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Repairing Old CRT TV (and possibly spare VCR)

  • 28-08-2021 12:19pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1

    A few months ago, I got a used CRT TV on eBay because I was interested in that old tech, plus I wanted to watch old VHS tapes I have lying around. There's a spare VCR player in my house, but it's broken and I'm not smart enough or savvy enough to be able to fix it. So I just used the old CRT for a while, and it was nice being able to watch old tapes and play PS2. However, a week ago, I turned it on to test something out and found that the TV wasn't playing any sound. Well, technically that's not the case. If I turned the volume up to 50, I could hear it but very quietly, and it was usually drowned out by a sort of static sound.

    I'm writing this because I'm looking to have the TV repaired. The problem is, I haven't found anywhere that repairs old CRT televisions. I lived in South Dublin and tried some stores in Blackrock and Cabinteely, but they said they couldn't. I figure there has to be somewhere that repairs old TVs. If not a store, than at least a person who I can pay cash in hand to fix it for me. Do any of you know a place or a person in Dublin who's able to fix old CRT TVs?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 old_ghost2

    Yes I am looking for the same.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,896 ✭✭✭geotrig

    would it not be cheaper to pic one up a the recycling centre or even adverts ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 918 ✭✭✭dav09

    Very few people repair now and usually are just collectors who will throw their hand at one, if it's audio then maybe it's just the audio amp as it sounds like it's the case? Some CRTs have audio out or if you connect a VCR to it and it uses either scart or Red, White and Yellow cables, the Red and White Cables can usually be connected to any sound system that takes RCA Audio input.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,915 ✭✭✭The_B_Man

    Ye I have 4 arcade CRTs that need maintenance and couldn't find anyone that would fix them for me.

    I just didn't fancy trying to avoid being electrocuted while trying to discharge them.

    What's the going rate to ship to England for a cap kit these days?

    Someone would make a killing if they setup shop in Ireland, at least for the first while, until the people who need their CRTs serviced got theirs done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,148 ✭✭✭CathalDublin

    Discharging them is the easy bit, most chassis self discharge anyway, grounding the anode is just a precaution.

    Grant is the only guy I'd trust to send them to. The other option is to replace the chassis, I've replaced a lot of 19" chassis' rather than repair the chassis, less hassle and can be picked up from €50-150, keep an eye on ebay

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,565 ✭✭✭Parawind

    Buttner Electronics out in Dunshaughlin did a repair of a CRT for me a few years ago. They were happy to take it in for a small deposit and look at it and then quote a price for the repair if they could do it.
