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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 18,512 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    Interesting to hear that the severe parts shortages in the aviation industry have now spread to the tech sector:

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭ZenNature

    To claim a Ruble-Rupee exchange mechanism is a dollarised instrument and they need dollar reserves is not understanding how it works. The whole point of it is it doesnt require dollar or euro reserves. Read up on the the 1953 mechanism and it will enlighten everyone. It plays into one of the US biggist fears, a move off the petro dollar.

    The rupee has strenghtened over 10% in the last 12 months against the Euro. Thats a fact.

    So when you say that it is 'dogsh*t' , its clear your not reflecting what the FX market is saying.

    All currencies are managed and have proven volatile at some point in their history.

    The fact that increased Russia trade East of the Urals is replacing the void left by Western sanctions may be uncomfortable for people to accept, but its happening.

    Russia spent a decade positioining itself for these type of sanctions. And their pivot east may have been planned or may just be oppurtunistic, but for sure they are being welcomed by trading partners in the East. You dont get called the worlds best central banker by the FT because your prone to wishful thinking.

    I see NATO have upped the ante with their new commitments announced today. Looks like we are entering a de-facto new Cold War but with bigger toys on both sides.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    A rouble-rupee exchange mechanism absolutely has to be dollar or euro underpinned with a peg. A peg requires regularly going to the dollar market to hedge against volatility for two fundamentally sh*tty currencies.

    This is economic illiteracy you're peddling.

    You have a basic problem when you post the guff you've been posting. You presume everyone is as ignorant as you. They're not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭ZenNature

    Thats all still in discussion , theres been no commitment to peg to the dollar.

    Theres too much western bias in alot of peoples wishful thinking, they think it has to be dollar pegged . Russia has already made moves to peg the Ruble to Gold. So again your framing of the argument is not reflective of what is actually happening. You have your opinion, but the markets has already taken actions contrary to those, sometimes in life things dont turn out the way we hope.

    People can be as rude as they want and make snide remarks all they want, but they are still ignoring the facts, ignoring increased Eastern trade, ignoring increasing exports and imports East of the Urals, ignoring 100 nations embracing the opportunity to strenghten ties with Russia, ignoring all that is just folly. Economic trade has a 2000+ year history of power shifts , the early FACTUAL indicators I have layed out indicate we may be seeing another one, or perhaps Warren Buffett will be proven right again when he said never bet against the US.

    Perhaps if people woke up and realised no matter how evil or disgraceful Putins regime is, there are plenty of people East of Dnieper river happy to do business with him just as there were plenty people in London, Munich, Paris, Rome and Brussels happy to do business with Russian dirty money prior to the invasion of Ukraine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,062 ✭✭✭Hobgoblin11

    Syria: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs decides to recognize the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics

    will this make those other countries on the fence think again about recognition?

    Dundalk, Co. Louth

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  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭ZenNature

    Much as I dislike both regimes the sad truth is that I think you will be proven right. More countries will make stronger commitments to Russia on trade and policy.

    Syria sent a large delegation to SPIEF the Russian Davos held in St Petersburg 2 weeks ago, and now they come up with this statement, its clear this was part of negotiations that took place there. I wonder what else was discussed and what other commitments were made with the other 100 nations that took part.

    I think many are only now realising how much Russia played into so many parts of their lives. Much more than they thought I wager.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Finnbar01

    He problem thought he had a state of the art modern day army, not realising that corruption runs deep. Monkey see, monkey do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭electric_sleep

    I never said that I supported Putin or Russias actions, never. I’ve said the exact opposite explicitly on several occasions. You’re arguing with me against an argument I never presented, and ignoring everything I’ve said to the contrary. You’re clearly butt hurt that we don’t all drink the Kiev cool aid.

    As for neo nazis, all countries have them, and there are neo nazi individuals in all walks of life including in the army. The difference is that other countries don’t incorporate actual neo nazi organisations and militias into the state and military, they don’t arm them, they don’t train them, and they don’t allow them to operate vigilante groups within their cities as an ‘unofficial’ police force, and they don’t allow them to operate punitive campaigns against ethnic minorities.

