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The awfulness of the "Be kind" social media mob



  • Registered Users Posts: 16,988 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    And what about you're (plural) carry on? "Angry middle-aged men" behaving like adolescents, it's not a good look, livvy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 563 ✭✭✭Cumhachtach

    Be itself is good advice. When you take from it a message of trying not to offend/insult anyone. Be conscious that everyone has their struggles.

    'Let me be easy on the man that's down

    Let me be square and generous with all.'

    But hijacking 'be kind' for some type of agenda goes against the grain of the meaning of the words.

  • Registered Users Posts: 563 ✭✭✭Cumhachtach

    Bertie had a horse that made pronouncements on covid?? Am I in the wrong place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭CGI_Livia_Soprano
    Holding tyrants to the fire

    You should have made yourself aware of the facts before you go around accusing people of "bullying" Bertie's Horse, or any other poster, willy nilly. The way Bertie behaved on this site was a disgrace. Posting about flouting covid guidelines, slandering Tony Holohan, throwing false accusations of holding multiple accounts at posters to discredit them. Disgraceful.

    Maybe you should also take a look at how other posters post (such as Klaz about Africans, Cognitive Dissident about "woke" people and climate change, for two examples) and wonder if they're being bullied or if people are railing against their disgusting coded remarks about marginalised groups. Just because they're your mates, or simply prolific users with dozens of years and thousands of posts under their belts, doesn't mean they haven't alluded to holding absolutely disgusting views that should be combated.

    Like I said before, I don't consider this to be a social club. I don't defame anyone or post abuse. However, when I see posters post racists, bigoted or science-denying remarks I will not mince my words so that they think that I'm nice. That's not what kindness means.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,876 ✭✭✭✭Rothko

    "One of your few (only?) redeeming features is that in some strange way, you mean well."

    Lmao, you don't actually believe that, do you?

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Aye. I wasn't aware of how BH became. I can't be aware when I wasn't here. But he was bullied before then. And shur I don't even know Cognitive Dissident, but what I've seen by him I disagree with him a lot.

    Nobody said they have a problem with robustly challenging racism, anti science agendas etc - that's not what's being referred to by "the be kind mob". But shur, deliberate distortion and lies, talk of a clique by a clique member - that's the very calculated m.o.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,825 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

    Would you get out of that garden. Nobody backs up their opinion with anything coming close to evidence on boards. Least of all you.

    Was it your years as a migrant in China teaching tefl that made you an expert on African gang culture and the sociological impacts on broader African culture. Or did you just pull your opinion that Africans are more prone to gang violence from your hole.

    Because you didn't support your opinion with anything close to evidence.

    Prove your opinion indeed. Bollox.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

    Hey! I'm an occasionally ever so slightly peeved middle-aged man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,393 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    Can't say I'm a 'be kind' expert, but on a few social issues I've been involved in, it is largely being used as an 'alternative' argument.

    By that I mean, if you have an opinion on X subject, you might be swayed to do an about turn, change your opinion, by being 'empathetic'.

    This is an augment made on emotion, not a logical one. And usually employed by those who have an agenda and can't make any better logical arguments. Plus, it's an attempt to make out the person that beat you in the X argument as being devoid of human emotion and empathy.

    Basically it's just an argumentative trick. Surely there must be some Latin phrase for this argumentative style, like 'ad emodicum' lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,988 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

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    Maybe you should also take a look at how other posters post (such as Klaz about Africans, Cognitive Dissident about "woke" people and climate change, for two examples) and wonder if they're being bullied or if people are railing against their disgusting coded remarks about marginalised groups.

    I've had enough of this. And no, I'm not angry. All I feel towards you is contempt.

    You have not engaged in the discussions where these topics arose. You have not sought to counter the points made in those threads. Robbie tried to link me to racism and failed, retreating behind deflections and shifting of goalposts. You're now repeating his nonsense, when you're even less capable of arguing the point.

    I know that because you have brought up similar accusations previously, and I've called you up on them to provide evidence. Nothing. I've encouraged you to argue with me over the points involved. Nothing. Each time, you've retreated behind aggressive posting, claims of being a victim, and then disappearing until you can repeat the same shite again later.

    You represent everything I despise about those who have the BeKind sig, but behave so mean online. Your posts are always so full of spite. A few lines of self-praise telling everyone how wonderful, tolerant and kind you are, but followed quickly, by a series of claims all phrased in the worst way possible. Claims you have no interest in ever justifying. Just throw them out, and shrug off the responses, regardless of how much they prove you to be wrong.

    So, if anyone is wondering why this thread exists, it's because of people like CGI. Her, and those like them, drag the internet into the sewer.

    I don't defame anyone or post abuse. 

    To post that... you're are oblivious or trolling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭CGI_Livia_Soprano
    Holding tyrants to the fire

    " the African people need to get their act together before they'll be able to join the rest of the world. "

    Nice guy Klaz the non-racist.

    "The rising populations of foreign born groups, and the decline of the historically native populations (in comparison to each other) is a problem for the future, especially when it concerns cultural groups whose values and perspectives are so different from our own. Although, I hold out hope that the rather hefty Eastern European populations will counteract those other influences."

    Hopefully the Eastern Europeans will outbreed the undesireables, according to Klaz.

    "I've seen 20+ years of aid being sent to Africa with very little in return. And by return I'm talking about an actual improvement in the mindset of the people that live there. Survival might be primary, but so is the violence that African people love to share with each other."

    Klaz, comment?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,825 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

    Your modus

    operandi is the angry shifting the goalposts post.

    retreating behind deflections and shifting of goalposts

    You have to give it to me, I called the angry shifting the goalposts post. And sure enough a wild one appears.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,988 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    It's just a classic example of the insidious and pathetic attempts these "character accounts" try to get someone to respond in a manner that will get them banned.

