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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    If you're getting a gait analysis I'd say go somewhere reputable for that type of thing. Otherwise you'll be told you pronate and they'll shove Brooks down your thoat

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,739 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Great performance at the weekend, super to see such progress and such a strong run.

    I found John Buckley Sports very good on a recent visit to Cork. Very much a runners shop with knowledgable staff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks guys. I actually went to John Buckley for the Endorphins as I wouldn’t fully trust anybody else in Cork. They didn’t do a gait analysis there but I felt they knew what they were talking about anyway. He wasn’t endorsing the Brooks Hyperion’s anyway when I asked about them … for me I mean. He felt they wouldn’t suit as well as the Saucony.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Delighted for you on a superb PB performance. Lovely and controlled and a fantastic time. Well done.

    Spotted you are looking stronger and trimmer. It is paying off.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    I’ve been meaning to update this sooner but between one thing or another kept forgetting or putting it off. I’ve started my training plan for Dublin this week and will try to log more frequently. So before that I wanted to document what I’ve been up to the last couple of years and what got me to where I am currently training and fitness wise.

    So I stopped logging just before Covid while I had Plantar Fasciitis and that went on for months. During the 2Km lock down I started doing 5km daily and eventually the PF went away and I started building up the distance but all easy running and I did a few virtual races including Dublin Marathon around the hills where I lived … my hilliest marathon ever! The following January I started a Garmin Coach HM plan. The paces seemed a bit hot but I was hitting them and without realising it I was overdoing it and ended up with a Soleus injury which took me out of running for weeks and I even had to stop walking (for exercise) for two weeks. My weight was bothering me as I was getting nowhere with Slimming World so I signed up with a nutritional coach who started by putting up my daily calories and had me counting macros. She also encouraged me to do strength work … something I always ignored. Gyms were closed so she gave me a program and I was working out 5 days a week at home. Within 2 weeks my body composition was changing. I got hooked and then when I eventually started running again I kept up the gym work also. At this stage I had entered the Kerry Way Ultra Lite (59km) for September so needed to get training for that. I loved the training for that and every second week myself and friends did Recce’s in Kerry. So I did the Ultra and loved it … and immediately signed up for this year again. I also did Charleville and Amsterdam Halves. All of these were easy running but I was loving the burst of fitness I’d gotten from Kerry and proceeded to overdo it after Amsterdam and the Soleus went yet again. Covid hit next and I’d horrible fatigue for November and December which gave my Soleus time to heal. I decided I’d go back to the coach I was with in 2019 starting in January and I told her I wanted to get back to running well, not overdo it and injure myself, and just enjoy running. I wasn’t bothered about PBs or races anymore I said and I just wanted to go out and build to Kerry again and Dublin but I’d just run them easy …

    Training started in January and I loved it. I settled into a great routine of running 5 days a week, going to the gym after the 4 mid week runs doing 2 upper body and 2 lower body sessions and was in a great place with nutrition too. I’d gotten to the best shape I’ve ever been in really. I decided to run Mallow 10mile to see what a race was like again. I had no idea what I was capable of as hadn’t even done 10 miles since October and very little pace work so I started at the back thinking maybe 1:33 or something but was passing people out from the start and was really strong and finished in 1:24:19 … a PB. I was shocked and thrilled and it really woke the competitive side of me up. I decided I’d race Cork Half at that point and again got a whopper of a PB from 1:53:04 to 1:45:25 as per my last update.

    I took it easy for June just running easy and holidays etc and then decided to defer my Kerry entry. I think I’m capable of finally going sub 4 in Dublin (current PB 4:03:04 in 2019)and hopefully more like 3:50 but an ultra at the start of September wouldn’t help that. Keep the main thing the main thing as has been drilled into all of us here :-) I was all excited and ready to start my training plan next Monday but climbed Carrauntoohill the previous Friday and did something odd to ankle. Physio fixed me and told me delay things by a week … so the road to Dublin started yesterday.

