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Ukraine (Mod Note & Threadbanned Users in OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭fash

    Considering your confidence in stating this, the fact it was an 8 year period & it strongly suits the Russian narrative, I've no doubt you have lots and lots of verified by independent third party reports confirming these school bombings.

    Or has the dog eaten this as well?

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭BurgerFace

    This hatred of Russia, and everything was a long time in the making. It has been a constant slow drip of hatred. we had Americans bullying Russian swimmers at the Olympics, you had American pole vaulters talking like uncouth stret s cum about Russian athletes.

    This anti Russia sentiment is pushing on for 20 years. And its tragic

  • Registered Users Posts: 925 ✭✭✭ilkhanid

    Really? A daily basis. Nope. My point is simple. They are talking about destroying Ukraine as an entity, crushing its national identity and self-determination, and yes, they are engaged in selective killing of local leadership strata and have promised more; exactly the same tactic that the Soviets practised in the Baltic states. They are engaging in the deportations of families and they intend to educate the Ukraine-ness out of they children they have seized. They have said it, they are making no secret of the fact they have said and they repeating these sentiments every week on Russian television.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,929 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    The issue is Putin. A tactic he employs is to conflate any valid criticism of him and his rule with being "anti-Russian".

    Do you hate Russians? Nope. Do you support Putin? Of course not.

    Have you personified the US and hate it as a result and project that hatred as support for opposing nations? Of course not. That would be absurd. Not to mention incredibly hypocritical and simple-minded.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,469 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    The Malaysian airlines incident is relevant to establish standard Russian operative procedure when it comes to war crimes and atrocities and to show up your weasel words about 'waiting for the UN to prove it' for the weasel words they are. That was a war crime. They've committed war crimes and atrocities in this current phase, regardless of whether the Ukranian is ethnic Russian or not. So why should we believe in Donbas 2014-2022 they were paragons of virtue or peacekeepers or 'protectors'. They were no such thing. They were agents of the Russian military sent in to start a war without regard for the consequences on civilians living there. They lie. They commit war crimes. They commit atrocities. That is Russia.

    Your lies about the Budapest agreement have been found out. Your repeatedly lie and claim Ukraine violated the Budapest agreement. Not any other agreement but Budapest, in its actions in the coup. And yet you are unable to point to the clause Ukraine violated in its actions. Nor to the Budapest agreement referencing previous agreements as being included in its scope. So how could Ukraine have violated it? Dead giveaway you were lying.

    Ukraine as a country has signed no agreement obliging it to be neutral. It did sign the Budapest agreement with Russia, obliging it to give up its nuclear weapons in return for Russia respecting its borders and sovereignty. The key word there is sovereignty. Russia recognised Ukraine as a sovereign nation. Such nonsense as a 'state sovereignty declaration' when it was still a constituent part of the USSR is entirely irrelevent and superseded by such a sovereign treaty to which Russia was a party. Nowhere in that agreement is Ukranian membership of any bloc prevented.

    And the Budapest agreement Russia has plainly and undeniably and repeatedly violated in Crimea and Donbas.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You were gushing over the Asov lads in asovstal there a few times in the other thread..

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭bobowen

  • Registered Users Posts: 925 ✭✭✭ilkhanid

    So? Germany produced Goethe, Kant, Durer, Caspar David Friedrich, Herman Hesse, Schumann and Brecht but, yes, it still degenerated into a ''complete and utter sh1thole'' in the twentieth century. The fellow countrymen of Dante, Leonardo, Petrarch, Bernini, Umberto Eco and Vivaldi went hell-for-leather in praise of a thug that promised to rebuild the great empire they were entitled to. High culture means nothing and a country with a great past can still take the detour into destruction and oblivion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,929 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Just to be clear here, you are labelling me a Nazi sympathiser?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭20silkcut

    When Ireland achieved its independence we had to accept the king as head of state and had to host a governer general in the phoenix park and we had to pay land annuities to infinity. We reneged on all three and 28 years later became a republic. The British didn’t invade us and genocide us. Things change the Ukrainians wanted to pursue their own path and be their own country as is their moral right. That is the narrative we understand and sympathise with . Your Russian imperial bullshit demands will gain no traction or sympathy here. The reality is the Russian army is in Ukraine and are not wanted there by the locals your argument is anathema to Irish people. Go peddle it somewhere else.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,885 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    They've countries who'll carry on buying Russian stuff and watch carefully to pick up a bargain on the fly, and won't stick their necks out to condemn their evil.

