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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭tom1ie

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Scientific consensus doesn't mean the same as political consensus

    It's entirely evidence based, it's not negotiated based on preferences, it's debated at conferences and journals based on the evidence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,569 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    No. consensus has nothing to do with evidence.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

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    You asked would hydrogen cover, I answered. Nobody mentioned gas as we were talking about 2050 so by that time gas should be out of our energy mix, if not before

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    From an earlier post you appear to believe there are good private capital investors who invest in renewable energy and bad investors that invest in any other source. There isn`t, they are one and the same. All private investors invest where they will make the largest profit regardless. With state guarantees there is a lot of money slooshing around, especially in the E.U. under the marginal pricing policy, for renewables. We saw that with Energia paying out 40 million to those investors on profits up until March 2022 which means thhat profit had nothing to do with the war in Ukraine. Take those guarantees away, (guarantees that the ordinary Joe and Josephine Soap will be paying for long into the future), and see how long these "good" investors hang around.

    Greed is greed, and that applies to research as well. The money in climate change research is going to proving human-caused climate change and much of that research is conjecture based on computer modeling. If we learned anything from Covid, it`s how crap computer modelling actually is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,569 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    The analysis and recommendations are aimed at the British government and may contain some measures that can be taken here to alleviate the energy crisis in Britain.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

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    You are really going to have to explain that.

    Here Eamonn Ryan says the cost of doing nothing will be catastrophic

    No mention of financial cost just use of the word 'catastrophic'. Now we are talking about renewable energy costing hundreds of billions in order to meet demand with current technology. Its simple really:

    How much will it cost Ireland to continue as is

    How much would it cost to implement mitigation (flood defences etc)

    How much would climate change cost Ireland

    'Catastrophic' is too vague

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 Cunw

    Which are what now because of bad investment in wind ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Scientific consensus does.

    Just like Theory means something completely different in science compared to everyday usage, scientific consensus means the hypotheses that is best supported by evidence as agreed by the experts in their fields.

    Sometimes there is no scientific consensus, but for established scientific principles, there is scientific consensus

    In science nothing can ever be proven as correct, things can be falsified but nothing is absolutely certain

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29 Cunw


    So it's unproven water boils at 100c or E=mc2 because like nuclear technology is just snot and magic eh

    Familiarise yourself with the words quantitatively, qualitatively, theory, theorize, confirmed and proven

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    I think it's the same person I had a long conversation about Theory and proven. Seems nothing can be proven but the Climate theory is. Thing that annoys me the most is. Not a single Climate Scientist will stick their hand up and tell us what input we have had. I asked for a number 1-100% crickets. The best thing they have is we have had an impact. Well then tell us how much. They either know or they don't if they know it must be so small why their not mentioning it. Otherwise they would be shouting from the rooftops. And if they don't know the models must be completely flawed As they are inputting the data for that into the models to get a temperature rise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    I don't know what earlier post you were talking about here.

    I don't believe in good and bad investors, I know they invest to make a profit

    It is in the public interest that investment goes into places that benefit society. That's why tax breaks and subsidies exist, to attract investment.

    I don't care who the investors are, I care about what they invest in. If it's beneficial for society and the environment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,826 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Water doesn't always boil at 100c. That's only at sea level under normal atmospheric pressure

    We don't know if there aren't other undiscovered conditions that might change waters boiling point

    e=mc² is true as far as we can tell. We can never know that we won't discover a scenario where e does not equal mc²

    Proof is for Maths and Whiskey

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I wouldn't bother, that's a troll account that got banned for a load of racist rants on another thread

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Cunw said :"Greed is greed, and that applies to research as well. The money in climate change research is going to proving human-caused climate change and much of that research is conjecture based on computer modeling. If we learned anything from Covid, it`s how crap computer modelling actually is."

    the scientists who were hired by the oil industry found the same results as those you claim are just chasing grant money.

    Look the conspiracy theory that the vast majority of scientists are deliberately hiding evidence that climate change is being exaggerated is ludicrous. The tiny number of climate scientists who are critical of the consensus paid way more for their contributions to energy industry think tanks than any ordinary research scientist

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    There are more to costs than financial cost, more to losses than financial losses....

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    The ihuman impact is likely greater 100% of the observed warming can be attributed to humans

    If you had this conversation with me before, I would already have posted a link to at least one of the scientific papers that confirm this

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    Wait you seem to be making the point of where the money comes from to give the impression where their outcomes lie. Very odd indeed. So is it who ever pays them gets the outcome they want ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    Greater than 100% very scientific. I don't remember the link. So why have we never heard anyone say this on the news ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    A couple of generations in the future.. That's my yet unborn grandchildren.

    Should I not care about the world my grandchildren will be left with because of decisions my generation made?

