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Sophie: A Murder in West Cork - Netflix.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    The thing is more than 25 years onward, you can neither confirm nor deny them.

    I'd say whoever claims to have seen them, was probably local, and familiar with Bailey, but probably not that familiar with Sophie. Remember, Sophie was only there for a short period during any given year.

    So, more than 25 years have passed and somebody claims having seen Bailey with another woman, other than Jules, and looking like Sophie. How many women look like Sophie?

    This neither proves murder in a courtroom, nor is it a credible sighting.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,233 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    It will at this stage need to be something concrete not who said what. Who knows what smoke and daggers is going on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 933 ✭✭✭flanna01

    The tragic thing is this...

    It's highly lightly that the cold case review will produce absolutely diddley squat.

    I have my suspicions that the new investigation was only to appease the French anyway... Can't have Macron giving out in Dublin and all that...

    Assuming the above two statements are correct, and the odds would be poor if you could combine them as a double, this would leave a second victim.

    When Ian Bailey casts off his mortal coil on this world, he will die an innocent man in the eyes of the Law.

    Yet, even after his demise, he will always be referred to as the prime murder suspect in the Sophie Du Plantier murder.

    As time goes by, and memories dim, the next generation will read about the murder, and the Bailey connection, followed by the French conviction of the same, and the general assumption will be that Bailey got away with it.

    To me, this is tragic... To be condemned, even after death, is a slight on the Irish Justice System.

    (Note - I see he is still being abused on a weekly basis)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    You're only wrong on one thing, Your statement should read the French justice system, not the Irish justice system.

    How can Bailey be seen as guilty in light of so little evidence, and yet again, Sophie's son brags about the judgement in apparent "light of overwhelming evidence". Which evidence, I ask myself?

    The Irish were correct not to convict him. There was nothing on Bailey beyond reasonable doubt. The only problem in Ireland was the incompetent and possibly corrupt police. This may have shocked French authorities a great degree, but I can only guess that one.

    I think the new investigation was only to appease the Irish public that the Guards may have only been "slightly mistaken" once, but were overall honestly minded and with good intentions in this case.....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,836 ✭✭✭chooseusername

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    It's probably one of many stories coming up in the future.

    Next story ( exclusively with one specific paper or some book one needs to buy ): Sophie had a secret affair with Bailey and was pregnant. Bailey came visiting her that night, to convince her with an expensive bottle of French wine to have an abortion. The encounter ended in violence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    Its just such low level stuff. If they're going to properly re-investigate the murder. Theres a number of points of where you'd start. DTDP would be first one, id properly investigate him as I think almost 60/70% of femicides come from a partner. After that id be really looking at bruno carbonair. How tight is that alibi? given the level of follow up in this case, Im doubtful its been cross checked. He was seen to have actually hit her in public previously if thats to be believed & he didnt want the relationship to end. On top of this, he knew exactly where she lived.

    If all of those can be ruled out. You look local, Senior Gard, Bailey, local, drug dealer, alfie, God knows who. It could be as simple as a local scummer who knew she was on her own that night, felt like chancing his arm & when shot down after a lot of alcohol, killed her & fled the scene, probably left the country then.

    What is evident though is that when a crime like this happens, the behavior of our police is nothing short of disgraceful.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    Of course it's low level stuff. Somebody wanting to make money off that murder again and again.

    The most serious approach would have been, looking for financial, drug related or sexual motives from the start. Who would benefit the most from her death?

    Even though the French hitman theory sounds far fetched for some people, her husband would indeed have been the biggest beneficiary of her death.

    Also regarding drugs, if Sophie knew something or seen something a drug dealer would have benefited from her death.

    Whether the murder looks unprofessional doesn't prove anything at all.

    The sexual motive is probably the weakest one, anybody with a sexual interest wouldn't benefit from Sophie's death, but may have killed her in rage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭Massive Berevement

    The whole driving to the dump the next day is a bit of a weird one isn't it. For Shirley to decide to go is weird enough, but for Alfie not to disuade her is stranger still.

