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GAA need to step up



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭ittakestwo

    I would be in favour of signage in ROI calling it both derry and Londonderry. The city is known by two names. Call it both. Zero issue with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,814 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Great to see...accentuate the positive, feck the begrudgers and footdraggers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Choochtown

    I'm honestly trying desperately to understand this Irish language issue.

    "we have worked very hard to resist this happening as it will just tag the areas as P or RC"

    Can I ask please ... Do you have an issue with areas obviously having the appearance of being "P or RC"?

    If it helps I'll answer truthfully from my perspective ...

    Personally I have a big problem with it. As brilliant as the 1998 Agreement was at bringing about a ceasefire, it also had/has a big gaping fault in my opinion and that's the labelling of sides in order to attain the "principle of consent".

    Hospitals, education, leisure centres, festivals, sports, building developments, taxes, security, policing etc etc should never be a prod/taig issue but it always becomes it.

    That's the poison that needs to be cleared before we can move on. Areas labelled as one or the other are a big part of the poison.

    Why shouldn't East Belfast have a GAA pitch?

    Why shouldn't the Irish language be visible in so-called Unionist areas?

    Why shouldn't .... (feel free downcow to insert something from your culture that should be accepted everywhere. I doubt I will disagree)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,622 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    I agree. ……And why shouldn’t the 12th be held in my home town as it was for centuries without issue until sf agitators stopped it.

    This issue has just came to the fore in Belfast. I believe the mural should not be where young people are playing. I do admire the local football team for hanging banners over it when visiting teams are there, but even the local predominantly Protestant kids should not be exposed to it when they are at practice. I could make loads of excuses ie it is clearly marked 1912 and therefore recognises the sacrifice in WW1 over 100 years ago and not like the modern day stuff at GAA grounds. It’s also a public park which the football club have no control over unlike GAA owned memorials etc.

    but I am saying clearly that it is wrong and removal should be negotiated. Unlike the GAA supporters I will say clearly that this football training can not claim to be truly ‘open’ with such trappings around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,622 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    Folks those of you who like to educate and inform yourselves. Take a very honest look at the names of the kids representing east Belfast. Then go a little further and look at those following their Twitter; check out their allegiances, flags etc.

    I won’t need to tell you. You just decide for yourself whether this hype about prods flocking to GAA in east Belfast is correct. It’s fairly remarkable reading in an area known for a high proportion of Protestant youth.

    clearly plopping a GAA club in a unionist area without dealing with the issues I’ve highlighted is not cutting it.

    I good strong statement about their senior team singing Ira songs would have had far more effect than parachuting a GAA club in

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  • Registered Users Posts: 68,814 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    The bitterness and begrudgery, not to mention hypocrisy dripping off that post.

    If it only attracted 1 kid from the Unionist community it was worth doing.

    Your bitterness runs counter to your invented persona of being a progressive downcow. You are not really are you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,065 ✭✭✭✭BonnieSituation

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Choochtown

    What a depressing post!

    Is there any hope?

    You tell me that you agree with me regarding the labelling of our population and then IN YOUR VERY NEXT POST you label 5 TEN YEAR OLD KIDS and ask us all to do so also under the guise of educating and informing ourselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 388 ✭✭Miniegg

    Yup the labelling, mistrust, baiting, tribalism and hatred, based on extremely arbitrary reasons is nuts and hard to understand.

    But NI was at war with not just soldiers fighting battles, but it invaded peoples homes and communities with neighbors killing neighbors, as DC alludes to. Couldn't imagine how I'd react seeing someone on the street who murdered my Dad etc. Nor how I'd act if there was a mural to that person.

    I'm sure many people on both sides have friends and relatives who they loved and who loved them that did awful things, and it's easier to dehumanise the other side than denounce them for what they did.

    Similarly if you are a victim, of which every community is, dehumanising the other side may be only way to get through it.

    It's probably expected that people, and even whole communities, have some type of PTSD.

    Hard to know where they all go from here - you'd just hope the young generation now don't grow up with that weight on their shoulders. That is the responsibility of this generation - not easy, and there are no simple answers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,065 ✭✭✭✭BonnieSituation

    Why do you care what the signs in ROI say?

    That said, I'd be more inclined to ask the people of Derry what they would like their city to be called. Again. I mean we all know what it's called on a day to day basis anyway. No one reasonably says "Londonderry" unless they're trying to make a political point. So catch yourself on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭ittakestwo

    Asking people there will not give you one answer. Some people refer to as Derry some Londonderry. That is a fact. The city has two names as it is known by two names. Call it both on signage. Dont see why the state or council need to pick a side when they're supose to represent all.

    By signage not calling it both in the south it gives weight to fears from unionists of what will happen if there is a UI.... they wont even signpost a city what unionists refer to it as. But irish culture does not need or have to history of domination like other cultures have so I dont see why the state does not put it in both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,065 ✭✭✭✭BonnieSituation

    The city has 3 names. In 2 languages.

    You're saying that asking the residents of Derry in some sort of plebiscite isn't a goer because...? You'll get 2 answers? I thought it was a democracy? Easily solved.

    Be realistic, no one calls it Londonderry. Nobody. Even the bloody Apprentice Boys don't.

    Londonderry is only used when a political point is being made. You know that, I know that.

    This rush to appease belligerent Unionism to change road signage in a "foreign country" is beyond me.

