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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    I'm halfway through it. The impression I am getting is that Meghan was ambitious. She wanted to be a major star. That was the dream. Critical acclaim, peer recognition (Oscars) and a lifestyle which the consequent millions of dollars banked would enable her to channel her inner diva i.e. at a social level where you are the one giving out NDA's to be signed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being ambitious and you do what you have to do to try and make a go of it or find success at it. However whatever talent she did have was never cultivated, there was no intellectual curiosity or passion to become as good an actor as she could possibly be. Stardom isn't automatically conferred and Meghan was never going to advance the art form that is acting in any meaningful capacity. You have heavyweights like Streep who reach the pinnacle but they too started from the bottom. They would go through the same mind numbing and soul crushing audition-rejection-audition-bit part-audition cycle. However they would have been honing their craft in parallel, they would be improving and becoming experts at acting. Their odds of getting cast would improve in the constant effort to improve.

    For the lucky ones, when their big break came through they had the talent to gain notice and traction to forge out a career...while still improving even as their career progressed. I get the impression that this star search cycle was beneath Meghan who, being spoiled and entitled, expected to go from Z to A as a matter of course. When your dad gave you everything you wanted then rejection was hard to take. In place of efforts to improve she would seek to maximise her profile via relentless and ruthless self-promotion. You were only a friend if you could help her advance, cultivating relationships and friendships organically didn’t happen unless you had value. Latching onto activism and seeing relationships as being transactional. She felt this was the way to go but the drawback is that you are dumping people, people who may understandably be aggrieved and in voicing their grievances down the line then it doesn’t make them liars or haters or jealous. It is the risk she took by seeking fame at any cost.

    The goal would have been to become financially secure, to land a few roles or a recurring role which would enable that. Again nothing wrong with that but for all the effort she landed a recurring role as sixth on the call sheet and sixth on the payroll as well. In fairness among the thousands who strive for success Meghan was relatively successful however her success was analogous to being akin to mid-table mediocrity in Sports i.e. you make up the numbers but aren't talented enough to be the champion. She had a million followers on her blog, she was a minor celebrity. The persistent financial worries (i.e. Suits wouldn't be on air forever) drove a desire to social climb and land someone wealthy to offset that worry. The self-promotion (not acting) skills she had instead mastered helped tremendously in networking her way to meeting such a person so that she could hopefully love bomb them sufficiently to dupe them into a marriage which would guarantee financial security (e.g. "Cashley" Cole or Rory McIlroy). She chanced upon securing a date with Prince Harry and the rest was textbook love bombing. She (falsely) presented herself as the idea he had in his head about his mother and he was smitten. Now someone who isn't a rabid narcissist obsessed with their image and control of her "brand" would have been delighted to reach such a status level. To my mind the actual suitability of Harry as a partner was completely irrelevant. He was a mark. He was "rich", connected, Royal. It didn't matter that he was an arrogant, entitled, mentally ill man. If it didn't work out then the transactional aspect would at least boost her profile into the stratosphere. No more mid-table mediocrity (e.g. promoting a mid-range fashion retailer in Canada). Vanity Fair! Dior! VVIP!

