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Sophie: A Murder in West Cork - Netflix.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,836 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    You're right @flanna01, I'll edit that out and we'll bash on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I think the speculation in every direction allows an open mind on what has happened. However, I don't think that all of us participating here will be able to solve the riddle. There are too many open ends.

    Things will possibly change once there are new facts from that trip to France. However I doubt that this will lead to a conviction in a court of law.

    Oddball speculation from my part: Does anybody think the killer is still alive? And possibly also reading what's being discussed in this forum? - and maybe even participating in this forum?

    Also another speculation: Is there somebody on that peninsula still alive who has actually seen it all, witnessed it all, been there and seen the whole murder just by accident. Possibly a rare speculation since the location is so remote, but not impossible.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,533 ✭✭✭FishOnABike

    @tinytobe some of the known potential suspects are now dead, others are still alive. It could have been an unknown person. After 26 years who knows whether the murderer is alive or not.

    Given how remote the location is, I'd think it extremely extremely unlikely that anyone could have just happened to be there and have seen it all by accident.

  • Registered Users Posts: 933 ✭✭✭flanna01

    The location is so remote - It begs another question:

    Realistically, the murderer knew the area, possibly visited it a few times (at least).

    Whoever killed Sophie - They were in the area for a reason.

    Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody, would be in that wind swept, barren spot without either living there or having business there...

    Whatever way I look at it... The neighbours alibi isn't stacking up.. I'm not saying they had a hand in her death, but something is raising a flag there for me..

    Alfie & Shirley heard nothing.. Not a sound?

    I recall Bailey stating once that, on his way home from the pub that fatefull night, did they not pull in somewhere to admire the view of the stars or something... Some drink induced moment of wonder?? Didn't Bailey state there must be a party on in Alfie's tonight, as the place was lit up?

    Maybe there was a party going on in Alfie's that night...? Maybe it went on into the next morning.. Maybe Sophie got tired on the din, or people coming and going ?? Maybe she seen somebody urinating in the passageway?

    If it was a guest of Alfie's party, you would assume it's a friend? Maybe Alfie covered up a terrible accident for a friend / Family member?

    I recall (very oddly), Shirley passing the dead body in her car to go to the tip...?? Like why? What was so urgent? Was she disposing of empty bottles and cans? Maybe removing the evidence of a house party?

    An horrific murder next door, and you still feel compelled to go to the tip?? Really? Drive thru a major crime scene? Really?

    I am of the opinion that it was a person with knowledge of the locality.. It's just too much of a coincidence for it to be a totally random attack given the location.

    The only other option for me, is Sophie was murdered as a planned taking of life. Somebody came on her property with the sole intention of killing her.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,149 ✭✭✭chicorytip

    Bailey saw a light on in Alfie's from the particular vantage point he and Jules had stopped the car at. They may have visitors at the particular time or the light just could have been on. I have never heard mention of a party, with many people present, being held there on the night of the 23rd. Jules related in her statement that Bailey had made a prophesy to her while they were both sitting there in the car watching, something along the lines of "I feel something dreadful is going happen tonight". That sounds an odd comment to make. What exactly could he have been alluding to?

    Shirley driving to the tip ?? Yes, it seems a peculiar thing to want to do given the circumstances although she had been given permission by the Gardai to do so and you would presume they knew exactly what she was transporting in the back of the car although that's not a definite, given what we know about how some aspects of the investigation were carried out.

    It was in fact a random killing, in a sense. A killing transpired that was not deliberately planned in advance by her killer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 870 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    It was in fact a random killing, in a sense. A killing transpired that was not deliberately planned in advance by her killer.

    Either that, or it was carefully staged to appear so........

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,836 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    "Bailey saw a light on in Alfie's from the particular vantage point he and Jules had stopped the car at."

    The vantage point was Hunt's Hill, about 3 miles from Alfie's. It's unlikely you would be able to recognise Alfie's house at that distance, that's if it can even be seen from there.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    That's the big question, planned or unplanned killing and whether something points more into which direction. Trying to explain planned or unplanned, I would in my opinion not look a how she was killed, as the murder site could have been staged, especially at this time of the night and under general cover of darkness.

    To me, I always thought the killing was planned. I would still find it hard to believe that somebody builds up a rage against Sophie in the middle of the night and not understanding the reasons shy.

    Also, I think it could hardly have been a neighbour dispute over who owns what at night e.g. the shed, this would have happened in daylight or the evening.

