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4kw solar diy

  • 12-07-2022 2:05pm
    Posts: 0

    Looking for some advice on a potential solar system for my house. I have a pergola which will comfortably take 6 400w panels. Slope of 10 degrees and SE facing. I also have a steel shed which will take 2 400w panels on the SE side and 2 400w panels on the NW side. Slope is 20 degrees. House is 15 meters from pergola and shed.

    Would the best way to set it up be to make two strings? One for the pergola and one for the shed, then fit optimisers to the shed string or would just one string work with the optimisers on the shed panels.

    The other thing I haven't decided on is the location of the inverter. Would installing it in the steel shed be a bad idea with large temperature variations and potential high humidity? The other location would be running the Dc cabling back to the utilty.




