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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,986 ✭✭✭rogber

    This is Boris Johnson we're talking about. Unlikely that's what motivates him

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,484 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    You never know. There is strong evil coming from the Kremlin. It stirs people, even those as self serving as Boris.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭electric_sleep


    This is all from western media and my own opinions based on what I’ve witnessed unfold , and all videos posted bar one were mainstream media. Just cause Putin uses certain factors like the far right, or Ukraine’s persecution of ethnic Russians to attempt to justify his actions doesn’t make them untrue and it’s a disservice the thousands of people who’ve lost family members, and thousands of dead Ukrainians who died at the hands of Ukraine to say so.

    The dangerous thing about propaganda is that it contains elements of truth.

    Yes it’s nice to think in black and white terms but the world doesn’t work like that, black and white thinking and drinking the cool aid is what gets people pulled into wars.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,640 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

     Russia is firing an astonishing amount of artillery shells per weeks, the same rate that would deplete the US stores of shells in 10days, and if they even reduced the fire rate by 50% the UK could keep up for 8 days,

    This appears to be implying the UK has 40% of the artillery ammunition of the US which is fairly laughable.

    Also "only" 200k troops is more or less their entire professional army.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,743 ✭✭✭zv2

    The blackest white in all this is that Putin wanted a war and used the situation to cynically blame everyone but himself.

    “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” — Voltaire

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    "Persecution of ethnic Russians"

    The last time I was in Kyiv, the language on the streets and bars was easily 60 percent Russian if not more. The population of Kyiv itself is probably 1 in 5 ethnic Russian. No one bats an eyelid, no one cares.

    Absolute grade-A nonsense. You're talking about a Ukraine that only exists in the mind of Russian nationalists, disseminated by ethno-expansionists in high-office in Moscow.

    There's only you sucking on the Kool-Aid here.

    FYI, those "pro-Russians" in Odessa were hired goons bussed by extremely shady elements - they attacked Ukrainian football hooligans and shot one of them dead at the height of the Crimean tension. The incident in the union building was tragic, but they came for trouble and got it.

    You're dancing like a puppet on the string of people that would have you at the bottom the Moskva river if you crossed them.

    I know it, you secretly know it. So cut the bullsh*t and admit it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,882 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    They could be referring to this (depressing article about need for US/West to increase its arms/ammunition production + expand its industrial base to get ready for future wars) which I read a few days ago (?) Was thinking of posting it before, so may as well now.

    I cannot vouch for accuracy of it.

    In short, US annual artillery production would at best only last for 10 days to two weeks of combat in Ukraine. If the initial estimate of Russian shells fired is over by 50%, it would only extend the artillery supplied for three weeks.

    So not that it would deplete "US stores" in 10 days as per poster, but it would use up a whole years' peace-time production run in about 10 days which is still massive.

    Russia does seem to have vasts amounts of Cold war (?) era artillery and shells.

    Going beyond my ken again talking military things, but guessing maybe unlike the Western countries, they put all that huge Soviet arsenal for waging WW3 in Western Europe into mothballs, and they have pulled it out now from all over Russia, checked it over, and sent it West to devastate Eastern Ukraine for Putin's vanity & lethal ego trip. Alot of it probably works okay to blow stuff up and kill people, even if its old and not as good as what the West/NATO armies might have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,397 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    The Ukrainian people have that say, and that is the right John McCain was there to support. To bring the world's attention on what was happening in Ukraine so that the regime knew cameras were on them.

    So the "US" did not. In 2014 John Kerry was Secretary of State. So if you said John Kerry was there and saying X that is very different to John McCain. Who are "The Americans"? It's not just a case of mixing up names. The roles matter. John McCain had no executive role in the US administration in 2014.

    You keep running away from the evidence that there was widespread diverse and majority support in Ukraine for the trade deal, for protests, and for the removal, by parliament, of the President and his administration. It was not some US backed far right minority coup and it is spreading a lie to present it in that manner. John McCain spoke to hundreds of thousands of protestors who had already taken to the streets, he didn't magic them up out of thin air.

    You keep running away from the question of why the President didn't sign the trade deal with the EU.

    Just because a president is democratically elected, doesn't mean he gets to rule as an autocrat. The president made himself illegitimate by his actions.

    You're not calling out Ukraine for its sins. You are tarnishing Ukranian democracy with an original sin which you have fabricated.