    The plan is simple … don’t change what I’ve been doing for the last year. Follow my running plan, do my 4 strength sessions weekly, I’ve added in a band work session at home on Saturdays (just 15-20 mins long), keep nutrition on point and if I do all that I should run a very good marathon … hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Great to see you back logging. Will be following with interest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,456 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    What a great update. Best of luck with DCM and hopefully see you in McGrattans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Great update there! Very best of luck with this training block, let that competitive side spur you on now to get your sub 4(training sensibly of course too) 😊

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Nice recap there K. You have all your ducks lined up neatly. Good luck with the training, it'll be very interesting to follow along.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday: 50’v easy, 5x20s strides; Upper Body strength session

    Pulled the easy pace right back and made sure it was genuinely v easy. Kept an eye on my heart rate to ensure it wasn’t creeping up. I was getting into the habit lately of no run being genuinely easy which was fine while I wasn’t doing sessions or huge miles but time to be honest now.

    Tuesday: 2k easy, 4x15s strides, 2(8x1’ on/off, 3 min rec), 2k easy; Lower Body Strength

    Got out early to do this as was supposed to be still roasting. The 1 min on runs were supposed to be 7.05-7.10ish. Most were in and around there though gps acts up on one side of the pitches I was running around but I think effort stayed the same throughout. What was interesting about this session was trying out Vaporflies. While I was on holiday my coach saw a deal and was buying them herself and I think I was after a couple of drinks and didn’t take too much persuasion especially when she said I could try them out and return them within 30 days. I hadn’t had a chance to try them so took them out for that session. It was too stop start and also I was doing figure of 8’s round two pitches and too many sharp corners in them which wasn’t nice. The cool down back to the car was the most comfortable part of that run wearing them. After strength work I went for a rub down. My right IT Band or the surrounding area was really really tight. A common niggle with me.

    Wednesday: 40’ v easy; Upper body strength

    Watched my pace again at kept it honestly v easy at 10:25

    Thursday: Rest day - did two walks alright totally 1hr 45 mins but nothing taxing

    Friday: 70’ Moderate; Lower Body strength

    Moderate is 9:20-9:40 and ran the 7.4miles at 9:28. Tried the Vaporflies again. Comfortable anyway so I’ll keep them but started feeling the outside of my knee for the last 2 miles. Not quite sure if it’s the lack of support from the Vaporflies or would have happened anyway. Either way I have put them back in their box now with the intention of pulling them out for races or a couple of long runs maybe closer to Dublin.

    Saturday: 10miles easy on an undulating route; 10 minutes band work

    I stayed local for this. I never ran locally until lockdowns as country roads and seriously hilly but thought it might be good when the plan said undulating. Must check this with my coach before the next one as the hills are long and steep here so my elevation gain was 600ft. It was a horrible run really. I can’t remember the last time I’d a run like that. I hadn’t slept well the night before either so energy lacking a bit. It was so so muggy and still and misty the whole time. I just plodded around dying to finish but I’m happy I ticked the box off anyway. Every now and then I felt the knee but it would come and go. I’m just wore my normal Hoka Arahi which are stability shoes. I did my band work at 11:30 last night before bed to tick that box too. I did some research after and the band work and a few more exercises added to it such as clam shells and other stretches should really help the IT Band. It’s not bad now at all but over the years it’s always been a niggle and has appeared during longer races hindering me too so I’ll work hard to prevent that now for Dublin.

    Sunday: Day of rest. I’ll walk later in just to get my steps in. I’m on day 210 of over 10,000 steps a day.

    Total (running) mileage: 33.5 miles

    Strength: 4 sessions + band work

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    I am going to enjoy seeing how you do K 😊 We won't catch up in Kerry this year, but I hope I can make DCM and cheer you on and catch up afterward

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday: 50’v easy, 5x20s strides; Upper Body strength session

    Very enjoyable run bright and early with a friend and into the gym after dropping kids to camp for upper body strength work. Got a migraine later in the day which is unusual and haven’t had one in months. Not sure why as I’m very well hydrated with minimum 3L of water every day but was fairly shattered from it.

