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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭ps200306

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,424 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Lol. Apologetics for Vlad Putin seems like a hobby for the 'anti greens'. When you're not busy doing apologetics for the fossil fuel industry of course

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,424 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    An absolutely content free post. Something this thread has been drowning in recently

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    5-6 years is "fast tracking"? Seriously?

    You should go have a look at the press releases for the period of 2015-2020 from offshore wind developers. They were crying out for a system by which they could properly apply for permission to develop wind farms offshore in a manner that would not be subject to legal challenges (if they adhered to the requirements ofc) because there was nothing adequate there and they would have been taking wild guesses.

    In 18 months an entire planning system has been established, resourced, with the various govt depts and reps from each coming under a single entity. There's more to come on it, but come 2030 when we have a boatload of offshore wind, it will all have gone through the processes set up in the first 18 months of the current govt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,424 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Lol. Your hypothetical boiler repair costs 250. Gas boilers last 10 years before they're knackered and need to be replaced. It's about 2k for gas new boiler for most houses.

    The 8k for this specific brand of storage boiler is expensive, but it's not the 60k that the poster I was responding to declared to be the cost

    Guess what. Owning a house requires that you pay to maintain it.

    If you have a water leak, do you advocate that the home owner can just ignore it because it's too expensive to fix?

    If your roof is damaged, just ignore it until the roof falls down....

    Government supports are available for the low income households. Everyone else needs to keep up with the maintenance of their properties

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,424 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭ps200306

    I wonder would we ever see a news headline like this:

    Weather alert: 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season is pretty boring!

    First season since 2014 not to have a pre-season named storm. No tropical storms formed in August for the first time since 1997. Hurricane Danielle finally arrived on September 1st, the first season since 2013 to have its first storm this late. However, it's expected to fizzle in mid-ocean so won't deliver any headline-grabbing carnage. Climate doomsters hoping for a more doom-laden second half to the season.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭Tonesjones

    If the house plumbing has a leak you get the leak repaired.

    Under your logic if a pipe is leaking you replace the entire plumbing system and all of the rads.

    Green party out of touch south Dublin posho quakery

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,284 ✭✭✭✭namloc1980

    Still waiting for you to show us the smart metre plans in Ireland that have low cost electricity to make these electric boilers viable......

    Also these yokes require an internet connection and have a £20 a month "service charge". Still reckon they are a good idea??

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,424 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    The house is leaking heat, the price of heat has increased, so the homeowner has choices. Fix the leak properly, or put a sticking plaster on it.

    Fixing it properly will protect the value of their home and make it a warmer more comfortable place to live, and the cover state will much of the cost.

    The sticking plaster will see the property fall into disrepair until it becomes worthless. Its up to the property owner to make that choice.

    Houses have fallen down plenty of times because the owner chose not to maintain it, or couldn't afford to do so.

    Post edited by Akrasia on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,105 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Apologetics? lol

    I do not care a bit about russia and even less about ukraine. What I despise is lazy blame shifting and fanatics trying to invent "science" to fit their religious beliefs. Not a peep from your saint Greta for the last 2 years isn't it? Why would she bother. She did and said exactly what Svante told her to do and say, they collected their paychecks and pretty much retired after wrecking half of the world economies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,620 ✭✭✭maninasia

    In Asia where I was living the cost of electricity is 1/3 of Ireland.

    And they complain and think its expensive in Summer.

    A lot of this high cost in Ireland is due to the state privatizing the network and also foolishly signing up for carbon 2030 goals that it can't meet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,607 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    The lights did go off for people who could not pay their electricity bill and their option is use a pay as you go meter. The customer dis-service people from the energy supplier I was with, called me up to tell me the ESB were calling to disconnect me within the hour. Somewhat surprised I said, really? It turned out if was a case of fat fingers, and some poor sod in Wicklow was getting disconnected for not paying.

    The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) has highlighted the issue faced by many of almost 47,000 users of financial hardship meters who do not have the protections of disconnection moratoriums that apply to bill payers.

    In August the SVP and the State-funded Money Advice and Budgeting Service (Mabs) recorded significant hikes in call rates to their helplines, an early reflection of energy price increases that have not fully materialised in bills.


    The issues being discussed in the thread, concern the circumstances that lights would go out given the current planning intentions of the government to go with 70% random energy generation by 2030. It has been pointed out that there is a single point of failure in the system around the Moffat line that will become more acute as the decade progresses.

    1. The electricity generation system depends entirely on gas to make up any shortfall from wind and solar.
    2. Native gas supplies (Corrib) will go into decline after 2025 with no new supply in sight.
    3. Tarbert (2023) and Moneypoint (2025) will be shutdown if declared intentions are pursued.
    4. There are no gas storage facilities as a buffer, in event of disruption of a single source like Moffat.
    5. Extended cold weather conditions may cause a run on gas supplies.
    6. Both the CRU and professional bodies have warned the government over the past several years.
    7. Hopium is not a viable alternative.

    This year we need the weather Gods to deliver a mild Winter, imagine the economic situation when significant number of customers cannot pay. Not only do people get disconnected in the Spring, they may be significant cash flow problems for the energy suppliers.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Posts: 2,078 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Diesel engines produce less greenhouse gases than petrols do. That's still the case. It's the other toxins that diesel cars produce that is the issue. Most people don't realise there is a distinction.

