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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Any chance of a genuine answer to my question? Otherwise I take your flippant answer to mean you have no consistent logic to your argument.

    I'll paste the question again here:

    If I go to live in Saudi Arabia, do you think I and my family should be free to walk around in shorts and t-shirts? Do you think my wife has some type of obligation to cover up her hair or body? I would tend to think that we DO have such an obligation. But I'm curious to hear your logic on this.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If I go to live in Saudi Arabia, do you think I and my family should be free to walk around in shorts and t-shirts? Do you think my wife has some type of obligation to cover up her hair or body? I would tend to think that we DO have such an obligation. But I'm curious to hear your logic on this.

    By your logic a French nudist should be able to go nude in Bundoran or a Dutch person should be able to smoke a joint in my local coffee shop.

    What goes in one country does not necessarily go in another due to the local laws and customs.

    When in Rome and all that

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Can they not impose a new law - anyone caught disobeying a deportation order - 10 year prison sentence - end of story.

    Start locking up the first ones they find. Send the message to the rest. There needs to be some form of deterrence.

    I might be medieval backwards on this, I'd have them doing manual labour if I could. Pay them a minimum wage and get them doing something for the country instead of Take Take Take.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    I gave you a genuine answer to your question already - I don’t give a fcuk what you wear!

    You can take the answer whatever way you want, I don’t care about that either, just like I don’t care what immigrants wear here. I’d say that’s entirely consistent, but you’re free to imagine otherwise.

    I’m not particularly curious as to the logic behind your argument that because you think you should do something in another country, anyone from that country should adhere to your standards here when there is no law compelling them to do so, unlike another country where there is. It’s as though there are different laws in different countries! Shocking, isn’t it? And inconsistent to boot. Terrible altogether 🙄

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Do you think we should allow female genital mutilation and forced marriages in Ireland? Maybe you "don't care" because it's none of your business? Personally I happen to think they are barbaric and have no place in a Western European country.

    I think this lack of judgment and the insistence on all cultures being equal is a big lie and it's time we stopped apologising for backwards behaviour.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yes I actually agree with that I think you might have misread my post. When in a much more concise way of putting it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Sigh, you seem to be struggling with things that are allowed in one place but illegal in another

    FGM is illegal in Ireland under the Criminal Justice (Female Genital Mutilation Act) 2012. This legislation was the culmination of several years of efforts by the Steering Committee from the National Plan of Action to Address FGM. Under the Act, it is a criminal offence for a person living in Ireland to perform FGM or to take a girl to another country to undergo FGM. The maximum penalty is a fine of up to €10,000 or imprisonment for up to 14 years or both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 809 ✭✭✭Butson

    Imagine asking a convicted sex offender to leave. Asking him? Get him the fcuk in a car and personally escorted onto the plane.

    That poor lady who had to go through all of that, after he was ordered i.e asked to leave, should sue the Irish state for pure and utter negligence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    It is shocking that Ireland needed to introduce this legislation and it is shocking the kind of people that do this were allowed here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Do you think we should allow female genital mutilation and forced marriages in Ireland? Maybe you "don't care" because it's none of your business? Personally I happen to think they are barbaric and have no place in a Western European country. 

    Well that escalated quickly 😂

    I think this lack of judgment and the insistence on all cultures being equal is a big lie and it's time we stopped apologising for backwards behaviour.

    I don’t expect an apology from you at all.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yes it is genius. One article reporting that people are sceptical doesn't change anything. People are sceptical about every new idea.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    This should help with the integration that some are worried about

    Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, today announced €1,000,000 in funding under the International Protection Integration Fund 2022. The Fund aims to enable community based organisations across Ireland to play a greater role in supporting the integration of International Protection Applicants. 2 funding streams will be available to organisations for both single and multi-county projects, awarding grants of €10,000 - €50,000.

    A set of specific themes have been developed to direct applicants to key integration initiatives. These include:

    1. Employment

    2. Education

    3. Language

    4. Civic and Legal Supports

    5. Health and Wellbeing

    6. Intercultural Awareness

    7. Combating Racism and Xenophobia

    8. Other Community Events

    9. Capacity Building

    10. Integration Research

    Projects supporting the following objectives will be given special priority in 2022 and will attract additional marking during the selection process:

    - initiatives aimed at bolstering the employability of International Protection Applicants

    - initiatives aimed at creating greater opportunities for language exchange in Irish society

    - initiatives aimed at augmenting Applicants’ understanding of the asylum process through the provision of civic and legal supports

    - initiatives aimed at supporting men between the ages of 19-25

    - initiatives aimed at supporting pre-school aged children

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,503 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

    Malone would have made a half decent mid ranking Stasi agent had he been born in Berlin several decades ago ,imagine him there in his grey apartment ( circa 1975 ) in his grey clothes, head to the neighbours door ,filing a report on their every utterance.

    That's effectively how social media allows this loser to earn a living doing

    A far left Ned Flanders ,furiously pouring over footage of opinions uttered by conservatives that offend his orthodoxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    It’s genius according to you because you think it means anyone who is critical of the plan won’t elaborate because they’d have to admit Rwanda is a shìthole. That’s not genius, it’s stupid, just as stupid as thinking shipping illegal immigrants to Rwanda is a good idea.

    It’s not, not least because of the fact that it’s unworkable for a variety of reasons, it’s in breach of a number of international human rights laws, it’s not cost effective from the point of view of the Exchequer. As well as the fact that the report comes from the UKs own Home Office Affairs Committee, it’s not just one article.

    People are right to be skeptical of a plan which is a complete waste of time and money dreamed up by a couple of numbskull politicians to appeal to people who think it’s genius. It’s nothing only digging themselves into a bigger hole, and the idea that having to admit Rwanda is a shìthole, is the least of anyones concerns about what was always a stupid plan which is proving impossible to implement, and does nothing to prevent illegal immigrants entering the UK.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The beauty for people like you is that you don't need to have an alternative plan to compare it to. Just kill this one and that will be enough.

