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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    I spent years posting links to scientific reports that nobody read

    Scientific reports that go on to prophesise things that didn't happen in the timeframes they said. That's not science.

    The extremes that happen all the time now. Summer heatwaves that exceed 35c used to be notable, now they're 'normal weather' in Europe.

    Eh, no. Summers in Europe with temperatures exceeding the mid-30s have always happened and always will. What we used to have was a media that focussed on investigative journalism and a hot day in Madrid got a foot note on page 15. Today's "journalists" trawl websites looking for a Davis Vantage Vue station stuck to a back garden wall reading inflated temperatures and writing screeching headlines on how Europe is burning.

    Worst droughts in 500 years causing some of the most important rivers in Europe to essentially dry up

    More BS. Records from the south of England show that 0.0mm was recorded in July 1800. There are numerous more similar events of very dry conditions effecting Europe - the river Po reduced to a trickle in the past, etc...

    Flash floods caused by climate change. Search for 'record flooding' on google. Pakistan (killed 800 people), Texas California all had worst floods on record in the past 48 hours. That's not normal.

    How far back do these records go? Also, in 1951 the population of Pakistan was ~34 millions today it's ~208 millions. Alot more people living in harms way. California's the same, increasing from ~10.5 millions to over 33.8 millions today. Texas the same.

    If you open your eyes, you'll see what's happening.

    I see what is happening - it is you who think you have your eyes open seeing all, but you only see a small part of the overall picture.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,068 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    Those foxes are a bit like the greens in that they have not thought it through.

    They are going to be seriously fcuked when the wolves are let loose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    Is that your best answer ? Are the records proxies or not ? Kim Jong-un recorded 11 albatrosses in row. You probably believe that also

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭tom1ie

    Explain this to me.

    Capitalism has always been about maximising profits. (I’m not saying I agree with it at all by the way).

    You have to generate wealth for tax.

    Tax pays for the society we all enjoy.

    If you reduce consumption as that poster infers, you reduce wealth and hence tax- which impacts services.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    Expert says yesterday may be hottest ever reliably recorded as doubt cast on 1887 figure (

    Someone like you @Akrasia should tell Peter Thorne that - but then again, you're always telling us to "listen to the experts" - square that circle.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,287 ✭✭✭✭Wanderer78

    we have managed to knot ourselves up over this capitalism thing, it truly wasnt always like this

    we re also knotting ourselves up over all this wealth generation and taxation thingy to, most wealth is currently generated by inflating asset prices such as stocks, shares, bonds, land, real estate etc etc, its actually not being created via the creation of goods and services, this is whats called a rentier economy, its highly dangerous for everyone, including those that financial gain, as it causes a rapid rise in wealth inequality and highly unstable economies and societies, as we re now starting to experience...

    to add insult, we ve decided the best thing to do is tax this wealth as little as possible, and move the requirement of taxation more towards labour and consumption, this in turn is helping to hammer the sh1t out of the labour force, and ramp up consumption, in order to try meet our tax requirements, this to is now starting to collapse....

    ...what we should be doing is increase taxation in the accumulation of wealth, using tools that helps to spread out the benefits of such wealth, methods such as sovereign wealth funds etc etc, and in turn, encourage the reduction of consumption...

    ...will any of this be done, probably not.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    Temperature records from 1880 onwards are "deemed" reliable following the adoption of Stevenson screens by the British RMS. All prior temperature records to 1880 are disallowed regardless even if they were recorded in an earlier similar prototype screen. See - Ireland's 33.3c also recorded in Markree Castle, Sligo on June 28th 1851. - post 3

    However, all temperature data prior to 1880 is used by climate alarmists scientists to build up historical trends - cleverly they disregard any maximum temperature records to imply that serious heatwaves were practically non-existent in the 1800s and then homogenise the data (i.e. cooking the books) to make that era cooler than it actually was.

    Nice trickery if your agenda is "catastrophic climate change" - take raw data, snip off the records, and alter the remains to get what you want.

    EDIT - forgot to add... another thread on rips to shreds Peter Thorne's "study" - click here as it's well worth the read.

