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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    It's idiocy thinking. Solar supposed to be used at peak via batteries. Not saved for the night when the electricity is supposed to be cheaper no joined up thinking at all. 🤪

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,276 ✭✭✭kabakuyu

    The green zealots are euphoric at the thought of people struggling with fuel bills, it advances their agenda and they can blame Putin.

    Obviously you know nothing about the building trade or the details/finance required in retrofitting our housing stock, you are also woefully uninformed if you think the grant system is fit for purpose, do a search here to find out the misery and price gouging inflicted on anybody who was unfortunate enough to visit one of the handful of One Stop Shops(much lauded by the greens).Average works are coming in at c.100k for a typical 3 bed semi,its price gouging of the highest order encouraged by the greens.

    Why is there still VAT on renewable tech, insulation, labour, for the householder, why must I engage a SEAI registered contractor to install solar who thinks that the grant money is a gift for him,the householder gets no benefit from grants, in fact they distort the market and make everything more expensive.I recently have installed a 6 panel system without grant at a cost of 2,400, all the approved installers wanted in excess 5,300 before the deduction of grant of 2k, the grant system is a joke, the greens are a joke to even think the system works.Its the same old story, the wealthy can afford it and some others will get it for nothing and us piggies in the middle will struggle.

    Post edited by kabakuyu on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I recently have installed a 6 panel system without grant at a cost of 2,400, all the approved installers wanted in excess 5,300 before the deduction of grant of 2k

    You'll also build a house a lot cheaper if you do it yourself rather than getting a builder to do it for you. Nothing unusual there

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011


    What you call lower rates are prices which are completely unaffordable for most of the people, not to mention what they become with several price increases planned this winter. With little to no gas available a lot of the people turn to electric so there hardly be "low demand" or any "off peak" demand.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Of course it has nothing to do with him. Did he sanctioned himself? No, greens in Germany and the EU did all of that so your thanks are misplaced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    Oh yeah forgot about that. And then saying it's the Dear leaders fault for waring. I can't rem did they abstain or not vote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,199 ✭✭✭✭namloc1980

    The grants only cover a portion of the cost. It still takes significant input from hard pressed families to retrofit a house. A cost that is unaffordable for many. The Green don't care though, they would love people to be up to their eyeballs in debt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    One of The Faithfull here constantly mention "storage heaters" and to be honest I had no idea what they are so I had to google it. I nearly choked myself on my cold coffee.

    We are not going but rather racing backwards. These storage heaters aka heat bank are something I remember from my childhood when we had plenty of cheap electricity (nuclear) so nobody bothered with cost of running these yokes. Truth is that this is old and tried and swiftly abandoned idea since they are absolute waste of power and space. Prone to breakups which are actually not easy to fix. I seen last one about 30 years ago back in my granny flat and she refused to get rid of that yoke even though it was not working as she used it as a shelf for some other stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,569 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    Europe’s Energy Crisis Was Created by Political Interventionism

    Ideology is a bad partner in energy.

    Between 70 and 75% of the electricity tariff in most European countries are regulated costs, subsidies and taxes set by governments and, in the remaining part, the so-called “liberalized” generation, the cost of CO2 allowances has skyrocketed due to those same governments that limit supply of permits and the energy mix is imposed by political decisions.

    In Germany, only 24% of all costs in a household bill are “supplier costs”, according to the BDEW 2021. The vast majority of costs are taxes and costs set by the government: Grid charges (24%), renewable energy surcharge (20%), sales tax (VAT) (16%), electricity tax (6%), concession levy (5%), offshore liability levy (0.03%), surcharge for combined heat and power plants (0.08%), levy for industry rebate on grid fees (1.3%). However, the “problem”, according to the messages of the President of the European Commission, is the market. Go figure.


    What happens when the government intervenes? It closes nuclear power out of ideological obsession and then depends on 40% of its energy mix on coal, lignite, and gas, like Germany. Or it brings its flagship public company to the brink of bankruptcy by intervening tariffs, like France. Or, like Spain, it creates a diplomatic conflict with its largest natural gas supplier, Algeria, and, with it, doubles its gas purchases from Russia since the beginning of the war to July 2022.

