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Covid vaccines - thread banned users in First Post



  • Registered Users Posts: 16,678 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    I used Newtonian physics to figure it out, do you disagree with that method? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,535 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    Young people die from Covid all the time. Some with no comorbidities, even some athletes die from it. Unvaccinated more likely to die from it.

    Healthy is vague. I've given you the CDC chart showing Covid deaths in unvaccinated people under the age of 59. It was from the CDC and like I said, a few minutes to google it up.

    But, at least you agree the vaccine's safe. That's good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,678 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Btw, I completely agree, if the virus didn't exist (does SARS-COV2 exist Markus? Has it been isolated yet?) then getting a vaccine for a non-existent disease would be silly (we've been kind of lucky to continue the polio vaccines given what occurred in the UK, very nasty disease).

    Tell me that you agree or disagree with the following statement:

    Man has visited the moon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Capra

    Patently false information. Name just one healthy athlete who has died of Covid. I just spent a few mins googling it and I found one guy....who also happened to have leukemia and I'd wager a bet 99% of his cause of death was the leukaemia and not covid. I did find a few active athletes....every single one of them was obese. 1 was a 355lb line backer and two were sumo wrestlers. I'd doubt any of those lads could run 100m without needing oxygen at the end.

    Considering how desperate the media was to make everyone believe this virus was the ultimate killer of our time its amazing there are so few notable deaths amongst young people. It's harder to find data now than before but I distinctly remember that not a single person under the age of 25 had died of Covid in Ireland during the first 18 months of the pandemic. When it was reported that the virus had claimed its youngest victim it also came out that she was a seriously ill child with lots of other issues.....

    So if "young people die of covid all the time", what exactly is your definition of "all the time"? I think the phrase you were looking for was "almost never".

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,678 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    There's loads of examples so you mightn't have been trying too hard, there's a pretty sad one of a 16 year old in perfect health who died from coronavirus, he was unlucky enough to be born in one of the GOP states in the US which had low vax rates and would undoubtedly be alive today with a vaccine, anti-vaxxers are dangerous idiots responsible directly for human misery.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Capra

    Seems vague and made up. Could you provide a link to prove this? And is there a chance there is some context missing when a "perfectly healthy" 16 year old dies of a disease which has infected millions of other perfectly healthy 16 year olds and killed almost none of them?

    Post edited by Capra on

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,678 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    I'm not going to be posting links to tragic events about the death of young people in a one upmanship contest, but Google is your friend here, there is lots and lots of examples, I mentioned just 1 of many. There's a reddit subreddit as well with lots of examples, but it's fairly morose.

    Your credibility is kind of shot here.

    But it would prove that anti-vaxxers are too stupid to use the Internet, so you're proving one thing at least.

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭hometruths

    The most worrying thing is that whilst there are very few stories of young healthy people dying from Covid, there has been a significant spike in young healthy people dying for unknown reasons. What exactly is killing all these young healthy people?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Have you any evidence that this is actually happening and that it's due to the vaccines?

    You're letting your mask slip again there man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,485 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    The safety conspiracy theory about depopulation is dead and gone. In Ireland, births exceeded deaths by 171,338 in the last 6 years. 2.33 of those years were Covid years.

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  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭hometruths

    Have you any evidence that this is actually happening and that it's due to the vaccines?

    I'm not going to be posting links to tragic events about the death of young people in a one upmanship contest, but Google is your friend here, there is lots and lots of examples,

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    So then no, you don't have any evidence to support your claim.

    There's nothing to show that is actually happening and nothing to show its due to the vaccines.

    Why the sudden change in your position? Previous you were claiming that there wasn't any safety issue you were concerned about and you were very offended with people suggesting you shared the conspiracy claims.

    Now you're repeating them openly.

    Did you change your mind? Or did you just get tired of pretending?

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭hometruths

    I think the point I was making went over your head. Not for the first time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,678 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    This is just pure trolling and absolutely pathetic but very on form.

    There are lots of studies on the impact of vaccines you can link to, just as there are lots of studies on the impact of COVID on young people that have already been linked and then the likes of yourself ran away from or didn't understand the data (again proving the stupidity of anti-vaxxers). I've personally posted the risk/reward for the vaccines vs. the virus multiple times (250x risker to get the virus for the young male group, 1000x+ more dangerous to get the virus for every other group).

    Feel free to post the studies that will undoubtedly show up how pathetic this is or continue running away into stupid pedantry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    No, you're being vague because you're still trying to pretend that you're not a anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist.

    If you have a point, make it directly and support it with evidence.

    Cause so far, you've been showing that you have no point and you have no evidence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Capra

    Still waiting for you to post evidence of the thousands of young people and athletes you claim died from covid....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,485 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    It’s like Phishy cloned himself and there are many of his accounts posting here over the last few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,266 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    In the US there were approximately 7500 deaths from Covid in under 30s, of which approx. 1000 were under 18.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Capra

    Well done. Youve pointed out a raw statistic that literally anyone can look up. There isn't even a consensus in the USA on how covid deaths are counted. Some states will count car accident victims as covid deaths if they test positive as it allows the hospital claim money from the government. Other states don't allow that. Those figures are absolutely meaningless. I've absolutely no doubt some of Americas chronically obese young people have died of covid, the fact many of them weight 300+ lbs by the age of 13 means America has absolutely enormous health issues.