    I don't think my grandchildren will agree that losing the Amazon Rainforest was a price worth paying so that I didn't have a small risk of temporary powercuts that amount to an inconvenience for the vast majority of people, and for the others, like those dependent on life support, won't experience any blackouts as the blackouts would be forecast in advance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭tom1ie

    So we have a shortfall based on levels at the moment before EV and storage heating etc

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    The news will cover a new study for a few hours or days if it even bothers at all, easy to miss if you don't look for it

    There have been loads of studies which led the IPCC since AR5 (7 years ago) to conclude that Humans are responsible for all of the warming and this page here

    gives links to lots of studies that show human warming is being offset by natural variability and negative feedbacks from Human emissions

    The main reasons are

    1. The planet is in a slight cooling phase
    2. Human derived aerosols are causing 'global dimming' as we increase the Albedo of the atmosphere, so we're actually blocking some of the sunlight that is hitting the earth which is like an accidental geo-engineering program (this is where those 'we're going into an ice age' headlines from the 70s came from, but the ice age rhetoric didn't come from scientists, it was journalists over-reacting to science they didn't understand.)

    Remove the aerosols by reducing particulate emissions, and when the earth goes back into a neutral or warming stage, and we begin to reap the full consequences of our GHG emissions that are no longer offset by the negative feedbacks of natural variability and particulate emissions, then we'll see the true impact of our GHG emissions

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    Article is full of bs nothing can be more than 100% I'm not going to explain why as everyone knows. We have no idea what the sun was doing until we stuck a satellite up and started to observe it. Telescopes only give you so much information. Solar wind and particles need to be studied up close. I find it very odd that there is great certainty in a global weather pattern. Local can be somewhat accurate. but they all feed into the system. And the largest input into the system is the sun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    you've lost me again. I'm not talking about where the money comes from. I care about where the money goes to.


    Because investment money is only relevant when it is used to build/make new things. The rest of it is not economic growth, it's 'transfer earnings'

    If there is x billion dollars available to invest. If they invest in Oil exploration, the likely outcome is more GHG pollution for as long as the investment funding lasts

    If they invest in renewables, the outcome is some increased GHG output at the start, but quickly transitioning to a long term reduction in GHG emissions.

    Over time, the investments in renewable (infinite) power mean rapidly paying off the initial investment and making more sense than buying fuel to burn

    Instead of buying the fuel from a despot who owns a mine, we're paying to transfer energy along dynamic energy systems

    Big networks balance themselves organically. (when the infrastructure is in place)

    If you think the electricity market cannot handle this because its too complicated?, the complexity required to send this message across the internet is much more complex. Individual electrons matter in this network, In energy trading, the individual electrons are agnostic of their source or destination.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Please rethink this post

    Lets say I have a monthly income of 100 euros

    I have savings of 50 euros

    A bill comes in for 110 euros

    I pay the bill

    I have just paid a bill of 110% of my monthly income.

    How is greater than 100% impossible?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,069 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    You don`t really get it do you. Big business will do what it needs to do to turn a profit and right now renewable energy is big business with massive profits from state guarantees a marginal pricing policy and a taxonomy policy. All the result of green policy. Big business cares no more for societal good from renewables than it does from fossil fuels and what we are seeing right now is green policy, especially in Ireland, facilitating that with the strong possibility of blackouts which are not for the good of society no matter how you wish to measure it.

    Pa ElGrande post#12706 provided a link from Watt-Logic, an independent energy consulting service, on the situation in the U.K. as regards energy which is mirrored here in Ireland.

    In that article it points out that renewable energy was supposed to give us low carbon, secure energy at an affordable price and here in Ireland it has failed on at least two of those three. The author 6 years ago was warning that U.K. energy security was slipping away year by year with conventional generation being replaced by intermittent renewables, without the bulk seasonal storage technologies needed to manage that intermittency being deployed. In other words what many here have pointed out, the cart before the horse approach.

    In Ireland with the Green Party not only was energy security slipping away, we didn`t have much to begin with, and what little we had or still have, was either ripped away by Irish Green Party strong arm tactics of shutting down or degrading conventional plants, (with both Tarbert and Moneypoint penciled in for the same shortly), to ensure we had no options but to follow their ideology. And that ideology is what has us looking at possible blackouts. There is no getting away from that or that it is in any way good for society.

    On the affordability, I don`t think there is much need to catalogue how that has worked out with us being the 4th. most expensive country in the E.U. for electricity for the second half of 2021. Germany was 2nd. and we are both among the highest in the E.U. for renewables. With the latest strike price for on-shore and solar we are also the same as the latest strike price for U.K. nuclear.

    The concluding paragraph of that article as regards the U.K. is every bit as applicable for Ireland.

    "Longer term, we need a return to energy realism. Not all generation is equally useful, and simply building ever more wind capacity will do nothing to address security of supply issues arising from low-wind weather conditions, particularly as electrification of heating and transportation will boost demand. These are painful lessons - it`s important we learn them"

    Post edited by charlie14 on

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    For those claiming renewables are all about profits, go take a look at the profits for any of the major oil companies lately, doesn't really matter which one
