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Fighter jets for the Air Corps?



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    That's sadly the wrong approach.

    The best way to avoid a war is to prepare for one.

    Currently Ireland seems to rely on the RAF for air defences, when it comes to fighter jets.

    However I think that Ireland should have at least have one Irish fighter jet squadron. Eurofighters, F15, Saab Gripen something like that. Not Pilatus.

    Also, Ireland is in the case of a war and as an island in the Atlantic of certain strategic interest. Even Nazi Germany was once interested, had plans, which luckily never came to life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 515 ✭✭✭TheTruth89

    I disagree I think our capacity for war would be very very low without massive investment...investment the defense force will never see.

    Take your example of the f-15s say we do get them and then say a war does break out and Ireland is of interest and someone with the capability to attack it comes knockin what do you think will happen? The UK and the US will be there first and foremost because the reason it's of interest is because it's a platform from which to attack either.

    So the F-15 s may aswell not even be there as they won't be needed regardless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 515 ✭✭✭TheTruth89

    Sorry the truth offends you prob best you don't discuss topics if you can't keep your cool.

    Other treads aren't relevant to this one and you are back seat moderating.

    All the best

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,464 ✭✭✭Sgt. Bilko 09

  • Registered Users Posts: 515 ✭✭✭TheTruth89

    Again with the personal attacks, its clear to me you have no interest in discussing the topic, all you are interested in doing is trying to provoke a moderator into banning me by quoting my posts out of context and referencing some god know what past thread you are being disingenuous.

    If you want to play ball and argue the points im all for it but if all you want to do is throw in sly digs and insults, just move along from my posts because its clear you cant remain calm enough to debate a point.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,943 ✭✭✭sparky42

    They weren’t the only ones, the U.K. and US had plans “just in case” as well, just look at their actions regarding Iceland at the time. Legally speaking to be a neutral nation we should have the ability to prevent combatants from using our sea/airspace, or else other Powers can do what they want/need.

    Defence underinvestment has always been a thing, but some seem to forget that we spent in terms of percentage more back before the 90s than will even under the new plan if it happens, and yet the nation managed then… If we had kept that level of spending the DF would be a totally different animal to what it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,464 ✭✭✭Sgt. Bilko 09

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,464 ✭✭✭Sgt. Bilko 09

    It will be interesting to see how the investment pans out as the recruitment seems to failing big time. It’s been noted today to that the replacement for LE Ethne hasn’t even gone to tender yet. It retired in 2014. Everything grossly inadequate regarding spend etc.

    I truly hope that Visit to FIAT tattoo last week was to aid an RFI for aircraft. I know they don’t do that but hoping they are bending rules to get the ball rolling.

    What was the great quote again was “we are militarily neutral but political not neutral” We’ve been swing that about for a long time now….

  • Registered Users Posts: 515 ✭✭✭TheTruth89

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,443 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    Not sure where you got that, L.E. Eithne was only decommissioned at the beginning of this month. She was not on patrol for the last 2 years, however she was used as a mobile facility at the start of the Covid 19 crisis.

    Her replacement however is very much on the long finger now, having first been proposed back in 2007. I have heard so many times since that it was due to go to tender later in the year, before christmas, in the new year etc, but nothing has happened, except the appointment of a consultant to assist in selecting the design, construction and entry into service.

    As for "TheTruth89". Ignore, don't engage, don't feed the troll. They have nothing to offer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I think there was some kind agreement in place from 1948 where in the event of a war the US would be responsible for the air defense of the Republic of Ireland. And things don't get more neutral, if the air defenses are outsourced to the RAF. And Ireland's neutrality doesn't get any better if air defense is outsourced to other, notably NATO countries.

    I honestly don't believe in neutrality. Neutrality is often just an excuse to under-fund the military and defense infrastructure in any country. Austria is the best example for that. Ireland can't be neutral, regardless what they write in papers, contracts, constitutions or other forms of agreements.

    No country with maybe the exceptions of the US or Russia has to get military equipment from somewhere, buy it, import it. Ireland has a lot of military equipment from other NATO countries, France, Italy, etc.., Israel receives a lot of military equipment from the US, same as Switzerland. It's not only buying foreign military equipment but also having service and maintenance contracts in place, which makes one even less and less neutral.