    The left has no solution to the migration crisis. They just stymie and block and silence debate. And all the while, the dinghies keep coming, day in day out, hundreds of young, male, migrants. And when the consequences are to be felt in years to come (increased crime, decreased quality of life) the very people now criticising the Rwanda plan will be the ones crying the loudest.

    Imagine if returning WW2 soliders in Britain were shown a glimpse into the state of their country in 2022. You would wonder what they would make of it.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A little school yard tattle tale who tells the teacher what the bad kids are saying/doing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    1 million this year, 2 next year, 3 the year after that.

    Close the open door policy.

    Only take in migrants who are vetted.

    No admission to anyone with a criminal record.

    Only asylum for people who are leaving for fear of death.

    One offence and sent home policy for migrants already in the country.

    Benefits reduction year on year. If not working by such a term. Away home you go.

    No housing until your working and fit to pay rent for housing.

    Independent investigation to find out who is making the millions from DP centres.

    Major government body set up to round up and deport illegal migrants.

    This would be a better route for Integration with the right kind of migrants we could integrate with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    The beauty for people like you is that you don't need to have an alternative plan to compare it to. Just kill this one and that will be enough. 

    Oh I say go ahead with it, I couldn’t be happier if the UK ended up a shìthole that even Rwandans would look at and think “Ehh, you’re alright thanks!” 😂

    The left has no solution to the migration crisis. They just stymie and block and silence debate. And all the while, the dinghies keep coming, day in day out, hundreds of young, male, migrants. And when the consequences are to be felt in years to come (increased crime, decreased quality of life) the very people now criticising the Rwanda plan will be the ones crying the loudest. 

    The people crying the loudest will be the current shower of soother spitters who are looking to blame ‘The Left’, for the absolute shìt-show caused by a so-called ‘Conservative’ Government’s history of shìtty decisions which have led to shìtty outcomes for the vast majority of the UK electorate, while those same politicians and their buddies in business thrived off the backs of policies which encouraged and exploited cheap immigrant labour.

    Imagine if returning WW2 soliders in Britain were shown a glimpse into the state of their country in 2022. You would wonder what they would make of it.

    Given the UK Government is about to be led by the descendants of Indian immigrants - Rishi and Patel, it’s difficult to know what way the largest army of volunteer fighters in the British army at the time would react to being told go back to their own country. It’d be hilarious to see it though -

    But the largest volunteer force in the world then was the Indian Army: More than 2 million Indian men fought for Britain, even as Indian citizens struggled to be free of the British Empire.


    Sunak was born on 12 May 1980 in Southampton to Hinduparents of Indian descent, Yashvir and Usha Sunak. He is the eldest of three siblings. His father Yashvir was born and raised in the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (present-day Kenya), while his mother Usha was born in Tanganyika (which later became part of Tanzania). His grandparents were born in Punjab ProvinceBritish India, and migrated from East Africa with their children to the UK in the 1960s.


    Patel was born on 29 March 1972 to Sushil and Anjana Patel in London. Her paternal grandparents were born in Gujarat, India, before emigrating to Uganda, and running a convenience store in Kampala. In the 1960s, her parents emigrated to the UK and settled in Hertfordshire. They established a chain of newsagents in London and the South East of England. She was raised in a Hindu household. Her father Sushil was a UKIP candidate for Hertfordshire in 2013.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So you agree that unfettered immigration is a sure way to make a country a sh*thole then? And that's what you want for Ireland? To become a sh*thole?

    Patel and Rishi are both British through and through. Their heritage, their skin colour is completely irrelevant. If all migrants were like their families, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭lmao10

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 Mr. Karate II

    Use the Military planes to deport them. Other Countries [Sweden and UK I believe] have shown that some do gooder will try and stop the deportation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    So you agree that unfettered immigration is a sure way to make a country a sh*thole then? And that's what you want for Ireland? To become a sh*thole?

    Come back here with them goalposts Cathy Newman. I never argued anything like that. A sure way to make a country a shìthole is to support politicians who will turn the country into a shìthole, because it’s more important to you that you imagine you’re sticking it to “The Left”. Priorities, I guess.

    Patel and Rishi are both British through and through. Their heritage, their skin colour is completely irrelevant. If all migrants were like their families, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    It’s not though, given this thread is about multiculturalism and immigration. We’d still be having this discussion even if all immigrants were like their families, because their nationality is irrelevant, it’s their culture and their visibility in society based upon their appearance, that seems to cause the most soother spitting and objections to their presence among ‘the natives’.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    Deport the do gooders too.

    See how long they last in their bestie friends country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    Invisibility in the workforce for alot them.

    And there visibility in the courts and welfare offices is more like it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Where would we be without you keeping tabs on ‘em all?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No I'm not but I have been one in the past then returned home.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Remember that cringe video of the silly young Swedish girl and her righteous livestreaming stopping a criminal being deported on a flight. And it turned out that he was a violent criminal who had rape convictions or something like that. But I'm sure the amount of "Likes" she got that day would have trumped the rights of the victims of his crimes. Her tears said more than real evidence ever could.

    There is a strange pathology going on where criminals, if they are of a certain race, seem to acquire some saintly status on the left.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    And their useful idiots always making excuses and deflecting for them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,754 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    They exist on all sides Wojtek, it’s why I said earlier I didn’t care if the UK is turned into a shìthole - they’ll only have themselves to blame for it, the English in particular, I’ll be quite happy if they actually would disappear up their own hole. At least now with Brexit the risk of them taking the rest of Europe with them has been significantly reduced.
