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Ukrainian refugees in Ireland - Megathread



  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    Oh, yeah, found some data:

    • There have been 33,151 Personal Public Service Numbers (PPSNs) issued to individuals from Ukraine under the Temporary Protection Directive.
    • Women aged 20 and over account for 48% of arrivals to date, while individuals aged 0-19 (both male and female) account for 38%. 
    • The highest percentage of those arriving (43% or 14,271 individuals) were categorised as 'One parent with children' under the broad relationship classification headings used. Note that spouses/partners may have stayed in Ukraine.
    • The Local Electoral Area (LEA) which had the highest number of associated arrivals from Ukraine was North Inner City in Dublin with 1,156 individuals.

    So, women and children account for 86% of the refugees. If we presume that the distribution remains the same (why would it change over a month?), there should be about 36000 of women and children here and about 6 thousands from the other groups. It's likely that at least half of the remainder are pensioners, so we shouldn't have more than 3000 men of draftable age here. It's likely that some significant percentage of them are actually exempt from the army.

    Post edited by RoundCube on

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,367 ✭✭✭MrMusician18

    There is significant overlap between women over 20 and mothers of children. Are they two distinct categories?

    Certainly earlier in the crisis, women and children accounted for two thirds of arrivals? Maybe it's changed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    So what your saying is ehhhhh I can't back up my claim, I went to a protest 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    Well, I've found the official data source which is actually quiet good:

    So, here is the total amount of all 20+ male refugess:


    I was close.

    Of them the following amount are pensioners:


    Well, I was wrong, I estimated that males of draftable age would account for about 3000 but we have 6005 male refugees of draftable age in Ireland, or 13 percent of the total amount of refugees (43256).

    I doubt that all of them are here illegally, there still must be a significant amount of people with health issues, single fathers, etc. Also some of them are not Ukrainians at all but temporary residents, like students from African countries, ex-USSR countries, etc, so they can't be drafted (to be precise, 113 of them if the combine data from the previous table and this one: assuming the same distribution) . The rest (let's say 2 thousand)... well, you may say "shame on them" but I doubt it would make any real difference if you force them to go back and fight. The overwhelming majority are women and kids.

    Just in case, the population of Ukraine was more than 40 million people.

    Post edited by RoundCube on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭Tonesjones

    Russia will take and hold the East of Ukraine and that will be it.

    The longer it goes on the weaker Russia gets. An endless stream of equipment and money is flowing into Ukraine while Russia is using dated weaponry and its supply is dropping.

    The idea that Russia is going to march on amd attempt to take Europe is western scaremongering propaganda at best and pure fantasy at worst.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    I've been talking about my personal experience. If you visit protests you'll see many locals there and I doubt you have x-ray vision allowing you to distinguish refugees from native Irish people. But if you visit any gatherings organized specifically for Ukrainian refugees you'll hardly find anyone apart from mums and kids.

    But whatever, you wanted numbers I gave you the numbers. Official and up to date ones. Do you still have anything to be sarcastic about?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,977 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    A more Data, statistics. The CSO is using different sources of info to collate data....

    This release includes an analysis of Ukrainian arrivals who are availing of support and services from the Department of Social Protection. Based on the local post office address as per the process through which refugees were seeking assistance from the Department

    Had the poster who's posted the CSO stats been around this thread before - they'd know we've seen it before already posted previously, but is clearly unaware of what is actually occurring at Ports of Entry under the Absurd EU directive,

    They might grasp there's. Actually very little information that can be truely relyed on from the following info.

    I won't go through numerous, glaring and astonishing problem with the EU directive as that too has been discussed at nauseum, but just one Tit Bit of information they may be unaware of .

    The Directive essentially covers

    All Ukrainian Citizens wether they were resident or Not in Ukraine at the dates applicsble to the Directive. We've already discussed some exotic locations some have arrived from and these were certainly not Refugees.

    Anyone who had the vaguest connection to Ukraine, wether it be residency, lived there, worked there etc was also covered by the Directive. (Of course proving or verification of this near impossible)

    There was of course appropriate caveats but essentially ignored.

    At ports of Entry essentially there was absolutely no vetting, controls, checking or verifications taking place, this is a simple fact and it continues to this Day, Not even a, passport is required just a convincing sob story, I don't mean to be harsh but this is actually happening on a daily basis.