    Tuesday: 3k easy, 2 x 20s strides, 6 x 4' LT off 1' rec, 3' easy, 4 x 1' AP off 1' jog, 2k easy; Lower Body Strength

    Got up early to get this done at 7am as had an appointment later. Found it fairly hard and energy levels weren’t hectic. LT is 7:50-8:00 and I just about hit the paces but it was seriously hard. I walked all the recoveries. Possibly the migraine from the previous day and I was tired. Home for breakfast, drop to camp and into the gym for leg day. Worked hard as I went from there into the hospital to get a mole on my back checked and I knew (from previous experience) if the consultant removed it that I’d be told not to exercise for a few days. Anyway, all good and didn’t need to get anything done so no break from running or the gym required.

    Wednesday: Rest needed so just walked to get my steps done

    Thursday: 40’ very easy; Lower Body Strength

    4 miles @ 10:34 in the rain and into the gym then. Normally would do upper body but having had a day’s rest I swapped my sessions around to do legs Thursday and upper body Friday so try make my long run on Saturday a little easier.

    Friday: 60’ very easy; Upper Body Strength

    6.46 miles @ 10:06, faster than the previous day but feeling better also

    Saturday: 20k progressive (7k easy, 6k mod, 5k @ 8.45ish, 2k @ 8.20ish; 25 mins Stretching and Bandwork

    Quite pleased with this. All my paces were pretty spot on and ran 12.44 miles. It was quite humid and I definitely found the last couple of miles tough. I took a 300ml water bottle with me which helped some bit. I was a bit bamboozled that I ran Cork HM at 8 min miles not even a couple of months ago and now I was struggling to hit 8:20 for one mile. I’m well aware of humidity, legs not rested etc but hard to imagine I ran that so comfortably. Anyway, I’ll just keep ticking boxes. Picked up some melon and pineapple in Lidl where I was parked and munched it before heading home, had a couple of rice cakes and did my band work.

    Total (running) mileage: 36.17 miles 

    Strength: 4 sessions + band work

    Pleased that another week is done and all running, strength and nutrition boxes ticked. Had a few gin and tonics last night but back on track today then and got my 10000 steps done but had an easy day.

    116.8 miles for July which I’m expecting to my lowest mileage month for quite a while!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday60’v easy, 6x15s stridesUpper Body strength session

    It was raining for this one but light enough and quite warm so was actually quite nice. The path was so greasy doing the strides though. My very easy pace was 10:37 so quite pleased with myself for keeping it that easy.

    Tuesday: 3-4k easy, 2x10 calf raises, hip mobility hamstring sweeps, 5x1’, 4x45s, 5x30s hill reps, jog back rec; Lower Body Strength

    Did not enjoy this. I hate hill repeats anyway but it was so hot and sticky to start with anyway and the thought of sprinting up a hill 14 times was not helping. Anyway, I did it, didn’t enjoy it, ticked the box and hopefully the training effect will be worth it. I went into the gym after for lower body work but spent more time resting between sets I’d say than work so called it a day after 50 minutes and left out my last two exercises.

    Wednesday: 40’ very easy

    Had physio first mainly for prehab on my legs and also to sort a sore neck. Stopped en route home to do my very easy run by the water and that was really lovely. Stopped at 45 mins but would have happily trotted on at that pace for longer. Skipped the gym as had a couple of jobs to do and needed to get home to the kids too. Got a migraine later that day for some weird reason. Had one the previous Monday week too. Not sure where they are coming from or what is causing them. Haven’t gotten them in months if not over a year.

    Thursday: 80’ moderate; Lower Body Strength

    Moderate is 9:20-9:40 and a friend joined me and we 8.52 miles at 9:25 so a 1hr 20 min run. It was nice but effort felt high enough into the gym then and did a great lower body session.

