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The Pushback against Leftism



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,177 ✭✭✭Fandymo

    Look at all the recent Pride parade. “Kill all TERFS” t-shirts. A drag artist in Barcelona with it written on his chest. If it was the other way round there’d be arrests. TENI spokesperson saying he wants to “smash all TERFS”.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭Mic 1972

    Selective tolerance, we have seen a lof of it from the left in the last couple of years

    People have different political and moral views, grow some skin and deal with it

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,970 ✭✭✭Shoog

    As I said stop hating Trans, homosexuals and immigrants and I will take your "politics" a bit more seriously. Get the message - its not about a difference aof opinion its intollerance of hate and hate speech.

  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭Starfire20

    'People have different political and moral views, grow some skin and deal with it'


    the lack of self awareness is incredible

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭Mic 1972

    and that's why there is push back against LGBT. It's bad for lots of homosexuals who have nothing to do with this, but get badly misrepresented by the movement

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's not that left, but this left, no not that one, the other one, no the other other one...

    I'd say there's the political left, and the social left. They're often not the same thing, although there is a crossover at times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,970 ✭✭✭Shoog

    I can see your sincere love of LGBT shining through🤣

    Here's a simple question I would love to see you answer, do you believe you are superior to an African immigrant to Ireland ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭blueskys

    For anyone literate in social democracy, there is a political spectrum from left to right. Social Democracy itself is the result of a compromise between left (unions, democratic/civil rights/eco movements etc) and right (Business interests, nationalist movements etc.). From the post war period to the 70's in the west this compromise worked not just to the benefit of businesses but also those who were members of trade unions and organised labour in general. However the lever of balance has always ratcheted to the right economically even when supposedly left wing parties were in power as regulations on capital and corporate taxes were incrementally decreased. At the same time, since the 70's, the strength of organised labour and unions in general has dramatically declined. In my opinion the traditional left became 'liberalised' if you like, economically, leaving what you might call the working classes adrift as working conditions & pay stagnated. It is these people, both in the UK and US who have, paradoxically veered right. This is what underpins the anger against the so-called progressive agenda which now champions anyone else but them.

    In this country, Labour, the traditional left party with a fine history of genuine progressivism and social activism is now associated for right or wrong with crippling austerity. What i am saying is that we seem to now have a generation of people who suffer from a collective misunderstanding of what 'leftism' actually means. We are heading down the road of Trumpland where anything that doesn't fit a certain agenda can be classed as 'leftism', communism etc ( i.e the title of this thread) without actually understanding the history of social democracy and where the actual left fits in.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm not making the definition at all.

    All you need do is look at what so-called "progressive" parties, including the UK Left and the Democrats in the US, are focussing on as part of their "progressive", left-leaning agenda.

    I'd rather the Left return to your vision of what it should be doing, but that's not what's happening on the ground.

    If the Left were merely about helping the working class of old and matters similar to that, nobody would have created this thread.

    This thread was created because what was considered the Left has metamorphosed into a completely different creature.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,970 ✭✭✭Shoog

    Your misunderstanding is that the left has always been interested in promoting the the rights and welfare of oppressed minorities. Working class people were always just one of those oppressed minorities as far as the left was concerned. Equality for all is the cornerstone of everything left wing. The left wing was always on the front line with the victims of racism and the right was always the victimizer they were fighting.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Total simplification.

    If that were true, you are saying all right-wing people are effectively on the side of racism.

    Leaving aside the labels, most people are against racism no matter what side of the political spectrum they fall down upon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,970 ✭✭✭Shoog

    Forgive me if I don't take the definition of a Tory as gospel on what a left wing supporter is.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I don't live in the United Kingdom, nor am I British. I'm not a Tory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,233 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    Well if they're "not often the same thing" then they're not really the same thing are they.

    Look it's really simple, "teh lEft" is merely a catchphrase used by the simple minded for everything they hate. There's no great mystery here. Trans's "teh lEfT"...immigrants, it's "teh lEfT"...people on the's "teh lEfT". Apparently, Neo-Liberal conservative pillars like the privatisation of essential services is also "teh lEfT" for some people on this thread. 😆

    For some people the Left is any old thing they want it to be.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Look it's really simple, "teh lEft" is merely a catchphrase used by the simple minded for everything they hate.