    So some do gooders will say, a well its an emergency etc etc.

    Before I continue, there is some ligitimate reason why Checks were not being done, primarily an inability to actually verify anything as the Ukranian system of Government has ceased to function so verification of residency in Ukraine, verify passports, Driving licences, Official ID impossible but I'm afraid that's no excuse and at a minimum the Ukranian authorities should have been told to have a system of verification in Place, but of course we know Zelenskyy couldn't give a Toss about his own people, he's quite happy for others to take care of his problems.

    So let's be abundantly clear here, there is actually no way to know who is a Genuine Refugee (this is not to suggest the majority are not)

    We have no way to know how many undesirables have gained Entry.

    We've no way of knowing who's chanced their arm and jumped on the vague connection rule.

    I for one am not in the slightest bit interested in Gender Breakdowns age profiles, I want to know who these people are and when are they heading home.

    I'm not going to get into the Shenanigans, Two Tier supports and other carry on that has infuriated many, I'm just bringing a new individual to this thread up to speed, to avoid days of nonsense, who's admitted they have friends and family in Ukraine are clearly not very objective and seems intent on deflection and starting world war 3.

    That's it 😉

    Post edited by Dempo1 on

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,133 ✭✭✭✭iamwhoiam

    I am not claiming anything . I simply stated a fact . Some men are exempt

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    The CSO is using different sources of info to collate data....

    These tables are built on PPSN data. There is just one source of PPSNs and it's very reliable. Ireland did a lot to get rid of any possible mistakes/fraud with PPSN.

    Had the poster who's posted the CSO stats been around this thread before - they'd know we've seen it before already posted previously, but is clearly unaware of what is actually occurring at Ports of Entry under the Absurd EU directive,

    Enlighten me please, what's happening there? A refugee won't be allowed in until they are registered for PPSN.

    Anyone who had the vaguest connection to Ukraine, wether it be residency, lived there, worked there etc was also covered by the Directive.

    There are stats for that. There are 876 people (2%) who came from Ukraine but are not Ukrainians. And they can't be drafted, by the way.

    We have no way to know how many undesirables have gained Entry.

    Can you prove that? They don't allow people to enter until they are registered for PPSN and fingerprinted.

    who's admitted they have friends and family in Ukraine

    Distant relatives, not family. I'm Russian and have family members and friends there.

    I for one am not in the slightest bit interested in Gender Breakdowns age profiles, I want to know who these people are and when are they heading home.

    Most of them are wealthy (on Ukrainian scale) and/or educated well-paid professionals, it's hard to get to Ireland if you have no money. They'll head home once the war ends and temporary protection expires. If you wish them to head home ASAP - do something to stop the war.

    the Ukranian system of Government has ceased to function so verification of residency in Ukraine, verify passports

    The data in biometrical passports is digitally signed (see Passive Authentication) and can't be faked. Most of those who traveled here have biometrical passports, it's hard to get on a flight without one (and wasn't possible at all before the war). Also Ukraine stopped issuing non-biometrical passports long time ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,977 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    Lol, PPS numbers thrown out like confetti, something else your not aware of.

    I care little about the Draft, how do you propose Immigration officials verified any tall tales told at ports of Entry.

    Can you prove there's not been undesirables let in, including Ukrainian citizens, as I've said who's verifying what, who are Irish authorities touching base with in Ukraine, come on now, get real, we know not even a passport required to gain entry.

    You said you've family and friends in Ukraine, if I'm mistaken, I apologise, but regardless you've clearly a fondness for the country, me too, I lived and worked in Kyiv and know a little more than you might think, including the blatant corruption that goes on there..

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    Lol, PPS numbers thrown out like confetti, something else your not aware of.

    I've heard that there were issues with them and that these days are long gone. From what I know currently the government even uses AI-based photo matching tools to prevent PPSN fraud and these systems are really reliable in our days.

    Can you prove there's not been undesirables let in, including Ukrainian citizens,

    You are asking me about Russell's teapot. Probably you may need to educate yourself a bit.

    including the blatant corruption that goes on there.

    I know about the corruption and I've heard how pricey it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,105 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Excellent detective work!

    So the 6000 males of eligible age for service should be interviewed and checked to see on what grounds they are here.

    Those eligible for service back in Ukraine then to be escorted to Dublin airport and put on a plane home, with instructions for arrival.