    Now, the European Union is rushing to install new floating regasification plants. More than thirty. The problem? That practically all the liquefied natural gas ships for this winter have already been contracted.

    The same governments that refused to strengthen natural gas supply chains when it was cheap are now rushing to spend vast amounts on low-efficiency solutions.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Wars are part of our nature, as sad as it is there always will be some conflict somewhere. Saying that our problems with energy are here because Putin is just childish attempt at shifting blame. Prices started rising during covid, way before "but Putin". Every time they run out of arguments trying to argue that most of the policies they pursue are idiotic or suicidal make believe stuff preaching about non existent technology they end up with "but Putin"...

    Did we not try to turn away ship full of russian oil back in March?

    Oh, but according to the Faithfull we should not worry as our gas is coming from english green and pleasant land and not from ze Russia.


  • Registered Users Posts: 783 ✭✭✭Poulgorm

    SSE Electricity has increased its prices inline with the other electricity providers. 100% clean energy, they boast.

    Has the Wind God increased the price of wind inline with oil and gas prices?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,276 ✭✭✭kabakuyu

    It was installed by a RECI electrician and his roofer subcontractor, I don't mess around with roofs or electricity, your trite observation does not hide the fact that the grant system is not fit for purpose, it has a created a bonanza for a select few and does not serve the general populace.

    A system of vat elimination and tax write offs would be far better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    You’re wrong there big time in the category market “community” there approx an 11% increase and for all projects there’s a 24% increase. On top of that support will end in 2039 and is reviewed every year. Take a gander at the tables below.

    You must often choke on your own bullshit do you

    Here is the average strike price from RESS 1;

    And now here is the same table from RESS 2;

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    You rather The western world did noting to Russia at all then and just tell Ukraine to F off your on yer own, would you. “Greens in Germany and the EU” are totally responsible for everything eh, that notion is both half witted and half baked. 🤦‍♂️

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    The only person that has mentioned storage heaters on this thread is you.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    And 8% on standing charge. The standing charge is the greatest crock ever. Should be a flat fee of €20/year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭Tonesjones

    Could get the boiler repaired for 250.

    8k ! Go away out of that.

    Many or most people don't have that kind of money on stand by .

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Asks the zealot?

    The whole goddamned thing. There is moderation and compromise. We are in the middle of an existential crisis, and that is not taking into account climate change, and your BS plays directly into the hands of the Russian Hitler. A pause on the Green fascist agenda for a couple of years would help.

    Lock up CO2 you people scream, but your unelected and unaccountable minister Hackett has effectively stopped all meaningful tree planting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,746 ✭✭✭jj880

    No no no. Get outa here with yer facts and actual costs you climate change denier. Greens and their supporters want to be allowed present pure fantasy as viable. These clowns are going to shipwreck the whole country with this disingenuous bullsh!t. Top to bottom spoofers from Ryan all the way down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    1 what I take from your comment “Asks the zealot” is that you can’t point to any policys that will result in the breakdown of Irish society.

    2 What “BS” am I playing?

    3 Fascism is inherently a right wing affliction and the the greens just like Sinn Fein are on the left of the political sphere.

    4 I don’t know anything about Pippa Hackett but it seems she was put through into that position directly from the senate and according to the dail website has a degree in agriculture.

    5 Planting softwood for money is not the same as planting native hardwoods.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Your sweeping assumptions are staggering.

    You haven't a clue about trees.