    Meghan got to unleash her inner diva but the problem was one Bower points out about the whole point of being Royal. It is the anti-thesis of self-promotion and Meghan had no interest in reading the throne room. They have tremendous privilege and entitlement but a consequence of that is their duty to promote others be they individuals they confer titles to for services to craft or charities or organisations etc. Their role is to unite, promote, enhance, celebrate and endorse the best of Britain and the commonwealth. For someone like Meghan this knowing self-sacrifice made her just about the worst type of person to take on such a role. Her husband was someone who was fed up with such a lifestyle. Meghans desire was that the controls, protocols and machine of the institution should cater to her desire for her self-promotion. Why couldn't she walk side by side with the Queen? Why couldn't she accept "gifts" from fashion houses? Why shouldn't she be allowed to be Her Royal Highness anywhere she damn well pleased? Why couldn't she speak out about issues important to her even if they were sensitive and controversial? etc. My thinking is that there was a standoff in terms of the staff, and their prerogative to assist the Sussexes to support to Queen, were at pains to accommodate her sense of entitlement and gratify her ego in so far as possible coupled with the sheer frustration of adopting a stiff upper lip in refraining from telling a C-list narcissist that the only reason she was even being tolerated at all (or known) was because of who she married and that upending established protocols just wasn't going to happen. To my mind that's why people, seeing the complete lack of compromise, started quitting. They could see where it was heading. Ahead of the second half of the book then what exactly was Meghan going to do when confronted with such blocks? Bully them into compliance? Cry racism and say anyone not supporting her was racist? Oh...wait. Seems like that's exactly what she would do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,148 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Jesus, if Carlsberg did unhealthy obsessions.

    No wonder the ginger one is worried about security.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Post made on discussion forum thread made about the topic of the thread shocker. He should be more worried about Tom Bower. I mean that guy literally wrote a book about them! A best selling book which is weird since you're implying anyone having the remotest interest in this car crash or the cheek to discuss them is a security threat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,148 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Nope, he needs to be worried about the borderline psychotic vitriol that gets anonymously posted about him and his family.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,701 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    You’re not still at this nonsense defending those two no matter what?!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭backwards_man

    I read it over the weekend and here are some observations:

    She was astute enough to fork out 7.5K per month to hire Sunshine Sachs (SS) from which all her subsequent gigs came and the profile to match. They cleaned up and re edited her wikipedia page to position her as a humatarian, and were key in getting her gigs. At the time she was being paid around 500K after tax and agent fees for suits per year it was a hell of an investment in herself. Hitting her mid 30s some might have been more inclined to purchase a property for security should the work dry up. But not Meghan, she ploughed her money into promoting herself.

    She was an awful diva, rude, agressive and demanding, at a time when her profile was in its infancy. When I started the book I assumed this was the revenge in the title - the people she previouly treated poorly finally getting their story out. I later changed my mind as I read on.

    Doria is painted as an sort of selfish free spirit who didnt want to be tied down my domestic life, and effectively abandoned Meghan and the wider family for 10 years. Its unclear at to why she wasnt around, was she in prison? She also seems to be a manipulator according to Thomas. It makes her current treatment of him really sad. I think Doria has been a big part of that happening, quietly lobbying against him in the background.

    It is inferred that Meghan was having a casual relationship with John Fitzpatrick over a period of a few years in return for exposure. He was key in getting her in the same room as the Clintons, Liam Neeson, Rory McIllroy (with whome she had a daliance). These pictures were used to raise her profile during The Tig/Suits years. He says he was never her official partner (as she was with Cory at the time) and they were great friends.

    Harry knew his days were numbered as an influential member of the RF back in 2015 and was looking around for a higher purpose. There is a mention of 10yrs before George would be of age and Harry thought he had these 10 yrs to carve out a role. He imagined it would be in Africa. That all went out the window when he met Meghan and her goals became his goals. He is characterised as unromantic, ungenerous, short tempered and imperious.

    Her people SS made it known in the leadup the wedding that she was open to receiving freebies in return for publicity, Dior, Givency, Channel were contacted.

    It was the interview where Harry said he gave Meghan the family she never had, around their engagement that infuriated her family as it cast them as a bunch of degenerates who didnt look after her as a child, which we know is false. She refused to change that narrative, doubled down on it, saying she was poor and didnt know her siblings etc...further fanning their anger.

    They were planning on leaving the UK as early as 2018, everything they did from the engagement to 2020 was making that happen. Harry never expected it would also mean stepping down. He seemed certain that he would get what he wanted. All his actions since have been about making the RF sorry for how they have treated him. I think this is the 'Revenge' alluded to in the title.