    The volunteer climate observer in Kilkenny is having none of Peter Thorne's nonsense either: Kilkenny weather expert defends long standing temperature record after Climatologist casts doubts (

    With all the above you have a media by and large that will totally ignore it and publish fear-mongering headlines for the clicks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    Met eireann struggle to predict 7 days ahead but climatologists can predict 100 years ahead and paleontologist 1000 years ago and it it's accuracy is not meant to be questioned. Hilarious stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭Kincora2017

    They typically can. if someone can demonstrate a “local need” as per the County Council guidelines, they’re likely to get planning for a one-off house. A child of an established local householder falls under this category. This is the case the vast vast majority of the time even now.

    People are getting refused “up and down the country” as you call it if they can’t demonstrate a local need or if their proposal falls outside of the county development plan. This is to stop one off housing being thrown up and crap McMansions ruining our countryside.

    You’re describing rare situations were a CoCo deny planning for someone who feel they do satisfy the local need criteria.

    this isn’t some “Green dream” either. One-off housing as we now see it is a relatively new thing in our countryside, coming predominantly from the 60s/70s post bungalow bliss. If we continue on like we are we’ll have managed to kill our rural villages and towns. This is the exact opposite of common sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    I know numerous people in my locality whom are born and rared here whom can't get planning beside their parents. Refused point blank, watch rte tonight at 10.15 and it will open your eyes to the planning in Ireland.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    First you need to understand the difference between climate and weather, once you do you'll realise how silly your point is

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭Kincora2017

    I’ll watch it alright but I have a fairly decent grasp on the Planning system in Ireland. It’s far from perfect.

    the fact is though we’re now heading into a period of serious population growth in this country, both urban and rural. Our planning system must find a way to allow for sustainable, scalable rural living. One off housing, ribbon development, housing estates on the edge of towns etc, all these policies we have followed for about the last 30-50 years, have had a massively detrimental effect on the country, made us car dependent, and killed our rural towns. We know this - the evidence is in front of us with the dereliction you see in nearly every rural town/village in Ireland.

    the only way I see this can stop is to make our towns and villages vibrant again, which means getting more people living in them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    I'll admit it, I am the CEO of Foxfund.

    Sent from my rural one-off house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    Typically green bullshit answer when they can't address the point . Your contribution is invaluable....

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    Really! Ha!

    We were told that Dublin's 33.0c last July 18th was possible because of climate change

    The following day, the UK's 40.3c - same story: Record high temperatures verified - Met Office

    Again, more doublespeak from the greens and their supporters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    The dereliction of the town, village center is more bad planning by county developers. Allowing shopping centers with Currys, b and q etc to be built 5 miles outside the town did more for car dependence than anyone building a house in the sticks. Just look at naas for example 2 shopping parks Built at either end of the town with nothing in the center and a ring road between the parks. If you want to shop you have to drive out of the town.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,068 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    So who defines what this "local need" is and even if you do manage to fulfill that what happens "if their proposal falls outside of the county development plan" ?

    A plan that nowadays is thrown together by unelected county council officials on a whim with no input from locally elected county councillors. Whims that have left councils broke and unable to fund services where those responsible did not even get as much as a rap on the knuckles.

    If you are unfortunate enough to live in an area where the same has been done when designating SAC`s then you are three times screwed. Although looking around the country it doesn`t seem a problem if you want to throw up a higgly piggly scattering of wind turbines.

    As for one off housing being relatively new to our country from the 60/70 it`s nonsense. Go to any area of the country and ask a local to point out all the house that were there in the 1840`s before another of those great plans on food production caused the deaths of 1 million people and forced another 2 million to emigrate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,068 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    7 days ahead.

    I wold be happy if they could manage two in a row.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    this isn’t some “Green dream” either. One-off housing as we now see it is a relatively new thing in our countryside, coming predominantly from the 60s/70s post bungalow bliss. If we continue on like we are we’ll have managed to kill our rural villages and towns. This is the exact opposite of common sense.

