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Covid 19 Part XXXV-956,720 ROI (5,952 deaths) 452,946 NI (3,002 deaths) (08/01) Read OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭CruelSummer

    The whole Covid response, the lockdowns, the vaccine passports, the hysteria, ISAG across all media telling complete lies, NPHET being given absolute power by our floundering politicians, our hospitals failing to treat people who needed treatment for anything that wasn’t Covid, schools being shut, sports being closed, older people being terrified into submission - is the most shameful, disgraceful period of the 21st Century in Ireland and the modern world. If there aren’t consequences to these very serious actions that were taken - who's to stop them happening again?! This wasn’t just limited to Ireland. But Ireland’s lockdown from March 2020-July 2020 and Autumn 2020 - Spring 2021 caused a huge amount of damage and lost lives that we will continue to see over the coming years if we’re given the information and it’s not censored. Ireland should NEVER sign up to the WHO treaty without a referendum with fair and impartial media reporting. I would hope Irish people who are this weekend remembering Michael Collins don’t just hand their hard fought rights and independence over to a Bill Gates funded agency, the WEF or other ‘global’ organisations that seem to represent massive corporations far far more than the little people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,300 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    So finally you do admit you think we should have locked down denied it only a few minutes ago.

    You wanted to keep the numbers down until we had an untested vaccine....ya, that has proven itself to be insane, vaccines didn't stop the spread like we were told it would! Omnicron didn't any damage in countries that had a low vaccine uptake. Lockdowns don't keep the numbers down. Uncomfortable facts.

    Every social outlet was shut down to all of us, football, rugby, school, college, etc etc....socializing without alcohol is what most of us do, young and old, you could walk around your neighbourhood as long as you didn't gather in numbers to talk, wore a mask, socially distanced yourself, didn't go farther than 5km...not too far from prison life for a virus that has proven itself to be a notch more serious than a bad winter flu, and all a complete waste of time,

    What I've noticed about you is it is all about you, you were fine...that's all that matters to you.

    I haven't once referred to how lock downs impacted me, I have mentioned the young, healthy people, grand parents, all of whom were treated like bold children if they didn't go along with the know that the mental health crisis has grown significantly, you know we are experiencing excess deaths, how long do you keep your head in the sand.

    The figures are available form the CSO, don't expect to be spoonfed that info, you can image why the likes of RTE would choose to ignore it, and you can feel free to ignore or dispute the figure, I am not going to dig out the information for you. Our excess death over the period between 2020-2022 will be less than what we will experience from 2022-2025/6.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,255 ✭✭✭✭eagle eye

    I drank for years but walked away from it when I started a family. I know all about the pub life and it became clear to me that the majority of those that drink in pubs have a drink problem, I'd guess it's like 20% that don't. Alcohol is something we never look at as a serious problem in this country. It costs the country a fortune in sick days. It creates depression, fights, abuse, both verbal and physical, in the home. I had sick days and depression because of alcohol.

    I didn't love lockdowns, it's just an attitude thing as in adjusting to the hand you are dealt. Same as working where there's a period where there's something you don't like but can do nothing about. You just have to get on with it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 38,255 ✭✭✭✭eagle eye

    I really couldn't be bothered responding to your insults anymore. You have provided nothing to back up your outrageous comments about more deaths in future because of our reaction to covid so I think you are lying.

    Also comparing lockdowns to prison life is as insane as it gets. You have no freedom in prison. You can't decide to go out for a walk, you need permission. You are locked up in a cell for 16 hours per day, that's a tiny cell. You can't even make a phone call when you want, you need permission during the eight hours you are out of the cell. I'm sure there's lots more restrictions that I cannot think of.