    In order for a country to be really neutral, a totally home grown military industry must exist.

    Also, in the case of the Ukraine, you have to have a strong ally to support your cause, - otherwise it'll never work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 515 ✭✭✭TheTruth89

    The logic is baffling in this thread some of ye are against neutrality and want to increase spending on our military to insure our defense which is ridiculous because if we were to spend every last cent we have on the "what if" war fantasies we still would not have enough to defend against a nation that has the ability to attack us. In other words we'd be immediately looking to the UK and US for help.

    So with knowing that how on earth can you justify spending more money on our military ? There are far better things the money could be spent on in this day and age.

    If they want to invest anything it should be in cyber protection where there is a real tangible threat to us and the investment would be of use...but no us getting F-16's and a few aircraft carriers and whatever else we "definitely need" isnt gonna do much for us outside of pandering to the war fantasies of those that want to play soldier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,943 ✭✭✭sparky42

    There was never such an agreement, Dev was trying to get a bilateral defence agreement at that time but that fell apart over Dublins demands that the US pick our side in regards to the North which was never going to happen. The U.K. handled things like SAR for much of the 20th century for us but there’s never been any formal agreement until the current one that nobody will even admit the details of.

    As for neutrality, plenty of neutral nations invest in the defence industries, the notable local one would be Sweden of course, Austria was and is neutral as it was a demand from Russia post WW2 otherwise they would have ended up split like Germany, and even then they maintained a much larger defence industrial base throughout the Cold War (up to MBT manufacturing though not design) and even at their lowest point post CW still spent much more than us.

    Our “neutrality” is like you say an excuse not to invest in the DF and a way for Dublin to avoid difficult decisions. As to getting another NATO nation to cover us, I imagine the response would be “GO F*ck yourselves”, every nation is ramping up spending and already has full commitments, nobody is going to volunteer to cover a nation that needs it because they are too cheap to provide it. The current missions like Iceland or Eastern Europe are for nations that can’t afford fighters, we aren’t on that list.

  • Registered Users Posts: 799 ✭✭✭niallers1

    So tell me , who is going to invade Ireland and why would they? name one country in the past 300 years that has invaded Ireland?

    A poxy few fighter jets will not deter any attack. It would be a vanity project at best.

    Better off disbanding our army and merging the navy and coastguard - funding them properly to patrol our coasts / provide search and rescue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,083 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    Go and read the Commission on Defence report before talking nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 799 ✭✭✭niallers1

    I did.

    One squadron of jet combat aircraft is going to do didly squat in the event of a super power invasion. They would be obliterated before they got to the runway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭jonnybigwallet

    How about 2 or 3 then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 799 ✭✭✭niallers1

    A total white elephant and a vanity project.

    Cheaper to outsource/pay Britain for that type of protection than to maintain 2 or 3 squadrons ourselves ( Assuming that Britain has no plans to invade again)

    Ireland will never win a war using traditional warfare. Guerilla warfare is the only way we could ever beat an invading force.

    Train the population on how to use weapons. Arm them in the (highly unlikely) event of invasion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I think I've read it somewhere about a 1948 contract between the US and Ireland, but this contract was never enacted or used, but I never knew it was never passed. There would have been the question if the US ever had a permanent air force base on Irish soil, which also never happened.

    I think this article basically sums it up:

    Further below it reads:

    Ireland is not totally defenceless from air threats. Following the 9/11 attacks, the government entered into a secret memorandum of understanding with the UK which would allow it to deploy Quick Reaction Force combat aircraft over Irish airspace in the event of an emergency.

    The government has consistently refused to discuss this agreement or even confirm its existence and it has never been approved by the Oireachtas.

    Nazi Germany did indeed have plans to invade Ireland. This fact is widely known among historians. The general plan was to "promis" and "motivate" the Irish with a united Ireland, the Nazis funding the IRA and driving the Brits out of the North, whilst allowing Nazi military presence in Ireland. The plan failed, for numerous reasons.