    Not true. I'm not a fan of one-off housing myself, but you're wrong on this point. Ireland always had a scattered one-off housing makeup going back even centuries. The Ceide fields are an example. One of the reasons Ireland was so easily conquered and colonised was our lack of fortified towns!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There is no "point", just an incorrect understanding of the topic, therefore there is no need to address it as its based in a lack of comprehension. Once that is corrected the point addresses itself


    Weather shows the way the atmosphere behaves and can change from minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour and day-to-day. There are many components to weather, which include temperature, rain, wind, hail, snow, humidity, flooding, thunderstorms, heatwaves and more. When you look outside your window on any given day, what you see is weather.


    Climate, on the other hand, is the weather in a specific area over a long period of time – usually 30 years of more. When scientists talk about climate, they look for trends or cycles of variability, such as changes in temperature, humidity, precipitation, ocean-surface temperature and other weather phenomena that occur over longer periods of time in a specific location.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭Kincora2017

    C’mon, I’m clearly not referring to ancient dispersed settlement. I’m referring to the explosion of one off houses along rural roads that accompanied the publication of Bungalow Bliss, and the wildly unregulated building of houses that followed.

    I should know by the way. I grew up in a bungalow about 3 miles from the nearest town and a mile from the village. Our road now has loads of similar houses on both sides while our village, which had a pub and two shops, now has neither and noone living in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    You don't understand rural towns or villages. I live in a one-off. The local businesses in the town get as much custom from people living outside the village, like me, as from people physically living in it.

    What's killing off rural towns and villages is Dublin - the great attractor problem. It hoovers up the lions share of well paying jobs in the country so the young from villages and towns mostly gravitate there.

    You can really see this with most of the vocal anti-one-off brigade on boards, claiming they know what it's like, as they have rural roots and are from beyond the pale themselves. All too stupid to relize they are in fact themselves, the cause of the decline they love to blame on rural one off dwellers, who actually support their local village or town by living in it's commercial and social catchment area, while they themseleves are working a well paying IT job in Dublin regularly venting their spleen at the evil one-offers being responsible for rural decline. That is when they aren't the one hysterically screaming about the issue, from their flat in London.

    The hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness is mental.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    I understand it perfectly well, you are being pedantic to deflect from the basic point that that historically climate records are not to be taken as Bible. Your response was childish and immature tbh

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    I give you exhibit A ⬆︎

    Thank you, that's what I call perfect timing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,068 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    I imagine at the time your parents were delighted to be able to afford to build on their own land using the plans in that book rather than possibly not being able to afford to if they had to buy a site and pay for an architect.

    With more houses now on that road it sounds that the closure of business`s in the village had more to do with competition from a larger town or village than anything to do with one off housing.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    its remarkable that this still has to be explained to people

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭Kincora2017

    they were, and I know everyone would be delighted to live on their own land. It’s what most people want and aspire to. thats completely understandable but also completely unsustainable unfortunately.

    There are many reasons I’m sure why our village died. But the population in thr area is actually much higher now and there are more kids in the school than when the village actually had something in it. You drive a mile in any direction from the village and there are houses on both sides of the road all strung along, same along the main road on the way into the town 3 miles away. Allowing that sort of development had a massive impact on why our village is the way it is.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Its more remarkable that when its explained that explanation is considered "childish and immature"

    Randomer #1: OMG this thing is stupid because X doesn't equal Y

    Randomer #2: Umm, you're misunderstanding the topic. here's the info that will clarify it for you.

    Randomer #1: OMFG How rude!!1!1!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭paddyisreal

    So are historically climate records to be accepted as Bible or not ? It's remarkable how some just deflect so they don't have to answer a question ......

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    Thanks to GP policy, in less than four years we'll be in this situation thanks to a full term (by then) of Eamon Ryan and his daft policies.

    But as per the comments, his supporters are still holding strong for him:

    Absolutely deluded they are - and the fact that 78 people think this clown's idea is good is a whole other worry in itself. Brid Smith and nationalising Dell in 2009 was another left-wing crackpot idea.