    Anyway I'm finished discussing this crap with immature people. It's pretty much over now and life is good again. Look forward and not back until the next pandemic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 MIDLANDSMAN

    Very well put. 100% spot on but you forgot a few things. The sight of the army ‘escorting’ people to mandatory hotel quarantine. A sight I hope I never see again in this country. It’s a dark stain on this country.

    also, the Gardaí doing roadblocks on the motorways delaying workers and those going to medical appointments for hours. We had to bring out little lad to Crumlin Children’s hospital. I had to drive as my wife has no car, she went into the hospital with my little lad while I stayed in the car with our 2 year old. The abuse and questioning that I got from our brave men blue was shocking and how dare that we all went in the car. I wish they were as brave tackling the violence in our towns and cities but i won’t hold my breath. Much easier to harass parents trying to care for a sick child. Plus delay us for nearly 2 hours with their stupid roadblock that day.

    You also forgot the one sided media coverage especially RTE with Claire Byrne, George Lee etc and God forbid if anyone even dared to have an alternative view or opinion.

    And having to show proof of vaccination or your medical details to get a meal or a drink. What the hell were those in power thinking at the time

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,651 ✭✭✭walus

    I’ve provided a link to an interactive table where you can go and check for yourself excess deaths and Covid deaths since 2020. What other proof do you need?

    ”Where’s the revolution? Come on, people you’re letting me down!”

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,474 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    You mean this New Zealand?

    Covid-19 became the equal leading cause of death in New Zealand for the first time in July, overtaking stroke and drawing even with ischaemic heart disease as the country’s No 1 killer...

     Covid deaths made up almost 15% of deaths overall, referring to data analysis by the New Zealand Herald that compared confirmed Covid deaths against overall deaths in July. Baker said those deaths were likely a slight undercount, as some people would have died of Covid-19 without being tested.

    “At the moment excess mortality in New Zealand is running at about 10% above normal, so that’s consistent with something in the order of 3,000 deaths a year from Covid-19,” he said. “It’s not quite at that level [of heart disease] but it’s above strokes and all the leading cancers.”

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,255 ✭✭✭✭eagle eye

    When did I quote you? When did you quote me and post a link?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,651 ✭✭✭walus

    I’m not sure what you are trying to infer there. The media, or spin doctors as they should be called at this stage, are not a very reliable source of information. Everyone knows that at this stage. They cherry pick the data and publish only what is in line with the current narrative.

    Interestingly however there are attempts to understand the phenomenon with some pointing fingers at the boosters:

    “There is a close relationship between booster rollout and rising excess mortality. This relationship was not seen with the rollout of the original protocol vaccine doses. The age groups most likely to use boosters had 7–10 percentage point rises in excess mortality rates as boosters were rolled out while the age group that is mostly too young for boosters saw no rise in excess mortality. Instrumental variables estimates that exploit a plausible source of exogenous variation in the rate of administering booster doses suggest 16 excess deaths per 100,000 booster doses given, amounting to over 400 excess deaths from New Zealand’s booster rollout. Value of statistical life of these excess deaths is over $1.6 billion.”

    Interestingly enough in UK they are already testing correlation between vaccines and excess deaths to prove/disprove the causal relationship.

    It is too early to fully understand the excess deaths at the moment as there are many countries with their own specific circumstances that makes drawing conclusions right know difficult. The time is now to observe and investigate. It is only a begging.

    Post edited by walus on

    ”Where’s the revolution? Come on, people you’re letting me down!”

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,651 ✭✭✭walus

    What are you on about? Do it yourself. It is not that difficult.

    Post edited by walus on

    ”Where’s the revolution? Come on, people you’re letting me down!”

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  • Registered Users Posts: 627 ✭✭✭DLink

    Don't forget those idiots in blue (and I'm being polite here) dancing on wide open beaches that were illegal for us plebs to visit, and then posting the videos of them looking like utter knobs on social media to rub our fúcking noses in it. How in the name of Sweet Baby Jesus did they think that they would cheer up the nation by doing that?

    I mean, what was the thought process there?