    Ironic to make a sweeping statement like that from someone who literally just prefaced the claim with the "look it's really simple...".

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,233 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    I'm not even looking at your shitposting any more.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    For some people the Left is any old thing they want it to be

    And so is the right... using your own logic.

    So, both descriptions are basically meaningless, because people and organisations will do as the please, and what they do will be assigned a left/right status based on that persons perspective.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,233 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    @[Deleted User] And so is the right... using your own logic.

    For some people, it can be.

    So, both descriptions are basically meaningless, because people and organisations will do as the please, and what they do will be assigned a left/right status based on that persons perspective.

    No, the descriptions aren't "meaningless", but they can be used in a meaningless way as has been demonstrated on this very thread.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    For some people, it can be.

    So, the simpleminded people you referred to.. when talking about the left being used. Basically the simpleminded on both sides of any debate that reference the Left/right.

    Although I don't particularly agree with you. I would still say that there is a political left, which follows certain typical agendas/ideologies, and the social left which follows certain social movements. The same existing for the right, of course. And then, there's all the people in the middle who swing left/right depending on the issue involved or state of mind at that time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,233 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    The vast majority of people will swing "left" or "right" depending on the topic and anyone who buries their needle in either direction and becomes immovable is an idiot in my book, because they end up being told what to believe in instead of actually believing in what they themselves hold true. Far too many people are beholden to what "their team" says, rather than just engaging in a bit of reflection on a given topic and coming up with their own position. There's plenty of posters on here who'll you'll just know will be topic starters of certain issues or will have an obvious opinion just based on the title of the thread. It's not even funny any more.

    But there's a larger, more important, issue at play here. The political sphere has become swamped with US centric identity nonsense whose signal to noise ratio is immense. Significant topics get drowned out in favour of people shouting at each other about people they'll never even meet al la trans people, for instance and will carry on like the sky is falling in. It's a farce. It's been a dreadful side effect of social media and the internet in general.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Who created that "US centric identity nonsense" though?

    It wasn't the conservative wing, that's for sure.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The Vatican is probably your favourite part of the American right. 😂

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The most important principle of any bigot is that the problem is always the other lot's fault.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So presumably you think the other lot is at fault here, too?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Let me know when you have a question that doesn't contain a biased nested assumption and I'll see if I can answer it for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭Sudden Valley

    They seem to anti science with anything involving the bible like Intelligent design was only taught in Republican states. They also deny climate change, or actually they seemed to have now fallen back from that position and now seem to be of the opinion it is happening and we can either do nothing about it or it is not man-made. The Republicans were also heavily against the vaccines but that is more conspiracy theory nonsense than anti science.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Social media is heavily dominated by American thinking, particularly these fond notions they have about the primacy of free speech, and the influence of that has had a backwash into the more traditional message boards and forums. If you add in the tendency for those old-fashioned forums to be unbalanced from a gender point of view, and then couple that with the essentially lazy and inactive cohort that tends to spend more time than average glued to their computers and phones, it's not really a recipe for balanced discussion and exchanges of views.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,970 ✭✭✭Shoog

    The right likes science that makes them money and hates science that gets in the way of making money. Then there are the antiscience religious crazies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,301 ✭✭✭Snickers Man

    This is true. The terms left and right are completely meaningless, especially in an Irish context where we have a grown-up properly representative electoral system based on Proportional Representation.

    Left-Right is only applicable in primitive bipolar societies like Britain and the USA where, effectively, the electorate is only offered a single choice between "Blue" and "Red". And just to keep it real the terms mean almost polar opposites on either side of the Atlantic.

    Those who want to whinge about "the left" and "the right" should piss off to Britain or the USA, find out just how utterly frustrating and unrepresentative their systems are and wallow in the political autism that ensues: everybody full of passion and unable to articulate it properly.

    We do things properly here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭Sudden Valley

    I wouldnt consider it a smear to say that Southern states were teaching Intelligent design as an alternative to Evolution. They are literal believers of what was written in the bible.

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