    I’m more pro Ukrainian than people like you, yurt2 and co will ever be, because I listen to Ukrainians and I don’t dismiss inconvenient truths about the Kiev regime. I support people (friends, relatives) in Ukraine financially when needed, and have been there for those people for over a decade, I listen to their stories and speak about it to others in my real life. I tend to avoid it online, precisely because of people like you who’s only argument boils down to ‘dur how’s the weather in Moscow? hur”.

    Believing media or political narratives like it’s gospel is either a sign of intellectual weakness or shill level dishonesty, I’ve no respect for either.

    You, yurt and posters like you support a false position, if you cared about Ukraine you would bother to learn something about what’s actually been going on over there.

    People like you haven’t got a clue about Ukrainian politics or society, you and others like you are just bandwagoners in it for the hatred like it’s some sort of sick social media point scoring sport. You couldn’t give a damn about actual Ukrainians, especially east Ukrainians.

    As for Putin and Russia, I’m not as familiar with Russia as I am with Ukraine, which is why I don’t offer much in the way of opinion on what’s going on there other than to state categorically that I am staunchly anti Putin, and his mafia state. I am sickened and disturbed by what Moscow is doing in Ukraine on a daily basis, but I’m not surprised by any of it. The USSR was one of the worst things to happen to humanity and Putins Russia carried over many of the same evil and deceptive techniques of governing.

    I do have Russian friends, relatives and also colleagues whom I find to be fantastic people, who all are anti-war and anti Putin. I don’t take kindly to rabid fanatics calling for the mass expulsions of Russians in ireland, which is what triggered me to speak up here.

    Post edited by electric_sleep on

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭ZenNature

    " chess master me bollocks... he should have just invaded Donbas and left Kyiv alone "

    I detest Putins regime but from a military perspective the failed attack on Kiev has worked out in his favour to some degree.

    In war it is often more important to keep your enemy pinned down in a place of no strategic importance whilst you can concentrate your efforts in an area you want to make gains. Military campaigns are littered with failed battles where feints were made in order to make a strategic move elsewhere.

    By attacking Kyiv , Russia ensured that 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers (brave men one and all, I salute them) were tied down in the defence of Kyiv. Meanwhile Russia with superior numbers made advances in Eastern Ukraine, Donbas, Luhansk . Ukraine which has a great rail system could not free any men or arms from Kyiv to send to the East to bolster them , until it was too late and Russia had strongholds.

    So from a chess perspective perhaps it was a sacrifice on one side of the board on Putins part so he could manouver a pawn up the other side of the board.

    Perhaps he hoped to take Kiev or perhaps he just wanted to tie up Ukraine military there, whilst he went after the east.

    I think that is also why he frequently still bombs Kyiv, just to keep them from moving resources East.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,743 ✭✭✭zv2

    “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” — Voltaire

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    There will be no rupee-rouble exchange mechanism without a dollar or euro peg. That's a hard economic fact.

    They are two of the most dogsh*t volatile currencies over the last two decades and that's not changing. You need to wake up a little bit. Economic reality doesn't care if Putin on horseback makes you want to touch yourself at night. They can try a mechanism without a dollar or euro peg, in fact I'd encourage them to try for sheer comedy value.

    Fantasy land stuff about rouble reverting to gold standard 🤪

    This is hilarity. Puffed up wet dreams of an anti Western trading regime may be what you're peddling, but the dollar system is the only game in town. And it will strangle Putin and his fellow travelers.

    The Greenback is undefeated. You need to put down the crack pipe and pick up a textbook.

    Registered yesterday. By what name did we know you by before? And how did you get scalded in the thread?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,640 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    The assault on Kiev was not a feint and it was not useful and Russian gains in the Donbas have been pathetically slow and hampered by the massive casualties and equipment loss suffered in their hubristic attempt to topple the Ukrainian government.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    If you have "Russian friends" who are "anti Putin and anti war" where are they in diaspora making their voices heard against the war?

    The Russian diaspora has a responsibility to speak the f*ck up and in numbers on the streets in Europe.