    If the motive was sexual, I also don't think it could have been rage at that time. Killing somebody in rage some time from midnight to early morning? I'd say if it was sexual and rage, it would have been more likely to have been before midnight, with somebody she knew, possibly stayed at her place, or visiting her at a more social hour.

    And if it was drug related, they planned her killing with certainty.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    I think its safe to say it wasnt just a randomer roaming the countryside who happened to come upon a woman living on her own. Its clear to say it was someone she knew and had been there before or it was a pre-ordered hit of some kind which allowed the perpetrator to scope out the area or a local individual who knew the area & knew she would be alone at home that night or someone that wouldve been up at Alfie Lyons that night.

    With regard to the gards going to France, I wouldnt buy much into that. So Marie Farrell, the most unreliable of witnesses ever, reckons she maybe saw someone who was in a photo with DTDP that night or previous day, I dont buy it. They found DNA, that DNA would have to be on a database in France already who the Irish police corroborated it with in order for it to make sense with them going there. Sounds like a box ticking exercise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I would also exclude some random killing. For starters the road is nowhere to roam to, other than a cul de sac. Whoever goes there has a reason, which is either Alfie and Shirley, the Richardsons or Sopie. And for roaming the countryside in the middle of the night, and that in moist cold December the weather was simply not favourable.

    I think the killer knew the area well, or was at least somewhat familiar with the area. He possibly knew that the Richardsons were not at home. This doesn't mean he was a local, but may have acquired local knowledge of the area, just by himself, checking things out, or received the necessary information from the one who may have hired him.

    I have heard about this party at Alfie and Shirley before. Is it known how many guests were there? And when did they leave? Were the guests ever questioned by police?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 933 ✭✭✭flanna01

    I don't think the party at Alfie's is a confirmed event that happened? It's all hearsay.

    That would have thrown up many more suspects to be sure....

    As opposed to a full blown party, it may have been Alfie & Shirley entertaining a few close friends before Xmas?

    Again, all speculation.

    But... It's highly lightly that the murderer was on site already before Sophie was killed (common sense..)

    So, who could have been on site - And for what purpose??

    Logic suggests it could only be for the purpose of visiting either Alfie & Shirley or Sophie, they were the only residents at home that night...

    Sophie was in bed from 11.30pm the previous night, so that kinda rules her out.

    That only leaves one property that somebody might call to..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,149 ✭✭✭chicorytip

    If it's an elevated site, a hill, it might be, even from that distance. Whatever, Jules Thomas made that statement. Her recollection could have been dulled by alcohol.

    Whoever "staged" the murder scene - as you speculate - must have a real flair for the dramatic or lack any dramatic imagination at all, it might be more accurate to say. If I were the killer here and wanted to "stage" the scene I would make it appear like a suicide and slash her wrists or neck or hang her from a rafter or something like that. She would hardly have bashed her own head in with a heavy concrete block now, would she? Trying to imagine the scene of her final moments I see the helpless, disabled and stunned victim lying prone in the ditch and the enraged and, probably,drink and drug fuelled killer looming over her. Nothing about this was cold, clinical or calculated. A crime of passion for sure born out of raw emotion. The exact series of events leading to this scenario will probably be never discovered.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,836 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    "Whoever goes there has a reason, which is either TO Alfie and Shirley, the Richardsons or Sopie. "

    So it could be: party goers, drug dealers local farmers, tradesmen, delivery drivers, meter readers, peeping toms, contract killers, jealous lovers, etc.( oh, and Ian Bailey for whatever reason)

    "I have heard about this party at Alfie and Shirley before. Is it known how many guests were there?

    And when did they leave? Were the guests ever questioned by police?"

    There was no actual party at Alfie's, it was just something discussed as a possibility between Bailey and Jules

    and the Gardai jumped on it as a reason for Bailey to venture over there.

    "Logic suggests it could only be for the purpose of visiting either Alfie & Shirley or Sophie, they were the only residents at home that night..."

    So if there was no party at Alfie's that just leaves the visitor was to Sophie's.

    From the list above, I reckon the most likely are; local farmer, tradesmen, peeping tom. They are not mutually exclusive,

    so the farmer could be the peeping tom.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I don't know if it's automatically common sense that the killer has been in the area earlier that night. It's possible, but then again, it may not be. Anybody visiting Alfie and Shirley would most likely have driven, I'd say, meaning another car was at their house and possible tyre tracks, etc....