    Ukraine is a progressive democracy. It is a democracy that is progressing in the direction of the EU, of human rights, of basic freedoms, away from the orbit of Russian gangster corruption and fascist dictatorship. It can only do that free of Russian dominance and subversion, of the type of subversion Russia attempted in Donbas, illegally sending in troops and Ukraine had to respond to with force. In that fight it does not have clean hands, but it is only in that fight because of Russia's illegal actions in the region. Zelensky is a Russian speaker, as are others in his administration. This is not some persecution or genocide of Russian speakers, but an attempt to defend Ukrainian identity and sovereignty against Russian subversion.

    Any moral equivalence of Ukranian democracy, for all its flaws, with Russian gangster fascism is completely without merit or foundation.

    You posted complete lies about ethnic cleansing and genocide in Donbas by 'New' Ukraine, parroting Russian propaganda.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Well found out as a Putinist doubt-sower and myth-pusher after his last few posts.


    Sure you do champ. The next Baltika is on me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭electric_sleep

    I condemned Russia and spoke about post coup/revolution (delete which one least offends you) Ukraines actions leading up to this war, and mentioned US and Russian influences in Ukrainian unrest since 2014.

    I spoke up in favour of a peace treaty, I mentioned the sufferings of the people of Donbas being caught in the middle of all this. I’m clearly not a fan of Kievs decisions since 2014, but that doesn’t make me a Putin bot. There are many factors in this war and just because Putin uses them as starting points for his propaganda doesn’t mean we can’t discuss it.

    What is the rule? Once Putin mentions a topic as justification for his invasion we need to instantly dismiss all talk about this topic forever as propaganda? You know how propaganda works right? It’s built on real world events and then blown up/distorted to suit your narrative. It’s not as effective if it’s 100% fiction.

    So try to separate out someone mentioning a well known and well documented societal issue in Ukraine, such as the far right role in the 2014 coup/revolution , with someone using this as justification for the invasion. Come on, use that grey matter for something other than graphic descriptions of how Russian soldiers will die in Ukraine.

    There are endless posts condemning Russia, the whole western world is doing it, take it as a given that I condemn them too, I just didn’t see the point of going on and on about it in what’s already an echo chamber. Russian invasion = bad! Ok , happy? Sorry if I don’t demonstrate the level of hatred towards Russians in general as you would like me to. And sorry if all of this shakes your world view so much that you have to reach straight for the ‘putinbot’ button rather than actually demonstrating why I’m wrong. Resorting to insulting me because I bring up uncomfortable points is also pretty lame. Have a nice evening.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    You'll get your peace when the Russian army is in retreat and tamed in Ukraine and not a minute before. That's what the Ukrainian government and people demand, and that's what the West is arming them to achieve.

    The latest wheeze is "peace talks" because the Russian army has been charged with achieving political goals and not military ones in a phase of the war where they know they could crack the Russian state if they start going backwards. That and their at the limits of what they can achieve as a land-grab right now.

    Your suckling at the tit of Russian bullsh*t. Sell it to someone who's actually buying. Because very few here are buying it beyond re-regs and political extremists.

    If you're trying to convince me or anyone else that you pushing known Kremlin nonsense about coups, NED and Banderites is a mere coincidence, and that in fact your clutching your pearls for Ukraine and just want peace, take it to Hyde Park Speakers Corner. You might get a hearing there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 95 ✭✭hairymaryberry

    You would lose that bet

    Anyway it is clear that this thread is populated by those who get there warfare knowledge from COD and Hollywood, eventually reality will catch up with them, until then they can believe Russia is losing.

    Russia is operating on a you break it you pay for it basis, the land been fought over now will be Russia when all is said and done, I imagine right up to the Dnieper river and the entire south coast.

    The EU is dangling membership in front of the Ukrainian people as a incentive to keep fighting, it will never happen, all that will be left of Ukraine will be a burnt out husk , all the young men dead and all the young women have fled east as refugees to never return, it will be a money pit, the EU will cut them loose and all this war will have been for nothing.

    Enjoy your fantasies of putting a beating on Red Ivan, as that’s all it will be, a fantasy.

    Sanctions are only hurting the EU, won’t be long before it pushes the more eager for war to look for peace, and never forget only 15% of the world is sanctioning Russia, the rest are getting down to business, in fact countries are apply to join the BRICS.

    The world is moving on as the EU/US try to drag Russia into a big war to distract from their failed monetary policies.

    The idiots in charge of the EU are sending us down the path to rack and ruin, laugh all you want at me, call me a Putin bot, you won’t be laughing come Autumn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    You've been threadbanned. You know where the door is.

    And don't bother re-registering either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,397 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    You didn't "bring up uncomfortable points". You drew a moral equivalence between Ukraine and Russia in the 2022 conflict by calling them both murderous regimes.