    What if he was the one driving down and out the gate a little earlier that morning. Maybe to the dump or for some other reason. He gets down to the gate and finds it is closed. Sophie may have closed it after getting home from the pub the night before. P!ssed off and perhaps thinking no time like the present seeing as she will be back in France imminently, he marches up and bangs on the door to have it out with her. She is having breakfast, but with the safety of it being morning and perhaps knowing it is him at the door she answers it. They have a bit of an arguement about it and she decides to lace up the boots, but not get fully dressed as this will only take a minute, and follow him down to the gate to state her case at the gate itself. Maybe she is trying to close it again right in front of him which enrages him or maybe it is then she hits him with the plan to fence it all off. I'm not absolutely certain which gate the dispute was over but both work for this scenario. In fact the side gate to the field being the one in question would make even more sense because if you look at the photo a few pages back where it shows horses on his land, it looks as though the most obvious way to transport them to and from the land is through her field and out her gate. If she tells him she is fensing the whole lot off it may have tipped him over the edge seeing as it was a likely revenue stream for him having them on his land and the perceived injustice of her fencing it off despite hardly ever being there.

    He attacks her violently because of this and she attempts to flee over the gate as perhaps his car is blocking the entrance/exit past it and obviously she gets snagged on the briars. Perhaps that would explain the route she tried to take given that it was maybe too tight to pass if a car was parked right in the middle of the open gate. He leaves the car where it is and heads back up the driveway where he quickly scopes Sophies house as he may not have been certain she was over from France alone until that point. Could have left the bloodied sleeve mark at the door in the process. Explains to Shirley what has happened and she agrees to go along with the story that the reason the car was down at the murder scene is because she was the one driving to the dump and found the body. I have to say it's a bit bizzare her going to the dump instead of him, her going to the dump anyway after the fact, him calling on Sophie to let her know that despite there being no neighbours for a mile in any direction there just so happens to be a woman murdered at the bottom of their drive and did she see/hear anything.

    Another thing I thought of. What if Alfie was the one taking baths in her house and in the process took a bottle of wine home with him. Being a chef he'd know a good one when he saw it which invariably it was. What if he hadnt got around to using it yet but couldnt get rid of it just after the murder as they were confined to their house for a few days. He didnt know in that moment that the cops wouldnt tear his house apart. How would he explain away such a hard saught, not locally available expensive French wine in his house with her finger prints on it. He could say it was a gift maybe but that would lead to more questions about their relationship and maybe too risky an avenue to go down. So instead he traversed a few fields in the dead of night while confined to barracks and got rid of it. Perhaps where it was found was as far as he would dare venture without risking being seen.

    All wildly speculative of course but who knows. Like others I feel that not enough attention by law enforcement appears to have been given to persons who knew her, was in the vacinity when she died, knew she was there, had disagreements with her in the past with her dead body turning up at the exact location of said disagreement.

    Lastly even though it would have been very difficult to think straight in the aftermath, not moving the body off site would make sense in this case as his fingerprints would naturally be on the gate and on her door. Maybe even in her house. Same for DNA like spittle or tiny flakes of skin etc. even if found on her as it could be explained away if he said he knelt down to examine the body etc. Moving her body elsewhere and then finding his DNA is another story entirely.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,084 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Alfie didn`t kneel down to examine the body. He only viewed the body from a distance and walked back up to Sofie`s house. So if his DNA or hair was on Sofie`s body then he would have had some explaining to do.

    The Bathing Bandit is an interesting one. Only a vagrant or someone who didn`t have hot water would break into a house and take a bath. That wouldn`t have been Alfie. That happened in `93. Bailey was kicked out that year after he assaulted Jules. It would be interesting to know where he went. Was he allowed to stay in the studio for example? Did the studio have hot water? It might also be an explanation for the bottle of wine which was found on what would have been Bailey`s route home.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭Massive Berevement

    I think if his hair or saliva was found on her body it could be quite easily explained away by him. Sure if he stated he viewed it from a distance questions of him may be asked but how often does someone find a murdered person at the end of their driveway. It would be a natural thing, perhaps by the more brave among us, to lean in for a closer look. And of course memory recollection as to how far away he was from the body would be hazy at best given the mental trauma you must be going through at seeing such a sight. I don't think any prosecution would have any success in this regard, had it ever got that far for Alfie.

