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The Pushback against Leftism



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭Sudden Valley

    I thought we were only talking about New left positions? I agree with the current Right on most things apart from abortion and gay rights. But again that it is only the American Right that has tied itself to backward religous views.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,010 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Well then I'll ask it a different way.

    Would your views be more inline with Xi or let us say Jacinda Ardern?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,233 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH


    It is sad to see Shapiroesque baloney being peddled as political thought for sure. A guy that called Andrew Neil a "leftist", when Neil tore him apart in an interview, illustrating perfectly how some on the right use the term in a meaningless way and only as something to label an opponent or idea with. The Left is now everything from the Nazis to Neo-Liberalism because the reality is that the opposite is true and that hurts some Right winger's politics, so it magically becomes a "left wing" thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

    Boggles brought the CCP into the conversation, not growleaves, so it's a bit unfair to blame him for responding to that, when he was only highlighting the views of traditional Marxists.

    I don't personally consider the CCP as Marxists, as traditional Marxism is mainly economic, and they don't tick enough of those boxes. He's right though in saying that the original Marxists had beliefs that make modern right wing movements look progressive.

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,857 ✭✭✭growleaves

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,010 ✭✭✭✭Boggles


    Great, what noted views of hers would you suggest mimic yours?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,857 ✭✭✭growleaves

    Cop on Boggles. The CCP persecute Christians, their economy is a vast corporatist sham with deniable slavery, they despise non-Han, they clothe everything in Marxist-Leninist gibberish, they have a social credit system etc., etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭Starfire20

    China is state capitalist

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,010 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    TBF to them, it's not just Christians they persecute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,857 ✭✭✭growleaves

    China had 35 years of one-child policy, which included forced abortions as part of its enforcement.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭Sudden Valley

    Ah yes i was incorrect about abortions in China. I dont think forced abortions is a policy of any other Leftist regimes. Perhaps China cant be categorised as either left or Right exactly as definitely not Western Socially and not fully capitalist. They have elements of both fascism and communism in their leadership model.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,857 ✭✭✭growleaves

    'Abortion in China is legal and generally accessible' according to Wikipedia.

    Poster above who implied CCP restrict abortion was mistaken.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,504 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

    China hasn't been anything resembling a Marxist economy for a long time, it still has a communist political system

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    Yeah, saw a video recently with Matt Walsh entitled "Is the Left a SATANIC cult?". In the video he is asked to define the Left and he more or less sums it up as Leftism being the worship of the Self -- that individualism is paramount to the Left at the expense of whatever else. Those damn individualist Leftists.

    Now obviously that's just his own definition, but it is indicative of the interpretive mosaic through which people view this singular concept of "the Left". I say that because, if you ask someone else, they will take an almost diametrically opposed view that the Left (far from being self-interested) is actually far too preoccupied with the suffering of others in far off lands and will let every refugee waltz into the country because CoMpAsSiOn.

    And then someone else will say how the Left is stacked high with communists and socialists. Capitalism, an economic theory which centres on individualist self-reliance on wealth building and lesser State interference, is a darling -- but that collectivist anti-individualist socialism stuff is the great evil.

    So essentially being on "the Left" means simultaneously being a ideological individualist but also caring too much about others but also believing that individualism should be stifled under the uniformity of socialism.

  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭Starfire20

    The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them. -  Julius Nyerere

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,233 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    It gets more and more absurd as the years roll by. Quelle surprise that some American wing nut would try and equate the left with being BOTH individualist and collective...never mind "satanic".

    FFS 🙄

    What was that John Stuart Mill quote about conservatives?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,177 ✭✭✭Fandymo

    There is a reason the thread title is Leftism rather than Left Wing or Lefty politicians. I meant more the pushback vs left ideology. People being fed up being called a racist for wanting proper border controls, or illegals sent home. Called TERFS etc for believing in science. A lot more people are pushing back against these narratives that I can remember before.

    Laws and justice should be blind, not based on feelings or upbringing. Leftist ideas are generally bad ideas and destroy places.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    And yet, you'll find many families with as many as 12 children depending on where they lived. China's one-child policy was selectively enforced, and a lot came down to the policies of the local provincial governance. The average family you'd meet would be a one child, but there's plenty of families with a wide variance of children.. and that goes back throughout the whole period of the one-child policy.

    Probably because the scope is too broad. In terms of modern China, it is full-on capitalist, however, western capitalism is not the only game in town. The Chinese are very good at taking foreign concepts and adopting them to match with their own traditional culture. You can find similar adaptations in S.Korea and Japan, both having rather strong focuses on capitalism, but they're not the same as, say, the US.

    The Chinese leadership is a mix. The appearance of Tradition is everything. So, they've retained the trappings of Chinese communism for how they operate, but again, any effort to dig deeper shows many differences. And no, not even remotely fascist. They're simply Asian. Tradition, culture, etc provide enough social conformity to help manage the population, in ways, that were never available to western civilisations.