    Friday: Rest day

    Did a 5Km walk and that was it

    Saturday: 23-25k easy to mod; 25 mins Stretching and Bandwork

    15.51 miles at 9:28 pace. 2hrs 27mins of running. This was really great. I started out with Banana Bread baked oats for breakfast so extra carbs there and brought a squishy bottle of 500mls water and 2 scoops of tailwind (200cals) with me. It was only 11 degrees starting off which was lovely and I just settled into moderate pace very fast. I had that lovely feeling that this pace was going to be perfect and I’d keep going no bother. I ambled along including a few drags at the start so I’d have a flat 2nd half for myself more or less. I started sipping my Tailwind from 3 miles every mile. I really enjoyed every mile and felt so strong. I started feeling the heat in the last two miles alright and my face was a bit salty but got back to the car, grabbed my bottle of water and walked for about 10 minutes to cool down. I was really well fuelled and didn’t get hungry at all whereas I did on my last two long runs. Interestingly enough Strava is showing me a run from this day last year where I did 100 minutes at 10:17 with my average heart rate at 167 whereas yesterday was much longer at 9:28 and average HR 164. I can feel the progress but nice to see it.

    I had some melon and grapes in the car after and home to do band work exercises for 20 mins and week’s exercise done. Got another migraine last night again for some reason. 3rd in less than two weeks which is really annoying. Spoke the the doctor about them on Friday though and he took my blood pressure which was perfect and he just thinks it’s just something annoying and we’ll keep an eye out. Maybe humidity, sleep not 100% at the moment, hormones, who knows but hard to spot any pattern there yet as not always after a hard run or anything like that.

    Total (running) mileage: 40.82 miles 

    Strength: 3 sessions + band work

    In other news I’ve entered the Waterford Greenway Half Marathon on September 3rd. Hoping I’ll be back in PB shape by then as really flat apparently so will pull out the Vaporflies and give it my all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday60’v easy, 6x15s stridesUpper Body strength session

    Can’t remember much about this one. Kept the pace at 10:45 so very slow.

    Tuesday: 2-3k easy 3 x 15s strides, 2 x 3' AP/90s, 4 x 2' Vo2max/90s, 5 x 1' harder/90s, 2-3k v easy; Lower body strength

    Was nervous of this as the paces were fast and I knew it would be warm etc. I pretty much hit them all though so that was good.

    Wednesday: 40’ very easy; Upper Body Strength

    As it says on the tin. The gym has aircon which is much appreciated!

    Thursday: 40’ moderate; 30’ 8:35ish

    Really enjoyed this. I took out the Saucony Endorphin Speed 2s again and loved how I felt like I was bouncing along. My paces were bang on so I felt great. I didn’t go to the gym as I normally would after as had decided to pull my long run to Friday as no time Saturday.

    Friday: Long run: 25-27k easy effort, undulating course (5 x 45s LT on flat parts in the second half off full rec in between)

    I did 17 miles. I was so nervous of this with the heat this week/ I decided to wear my hydration pack and carry my 2x500ml bottles on my front and added 2 scoops of tailwind so 200 calories same as last week. I started at 7am to try beat the heat and it was only 13 degrees then so not too bad. I had planned my route to have the first half undulating 2nd half fairly flat while it would be hotter. I was very comfortable the whole time and ran at 9:46 which was closer to moderate pace but felt fine. The 45s surges were grand, I was starting to feel the heat alright at that time but once recovered I slipped back into more or less the same pace to finish it. Very pleased with that and it gave me the weekend off for a 50th birthday Friday night and Westlife Saturday night.

    The hydration pack was very comfortable so toying with wearing it for Dublin and using Tailwind instead of gels.

    Saturday: 5k Walk

    Sunday: 5K Walk

    Total (running) mileage: 42.3miles 

    Strength: 3 sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Monday60’v easy, 6x15s stridesUpper Body strength session

    Same as the last few weeks. Temp had dropped but still so humid. Was happy to get into the gym after into air con.