    Nobody says Ukraine in 2014-2021 was a paragon of virtue. But to present Ukraine and Russia as morally equivalent can only be done via reliance on Russian propaganda lies, which you repeat here.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,492 ✭✭✭✭Bass Reeves

    He and Sean Treacy were fascinating from the point of view that they were old style gunmen. They could hold there nerve in a gunfight as they showed at the Fernside gun battle and at the Knocklong rescue. The death of Treacy was interesting as well because it was a gun battle. He shot dead one British intelligence office and wounded another before being killed by machine gun fire from an armoured car. Fernside was similar in that they awoke in a safe house with the house being broken into. Two British offices were killed along with some soldiers. One of the British officers was deliberately hunting Treacy.and Been believing them to have killed his brother.

    These officers would have been very experienced warrior's for the want of a better word, having experience in WWI and being capable in handling weapons in a battlefield situation but Treacy and Been would have been capable of surviving most old West gunfights

    Slava Ukrainii

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭electric_sleep

    I didn’t say they were morally equivalent, I just said I’m not a fan of Kievs government and condemned some of their actions, particularly supporting and arming far right militias, and the persecution of ethnic Russians in Donbas.

    This doesn’t mean I support Moscow. Some people seem to be having a hard time computing this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    What persecution of ethic Russians in Donbas? That's a concoction of Russian nationalists as a pretext for hybrid warfare, and this entire sorry mess. They tried the same stunts in Latvia and Estonia going back decades.

    If you're worried about far right movements and militias, you have a more severe problem in Russia to worry about before you ever get to Ukraine.

    You can meet Russian ethnics from Donetsk and Lukhansk regions tomorrow if you want. Go down to your local refugee centre and start with that palaver, you'll be sent packing with your theories stuffed up your arse and a bloody nose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,397 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Weasel words, you said a lot more than that, including accusations of ethnic cleansing of ethnic Russians which have no basic in reality.

    You are only walking back the Russian propaganda lies you posted because they has been challenged on this thread.

    Why are we having a hard time computing it?

    You wrote "it's murdering regime v murdering regime", a clear attempt at drawing a moral equivalence between them.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,512 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    The BBC have done a great job fact checking the numerous lies being told by the Kremlin and the psycho Putin bots on social media about Kremenchuk. The mall was fully open and operating as normal - they link to a video filmed 'inside' the mall on Sunday with shoppers going about their daily business. They've also established that there were two missile strikes and the idea that fire somehow spread from the factory blast to the shopping mall is very fetched.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,640 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    So why bring it up?

    No one actually thinks the Ukrainian government is a utopia.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    He's backpedaling at a rate of knots now.

    Disgusting. Coming into this thread thinking he'll get to float Kremlinite lies under the guise of faux concern for Ukraine and fake cries for peace.

    We see you Putinite. We'll always see you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭electric_sleep

    Well I know several people who have personally been attacked or abused by the Ukrainian military since 2014 so I’m going to stick with what I’ve been told by actual people in Ukraine rather than angry internet guy, if that’s all ok with you. The campaign against ethnic Russians in the east of Ukraine is a historical reality, regardless of your opinion.

    Ukraines far right problem is also a well documented fact, as reported for many years by virtually every major western media outlet. You can stick your head in the sand all you want about it.

    Does it justify the Russian invasion? No, and never said nor implied that it did.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,392 ✭✭✭nigeldaniel

    Well done to him for taking action. A lot of evidence of Russian interference in the no-confidence motion he faced.


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,427 ✭✭✭✭Say my name

    In the 2012 BBC documentary..Putin, Russia and the west.

    It was either Medeyev or Lavrov said to camera that Putin wanted Ukraine.

    Putin and his agents can make the situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭electric_sleep

    I stand by everything I said. Kiev is 100% a murdering regime as is Moscow.

    Ukraine are morally in the right to defend their homeland against invaders, so the moral comparison ends there. Russia are on the wrong side of this war. Nothing I’ve said is inconsistent with that position which I’ve held throughout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭electric_sleep

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,640 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    You may as well be saying that the UK had its issues in 1940.

    Undeniably true, but so **** what?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,512 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    Go Bulgaria! 70 diplomats being expelled is a phenomenal amount.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,819 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    You are 100%correct on the West underestimating the store of Russian weaponry, it may be old and by Western standards near primitive but a 155 shell from 1960 is still going to be a problem if they are landing daily in thousands .

    Russia is not holding back its latest weapons in case of NATO and NATO are not going to care if they do, the gap is still incredible in terms of capabilities.

    Could Russia beat Poland, hard to see it, could Russia even beat the tiny force that the US have in Europe, not a hope.

    Russia have a lump hammer Army, Brutal, rough but it can be deadly against a smaller opponent.

This discussion has been closed.