    The thing is, whatever we're speculating, and it is only speculation, it always boils down to Alfie and Shirley. And there are a couple of points which are to my knowledge clearly beyond speculation: ( pls correct me here )

    • The were the only ones who lived there all year round, knowing more about what's going on in the area than all the others, Richardsons and Sophie.
    • They claim they didn't hear anything that night, - something which is hard to believe.
    • Alfie was apparently an occasional drug user, suggesting connections into certain circles, - he must have gotten the drugs from somewhere.
    • They were the first to discover the body.
    • On the night of the murder they were both the only ones alone in the area, together with Sophie.
    • Alfie had a wound apparently from a dog, but didn't own a dog or if not his dog, it's not known who's dog it was.

    Finding no DNA, no fingerprints, no fiber of clothes at all at the murder site, leads me to speculate, - like others.

    How come nothing was found, nothing at all? Was it all down to police incompetence, or was the crime scene cleaned up ?

    The latter would suggest the killer had a lot of time to do so, knew he was alone for a longer period of time, and maybe had help to do so by somebody else.

    Also this brings up the thought that she wasn't killed by the gates, but somewhere else and then carried there. The killer knew that the police would never find his DNA on or near the brambles and the briars, as they might have occurred elsewhere? Again, it's just a speculation, - could have been.

    Fact is, the police didn't find anything, either by incompetence or the crime scene was staged and cleaned.

    One thing to me is certain: If it was a possible rage killing the crime scene was remarkably clean.

    If somebody went there to see Alfie and Shirley, they were probably invited. Tradesmen or deliver drivers, not at this time of the night, farmers possibly also not at this time, peeping tom, I'd say no.

    How come Bailey and Jules thought there was a party going on at Alfie and Shirley's? There must have been something otherwise they wouldn't have come up with this idea. Loud music? They probably didn't hear that from that distance, but lights on? Maybe? Headlights from a car, maybe? Why? Maybe to clean up a crime scene?

    Again, speculation from my side. Headlights from a car can be quite strong to illuminate the murder site, dispose of any evidence, clean something up, etc....

    I am not suggesting Alfie and Shirley were the killers, but I am just speculating and examining the possibility, just for exercise....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,085 ✭✭✭tibruit

    There was no party at Alfie`s that night and the West Cork people established that you can see Alfie`s house from Hunt`s Hill. So a review then of things that happened that night based on statements and interviews given by Bailey and Jules.

    They left the pub and on the way home they drove up and stopped on Hunt`s Hill for a while. Bailey wondered aloud if there was a party at Alfie`s and also had a premonition that something was about to happen. They then went home and went to bed. Not long afterwards Bailey got up, got dressed and left the house. The next time anyone saw him was around 10AM.

    Marie Farrell contacted the Gardaí a couple of days after the murder. Sofie had been in her shop on the Saturday afternoon while a man in black was loitering across the street. She saw the same man early the next morning trying to hitch a lift on the Airhill Road. At the time, Marie did not know Bailey at all. It was later established that he was indeed in town that Saturday and he was also on the Airhill Road the next morning.


  • Registered Users Posts: 933 ✭✭✭flanna01

    I have difficulty believing that Marie Farrell didn't know of Ian Bailey??

    It's a one horse town, everybody know's the name of their neighbours dogs... Bailey was an exceptionally tall English man drinking in every tavern in the town, spouting his crap poetry... You would have heard him before you seen him...

    Bailey probably was in the town that day, as were many others... So what?

    Marie Farrell - Pinch of salt.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I wouldn't consider Marie Farrell trustworthy in any way when considering this case.

    I would think that Marie Farrell knew at least of Bailey, but probably never met him personally.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,085 ✭✭✭tibruit

    A one horse town then with many men in black on a Saturday afternoon. How many men do you think would have been thumbing a lift early that Sunday morning?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I thought Bailey was making coffee for Jules at 8 am or 9 am, but not 10am.

    I think if Bailey did it, he would have come up with a better alibi or explanation. He would not have changed his story, on whether he was asleep or on whether he was working in the studio. He wouldn't have had do, as one can't prove either way.

    Was there a shower at the studio? I suggest so. So he could have cleaned up there with ease.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 31,877 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    It seems highly unlikely she would not have seen Bailey about town before, giving that she was working on its main street of this "one horse town" for months.