    It's as bad as Alan Shatter sending passports out with the county of birth set as Londonderry. When loyalists wanted their cake and have an Irish passport for desert.

    Like the city of Hull, the people who live in a place are the ones best placed to solve the naming issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Choochtown

    "Hard to know where they all go from here - you'd just hope the young generation now don't grow up with that weight on their shoulders. That is the responsibility of this generation - not easy, and there are no simple answers."

    Maybe a simple start would be that this generation don't trawl through Twitter accounts in a quest to label 10 year olds ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 388 ✭✭Miniegg

    Ha, yes that would be a start alright

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,622 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    I didn’t label anyone. I asked you guys to do your own research. Obviously you have done it and came up with the same conundrum as me. ie how can this all fit. Francie and friends tell us the GAA are attracting large numbers of unionist kids. Your research seems to say different )unless of course the unionist kids are crap and can’t make the teams.

    so what does this say for the nonsense claims on here, that I have been calling out, that unionists across ni are involving themselves in GAA

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,622 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    You so don’t understand our community. That is nonsense that no one says londerderry except to make a point. I am being challenged for labelling people. That post of yours is a very nasty piece of labelling. My dad who spent a fair bit of time about that city is the only one in my community who I herd refer to it as Derry. The most non political friends I have say Londonderry without any thought or intention. I am very conscious given much of the cc stuff I have benn involved. I had move to calling it the maiden city in mixed company until a catholic recently told me that was far more offensive than Londonderry.

    minegg asked about de-britishing ni. Here is a good example. They are trying to make it unacceptable to use the City’s official name because of a British reference. Same people aren’t telling me to call Ballinderry Derry. I wonder why?

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,814 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    'Unionist kids'???

    They are children downcow.

    And I did no 'research' nor did I say anything about 'large numbers'.

    Your sensitivity exposed again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,622 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    Francie we are having some very interesting discussions on here, not always comfortable for any of us, but you are trying again to drag it down.

    leys call them kids from a unionist community background, would that help you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,622 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    I take it that’s a slight at me (just guessing). It wasn’t me trawled through Twitter accounts to put up a picture of kids to use as a card to play to demonstrate the healthy state of the GAA in Belfast.

    the Twitter accounts I directed you to were those adults following east Belfast GAA. It’s hardly a who’s who of local unionism.

    nice try to undermine me. If it was francie posting up the kids that you were referring to, then accept my apology - and my affirmation for you not having a huge blind spot

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,814 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    To make the claim you did YOU would have had to have checked backrounds of children and the people who followed the account. That means trawling Twitter.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Choochtown

    OK so you admit you DID trawl through twitter accounts of the followers of East Belfast GAA in order to label them as non-unionists.

    Can you honestly not see the problem here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Choochtown

    It has really got me down today to see some of the comments on Twitter regarding these 10 year old children.

    Firstly it's very sad that the club have to limit replies solely to people who they follow BUT despite that a few bigots have managed ...

    "Good prod names"

    "And they'll round the day off with a chorus of the broad black brimmer"

    "Sectarian bigots"

    ... imagine calling out 10 year old kids on Twitter as "sectarian bigots".

    This is what the orchestrated campaign against the GAA is leading to ... death threats, bomb alerts, Belfast City council reversing democratic decisions and now 10 year olds getting abuse on social media.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,814 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Orchestrated by those who see the slightest integration as a defeat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭ittakestwo

    What do you mean by democracy easily solved? So if 75% of its population say Derry while 25% say Londonderry then Derry wins and you ignore 25% of the population there? The city has two names as it is known by two names. Why would the state need to side with one given it would lead to contention.

    Can you reference some stats about nobody there calls it Londonderry? I was under the impression that most of its 30% prodesent population refer to it as Londonderry

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,622 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    This is classic stuff you guys do. Your losing the argument so you try to set me up for the inevitable.

    lets be clear and honest about this little spat.

    francie has been claiming that lots of young prods are playing GAA

    francie posts a tweet from east Belfast GAA showing kids preparing for crooker names of kids are in post

    Downcow thinks that’s stage set of names for kids from unionist background in east Belfast

    Downcow clicks on east Belfast followers and sees the first page only, consisting of about 20 adult followiers could not identify one single name that would be traditionally associated with unionists in east Belfast and saw Irish tricolours, Bloody Sunday, etc

    Downcow was carful not to post any tweets, names, etc but invited you all to do your own research

    some posters don’t like the outcome of their own research and attack the messenger with pretty nasty lies about trolling

    who you manage to influence with this made up nonsense is out of Downcows control.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,622 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    You just couldn’t make this stuff up. This is the poster who in his last post was accusing me of trawling through east Belfast GAA Twitter account (which I absolutely have not done - I have zero interest)

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,814 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    So you did trawl Twitter. Nobody else did downcow...just you, so desperate were you to find the negativity. I.E. Integration is a defeat for you and Bryson etc.

    And 'crooker'...gosh, you cannot even bring yourself to spell Irish names and places properly. Would that be admitting a defeat too? Appalling tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,814 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Why is that when it is something Unionists might lose, that democracy is suddenly not the way to decide something?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭ittakestwo

    Well is there not a rules now with councils that if just 20% want a bilingual sign then it will be provided. I think this is the way forward. Why does majority need to dominate a significant minority when there is no need for it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 68,814 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Again, why would you call the outcome of a democratic vote 'dominating'?

    That's how all elections/referenda work. But apparently if Unionists lose, it is 'dominating' them.

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