    If indeed this is actually their position and not low-key sneaking regard for what Putin and his fascists are up to.

    All we've got from them was a Z convoy on the motorway. They didn't even have the balls to stage it on a main thoroughfare with their feet planted as they know they would have got lifted out of it by Irish of all ages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,743 ✭✭✭zv2

    Interesting comments from Russians. The last fellow is very philosophical

    “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” — Voltaire

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Electric sleep, you're a sneaking regarder. We know your position by your language and what actually excercises you in this thread. Kremlinite conspiracy and myth.

    You only have a woolly 'anti war' stance because you know you'll get blasted out of the thread otherwise.

    You're not pro-peace, you're pro surrender on Russian terms.

    You'll learn as the piles of dead young Russian men start stacking up, and the returned bodies are overwhelmingly white Russians from the cities instead of Chechens, Tuvans and Dagestanis.

    Russia has bitten off more than it can chew. It expected the West to shrug it's shoulders. Now the Putinist cadres know they're looking at the hangman's rope when the war and economy goes sideways. Few political elites will have earned the gallows as much as these sh*tbags in Moscow.

    The fellow travelers and signal boosters in the West, though a disturbed minority will crawl back under their rocks by the year's end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭ZenNature

    You say the greenback is undefeated . I say its 23 Trillion dollars in debt .

    Its FACTUALY clear that Russia has filled part of the void created by sanctions with Eastern trade, a few more months and the upcoming winter will see how its working out for them.

    Back to Russia , has anyone discussed the impact of sanctions on wood products, lumber and softwood imports. Russia was the largest exporter of lumber in the world, Belarus was also up there.

    Russia accounted for 1/3 of sustainable forest managed wood products. Lots of illegal logging there, but also alot of sustainable forest managment. It appears the west will have to replace that with more lumber from other sources with no guarantee its from sustainable sources. So thats going to set the Climate Agenda back a bit, along with powering up the German coal plants.

    Meanwhile China is increasing its imports of Russian softwood, and the west has no way of knowing that what they will import contains Russian timber.

    In fact anyone who has stuff from Ikea most likely already has Russian timber in their houses.

    It really is fascinating how the circular economy and globalisation connected us in all sorts of foreseen and un-foreseen ways.

    Down with Putin, long live Ukraine . But it really is all so fascinating.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,743 ✭✭✭zv2

    You seem to know a lot about what I think without actually discussing it with me. I am not so naive as to think any nation, including Ukraine, is white as snow. But I have stated my case; Russia has absolutely lost all moral authority in this, 1000 times over. So what's the point in telling us Ukraine has baddies? So does every country. Putin is a mass murderer and has murdered his way to power and murdered since he came to power. Burn him out and we can talk about politics later.

    You should also frame your estimation of Ukraine in the context of Russian aggression that goes back centuries. Pulverize a nation long enough and they will get angry.

    Post edited by zv2 on

    “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” — Voltaire

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Electric sleep thinks there's an end to this tale where Russia can strongarm the EU into and the US to making peace on Putinist terms, and we all go back to normal.

    High-order delusion.

    It ends with the fascist and his enablers in a potter's grave, and the Russian economy crushed.

    His precious wonderful Russian friends in diaspora have to put their money where their mouth is if they're so damn anti war, as well as their friends and family in Russia.

    We've all seen the YouTube videos of Russian hipsters in Moscow smirking about the war. It's only when their friends start coming back dismembered in boxes that the penny will drop.

    If that sounds cruel to delicate Russophile ears, how cute given the murder you have given passive assent to.

    They're locked in a war that they started, the West and Ukraine will impose the cost, and the cost is a generation of Russian men and boys haunted by the fields of Ukraine. This is the logic of the war they started.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭electric_sleep

    You’ve got some morbid fascination with dead Russian bodies as you keep mentioning them. The fact that you assume all Russians are pro Putin, even the ones who say they are not, is another giveaway as to your bigotry. You’re profiling an entire ethnic group and wishing for their deaths en masse.