    Tuesday: 3-4k easy, 2 x 20s strides, 4 x 6' LT off 90s rec, 3-5' easy to a hill, 4 x 40s reps on slight incline off jog back rec, 2k easy; Leg strength session

    Up early for this session to be back to let my husband go to an appointment. It went really well. I had a coffee and a slice of toast beforehand to wake me up and it felt good. The same paces were challenging a few weeks ago and I was slowing myself down this time at points. I went into the gym later for a lower body session.

    Wednesday: 40’ very easy; Upper Body Strength

    3.87 miles @ 9:52 which is faster than v easy but was with a friend and not paying attention! My legs were a little tired too from Tuesday’s session so decided Thursday would be a rest day. Had a rub down booked and a few tight spots on my legs were fairly sore!

    Thursday: Rest Day

    Just a walk to get my steps in.

    Friday: 85’ v easy; Lower body strength

    8.25 miles @ 10:19. Was on my own and thought I’d be bored but actually enjoyed it. Only did a light session in the gym ahead of Saturday’s long run.

    Saturday: 14 mile long run easy

    The 14 miles were at 9:48 which were more moderate than easy but was no bother. Was running with a friend and enjoyed the chats. She finished at 11 miles and I went on by myself. I stopped at 14 miles about .35 miles from the car as I like walking a bit before I get to the car but I could have easily have kept going which is such a nice feeling. Had 500 mls water with me and 2 scoops tailwind in it (200 cals)

    Sunday: 5K Walk finalising a route for the school fun run I’m organising.

    Total (running) mileage: 40.78miles 

    Strength: 4 sessions

    That brings me to the end of my initial 6 week block of marathon training and I’m very happy with it. I wasn’t paying attention to what was coming next in plan until the other day and realised that this week is week 1 of the real training and is a whopper with a 29km run full of ‘stuff’ to really test me. I’m slightly terrified of it but have some other meaty stuff to get through first. I’d actually love some cold weather to help me! I’ll try take it day by day and hope for the best. I’ll get a small break next week before the Waterford Greenway half. Only getting a mini taper as it’s not the main thing.

    Post edited by Kellygirl on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week 1 of 10: Dublin training block

    Monday: 40’v easy, 3x3’hills, 10’ v easy; Upper Body strength session

    I was told to find a hill that was about 600/650meters and 3% gradient and run at tempo/LT paces. Spent ages searching but there was one about 2.5% that was a perfect length so upped the paces a little and job done. The 3mins were at 7:42; 7:53, 7:40. Gps was off the 2nd one and I actually ran further in those 3mins than the other two so that pace should be faster and not slower!

    Tuesday: 10 miles @9-9:15, Lower Body strength session

    I was very nervous of this for some reason. My coach told me to use the first 2 miles as warm up and keep them easy and I ended up doing the 8 miles at 8:56 then no bother at all. Very pleased with that. Into the gym afterwards them for my usual leg session that I’d do after a run session. Was feeling good and increased weights on barbell squats and something else that I can’t remember now. All great until I was beyond exhausted that afternoon and evening. 2.5 hours hard exercise is a lot so I started thinking it’s time I adjust my strength program and pull it back a bit now for the next 2 months until Dublin. I normally do two upper and two leg days a week and do the leg days on the hard run days to keep the hard days hard and easy days easy but with my mid week sessions getting longer and harder it’s not feasible so I’ve a bit of juggling to do now. Still haven’t quite figured it out. It doesn’t help that I love the strength work now too but something’s gotta give!

    Wednesday: 60’ very easy

    6 miles @ 10:04 that evening. I was taking a rest day but needed to get my steps in and decided to just run instead of walking. Can’t remember the last time I did an evening run but I enjoyed it.

    Thursday: 3 mile walk / Upper Body Strength

    Just a walk to get my steps in and into the gym after. Was going to be doing my long run the next day so was busy fuelling for that. My nutritional coach has increased my calories to 2315 and carbs to 270g-290g the day before and of very long runs. I normally have 2000 calories a day. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hydrated well with about 4litres of water with 2 zero tablets during the day too.