    They've had years of practice after all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,988 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    I'm familiar with Bertie's_Horse's posts here and he's been grossly misrepresented. He may not have bought all the Covid hysteria that is still evident here, but it's very easy to attack a poster who can't answer.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No time for people attacking the public figures involved (it was a nightmare for healthcare reps and people were hideous to them) but suspecting people of holding multiple accounts - a correct assertion.

    The approach now though from the mob is to pretend that defending posters who are being deliberately misrepresented, with much vitriol and taunting, on this thread = being their mates and supporting all their views elsewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,393 ✭✭✭AllForIt

     I don't defame anyone or post abuse.

    You do defame posters in this thread. I don't think that's on. I saw in an earlier post of yours you accused Strumms and Klaz of this and that, out of context. I.e. defaming them outside of the threads where you came to your evaluation. A new user to this site and this thread wouldn't know if what your saying is true or false. As I said, I don't thinks that's on, meaning your should't be permitted to make such accusations except in the threads where you came to your evaluation. You are basically using this thread to badmouth posters you disagree with, and I'm surprised you have gotten away with it for so long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭CGI_Livia_Soprano
    Holding tyrants to the fire

    We're going to get a lot of scammers (which Ukraine is well known for)

    I suspect we'll see a mass exodus, white flight from Ireland at some point, or rather over a continuous period, to the point where native Irish people are minority here.

    "The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory, is a white supremacist conspiracy theory"

    Klaz promoting white supremacist conspiracy theories. How strange.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,988 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    We could all take posts out of context from other threads and use them to say a poster is this and that. Look at some of the earlier posts of the "character accounts" for examples.

    No doubt they're furiously reporting posts and claiming they're being bullied, but some of us know their previous usernames and exactly what they got up to. #Bekind they weren't.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Nice guy Klaz the non-racist.

    Nothing there is racist. You're suffering the same problem that Robbie had. Just because you want something to be racist, doesn't make it so.

    Oh, btw I'm not a non-racist. I'm just not a racist per your (and robbies) claims.

    Hopefully the Eastern Europeans will outbreed the undesireables, according to Klaz.

    Nice of you to reinterpret what the paragraph said. Why introduce the term outbreed? You've sought to alter the meaning of the statement, perhaps hoping that others wouldn't read the actual quote?

    Again, you're doing the same as Robbie... stretching as far as possible, rather than dealing with the content itself, within the context it was made.

    Klaz, comment?

    Foreign aid has failed badly in Africa, and even Africans themselves have stated that it's created more problems than it's solved. And most African nations suffer huge problems with violent crime, including inter-tribal violence. If you were to read any of the websites by African publications, you'll find many articles covering what I said.. that Africa needs to sort out its own problems before it can become comparable with first world nations.

    CGI.. you have failed. Quite funny actually.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    When I talked about the "be kind" mob, I never said or implied that I'm talking about people who robustly challenge far right views. Especially when I do that myself. It's a very deliberate and vindictive twisting - by people whom I assume see themselves in what I'm talking about and want to deflect, and then also by people having a laugh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭CGI_Livia_Soprano
    Holding tyrants to the fire

    Klaz, give it up. The evidence I have provided is open and shut.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,393 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    No doubt they're furiously reporting posts and claiming they're being bullied, but some of us know their previous usernames and exactly what they got up to. #Bekind they weren't.

    Can you Tell Me How I can find out their previous username?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,988 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    You'd need to have been there at the time.

    This isn't my first account. I wasn't banned and reregged with a VPN before that accusation is thrown as me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,988 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    We're going to get a lot of scammers (which Ukraine is well known for)

    Which it is. If you had read the rest of the post, or similar posts within the same area, I referenced the topics of "Russian" brides scams, except it's a huge industry in Ukraine. Just as tourist warnings about travelling to Ukraine before war, listed quite a few scams.

    I didn't call all Ukrainians scammers. Now, that would be racist. But I didn't.

    Stretch stretch stretch

    I suspect we'll see a mass exodus, white flight from Ireland at some point, or rather over a continuous period, to the point where native Irish people are minority here.

    Ahh.. back to the Black/White perspective on things. White flight is a known and quantifiable aspect of modern societies. You can see it happen in French suburbs where the native French have left, when population sizes of Muslims in the area, imposed their own culture on those around them. You can also see White flight in neighbourhoods in the UK and US. Hell, if you could be bothered to research the idea properly, there's also Black flight, where Black people have left areas due to an influx of other cultural/ethnic groups. Lastly, the idea of white flight from the UK (not connected with immigration) is a fairly common idea, due to the numbers leaving for Asia.

    So, no... white flight is not restricted to what you think it is.

    Klaz promoting white supremacist conspiracy theories. How strange.

    Nope. Just because white supremacists share similar ideas with others doesn't mean that they own the idea entirely. White supremacists are often deeply religious (in their own twisted way), but does that mean that their views on religion are theirs alone, even though hundreds of millions of people share similar views without being white supremacists.

    You lack any depth to your claims. All easily dismissed, or pointed out as being inaccurate when taken out of the context that they were made.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,988 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    I'll take the private setting off my profile so you can trawl my posts if you explain why you had Cognitive Dissident's quote in your sig and then removed it when asked about it.

    Look at me, a #Bekind convert!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,219 ✭✭✭archfi

    Every single word of this^ is true.

    I've read the threads involved and still do.

    The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.

    The Entryism process: 1) Demand access; 2) Demand accommodation; 3) Demand a seat at the table; 4) Demand to run the table; 5) Demand to run the institution; 6) Run the institution to produce more activists and policy until they run it into the ground.

This discussion has been closed.