not. You're the one making baseless claims.

    Where have I said that I hate Travellers? Or that I'm part of some silent majority? Go on.. trawl through my posts and find some quotes of mine which support such assertions. Oh, I'm highly critical of Traveller culture and I believe that Travellers would have much better and longer lives without living within it.. but it's a hefty leap to say that I hate Travellers.

    As for the silent majority claim, I've never said that I was part of any majority or group of people, apart from being Irish. So.. no.. you're still making crap up.

    Nice try at deflection though.

    For it to be a deflection, I'd have to be trying to shift the focus away from something. I've addressed all of your points.

    Any actual stats or sources to back up any of your assertions klaz.

    Such as? You're welcome to ask for citations or links when I make a statement citing a fact. Just as I did with you.

    Are muslims in Irish prisons over or under represented in comparison to Europeans in irish prisons?

    I've no idea, nor do I particularly care. Prison populations aren't terribly relevant to the discussions ongoing, except for your desire to discuss them. I haven't made any claims about the prison population.. you have. It's your argument.. you're the one with the onus to support your argument. Whereas I haven't actually sought to argue about the actual prison population.. although I do think it's a silly argument considering how bad our justice system is at putting people in prison.

    I'm more concerned with integration/assimilation of large population amounts than worrying about 8k people in prison.

    Last time I presented stats in this thread from Irish media and Irish prison sources, people of Arabic origin were under represented agaisnt eu europeans as a percentage of population.

    That's an interesting way to put that. Under-represented.. as if to suggest they should be represented more in prisons. In any case, I still think it's irrelevant, because the numbers of foreigners in Irish prisons is small compared to the overall populations of foreigners in Ireland... as such, we should be more concerned with other issues, such as the lack of integration, the push of foreign culture to become established here, the NGOs representing such groups, and the funding they receive from the taxpayer.. and how that benefits Irish people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    Once more, Sweden leading the way in stupidity

    How about just telling those refugees from "other cultures" that have a problem with western civilisation to **** off and seek asylum in some shithole thats shares their backward culture.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    Are you old enough to remember the PDs? All the major parties in Ireland are in the Social Democrat mould, are you denying this?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    "A grassroots method of conveying information is what works. Don't bend the truth, don't embellish it, don't twist it, don't be dishonest. Put it forward straight and simple."

    Exactly - the truth has its own charisma.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    What baseless claim have I made klaz?

    List one or stop lying.

    I wont be responding to anymore of your goading.

    I have made claims about what has been said on this thread. You then personalise every comment as if it's about you. It's not!

    People have commented Peter casey was correct in his alternative facts about travellers. He wasn't!

    Other posters have tried claiming the silent majority is racist. Its not!

    The imaginary party now being pictured is the national party by another name. So good luck with never getting elected.

    I don't quote you. I don't seek out your comments because I know you won't back up anything you say.

    You say the prison population is too small ok let's look at Britain.

    Again eu europeans are the largest groups of convicted felons in UK prisons.

    But you will whatabout your what out of that discussion too. Because it doesn't line up with the view that black people are violent and Muslims are terrorist.

    So good luck with that.

    As for dyr yes I'm old enough to remember the PD's. Old enough to have been able to not give them a vote.

    They are still a Conservative party no matter what you say. And you won't find a single source on the aul internet to support your claim they are left wing.

    The Progressive Democrats (IrishAn Páirtí Daonlathach, literally The Democratic Party, PDs) was a conservative-liberal[8][9] political party in the Republic of Ireland.

    Political position


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,464 ✭✭✭rgossip30

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    If I was African I would have been at least a bit embarrassed to show off African cuisine while African children are dying of starvation but fortunately I'm not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    Now we have a poster claiming Africans are bad people for showing off african cuisine at an african cultural event.

    No racism in this thread though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭Tonesjones

    As an example of how multicultural ireland now is there are advertisements for a Muslim imman plastered on the side of Dublin buses.

    We do have a higher percentage of total population who are non nationals living here than almost every other European country so it shouldn't be a surprise to see this I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

    I wont be responding to anymore of your goading.

    Every time you enter this thread you start crying about "old men" just like the other odd ball who was obsessed with "incels". And we're the ones goading? Even if you're to be humored, "old men" literally built and fought for nearly every value that made the west the west. It's so ungrateful to live on their work, yet blame them for the source of everything bad at the same time.

    And the "left have never been in power" nonsense is so dishonest. FG literally call themselves progressives now and they support nearly every modern trendy left wing belief:

    • Mass immigration
    • Feminism
    • Transgenderism
    • Millions in funding to left wing NGOs
    • "Anti racism"
    • Pro traveller
    • Climate change hysteria
    • Welfare state
    • Soft on crime

    Yet still we've people who try and convince us that Ireland is ran by the right. I suppose it's convenient too, because if the right actually comes along, it'll be very easy to call them "far right" when compared to our supposed "right".

    Post edited by TomTomTim on

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RYEL

    Next up the watch as the old men of boards claim the American republican party is the modern left.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    What baseless claim have I made klaz?

    List one or stop lying.

    I did. Duh.

    Your claim that I hated Travellers or that I was part of some silent majority.

    I don't quote you. I don't seek out your comments because I know you won't back up anything you say.

    Oh no, You'll simply use my name directly. Now I'm the one laughing.

    But you will whatabout your what out of that discussion too. Because it doesn't line up with the view that black people are violent and Muslims are terrorist.

    Neither of which I have stated... so why would I be seeking to defend such ideas? You keep doing this.. assigning ideas or positions to me that I haven't assumed.

    I wont be responding to anymore of your goading.

    I think I won't bother my ass with you either. Grand.