    See also "Nazi Collaborators, the IRA" ( It's worth watching )

    Ireland as a country is from a military perspective of interest during a war, especially if it involves some kind of East-West conflict. The same applies for Iceland, or Newfoundland ( which wasn't part of Canada during WW2 and the Americans had bases there )

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,749 ✭✭✭roadmaster

    This thread has gone a bit mad

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,443 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    Has anyone got troll spray?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,443 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    So what you are saying is Abandon our traditional policy of Military Neutrality, and let us be protected by NATO or similar.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,468 ✭✭✭Markcheese

    Yup a squadron of 10 to 12 doesn't mean much ..but

    Neutrality counts for nothing... if another state thinks it's in it's interest to invade.

    We're currently lucky in our geographic position's not really in anyone intrest to invade us ..but if we ever need an airforce in a hurry (as opposed to an air corp ) it'll be hard to get one from an almost standing start ... So a squadron of some light fighter won't make us into some massive military force pushing our weight around - but it's a good start , it'd mean we could police our own eez , train with the Brits ,the french , the norweigans or the swedes ... Which makes it all the less likely that an air-force would be needed in anger ...

    Slava ukraini 🇺🇦

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,443 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    IF you had read the CoDF recommendations, you would understand that their purpose is not to deter a super power invasion, but it's not like that has not been mentioned anywhere in the last 3774 posts, has it.

    You just dived straight in having read the thread title, didn't you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,943 ✭✭✭sparky42

    I always love reading the “sure let’s just train everyone to be guerrilla fighters” comments, as if some how that a) would be cheap, b) effective and c) wouldn’t mean mass destruction of the nation anyway (Ala Ukraine and Syria for example). Sweden and Finland for example have massive reserve forces because they have conscription, anyone suggesting that for here? They also of course spend multiple amounts of what we do. The Swiss again have the example of large reserves for insurgent style forces, yet also have fighters and MBTs for example. But somehow random Irish poster living in a fantasy I guess of the War of Independence think buying military hardware is a mistake and all it takes is Paddy with an assault rifle and that’s it for defence…

  • Registered Users Posts: 515 ✭✭✭TheTruth89

    You are preaching to people with war fantasies that have no notion, about defense, they are talking about defending Ireland with a few F-15 with no concept of the repair cost and upkeep of these machines, couldn't have put it better a vanity project sums it up nicely.

    Serious difficulty here understanding that we have no real enemies, and any of the nations that could realistically invade us if they decided to would do so with relative ease and a few F-15's and our DF wouldn't last pissing time, its utterly delusional.

  • Registered Users Posts: 515 ✭✭✭TheTruth89

    Anyone pointing out the reality of your F-15's and Ireland being able to defend itself from super powers is a troll right? 🤣 Sorry bud the war fantasies are going have to be put on the back burner for a while we have more important real world things to spend money on, dont worry though we'll get ye a Aircraft carrier though next time the good times roll around ye can play toy soldier then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 515 ✭✭✭TheTruth89

    I always have to laugh at these posts, the over estimation of our DF is by some is boarding on delusional they some how believe that in a full blown conflict with a modernized military that the DF will have a chance is a muzzle to muzzle fight, its absolutely laughable, A) the circumstances for us to have a full fledged military force doesn't exist and B) the capacity to have one doesn't either from a financial stand point an industry stand point and a manpower stand point.

    The DF will never be able to stand up to a a military force capable of invading us alone, ever... end of story they would be obliterated.... And thats just reality not hate its a fact.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,083 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    The Truth?

    After you next get site banned, maybe reincarnate yourself as 'The Bullshyt'.

    You're a clueless spoofing troll. Recommend to my fellow regulars to just ignore this thread the next few days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,464 ✭✭✭Sgt. Bilko 09

    I quoted from a website but it appears to be incorrect, I found it strange that it stated 2014 should’ve really checked on my part really.

    I was scrolling through etenders and nothing appears to be even in the pipeline for the replacement so no RFI has been done yet I assume.

    Generally it is always something from Babcock to be fair. I would love to us invest in safehaven marine, they have a serious record of producing fast boats something.

    Oh the troll haha I’m old enough for people like that sure.

    Regarding aircraft is there any news on the FCAS project between France and Germany or is that still stalled?