    We all want to see an end to the war, but I’d prefer if as few people died as possible, unlike you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭Field east

    It amazes me how many on here saying something to the effect that “The UKranians are no saints either, that it is a very corrupt country, big into prostitution and internationalise it with its beautiful and glamorous women etc, etc, etc ,etc ad nauseum” AND THERE IS A WAR GOING ON where-:-

    (1*) men , women and children, no matter what age and no matter how innocent are being killed daily - absolutly no discrimination shown

    (2). Individual homes, land growing crops, villages, towns , cities , industrial complexes, infrastructure, etc are being put beyond use or totally razed to the ground, etc, etc.

    (3) brutality is the order of the day especially with young women, POW, etc

    (4) and if above is not enough the steeling of stored produce, machinery, and other valuables

    and the Ukranian retaliation is kept VERY substantially within the Ukr border

    no matter what The UKranians ‘ have been up to’ - which probably is not the case - it most certainly does not deserve any of the above 4 atrocities/ actions . So what if it is very corrupt - if it is its corruption within its own population.

    boardies bringing up these points re corruption , etc, are using a typical Putinists strategy to argue a point

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Where are your anti war Russians in diaspora? Where are they standing alongside Ukranians as they rally making their faces and names known? Are they afraid of retribution from the fascism on the home-front or are they merely silent and assenting to the war? Because I see f*ckall evidence of these brave Russian peaceniks in Europe.

    I'm introducing you to the cold reality of this war sheep. It means thousands of Russian boys and men sent with rusting rifles to be chewed up in Ukraine and sent back in boxes- if they are lucky. You need to wake up to that. The West is shoulder to wheel on this point.

    This isn't a lark, a country is fighting for its future and the continent is defending the post WW2 peace from a fascism. It means dead bodies, and lots of them, until the invaders realise the cost is too high and they return home in disgrace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭Field east

    Would the same be the case for the Russian Olegarcs that’ control ‘ the Russian. Arms industry. A bit of balance needed here

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭Field east

    are sanctions more for a long term strategy . Any animal bleeding to death does not did immediately

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    @Electric Sheep

    A challenge for you. Marshall your Russian friends and family in Ireland you say are so anti war. Raise the banner of Russians in diaspora demanding Putin's legion of fascists go home unconditionally.

    Are they willing? Do they even exist these peaceniks you insist want the war to end?

    They carry the name of Russia in a foreign country. Where are their balls to stand up? Have them march on Orwell Road.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭electric_sleep

    so there you have it, yurt2 believes in collective punishment and guilt by ethnicity. Shall we round them up and put them in camps? Be careful, your mask is slipping again.

    You’ve no interest in peace in Ukraine, you just want to see as many Russian bodies as possible, regardless of the Ukrainian human cost.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭Field east

    Putin could’nt post better himself. If you are ever out of a job then you should have no problem in being a serious candidate for the job of Putins speech writer if it ever becomes vacant!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    I said no such thing.

    I challenged you to get your army of Russian peaceniks you insist are legion and get them to Orwell Road under the banner of the diaspora to demand on Russian invaders returning home. You went silent.

    We didn't get that in Ireland. We got fascist Z convoys. In Germany we got fascist Russian pride marches in dozens of cities. Where are these Russian peaceniks? Lead them sheep. You say you know them, so let their faces be shown to the Irish people.

    Your delicate ears are offended by the reality that perhaps hundreds of young Russian men have been wasted in the fields and streets of Ukraine on this very day by a defending army. And you bothered by hallucinations of Banderites and fake coups.

    We see you Putinite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,053 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    According to the Russian ambassador in an Examiner article, there are about 5,000 Russian citizens in the Republic.

    We've seen a score or so involved in pro invasion demonstrations.

    Where are the rest? What are their views? If they believe the invasion of Ukraine is an illegal war, then they should be organising a protest to demonstrate their repugnance of the current situation. To keep quiet is to be judged to be supportive, regardless of what they think. If they believe this war is justified, then maybe we should be revoking their visas and sending them back home.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭Field east

    Any chance of a bit of translation of the key points?

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