    TBH I think in most cases western political theory doesn't translate well when looking at Asian countries...except for the superficial surface impressions.

    The CCP persecutes all religions, and considering the growth of Christianity/Buddhism in China, they've failed badly. It's a policy that has swung in and out of favour at different periods. As for despising non-Han, I don't agree. Han receive preference in their society, but all the Chinese minorities are protected.. to the point of receiving extra help in university, or the limited social supports in many provinces. However, if you're not Chinese, then yes.. they'll seek to breed you out. They don't clothe everything in Marxist-Leninist gibberish.. I don't I've ever heard them spout that kind of rhetoric in the whole time I lived there, and most of that time, I was working at State universities, which would be extremely loyal to the party. Their social credit system is also very spotty, and the more common social system is local and based along past affiliations, whether that's government or private organisations. Most of this depends on the province in question, and China has a lot of provinces.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭Sudden Valley

    Laws and justice should be blind but it disingenuous to not also recognise the Right as also being lead by feelings or upbringings especially religious ones.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

     that individualism is paramount to the Left at the expense of whatever else

    I just watched the clip. He never mentions individualism, not as you've mentioned it at least. He mentions self interest and the worship of thyself. I had a feeling that was the case before even watching the clip, because they American right are very pro individualism, and are more likely to call the "left" collectivists than individualists. You've made a whole post about something that wasn't even said, which is why these discussions are so muddled.

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    Sorry but I don't think this is entirely fair, he might not have used the word individualism but he did talk about the worship of the Self -- which could probably be fairly described as an extreme form if individualism.

    But look, I'll not quibble with you over definitions -- so let's just stick to his actual words and call it simply self-worship the way he calls it. Caring only about the Self and elevating the importance of the Self.

    Don't think it really changes the point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    I don't really quite know what you mean though. Whatever you mean by "leftism" as opposed to left wing or lefty politicians, it's still clear that leftism remains a broad church. Many on the Left want proper border controls too, they may have a difference of understanding what is meant by proper, but there doesn't appear to be any significant proportion of the Left who want none (significant meaning capable of implementing that want). Many people on the Left, or who at least seem left leaning, have likewise been heavy-handedly described as TERFs or racists or whatever else. I mean, I consider myself left leaning and liberal and yet have been made to feel like a bigot in conversations before by people who have more fervently liberal views on things (unfairly of course in my own opinion).

    Leftism has simply become some catch all phrase for many in society to slap on any socioeconomic, political or cultural issue they don't agree with.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Let's put it this way. To take your metaphor, the Left is a broad church.

    But a lot of those pews in that church are occupied by people fervently pushing the ideas discussed in this thread.

    If you leave the church and cross the street on the Right, you'll come across another broad church, whose pews are silent with people pushing these ideas. Instead, they just want to be left alone.

    But as soon as they leave the church, the people from the Left broad church across the road are shouting them down and shaming them with every -ism and -phobia, with placards occupying the entire green in front of the church.

  • Registered Users Posts: 907 ✭✭✭Mike Murdock

    That's true even if they don't go across the street, and just sit in the middle of it instead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭Sudden Valley

    Can we not call these people supporting these policies far left then? Though i guess that begs the question what constitutes the far right now- white nationalism seems very niche or the religous right who want rights based on a book written 2000 years ago?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,216 ✭✭✭HalloweenJack

    What absolute bollocks.

    You could switch the words Left for Right in that post and get plenty of thanks from people whose opinions are the opposite of yours. Why? Because everyone, regardless of political persuasion, wants to believe that they are the well-meaning ones with the right idea and the others are hateful and antagonising.

    The reality is there are obnoxious, in-your-face types who want to force their opinions on others on both sides, just as there are live and let live, unassuming types who just get on with their business on both sides.

    Your playing the victim and holier-than-thou schtick is contributing just as much to the polarising of both sides and making it into an 'us vs. them' topic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 154 ✭✭whatchagonnado

    "illegals" - dreadful dreadful term. Stop using it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

    The amount of "cancelling" and silencing of voices that go against modernists political views is measurable though; there's literally thousands and thousands of examples a year, and I doubt that the "right" even make up 5% of that amount. The both sides cards that you love to play is a weak one, especially in the modern world.

    That's not to say that the right haven't done the same in past, they have, but all we can deal with is the now, and in the now, most of the guilt is largely on one side.

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

    This kind of highlights the issue of the modern mindset of certain people. It was an established term for years, and a valid term, yet because some people decided that they wanted a softer term like "undocumented", we must all go along with that, otherwise we'll be viewed badly. You don't own language, you don't own how people speak, so stop trying to tell people what they can say or can't say.

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

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  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 38,642 CMod ✭✭✭✭ancapailldorcha

    “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives...

    I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party; and I do not see why honorable gentlemen should see that position as at all offensive to them, for it ensures their being always an extremely powerful party . . . There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power."

    John Stuart Mill (British Philosopher, Economist, and Liberal member of Parliament for Westminster from 1865 to 68)

    The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

    Leviticus 19:34

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