    Friday: 29Km: 5Km easy, 5x(3km @ 8:20, 1km @ 9-9:15ish), 4km easy

    Didn’t know how this would go but plotted a route over by the marina to keep it nice and flat for myself. I also wanted to try keep the 3km intervals out of tree coverage so gps would be ok. I’d a good breakfast of Banana Bread Baked Oats and brought my hydration pack with 2x500ml bottles of water and 3 scoops of Tailwind. Had planned 4 but 3 was all that was left in the pack! Set off and had a nice easy 5km and then started the 3km intervals. The 1st and 2nd one were absolutely fine besides it feeling so hot. I was dripping in sweat. I could see the waves on the water beside me as I ran towards Passage West and was looking forward to turning around and having a ‘light’ breeze to cool me down. I turned around and started my 3rd rep and OMG, the wind - it was soooo strong. I’d a fair battle but luckily the path veered to the left a little and the wind eased when I wasn’t directly into it. All good with the rest of that and the 4th and the miles were just disappearing and I was feeling great. I’ve never had a long run pass by so quickly but with concentrating on each of the 3km blocks I barely noticed the time. Energy levels weren’t waning and I felt I could do this forever. I started the 5th rep as I turned towards Blackrock Castle and directly into the wind. This was really tough. I knew my other reps were spot on pace wise so this one was going to be too … which meant effort levels were much higher and I’d the only hill on the route for this too. It was hard but what goes up must come down so got a bit of respite and then had about 1 mile I think it was to go … still into the wind but I did it. My paces for all 5 were 8:19; 8:20; 8:19; 8:19; 8:22 so I was really pleased. My recoveries were pretty much all in range too so all good. 4km left to run then but I increased that to 5Km as I knew if I did 18.5 miles I’d hit my 1000 miles and I was still feeling good so it was no bother.

    Absolutely thrilled with that run. Strava tells me I got a 30km PR and my 3rd fastest Half too. I think the main thing for this was I was so well fuelled and I felt great afterwards all day and the next as a result. I hope I can manage this for all my long runs but probably a bit too much to hope for!

    Saturday: Rest day: 5km walk

    Sunday: 5 miles v easy; Lower Body Strength Session

    5 miles @ 10:25 and a good strength session for about 50 mins or so. My legs were more tired than I expected but that’s ok. It’s also my highest mileage week in years. I’m heading into a mini taper this week for the Waterford Greenway Half next Saturday. Not sure what to expect there but I’ll hopefully give it socks. I’ve Physio Wednesday first and had a twinge in my left calf all week so hopefully that’s just something small and I’ll be good to go.

    Total (running) mileage: 46.38miles 

    Strength: 4 sessions

    Hit 1000 miles on 26th August

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,739 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Very nice week and congrats on the 1000 miles - always a nice landmark to be hitting.

    I found it interesting that you mainly talk in miles but the sessions seem to come in km. Presumably makes no difference really if you are working off a workout on the watch?

    Best of luck on the Greeenway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks. My coach gives me my plan in kilometres. I do program everything in the watch in kilometres but then it will tell me to run .62 miles as opposed to 1 km or whatever. I’m often doing calculations in my head alright as I run. I changed to miles after my first marathon when I’d two pacebands on my wrist for all 42 kilometres.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Great to see you back logging and well done on that massive pb in the half. I just came onto the boards researching macros lol and your thread popped up . I’m about a year behind you here ( well I’ve just started) with macros and strength training so reading your log has given me a boost ! Best of luck with the marathon training - loving the confidence in your posts - excited for you !