    As for the use of the bath - you sound so sure. Given the extremely remote location of the house I think it narrow things down substantially. Who knows, maybe the use of the bath by Alfie during the dispute could be him trying to mess with her head. Given the fact it was easily established that the bath had been used it doesn't exactly point towards the person being descreet about it. Maybe they wanted to be obvious. Was the Richardsons bath ever used by this vagrant you speak of?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I am not sure, when Jules kicked Bailey out, but there was a squabble at some point and Bailey stayed at some farmer's barn. This farmer let some vagrants stay at his barn. It was there, where Bailey has met Martin Graham for the first time, I think. It was reported that Martin Graham went into the sea to wash, if he needed to. I don't think it was him that would have used Sophie's bath tub.

    The "studio" is actually a house and it' a few 100 meters up the road from Jules' house. I would expect that it would have a bathroom and hot water. I don't know if Jules sill owns this house or not. The house has been upgraded a bit a couple of years ago. I think one or two rooms have been added or existing rooms enlarged?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,233 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    There's no mention of the Richardson's house being examined at all.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,534 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    I think if it was a vagrant he would have observed the neighbourhood for a while and noticed that Alfie and Shirley lived there all year round. Alfie and Shirley's house was within sight of Sophie's and he would have been spotted with ease, lights on at various times etc.... Any vagrant would have chosen the Richardson's house instead, a bit further away from Alfie and Shirley, not so much a chance of getting discovered.

    I suggest, if anybody was using Sophie's bathroom it was either Alfie or Shirley but not a vagrant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 933 ✭✭✭flanna01

    Can't see Bailey throwing away an expensive bottle of plonk...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,875 ✭✭✭leath_dub

  • Registered Users Posts: 870 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    I think this is a plausible scenario, given the known facts.

    It posits a motive.

    It explains why nothing was seen or heard.

    The proposed killer (s) were definitely at the crime scene.

    The visit to the dump is curious. In terms of circumstantial evidence, it carries at least as much weight as Baileys bonfire.

    Alfie had an injured hand.

    Any of Alfie's or Shirley's DNA or fingerprints found on the gate could be explained.

    The scenario you suggested in relation to the wine bottle is plausible. I think its a given that the wine was Sophie's.

    It would, of course, require Shirley to fully collude with Alfie and to stick to their story for all those years. The motive would seem to be rather weak, given the ferocity of the attack, but neighbours have been murdered over niggly issues such as parking spaces, so its not unheard of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭Massive Berevement

    And that's strange isn't it. Here you have three houses on their own, really and truely in the middle of nowhere, but right next to one of the most high profile murders in our history, and no mention is made about that house and as you point out, no mention of any examination either. Very strange. If I was an investigsting officer I'd want to know not only how frequently the occupants were there but when was the last time they were there and do they allow friends and family to use it in their absense? Who has keys? what sort of doors and windows do they have and how easy would it be to gain access? Where are the access points and land boundaries? These are the most basic of questions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭Massive Berevement

    Yea I think if this scenario were true then the guards, as inept as they were, would have had so very little to go on. Alfies boot marks would be expected to be present on that driveway, as would the tyre tracks to their car, his fingerprints and DNA on both gates and on surrounding blocks, his DNA on her seeing as his wife and later himself found the body according to them. Even up at her house his fingerprints/DNA would be expected at her door and maybe window. Even if his fingerprints/DNA was found within her house he could always say he had been in there as an invited guest or to fix something for her at some point in time. Chances are that could even be true and of course she was no longer around to dispute it. The only thing that would have tripped him up would be the detection of his blood. But given it was winter chances are he was wrapped up well and if its true that his arm/hand wound came via a struggle with her then any blood from it would have seeped into the heavy coat/jumper/gloves he was likely wearing with the wound not bad enough to also result in his blood dripping off him and onto the floor. Maybe his explanation for the wound is entirely true in which case he may not have suffered any injury whatsoever in the murder as he was so spur of the moment in his attack and quickly rendered Sophie helpless to properly fight back. Maybe he attacked her at a moment she was turned away from him putting her at a big disadvantage right from the off.