    And don't forget their "covid patrols" at the same locations... they were either bragged on social media about patrolling empty beaches, or if they were busy, they would arrive and start checking car registrations to determine the registered address of the owner to see how far they were away from home.

    The army personnel were played for fools at the hotels, but our valiant guardians of the peace relished every minute of their roadblocks and additional powers.

    I've no respect for the dancing fools in blue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭Spudman_20000

    Indeed, and they same guy posts links to high numbers of Covid deaths in heavily vaccinated and boosted New Zealand also posts links about how Hong Kong had high numbers of deaths attributed to low vaccination in the elderly during the Omicron wave.

    Some people will never see that countries pursuing zero Covid was a fools errand, and that those countries will end up with the same, if not more, deaths in the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,474 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    The deaths in New Zealand are much lower than those in Hong Kong though, but still enough to show an effect in New Zealand's excess mortality.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,474 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    "It is too early to fully understand the excess deaths at the moment as there are many countries with their own specific circumstances that makes drawing conclusions right know difficult. The time is now to observe and investigate."

    Exactly. Multiple different theories have been proposed with no real data. Correlation isn't causation and these theories don't even show correlation across countries.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,382 ✭✭✭petes

    So the hysteria in whatever form has left the real world and for quite some time now but yet this thread continues on 🤣

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,455 ✭✭✭celt262

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭live4tkd

    It was an absolute scam! Not Covid just the response to it!

    It is not going to happen but I would love a proper independent enquiry into the lot of it even though I know it won`t happen because we do not do accountability in this country properly!

    Worldwide hysteria courtesy of so called videos in China lads dropping in the street the hospitals being built in a few days. Never has such an episode angered me as much in my life. The media were derelict in their duty in this country to provide ALL facts not just a one sided hysterical driven narrative nightly. I know of older people who still haven`t ventured out such is their fear. RTE were a disgrace the fear pumped out daily aided and abetted by those running the HSE! I was sick of the sight of them and everyone that hung for dear life on their every word all of the time!

    Posters have outlined some of the nonsense already. Some wanted the army on our streets for God sake! Then there was the episode with Dr. Houlihan on twitter talking about young people socializing next thing the boys in blue arrive! Leo going to a concert in the UK because he couldn`t attend one here said it all to me ffs! As for Nolan with his snakeoil nonsense preventing the use of Antigen testing! Apes on TV wanting to ban unvaccinated from shopping, sections of stores being closed off.

    Any dissenting voices were ridiculed and cut off. Granny killers, Pat Kenny wanting to mask 2 year olds among other hysterical nonsense he came out with, platforms being given constantly to hysterics like something out of the twilight zone! Dr Glynn saying we were fine at Level 3 and Houlihan coming back a day or 2 later and wanting level 5 immediately! Not to mention the Christmas episode, human nature being what it is locking people down for months on end with promises of a bit of freedom during Christmas sure a dog with a mallet up his a*rse could see what would happen. We are a social species not mean to be in isolation and kept apart.

    Not to mention the vaccines going from 100% effective against transmission to keeping everyone out of hospital. It has turned too political and to me has deeply damaged the medical profession, so called experts i.e. those who were front and centre in the media as well as our respect for government.

    These people made life altering critical decisions that affected everybody for 2 years or more without any question and that cannot or should not go without proper scrutiny, good, bad or indifferent. We cannot allow something like to ever happen again without proper justification!

    Post edited by live4tkd on

  • Registered Users Posts: 627 ✭✭✭DLink

  • Registered Users Posts: 627 ✭✭✭DLink

    The hysteria has left the real world for sure, in Ireland anyway, but as we all know at this stage, Mehole & the rest of the idiots running the world listen to the loudest voices on mass media and social media, and the pro-restriction nuts are still being given air time.

    If you don't give a counter point, or at the very least keep calling out their bullshit, then there is a real, albeit small risk, that they'll get their way.