    That's not really "allies". Allies will actually risk something for you.

    More self interested amoral observers. Even China the Great Friend isn't doing much as yet (not much more than India say) for all the partnership guff and the rhetoric in support of the war.

  • Registered Users Posts: 925 ✭✭✭ilkhanid

    Nazi Germany produced the Tiger Tank, had an impressive industrial capacity and top-rank scientists and technicians, nearly beat the Allies to a jet airplane design and anticipated Western aircraft designs by many years in the Horten flying wing and Triebflugel. Wow! They were great lads, weren't they? Gotta love those Nazis!

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭bobowen

    "Ukraine as a country has signed no agreement obliging it to be neutral."

    Its in the founding document of the state. I've shown you this.

    There's nothing more to say. Its impossible to argue with someone who wont acknowledge historic documented facts when shown them. I see now you're basically just a bit of a chancer. Enjoy your ignorance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,469 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Ukraine as a country has signed no agreement either with another sovereign nation or legitimate international authority obliging it to be neutral.

    Whatever declarations were made by 'state soviets', they are not an international agreement, and are entirely superseded by those such as Budapest - unless referenced therein, which they were not.

    Ukraine has not violated the Budapest agreement. Russia repeatedly has. That is the truth of the matter. Anything else are Russian lies and propaganda.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 925 ✭✭✭ilkhanid

    We'll join the club along with Micheal Martin, Finland, Canada, Sweden, France Germany, Rumania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Britain, the USA, Poland, Japan, Italy, the Czech Republic, Greece, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Belgium and plenty more....Nazi sympathizers all. Several of those states had the misfortunate to be under the boot of REAL Nazis in the Second World they can see Nazism, or something as near as makes no difference when they see it. Several of those countries suffered under BOTH the Nazis and the Soviets so they have an especially acute perception of what despotism is like.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,239 ✭✭✭Pussyhands

    Angela Merkel has said she was against Ukraine joining nato because she didn't want to stoke tensions with Russia!

    Is Angela Merkel a Putinbot? Is she a Putin apologist? Is she on the Kremlins payroll???

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,469 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    (a) No

    (b) Yes

    (c) Couldn't rule it out

    More likely she's an appeaser. Easier to sell out Ukraine and keep the cheap gas flowing than take a stand for democracy in Europe. Had it been left to the likes of her, Eastern Europe wouldn't be in EU or NATO, but would now be getting the Ukraine\Georgia\Donbas treatment from Russia. When your run down your own military and got rid of your own energy security, you cannot make such a stand, you have to appease.

    At least Chamberlain had the excuse he was balancing off against multiple threats in Japan, Italy and Germany and was massively increasing military spending should a showdown have to happen. Merkel has none.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,929 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    She supported appeasement of Putin, and we see how that has turned out. If Ukraine had joined NATO starting in 2008, it's very unlikely Russia would have invaded, or annexed Crimea, or proxy invaded the East of the country.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,532 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    She did, but in fairness she thought integrating Russia into the West would reduce any military threat and make a Cold War impossible.

    She backed the wrong horse of course, but Putin becoming more hawkish, belligerent and isolationist over the last 10 years was largely of his own doing and could hardly be said to be her fault. Relations with the West were pretty good up until 2014 but then Putin started to change.

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 SomewhereInTheMiddle

    Nice try, Dohn Joe. I'm starting to respect you. Someone from Russophobia-camp recently said that Russian military is disadvantaged:

    Most of the "investment" is stolen by the kleptocratic organised crime called "Russian government". That's why we see what we see in Ukraine in terms of military performance.