    But we werent talking about u healthy people were we? Astrofool specifically claimed lots of healthy young people die of covid without providing a shred of evidence. Surely when deaths of healthy young people are so common people can just post some links to stories/biographies of these strapping young athletic men and women who are dropping dead on a daily basis. For some reason all the athletes that I'm finding who died of covid competed in the 1956 Olympics or were sumo wrestlers/body builders and nfl linebackers...athletes who all have a habit of dropping dead very suddenly anyway. Haven't seen many Premier league footballers retired due to complications from Covid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,266 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    This was the quote I responded to:

    "post evidence of the thousands of young people and athletes"

    I posted figures for the death of young people.

    I don't other / dehumanise people with conditions like you tried to do. Young people with health conditions and still young people.

    Now, when presented with the figures you asked for, figures which are readily available, which you resort to quibbling and weasel words. You ask for figures, and then say they are meaningless. So apparently, you already knew that such figures were available and then just pretended ignorance until they were posted.

    Your posts are utterly dishonest exercises in weasel words and muddying of the waters. The perspective underlying your posts intellectually and morally bankrupt which is why the only place you can raise this guff is on the conspiracy theory thread.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Capra

    Nonsense. Sick people die all the time. That's not a surprise. "Othering"....sure, that's good stuff. Keep it coming.

    This line of discussion opened from the following quote by igotadose which astrofool decided to jump in on. This is the what I'm asking for evidence of:

    "Young people die from Covid all the time. Some with no comorbidities, even some athletes die from it. Unvaccinated more likely to die from it."

    So yes, your figures are completely useless and redundant when it comes to providing evidence of healthy young athletes with no comorbidities dying. That's a very different demographic than the sick and obese don't you think? Also, why did you refer to the USA when we live in Ireland. I guess showing a graph with 0 deaths of people under 14 and less than 10 under the age of 30 wouldn't provide the shock factor you want.

    But let me guess, I'm still dishonest and trying to weasel out of your hard evidence to a question I didn't ask?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    The sooner you learn that these people are not grounded by science the better. They are here purely to bring down the entire conspiracy forum and that is all - engaging with them at all means they are winning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    Its easier to talk about the subject matter with people who want to talk about it. I've most of the sealions on ignore anyhow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,485 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    conspiracy theorist logic. Ignore people who disagree with you because they stop discussion. Eh, no. Ignoring, not engaging, or engaging in bad faith prevents discussion. The way you have latched onto the misuse of the term sealoining is interesting. You’re just one step away from wanting the forum shut down because it’s not an echo chamber.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,266 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    This was the post:

    "post evidence of the thousands of young people and athletes"

    I did.

    If young people can die from Covid in the US, they could die from Covid here, it is just a numbers game, it is the same virus. So it has the capacity to kill young people. It has the capacity to kill children. It has the capacity to kill people with no co-morbidities.

    Nowhere in your original post did you specify "must be in Ireland". So we see the classic tactic of the conspiracy theorist, when cornered in a lie, shift the goalposts.

    That they didn't die in Ireland is a factor of our restrictions and health service capacity being there to treat them.

    In the UK and Ireland, the median age of 291 children (300 care episodes) admitted to ICU with a positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR from March 2020 to June 2021 was ten years. Invasive ventilation was required in 49% of care episodes for a median of five days.5,6 In the UK, between March 2020 and February 2021, 25 children and adolescents died of COVID-19. Of these six (24%) had no underlying condition. Five deaths (20%) were in those aged 5 - 9 years and nine (36%) in those aged 10 - 14 years.

    5% of ICU admissions in Ireland were for the age group 15-34.

    Your contempt for sick people is morally bankrupt. Your posts are intellectually dishonest and deliberately worded to deceive. So yes, weasel words at best if not outright lies.

    The statement was: "Young people die from Covid all the time. Some with no comorbidities, even some athletes die from it. Unvaccinated more likely to die from it."

    Each piece of the statement has been proven. In response you have nothing except lies, shifting of goalposts and weasel words. Tactics so transparent we've seen them all before. But facts are stubborn things.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    It's very important for people to have a conversation without having people interrupting them frequently, just reading your response is exactly like the description of sealioning.

    You're part of the echo chamber, you and your rafts are trying to shut down these discussions, it's not the other way round.

    But you'll be hovering around here and the other conspiracy thread's for a long time to come. A lot of people have you on ignore too. And rightly so, you've spouted a lot of shoite in the conspiracy theory forums. And you've been caught out quite regularly...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,485 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    As I said, you don’t understand what sealioning is, so don’t be using it out of context to make it sound like you do. I’m not the one that wants to stifle discussion. I am not the one that wants forums shut down because people may disagree with me or ask me questions. That’s the crowd your surround yourself with. Go read the feedback thread again and you may eventually figure it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    Anyhow looks like the BBC are reporting a lot of people getting compensated for covid vaccine injuries. And supposed that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    More to come supposedly, imagine this is the start of it, and a lot of those injuries are from healthy people who didn't need to take it

    Like I said the vaccines are ok for the vulnerable and elderly and they're not getting as many vaccine injuries.

    I think when these shot's came out they changed the definition of vaccine in the dictionary too.

    Watch this space, when there's a tsunami of people hurt from the needle craft.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Again. You have claimed that all space flight is fake.

    How is this grounded in science?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    We'll have to ask the expert's here, they always have trusted source's of stats and poles.

    There's a big increase of people who are seeking compensation for vaccine injuries according to the BBC. And that's only a drop in the ocean supposedly.