    One item that seems incorrect is on pg 402 it says that Harry lost his 400K court case against the Met for his police protection and the two citations listed at the back of the book as proof, do not mention this, only the case itself which was raised in Jan 2022 and we know Harry has recently won a judicial review of that 2020 decision. Have I missed another legal case that Harry lost recently on this topic?

    There is a comical typo on pg 385 where there is a reference to "morning suits" at Philip's funeral, but clearly there was also a search and replace for all mentions of the tv show Suits to be in italics and with a capital S so it became "morning Suits" the second word in italics. I had to re read that sentence several times.

    The author makes several nasty references to her appearance which I think takes away from the content of the book, one on pg 51 his description of her in a Larry King interview as having rumpled clothes, greasy hair and peaky (?) eyes is downright mean. I googled the interview and she looks grand, not super polished by her usual standards nowadays but hardly fitting of that description. There are other references to her body shape in comparison to Kate, its just completely unecessary. Judge her by her actions not her looks.

    There is alot in there. I need to re read it but for now leaving it alone....too much H&M these past few days.....there is more news out there than these two!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Yeah because Harry is worried sick about an Irish internet forum with limited traffic based primarily in their intermittent embarrassing PR manifesting. Didn't you hear? The Queen is inviting them to Balmoral as an olive branch! The tabloids are one thing but incessant PR guff is the other side of that coin. I suppose the anonymous praise is acceptable though. Clearly I'm not a fan. Point out where I have been vitriolic? You're mixing up piss taking and confusing it with vitriol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,148 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Jaysus some level of effort put into píss taking.

    Although that is normally a common defence.

    As you were so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Effort? These two are frauds in need of mocking and ridicule. A pair of hypocrites, actual perfect icons of fakery. Simplistic examples of that social phenomenon. You do get sick of the optics and the PR manifesting with it all calculated to make money. I'd be more respectful if they just made it obvious that they want money, as much of it as possible.

    For example Harry speaking at the UN on Mandela Day and dropping in the collaborations he is working with as partners of Archewell. It is naked self-promotion and if you think pointing out how this is useless people masking their uselessness via associating themselves with real deals (Harry/Mandela or Meghan/Steinem) is vitriol then that's your prerogative. Personally I find Harry continually exploiting his mother is poor taste. Contrast that to William only speaking about her when necessary.

    Again, it's masking his own uselessness via her actual achievements. I suppose the basic truth of it all triggers accusations of hate i.e. if you're critical then you're a hater. How lazy but done to shut people down as well as your jibe about obsession. I don't think anything I've written about them remotely approaches vitriol. In the book these two clowns had staff scouring social media to remove negative content about them. Why? To promote themselves, to protect their brand and nothing more. Clearly my sentiments must not be alone. Being happy to point this all out and it's vitriol? Sure Jan.

    In summary, she is a base, dysfunctional narcissist who cares nothing about humanitarian issues beyond how those talking points are useful to her own ambitions. He is a jealous angry simpleton merchandising his dead mother because he has no accomplishments of his own. The Bower book drums it all up again hence my interest but the above sums them up in my opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,148 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    In summary, she is a base, dysfunctional narcissist who cares nothing about humanitarian issues beyond how those talking points are useful to her own ambitions. He is a jealous angry simpleton merchandising his dead mother because he has no accomplishments of his own

    Jaysus. 😳

    Anyway, I think the reinforces my point, hopefully they get the level of security they obviously clearly deserve.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren


    I never knew words required physical security protection. I appreciate Harry is paranoid about his security but some fella from Cork thinking he's an eejit is now a security risk? Jesus wept. What you perhaps mean is hopefully they can successfully reach the point where they can, in some deluded Orwellian fantasy, automatically scrub the whole internet of all content which is critical of them/not very nice to them.

    If you want to see actual vitriol and this scrubbing in practice I suggest you try places like below. If you fancy or enjoy trolling go and say something like "Kate is actually nice" in the comments. You will get banned very, very quickly and your comment likely deleted. That Orwellian dream a step closer to becoming reality!!