    I would seriously doubt Russian tactical nuclear capability as well. Putin made a huge mistake by exposing the shambles that Russian military is...

    If the Japs or Chinese were expansionist they would have stricken Russia easily now (in the East which is poorly defended). Thankfully for Russia they aren't. Turkey is definitely watching though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 SomewhereInTheMiddle

    This is not true. Oh, yeah - here it is customary to say: "This is an utter lies!"

    Did you ask Ukrainians? They wanted to keep working and live their lives without EU/NATO. Then Ukro-gov explained them during last decade that they should want to join NATO and EU. That was not funny, poor Ukrainians believed in this, while the reality is that nobody among EU govs wanted Ukraine to join. Poor, weak country, no infra - would be sucking all the juices from EU economy like Greece, and even worse. Just like now, during the war.

    Corruption of Ukrainian even worse than in Russia, everything is just stolen. People are poor to zero. Now they are paying their utility bills, which takes 40-50% of their salaries.

    If Europe or NATO wanted to stop this war, they'd let Ukraine to join quickly, and would threaten Putin with NATO nuclear weapon. What happens instead?

    Repeating again: Ukrainians of freed regions are happy that Russian army came and freed them from Ukor-nazis.

    Go and ask Ukrainians from LNR and DNR - if they're happy or not. Just look at the queue of people in Luganskaya region, to get their Russian passports:

    The reality is that unfortunately a big part of Ukraine will become Russian territory soon. Just accept it as a reality.

    P.S. I don't support this fact. This is painful to see of how it happens. But you must be blind not to see it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 925 ✭✭✭ilkhanid

    Ukor-Nazis. A country with a Jew as PM is Nazi. A country that Ukrainian Jews and other Jews abroad support is Nazi. A country where Gay people feel more comfortable than they do in Russia is Nazi (but Russia isn't). A country with over a score of parties represented in the parliament is Nazi but a country where one man has either ruled alone or pulled the strings for 22 years ISN'T Nazi. A country that runs ''filtration camps''(nothing like concentration camps of course..nothing to see here, right ) ISN'T Nazi. A country where you can be arrested for holding up a placard with nothing written on it, or a quote from the bible or the constitution ISN'T Nazi. A country where soldiers have chatted on the phone about how they tortured prisoners or casually shot people down ISN'T Nazi.A country that threatens the world with nuclear annilhilation on a daily basis (even Hitler didn't start talking about destroying the world until 1945) ISN'T Nazi. A country where journalists undetaking investigations inconvenient to the rulers die in ''accidents'' or street muggings ISN'T Nazi. A country that sends secret agents abroad to murder enemies with lethal nerve agents and poisons ISN'T Nazi (Actually that reminds of how the OGPU specialized in poisons and had a whole department devoted to the craft...good to know the old skills haven't been neglected. Traditions are important, eh). A country that that is busy deporting people by the thousands to Siberia (yet another good old Russian tradition, well practised not only by the Soviets-acknowledged experts in the old livestock train carriage business-but by their forbears the Imperial Russians) ISN'T Nazi

    Post edited by ilkhanid on

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 SomewhereInTheMiddle

    Mother of God, so much anger in a single civilised European man...

    Do you have a family, bro? Why are so angry living in successful European country? I bet you can't even perceive my words without thinking that I'm sarcastic. But I'm not.

    I'm not a bot, but I'm really enjoying with Irish people - they are kind and welcoming. That's why I'm also surprised if you're a real Irish - I simply didn't see Irish with so much anger.

    I have a couple of Irish friends already, which is a big luck I think.

    Why I don't want my kids live there, in Russia? Because, firstly, I'm not Russian, so my country of origin is different. :)

    Also I did live there for some time and saw the system from the inside. It's not perfect, but it's not that bad how you're painting it from your side. Putin is a super-smart idiot - that's true (yes, and this is the problem when a KGB person is really smart, and then becomes a president!) But he is smart, so they're doing pretty good things, developing businesses. The educational system is disputable (though some people don't think so, and they're glad) - starting from 5th grade it's not an education IMHO, it's just a kid's torture with loads of facts, and old soviet-minded teachers. Higher education is really good. This why the world loves Russian mathematicians and programmers.