    If one thing is going to break public support for Ukrainian refugees, it'll be men who are draft dodging and lying low in Ireland at our expense :(

    Likewise Russians needed for conscription in their state should equally be sent packing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 567 ✭✭✭glen123

    It costs between 1.5-5k $ to get out of Ukraine. Price depends on the option chosen whether you want to leave as a student studying in Poland, as a volunteer or having so called "white ticket" where your name is added to the database that you have an illness that prevents you from serving in the army.

    According to Polish news (same can even be found in the Ukrainian news as well), between 24th of Feb and June, 432k men between 18-60 entered Poland. That's just Poland. How many left via other countries goes on top of this figure. SBU trying to catch those who organise these things is also mentioned in the article.

    Some fight on the front line, others are making mad money. What's new?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,977 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    You see, this is what I mean about really not being in touch with what's going on here.

    "I've heard that there were issues with them and that these days are long gone. From what I know currently the government even uses AI-based photo matching tools to prevent AI fraud and these systems are really reliable in our days"

    Your completey mistaken in this regard, but even if it were the case 10" of thousands of PPS numbers have been issued without appropriate verification, this is one of msnt scandals.

    You keep asking if I can prove things, I don't need to, open your eyes, NO VERIFICATIONS OR CHECKS TAKING PLACE.

    Glad you've acknowledged Ukraine not quite the Idylic place you'd have us believe it is, corruption etc.

    Before I Ieave this, have you noticed over the past few days, Zelenskyy loosing grip and sense of reality, Firing people, consolidating power, great piece in Politico Europe if youve time to read it.

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    Likewise Russians needed for conscription in their state should equally be sent packing.

    Ireland cannot remain neutral in this conflict, because Ireland is a likely target for the later stages of Empire rebuilding. It would be very unwise to do what you want.

    By the way, most of regular russians think that Ireland is a part of UK "full of uneducated dirty farmers" and they consider UK as their mortal enemy. Think about it.

    Those eligible for service back in Ukraine then to be escorted to Dublin airport and put on a plane home, with instructions for arrival.

    In the end it may happen the the administrative costs of such operation would be lot higher than potential savings, as I said before most likely that significant part of these 6005 are not eligible for the army service.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,105 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    I disagree with you, perhaps the EU and Ireland should get clarity from Ukrainian government. If Zelensky wants draft dodgers back, on a plane with them to do their bit.

    And likewise any Russians wanted for conscription there.

    BTW, are you proposing that your Russian state should/ will occupy us??

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    It costs between 1.5-5k $ to get out of Ukraine.

    I doubt it. I've heard rumours about tens of thousands. Without guarantee.

    "white ticket"

    A "white ticket" is, actually, a military man record book with a stamp/record confirming your eligibility category. From what I know, the border guards won't let anyone with D category but without any visible signs of a disability to leave the country. All other categories are eligible for drafts and cannot leave. There are many stories in the news about men who were unable to leave the country despite of being ineligible, including the ex-president.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    And likewise any Russians wanted for conscription there.

    Don't know why you are so blood-thirsty but it may happen that those conscripts who you send back would later invade your lovely estate rape your dog and steal your washing machine. So it's very unwise to help Putin's Russia to meet its objectives.

    I disagree with you, perhaps the EU and Ireland should get clarity from Ukrainian government. If Zelensky wants draft dodgers back, on a plane with them to do their bit.

    At this point there are enough motivated people to draft into the army, most of those who are eligible cannot join the army even if they want, so there is no motivation for Ukraine to spend a lot of resources and pull very little number of draft dodgers back from abroad. Also such operation may violate some EU and Irish laws. From what I know the army needs trained specialists (especially artillery men) not untrained infantrymen.

    BTW, are you proposing that your Russian state should/ will occupy us??

    No. God forbid.

    I'm saying that russian plans are likely including that, it may happen if they succeed in Ukraine and, later, in eastern Europe. High-ranked Russian officials made enough clear statements that they want territories "from Lisbon to Vladivostok" and Alaska. Being aware of Duginism I know that they may want UK/Ireland as well. And "regular russian people" will be very happy to support that. Also I kinda know how they think, they are cowards and they only do what they do and plan what they plan because they don't see any serious response and think that they may slowly take every country they want (e.g. they think that when they invade Poland, the EU would say that it's better to sacrifice Poland than risk WW3 and so on). I mean top-tier journalists from Russian state medias are openly discussing this "strategy" in prime time and in newspapers. I've posted some links before, if you wish - you may easily find more.