    Sample comment.

    If (Kate) cried at all, it was because it dawned on her Harry was actually getting married and her long unrequited crush would be off limits to her. 


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,148 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Utterly Bizarre.

  • Registered Users Posts: 330 ✭✭cezanne

    I Read the book she is a self serving cnut and fooled the poor lad (with some California girl type loving which he never had from the English roses ). No 6 in line she didnt google enough to see she was getting a raw deal too ! They truly deserve each other. George is 9 now 7 more years ( 84 months ) his handsome face will be every where, a future king too. The harkels will be old news like Wallis Simpson & Edward became - irrelevant pariahs. Couldnt happen to a nicer pair. On the up side they did increase the complete popularity of the monarchy, an own goal ! Te hehe

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,081 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    she did not fool harry at all, this is just the cult fans crap "the evil american took away the people's prince" it's mumbo jumbo and cultish fiction.

    it was meghan and harry who were popular, not the monarchy as a whole, who's popularity is slowly decreasing.

    there is just good will for the queen, once she dies, that will change somewhat and when charles dies then the monarchy is in trouble as william is not popular dispite the attempts to claim he is and make him so.

    the 2 of them will be fine, the days where individuals like walise simpson could just go off and live their lives in obscurety are no more.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭backwards_man

    One other point that I forgot to mention above was the unbelievable detail that the black and white photo of pregnant Meghan and Harry under the tree was a fake! The oak tree was photoshopped into it afterwards. It was taken remotely with them in a field, him on an ipad in London. The acclaimed photographer could have shot an equally gorgeous picture in the grounds of their mansion one would think or anywhere in their immediate environment during lockdown. By all accounts they live in a gorgeous area.. Makes you wonder what other photographs he photoshopped.....the photo of Lillibet ahem.....just saying....

    And we are back to the basic problem with H&M, nothing is as it seems, nothing is real or authemtic. Its all fakery and pretence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,046 ✭✭✭Icsics

    That’s for sure, it’s all fake & they lie!

  • Registered Users Posts: 330 ✭✭cezanne

    the 2 of them will be fine, the days where individuals like walise simpson could just go off and live their lives in obscurety are no more.

    Such a pity !

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,927 ✭✭✭dogbert27

    Jesus wept. Is everything she says excused away?!

    Subjective statement, FFS 🙄

    She's as bad a Trump with how he defends his lies.

    Cue, EOTR to jump to her defence and denounce the daily mail! 😄

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I love the photo of Lilly’s first birthday party. Pity no one turned up for a photoshoot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Meghans feelings don't care about your facts. 😂

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,116 ✭✭✭Immortal Starlight

    What makes me laugh is how she keeps making statements that are so easily proven to be lies. She must really believe we are all stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,047 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    But it's "her" truth, it seems whatever she believes or feels becomes reality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,046 ✭✭✭Icsics

    That was in the book, whatever they say becomes factual in their heads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,178 ✭✭✭Be right back

    Her head anyway. He just seems to be downtrodden these days..

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,939 ✭✭✭✭Itssoeasy

    We all at times which we were only children when our siblings annoy us but that doesn’t mean that you’d be an only child. What utter rubbish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    And if you don't believe it well then you're clearly a racist or a misogynist or a liar etc.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,387 ✭✭✭✭Sardonicat

    There's a word for people who believe that. It begins with N...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,751 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    Interesting to see the anti-Will & Kate narrative that emerged yesterday.

    Lots of twitter outrage regarding the briefing allegedly made by their camp to supply info to the new book. Some of the hashtag trends are a bit salacious 😉 the #PrinceOfPegging and the evergreen #WaityKaty are doing the rounds

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,325 ✭✭✭cuttingtimber22

    Was it anti Will and Kate or just old fashioned tabloidy gossip?