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Hi R, it’s been a while. Hope you are well. I’m doing the macros and strength (properly) for about 1.5 years now and best thing I have ever done so if I can be of any help pop me a message. It suits me right down to the ground as for the first time in my life I’d say I have a really good relationship with food and am now maintaining weight as opposed to constant yo yo’ing and I eat (loads) to fuel myself. I’m full of energy for the most part and feel great. The strength work is brilliant too. I don’t always love it while I’m doing it but the benefits are worth it and it’s obviously very important from an aging point of view too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    I might just have to take you up on that offer of advice . I’ve been at it two weeks and finding it good already - mostly the nerd in me who loves playing with the numbers ! Your progress has certainly spurred me on and I look forward to following your log - as my main aim is to get back to running and the ultimate sub 4 goal !

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Yes, that’s me too. Have you a coach or just figuring it out yourself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Currently just figuring it out by myself - well there is a fb page called macros inc . You use their website to calculate your macros then post to the site and a coach will assist you to make sure correct for your age and activity levels etc . ( they are trying to get your business eventually as your coach ) . So I’m using their numbers at the moment . I may need a coach though to get a proper strength program - I’m currently considering Caroline gervin on utube but trying to build up a bit first . Gone mad stocking up on dumbbells! Trying to run 15 miles ish as well . I had hit a wall with running and my weight had gone up so really needed a shakeup !

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    You can see my programs if you like. I’ve gone through a few different ones as change my plan every few months or so. Emailed you through my first one there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Cheers K ! Excited now to look !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week 2 of 10: Dublin training block

    Monday: 60’v easy; Upper Body strength session

    6 miles @ 10:11

    Tuesday: 20' v easy, 6 x 40s AP off 60s shuffle, 10' v easy, Lower Body strength session

    Race week so was given an easy week which was a welcome break. This was a nice short session. Didn’t read the very easy part and ran a bit faster before and after but all grand.

    Wednesday: Rest

    Physio as calf had been at me a little. Turned out to be the usual issues in my ankle and hip and all fine. The physio all worked on my head after I mentioned I’ve been getting bad headaches and none since!! Miracle lady she is! Went for a walk after to get my steps in.

    Thursday: 60’ very easy / Upper Body Strength

    6 miles @ 9:58. Legs were fresh but with a friend who’s legs were tired so that kept me from going too fast which was a good thing.

    Friday: Rest 

    Walked in the Woods to mark the points where the kilometre markers will go for our school fun run and then dot watched for 3 hours to help out with the Kerry Way Ultra. My anxiety levels would go sky high when somebody would go off route and I’d be ringing the organiser to try get in contact with them to tell them go back and get back on track. Was addicted after that and kept going on to watch the dots whenever I could.

    Saturday: Eurofins Waterford Greenway Half Marathon - Race Report

    Signed up to this a few weeks ago and decided to make it a PB attempt. Travelled down to Dungarvan last night with my friend, who’s also my coach. I’d a sick tummy yesterday so was a bit nervous about that and just hoped it would be ok today. Neither of us slept too well but got up at 6:15 this morning, had our breakfast and drove out to Ballinroad to park and hop on buses that brought us to Kilmacthomas to the start line. It was really well organised and great value too at €35 which included the buses, T-shirt, goody bag etc. Got off the buses in the pouring rain and first day I felt cold in a long time … ideal running weather in my mind!! We went to the loo, met a couple of people I knew, handed in our bags and coats and then 3 of us set off for a little warm up. We no sooner had that finished and we were lining up. My PB from Cork was 1:45:25 so I decided to chance my arm going with the 1:45 pacers and see how I coped with that pace. Maybe I’m not racing enough this year but I never seem to know what I can do in races anymore. I took a gel. Little bit of banter and we were off.

    Miles 1 and 2 were fast but downhill and I felt very comfortable so I just went with it. My watch was saying 7:xx but it felt more like 8:40 so who was I to complain. The pacers mentioned we were slightly fast but we’d need the time on the slower parts. There was a bit of chat every now and then and I was really enjoying that. Mile 3 and 4 were climbing but mainly a drag so not too bad. Still fast enough but no bother. The first water station was at 4 miles. I’d my little bottle in my pocket with 300mls and 2 scoops of tailwind so I didn’t bother with the cups so got slightly ahead of the group. I was beside the pacers now and we chatted. I said I was nervous to pull off and I’d get a pb anyway if I stuck with them. He went through the whole route with me and what I’d need to watch out for and told me head off and if they caught up with me they’d kick my arse and drag me to the finish line!