    But there are also very smart people, really intelligent. I really regret that world doesn't know and gets infected with Russophobia without knowing who normal Russians really are, especially of intellectual professions.

    So why am I here? Because I really like Ireland. And I'm really grateful for meeting such beautiful country with such kind and cheerful people. It's not a heaven, there are some disadvantages. Teenagers are allowed to do really nasty things - and they won't be punished. They simply don't respect people. This is not the case in Russian-speaking countries - there is more respect to elderly people from teenagers, especially in such regions like Chechnya, South Osetia etc. Irish educational system is really-really weak in most schools, so we hire tutors here. The taxes are SUPER high. But all in all it's not that bad.

    TBH, I'd live normal life in almost any country starting from Ural mountains and western.

    It's probably only you, who was born in Ireland and not happy with his own life, growing and cherishing anger against evil Russians.

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 SomewhereInTheMiddle

    Why do you ask, dear? Did you see what the war is at all?

    Also, stop coming up with these fun ideas like "They came to steal a washing machine on the $10M tank". Just stop it, dear. Try to ask something more appropriate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 SomewhereInTheMiddle

    Explaining only one time. Only for you.

    Sorry I was sarcastic, but it simply looks like you're trolling, because you're asking such questions just like you don't understand. Or you're trying to make me angry? If so - it's not possible, man. It would be really funny to get angry at letters on the monitor. I'm not getting angry at anyone here.

    First, Russia - is NOT my country. Okay? If I'm saying anything positive about any country, this doesn't mean I'm standing for it. In any nation there are good people and idiots (for simplicity). And that explains everything.

    Intelligent people (and those are the smallest group), middle level and, well, the rest. "The rest" - most of them are pensioners and those who are listening to propaganda etc. The middle and intelligent class - who see what happens, and using their own minds. It's hard to make them just believe the government like here in Europe. Here people simply tend to believe whatever they say. Intelligent Russians are a bit different. But those are a small group as I said. And unfortunately most of them don't have any gov-impact.

    Well, pretty the same as here, in Ireland and in any other country.

    Next. Russian gov is driven by security forces people. Putin is KGB, pro-Stalin guy. That's clear. And the methods the same. Unfortunately people lived in USSR for 70 years, 3 generations of "The rest" (the biggest population) people are used to such kind of government, and simply don't perceive any other kind of it.

    BTW, pretty the same picture with Ukrainian people. So their mindset is actually not compatible with yours, and they can't be ruled by western principles. Why? Well, because they still have the same Russain-like-mindset, as they were in USSR for the same 70 years. That's what civilian Euro people simply don't understand (but EU gov does) - one doesn't simply integrate Ukraine into Europe. And, well, they have pretty same tendency to kleptocracy, committing atrocities daily etc... Sneaky west set the slavic nations on each other.

    And it'll require pretty much time until these type of people will be replaced with new visioners. But they will come.

    Is that clear now?

    Okay. Go ahead with your trolling and anger again...

    Post edited by SomewhereInTheMiddle on

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,929 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Yeah I understand that, the notion that enough trade makes war unfeasible. Unfortunately it didn't factor in the ego of a dictator.

    Not reading much of this thread anymore, it's become a sluice for the "just don't reply to them" serial offenders and god knows what some of these new accounts are. Switching back to the other one.

    Extraordinary image of the front line, looking more and more like WW1 with lines of trenches, slow moving artillery and grinding gains/losses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭fash

    She's someone who needs to justify her own catastrophic failures. How else is she going to do it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,036 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    If Ukraine had joined NATO starting in 2008, it's very unlikely Russia would have invaded

    Russia would likely have invaded Ukraine in 08 if Ukraine joining NATO was on the cards then - it doesnt justify their actions but it is one of the main reason Russia is invading, and it had been called out well in advance by several well respected diplomats over the course of decades. NATO expansion eastward is a red flag to Russia.