    What makes her identification even less credible is that in her description she didn't once mention that the guy was big \ tall etc. Even if she couldn't get the height right, the first thing you'd say if you saw Bailey is that. And even if you couldn't put it into feet and inches you would have an idea that of the people you have seen from window X they were one of the biggest.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,836 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    " the West Cork people established that you can see Alfie`s house from Hunt`s Hill."

    Of course they did, in the middle of a bright Summers day with maps and Binoculars.

    Did you actually listen to the podcast?

    He had no idea what he was looking at in the middle of the night , he said "lights across the bay"

    If he was looking across the bay he was looking in the wrong direction for Alfie's house.

    Post edited by chooseusername on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I'd say noises are impossible to hear at that distance. ( depends on the noise of course)

    In the best case one would have seen lights, a car driving, headlights on. However I doubt that anybody would have paid attention, not even the residents at Hunt's Hill.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,276 ✭✭✭Deeec

    Jules Thomas's daughter babysat for Marie Farrell. They would have definitely have known each other - maybe not well but knew each other to see.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,085 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Well unless you can establish that Marie was a regular in the local pubs or alternatively that Bailey liked to hang out in the ladies clothing department, I don`t see how they would have known each other at all.

    We can be relatively certain that the man hitching on the Airhill Road was Bailey. He didn`t even deny it when asked the direct question by the West Cork people. It gives some credibility to what Marie initially said. It wasn`t all fabricated.

    So on Marie`s first intervention in the drama, before the whole "Fiona and Kealfada" circus kicked off, at a time when she didn`t know Bailey from Adam and at a time when the Gardaí didn`t know that Bailey had been on the Airhill Road on the Sunday morning, we have Marie telling us that the man hanging around outside her shop whilst Sofie was inside, was the same man that she saw hitching the next morning. We can also presume that she didn`t think the Airhill Road man was particularly tall either, even though we know it had to be Bailey.

    But you hold on tight to that inches discrepancy. There`s a wood around here somewhere. Maybe when we get past that bunch of trees we`ll find it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,085 ✭✭✭tibruit

    You`ve contradicted yourself. If he had no idea what he was looking at, how could he see lights across the bay? Anyway, there was a full moon and he only had to look 25 degrees to his right to see Alfie`s place after he looked across the bay. Even though Alfie was supposed to have been in bed by 10-30, we know that Sophie spoke with Daniel on the phone after midnight which means her lights were probably on when Bailey was on Hunt`s Hill.

    I`ve listened to the podcast a number of times at this stage.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    No contradictions here.....

    I'd say it's not really credible to be able to tell from Hunt's Hill whether it was Alfie and Shirley who had the light on or Sophie. The distance is just to long. Maybe with binoculars and night vision it may have been possible, but with the naked eye, I'd say no.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 31,877 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    You called it a one horse town. Bailey lived there all year round. Farrell ran a shop on the main street. That was the first time she ever spotted him about town? I did not say they were known to each other.

    And she sees a guy outside her shop, but doesn't cop him as tall \ big when trying to describe him to others?

    It is not an inches characteristic and it is disingenuous to call it that. It is his fundamental physical appearance.

    We're not talking about the difference between 5'8 and 5'10.

    She has zero credibility as a witness.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,276 ✭✭✭Deeec

    We cant believe anything Marie says - thats the problem. She is now saying the man wore a beret. I dont know why you are hung up on the Airhill rd sighting which was more than 24 hours before the body was discovered. Maries sightings were to suit the situation and make the gardai happy. It wouldnt surprise me for Marie to change her mind again and say it was a woman.

    With 5 kids and it being Christmas I dont know how Marie had time to be gadding about as much as she was.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    Marie Farrell isn't the only one living in this part of Ireland all year round and runs a shop. There are others as well who could have seen and observed a stranger in town.

    Wearing a beret, would suggest somebody with a military background? Bailey was neither ex military, also his style of hats was way different. A beret would never have looked good on him anyway.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,658 ✭✭✭thecretinhop

    I have to think if you clear away all the guff. There are five things that are standing out.

    1 alphie having a bath in Sophie house. That's not normal behaviour shows a lack of boundaries etc not good.

    2 the dog bite just after a murder next door with no dog or they were looking after another dog hmm.

    3 not a mention of any noise? If we assume the killer drove there engines etc never mind any screams

    4 even if there were rows with alphie etc in mortal danger you will do anything to save yourself yet is running g away from said house??

    5 after such a brutal murder literally next door the only people who could clean up all night without attention were alphie etc.

    Either I'm way off here or there is just to many things going on..

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