    Miles 1-4: 7:44; 7:49; 7:54; 7:53

    I started to pull off myself during mile 5 which was still uphill and the next couple of miles were relatively uneventful. I think it may have stopped raining around then. Once I went out by myself I spotted my coach in front of me, maybe 50-100m and a nice steady pace. It would have been nice to catch up but a sprint would have done me no favours so I just followed along at the same pace more or less. Mile 6 was downhill again and my fastest mile and after that it was either drags up or down. The up parts were getting tougher and mile 9 I felt I was struggling a lot. I was giving myself a good talking to that it was just my head and I was physically able for this. I kept trying to calculate what time I’d come in and my head just wouldn’t do the maths. I was starting to think 1:43:xx looked possible if I could sort my head out and not slow down. Then I remembered the pacers saying that there 2 tough miles before going through a long tunnel and a big downhill so I just held out for that. At one point there were a load of feet catching up with me and I thought it was the pace group. Turned out to be a group of lads and when I asked them if they were part of the pace group they said no and that they were a good 30 seconds behind me.

    Miles 5-10: 7:56; 7:30; 7:51; 7:46; 8:05; 8:06

    I entered the tunnel which was really dark but a lovely downhill. I think it’s 400 meters long. Another group caught up with me there but again not the pace group. I stuck with these guys for the most part after that. Mile 11 and 12 were downhill again. I was tired at this point but that made things slightly easier. The pacer had said these were fast miles and to watch the legs as there was an uphill at the bottom that was very tough after the downhill. I was tired anyway but still working out that I’d be 1:43:xx if I didn’t slow down. M had shot off at this stage and the distance between us was getting bigger. She did well to pick it up for the last 5km. No way I could pick any pace up at that point. Start the 13th mile and it was so hard. An uphill drag that just sapped the last little bit of energy I had. I was pushing but so hard and couldn’t see the finish line either. I was passing people who were finished and walking back to the car park though. Crossed the road and onto the final stretch.

    Miles: 11-13: 7:45; 7:48; 7:52

    Finally saw the clock and managed a small pick up to 6:50. M had crossed the finish line and was turning around when she saw me running in at 1:43:05. She couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t either. A PB by 2:20 minutes. I was wrecked … sat down and got water. The pacer crossed over a minute or so later and came over to say congrats and I thanked him as he was great. A girl came up to me and thanked me for pacing her. She said she knew I was comfortable when I pulled off after hearing me chatting a little in the first 4 miles. I was delighted with that. We headed off to get our T-shirts and goody bags and back to the car where we changed out of the soaked clothes in the field we were parked in, demolished the Taytos and Mars Bar from the bag and headed off to Dungarvan to get lunch and then home.

    Buzzing for the afternoon with my PB and loved going through the data for today which gave me PRs in Half, 10mile, 15km and 10Km and 23:46 in 5Km where my PB is 23:37. From now it’s all about Dublin marathon and full focus on that. I’m not going to race Charleville and not even sure I’ll do it as a long run. I’ll see what suits at home. I don’t want any mini tapers or breaks and just focus on my training, nutrition and strength work and hopefully everything will align on the day. I’ve been very lucky in Cork and today in Waterford with light rain and not strong winds and everything how I like it. I’d love to order perfect weather for Dublin too but sure who knows!

    Editing because I forgot to mention I wore my Vaporflies for this race. They were ok but I’m not sure if I’d wear them for a full marathon. My legs were fine but my ankles seemed to get a little sore. Anyway I’ll have a choice as I can’t resist a bargain and also bought Alphaflies when they were on sale for €112 the other day 🙈

    Sunday: Will rest and walk

    Total (running) mileage: 30.93miles 

    August mileage: 180.6 miles ( my highest month ever I think)

    Strength: 3 sessions

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