    You just need to look at our muppets introducing mask legislation pre-emptively, you know, just in case.

    covid hasn't gone away yet, it's still a stick they will try to beat us with. The USA still requires vaccinations before travel, the EU still has covid cert requirements in place until June 2023, countless countries still require masks to be worn, and Germany is / was looking to introduce compulsory mask wearing from Halloween to Easter FFS.

    It's not over by a long shot.

    Post edited by DLink on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭CruelSummer

    Interesting that so many on here spouting on and on about Long Covid don’t seem to give a toss that the main consultant in the country dealing with it is being shut down come September by the HSE. What an absolute joke shop this whole response has been.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,582 ✭✭✭✭AdamD

    The most common symptoms of long COVID are:

    • extreme tiredness (fatigue)
    • shortness of breath
    • loss of smell
    • muscle aches

    However, there are lots of symptoms you can have after a COVID-19 infection, including:

    • problems with your memory and concentration ("brain fog")
    • chest pain or tightness
    • difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
    • heart palpitations
    • dizziness
    • pins and needles
    • joint pain
    • depression and anxiety
    • tinnitus, earaches
    • feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite
    • a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste
    • rashes

    As long as the most common symptoms listed above are classified as 'Long Covid', nobody is going to take it seriously. Sure narrrow down on the serious affects listed further below, but quoting studies of 20% of people having 'Long Covid' because you've included 'fatigue' is utter nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,886 ✭✭✭dominatinMC

    Well said. The current definition is so broad and all encompassing, that I'm surprised more people aren't suffering from the dreaded long Covid. For example, I had Covid earlier this year and experienced joint pain not long after. Joint pain is apparently one of the myriad of symptoms. Now, perhaps my own pain is attributable to the 100k+ running I'm doing each month, but I've no doubt some others would quickly have me classified as a long Covid "sufferer".

    Unhealthy people before Covid will still be unhealthy people post Covid. I wonder how many of these post-viral complications existed pre Covid, or were exacerbated by contracting the disease. I do have sympathy for the genuine cases, but I get the impression many are using long Covid to their advantage.

    Post edited by dominatinMC on

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,573 ✭✭✭jackboy

    I remember saying that about those guards here at the time. Loads of posters came on saying that the guards were not breaking rules as they were on duty making those videos. Talk about deflection from the main point.

    Also, lots of people saying those guards were cheering the country up. I don’t know, maybe a few small children were entertained, can’t imagine many beyond that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 627 ✭✭✭DLink

    It annoyed me no end, yet people say that I'm a bit of a child 🤣

    They may have been on duty, but is part of their duty to dance around like idiots? Were large groups of them patrolling that particular beach or forest at the same time? Give me patience.

    What annoyed me the most is the fact that we had some cracking weather during lockdown, yet we couldn't budge from the house and visit where the idiots were prancing around.... unless that beauty spot was within 5km of your house.

    Myself and the missus sat at a park bench during lockdown having a bit of lunch, and our glorious dancers pulled up alongside the bench and eyeballed us. They didn't move us on, but I think they were just too lazy to get out of the car.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,274 ✭✭✭bloopy

    It was worth it for that wonderful, almost black mirror style, dance on the late late with the front line workers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,317 ✭✭✭✭PTH2009

    Great to see these threads so quiet

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,678 ✭✭✭Multipass

    Luke O’Neill on Newstalk just now

    ‘Covid is a disease of ageing’

    Why didn’t he pipe up 2 years ago? He was on to talk about how climate change is going to increase disease because the higher temps will increase insect activity (not mentioning that at the same time it supposedly wipes out all insect life)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭Spudman_20000

    Maybe because he's a complete grifter that will say whatever suits the narrative at the time so long as it lines his pockets?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,556 ✭✭✭Micky 32

    I see that hospitals in the UK are to stop testing for asymptomatic admissions.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 38,317 ✭✭✭✭PTH2009

    The overreaction of the whole thing really starting hit home now

    Scared to think about the mental and financial damage our covid response has caused