    So the war must stop in Ukraine. Unless you want to live in "The Russian World".

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,105 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    I'm not blood thirsty at all - if your Russian state treated it's neighbours with due respect at all, we wouldn't be in this mess.

    But Ukraine was violently invaded and Ukrainians are required to defend it. Invaded by Russians who have been hell bent on killing & maiming all they can.

    Of course, any draft dodgers here should be sent back asap. There are many ways they can serve, not necessarily at the front lines.

    As for Russia itself, a state that once commanded respect across many aspects of society - it has beggared itself and become a pariah.

  • Registered Users Posts: 567 ✭✭✭glen123

    Here from Ukrainian news, those caught by SBU - some were charging 7k, others 2.5k. Prices vary. But obviously because they were finally caught, they managed to help many to cross the border successfully.

    And how many are still operating let alone those that are able to get it sorted directly with the lads at the border?? Rumour is border guards have a daily amount they have to make and dispatch to Kyiv in a little suitcase. Considering level of corruption in that area before the war, it's not very hard to believe it's true. In fact, the truth is probably even worse.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    if your Russian state treated it's neighbours with due respect at all, we wouldn't be in this mess

    Well, I've tried to do what I was able to do about that and long before the war (I've seen it coming since 2014). I stopped paying taxes there long time ago. I never voted for Putin. Why you are saying "your Russian state"? There is nothing "mine" and I was always bullied there. For "being too smart" or "too different". Since the kindergarten. One of the worst insults in Russia is "it seems like you are too smart"

    As for Russia itself, a state that once commanded respect across many aspects of society - it has beggared itself and become a pariah.

    Don't think they care about that. They are thinking about world domination.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭Tonesjones

    "Ireland cannot remain neutral in this conflict, because Ireland is a likely target for the later stages of Empire rebuilding. It would be very unwise to do what you want"

    "They are thinking about world domination"

    Poster are you being serious here or acting the maggot ? It's hard to tell

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    Well, I posted some links above. Just read what top-level officials say. They want to "claim Alaska back", build "big united Russia from Lisbon to Vladivostok", "enslave UK in retaliation to all the evil they did to Russia" or "wipe UK with tsunami caused by underwater thermonuclear explosion" (by the way they've shown Ireland being "wiped" too, in prime time on Russia One TV channel), etc, etc. It would be funny but these are words of senators, the leader of United Russia, the speaker of parliament, regional governors, etc, etc.

    And yes, "regular people" fed with non-stop TV propaganda 24/7 are really expecting Russia to literally rule the world (together with China) within 10-year timeframe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,336 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Because if these people that are clearly of fighting age or if can’t fight can seriously contribute… so what are they here for.? Hangs on young men in my local university…

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,977 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    I've just given up, poster will get bored , I think they are trying to achieve a record on how fast a person can reach 100 posts on Boards, other than that, some bewildering stuff , I get a sense they think it's still March 🤔

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,336 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    Ireland can’t remain neutral 😱😵‍💫😂… maybe people should be polled as regards our neutrality. Ohhh wait, they recently were, and around two thirds supported Ireland remaining neutral.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    Nope, it's not March. People got used to bloody news, got some inconveniences because of the problems with the economy (all caused by unwise decisions taken in the past despite countless warnings) and now wish to ignore the problem.

    It won't be possible to ignore the problem, the country went nuts, the propaganda is mad but very effective. If West ignores this war (or continues to implement half-measurements at the expense of tens of thousands of Ukrainian lives) there will be more wars in Europe. Presumably not only in Europe, as I said before recently they've started talking about claiming back Alaska. Russia has no resources for these megalomaniac plans at the moment but they won't even need them if this "don't look up" approach continues.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    they’ve talked about claiming back Alaska for years. It comes and goes but it’s always there and occasionally they start being vocal about it again

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    they’ve talked about claiming back Alaska for years. It comes and goes but it’s always there and occasionally they start being vocal about it again

    Never at the level of senators and governors.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭RoundCube

    Self-proclaimed neutrality won't stop rockets designed in USSR 35 years ago. Moreover, those who launch them most likely would think that they are targeting UK - as I said before the majority of "regular russian people" thinks that Ireland is a part of UK.

This discussion has been closed.