    I'll plant a few tommorow to capture your CO2 emissions on condition that you hold your breath for an hour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    Politicians act because of Twitter and main stream media both of which do not take their hand off the panic button in regards to climate change and the woke agenda.They are still the minority but set the parameters that make it seem it is the majority view which it isnt. Reality will eventually bite. You only have to look at what happened in Sri Lanka where people are now facing starvation due to the Green agenda. The chilean people recently voted down a new woke constitution. People ARE fighting back. Germany is now realizing what it means when you push an ideology and put blinkers on. Some politicians see the writing on the wall and hear the loud voices of the majority having ignored them until now. Those above them simply want to implement policies agreed on EU and world level, out of the reach of democracy and individual countries, you know to 'save' the planet, pushing compliance. Eventually governments will try to control both energy and food supply by implementing far reaching controls, taking away farmers' businesses and controlling both land and output. Smart meters will facilitate control over electricity output and shut off when needed, individual blackouts if you will.

    For a time the Green agenda will double down (as they are now), no more coal, oil, gas (and fertilizer!) wood , stop the sale of fossil fuel burners and make ordinary people suffer for their perceived sin of poisoning the planet. They will keep on rejecting nuclear power and would like to see rows of tiny houses that run on well, nothing but wind mills and solar panels. But then they will lose the majority of their support from other parties. If Sinn Fein has any chance they will have to severily cut the Green agenda to a sustainable size. If not they too will fall by the way side. The big 2 will eventually cop on and might actually get stronger if they shift policies which i think they will given the pressures. Sinn Fein will have to chose and there lies the rub. They want to go green and woke, none of which the people want. FF and FG will point this out and will make promises to a struggling population. Sinn Fein cannot stay on the fence at the next election.

    In Germany people are now cutting down trees in preparation of winter. Too bad that Ireland has so few of them...i mean..trees..🙂

    Post edited by deholleboom on

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    Those things were already in vogue. New green technology implemented will benefit Ireland greatly. Nobody takes issue with that (i would think). The Green agenda political wing wants to punish anything that has to do with fossil fuels and nuclear energy. They are diehard ideologues on par with communists. A kind of nouveaux Mao tribe pushing for a cultural revolution. They simply do not care about people. They have an Agenda to implement. This is not supposed to be balanced but complied with. The good ideas are heavily anchored by a **** load of heavy ballast. This wont fly but they dont care. They are the selfrighteous warrior types save from the starving people like in Sri Lanka. As long as they feel good about themselves. That is in the end what it comes down to..

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,068 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    The amount of bullshit by the usual few suspects that renewables has reduced the price of electricity.

    It hasn`t and it was never intended too. The green backed E.U. marginal pricing policy made sure of that ensuring that the only people profiting from renewables were renewable energy companies. Energia who market themselves as "The largest supplier of 100% Green Electricity in Ireland" earlier this year paid out a 40 million euro dividend to it`s parent company. SSE Airtricity "Ireland`s leading renewable energy provider" the same, paying out 115 million euro dividend to its parent company.

    As to renewables being cheaper, that is even debatable when the latest strike price for on-shore here is the same as the recent U.K. strike price for nuclear.

    If anybody wants cheaper dependable electricity in Ireland, (or indeed the E.U.), throwing the greens out on their ears would be a good start with a warning to any others that are of a like mind to the greens that keep following this madness and they will be getting the road as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,068 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    You could have saved time and effort on the storage heater.

    I have no intention of shelling out 8K for a glorified electric kettle regardless of the unit price, and I doubt anyone with an ounce of sense would either.

    If you are calling on the regulator to take action to prevent advantage being taken by energy companies of their customers, then perhaps you should start with the people you support, the greens, who through the E.U. gave renewable energy companies free hand to take advantage in the first place with their marginal pricing policy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    You forgot about China which is also buying up gas and oil from Russia and selling it back to the EU at inflated prices.

    Again, pile on the sanctions to show Vlad, keep Russia (and its citizens) out of the financial system and therefor weaponizing it, then talking about stopping oil and gas from Russia and THEN being outraged that Nordstream1 has halted and energy flowing to India, China and other countries without any qualms about not going down the net zero Co2 path.

    In a way this highlights the absolute bankruptcy of the West and its political establishment.

    You can both be against Putin and stupidity. Never mind, keep chest thumping..