    I agree with regards Shirley that it is a massive thing to go along with but maybe she didnt know the extent of it right away. Maybe he went back to his house and informed Shirley that there was a row and a struggle and she slipped and hit her head. In order for him not to be locked up and her left all on her own in this remote wilderness it would be best if they said she was found like that. She may have agreed at that point and he then rang the guards giving them that version of events. By the time Shirley gets down to the gate and sees for herself the brutality of it all the cops would already have been told the story that the body was found by her on the way out the gate and to the dump. She's in deep at this point. She either carries on with what was told to the cops or outs her husband. Not only would she lose her life partner but also as mentioned she would be all on her own up there. And it would be a very big thing to out him, her husband of so many years, not fully knowing what happened. How much was her pension from England and was it a case that their ability to pay the bills etc. was more reliant on his pension. Who knows maybe even seeing the state Sophie was in instilled a brand new fear of what a person she knew so well was capable of and maybe that could have been incentive enough for her to go along with his plan/story.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,084 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Nobody throws away a good bottle of wine. Sometimes a squirrel hides his nuts and never returns to retrieve them. Various reasons why this can happen.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,084 ✭✭✭tibruit

    So to sum up the "dump" scenario then. The killers place all the incriminating evidence, including presumably blood stained clothes and perhaps a murder weapon, in the car. They then park the car a few yards from the body and anticipate that the keystone cops will turn up, not bother to search the car and allow Shirley merrily on her way to dispose of all the evidence. Ingenious. Actually not ingenious, but utterly absurd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 870 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    Those are your words...not mine.

    I just said that it was curious, at least as curious as Bailey's bonfire.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,084 ✭✭✭tibruit

    So because you are not aware of any report of the Gardaí investigating the Richardson property, you just assume that no investigation took place and are critical of investigators for not investigating the said property. Right so.

    This thread has really died a death. The amount of stream of consciousness bullsh**e going on here is incredible. I think I`ll have a go at reading Ulysses again.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,084 ✭✭✭tibruit

    As curious as Bailey`s bonfire if Bailey had decided to burn all the evidence in Sophie`s garden and was still standing over the smouldering remains when the Gardaí arrived at the scene.

  • Registered Users Posts: 870 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    Not sure what your point is here Tibruit.

    I'm suggesting that if Bailey's bonfire represents "circumstantial evidence" against him, insofar as it indicates possible disposal of incriminating material. then Shirley's trip to the dump falls into the same category.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If you want to discreetly dispose of a bottle of wine all you have to do is pour the contents down the sink, smash the bottle up and bury it. No need to wander the fields to find a ditch to discard it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 870 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    Yes, that's true, of course. There are many more effective ways to dispose of such evidence.

    But sometimes under stress, people act irrationally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭Massive Berevement

    I'd agree, I doubt that was ever the case. I'd lean towards the trip to the dump just being a cover story as to why Shirley was in the car heading out the laneway. I wouldn't imagine anyone would be stupid enough to put anything incriminating in the boot of the car in such a scenario.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭Massive Berevement

    It's fair to say the guards did a lot wrong during the course of the investigation so being critical is warranted. I'd imagine if they did search the house then it would be mentioned somewhere. You would have expected them to have done so if only to rule out the possibility of someone staying there and watching Sophies movements planning the best time to attack. It's very important to establish detail like that no? I'm just wondering if their bath was ever used by the vagrant you mentioned? If not and it was only Sophies then why not theirs also?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,276 ✭✭✭Deeec

    Well it would appear that they really really really needed to get to the dump that day. Nothing was stopping them going to that dump. They possibly knew the local gardai would let them proceed . They wouldnt have known what to do when a body was discovered - the local gardai had no experience of such events. I doubt Shirleys car or the rubbish was checked at all given the timelines. If the DPP ever decided to proceed with a case against Bailey Im sure the defence would question why Shirley was allowed to go to the dump and why this could not have waited.

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