  • Posts: 2,078 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    4 kW is peak power. Not constant power. Huge difference

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    so, yes, instead of taking a balanced approach to cater for the energy needs of the people of Ireland and have a rethink of policies in light of the current energy crisis we get a doubling down on the Green agenda pushed by the media and 'advisory' boards.This is what happens if you continue having blinkers on and push a one stop solution to a complex issue. Profoundly sad if the government decides to go down this route. What are the chances?

    Edit: from the report:"It says that developing renewable energy resources must be considered an overriding public interest and that targets for onshore wind and solar electricity should be significantly increased."

    To which i would note: the real overriding principle should not be based on ideology but on crisis management with a diversity of options. It seems that diversity means the opposite nowadays..


    "Ms Shortall said: "What I think is needed is the same kind of approach that was taken during Covid, where the State intervenes very deeply in what's happening in the economy in order to protect people, protect families, protect their standard of living and also protect businesses."

    Ie, force the Green deal down people's throat and punish anyone who stands in the way. The parallels with the Covid approach is stated as such. Compliance by any means.

    As an aside: in the US some smart meters enable the energy supplier to control the user's thermostat. This is what a customer found out when he wanted to change his. He couldnt.

    It's a bureaucrat's wet dream..

    Post edited by deholleboom on

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,284 ✭✭✭✭namloc1980

    Climate NPHET out in force today with the scaremongering and demanding the little people pay more and more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,424 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Home Electric+ Night Boost offers a cheaper electricity rate at night when you can charge your electric vehicle (EV) (11p.m.-8a.m.) and a super cheap “boost” period from 2-4 am, for just over 5c per kwh

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,424 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    The standard of posts on this thread has gone from awful, to unbelievably awful

    I think I've read 5 or 6 posts in a row on here where someone has accused the greens of being either communist, or fascist, or both

    I think someone left the door of the Conspiracy Theories forum open and they've infested the site

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,284 ✭✭✭✭namloc1980

    WTF are you on about? They recently increased the cost of that plan to 13.4c for the "boost" period which is only 2 hours anyway versus lower 24 hour cost for gas. Also the day rate on that plan is over 40c per kW. Absolutely scandalous pricing even at the current levels.

    So your solution to someone who needs to repair/replace their boiler is to shell out close to €10k for a glorified storage heater that needs an internet connection to work and comes with a £20 per month "service charge". And then it costs substantially more than a gas boiler to run anyway. Can't see too many signing up for that nonsense.

    So again can you show me an electricity plan that is cheaper than a gas boiler?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,284 ✭✭✭✭namloc1980

    As opposed to you spoofing about "cheap electricity" that does not exist. The standard is gone down indeed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,424 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    So you agree that people don't need to buy a 60k heat pump, or a 10k internet connected storage boiler, they can get a 2nd hand nightstore for 700 quid and they'll be grand.

    What's all the scaremongering about then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,423 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

    I think we’re walking into a lot of businesses closing and a lot of unemployment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,284 ✭✭✭✭namloc1980

    Of course we are, but the Green agenda doesn't care about that.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Aye its definitely gone down hill lately.

    It's like it's being used as a meeting place for the tinfoil hat brigade

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    Well Akrasia, call a spade a spade. You are talking about ME. I dont mind. What i was highlighting is the parallels of thinking between various ideological driven attitudes, be they religious, fascist, marxist, Mao-ist or any other in which proponents use their ideology as a simple solution to complex issues which can lead to vast destruction of recources and people. To give just one example: disturbing food supplies and distribution by stringent measures leads to disruption causing poor people to starve, mainly in poor countries. This is what actually happened during Covid but hey, isnt it great we reduced Co2 emissions?! And there are too many people in the world anyway, right?🤔

    What i am NOT saying is that all of their views are wrong. There are worthwhile elements that are positive and benificial. I am talking about the level of control and compliance driven by a simplistic view of the world that does not take into consideration the ever changing complexities of reality. They tend to double down in their efforts to control and want to bend reality to their will. They also refuse to see the limitations of their thinking and THAT is what makes it both ideological and harmful. Every way of thinking is bordered to other ones and it is the relation and diversity of thought that enables people, governments, organizations to make balanced decisions.

    I hope this clarification helps😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,105 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Non existent super connectors.

    Non existent battery storages.

    Green hydrogen.

    And some more of fantasy technologies which so far exist only in green heads. Who is wearing tinfoil hat?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There’s conspiracy theorists here for sure. But there are also zealots who are blind to the realities. There are very few, if any, in the middle tbh

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    I would consider myself in the middle, considering the extremes of Climate panic and a overtly market driven solution to everything. We should take a practical stance and consider the impact of particulars in light of the whole. A balance that considers our geography first with a benefit to risk analysis where the various ideas clash with each other and find the best solution to problems arising. That takes a lot of effort and doors should remain at least partly open say for instance nuclear power.

    Ideoloques do not like benefit to risk analysis because it shows their flawed thinking but every business on the planet cannot do without. Government/state institutions do it as well if they are not run by ideologues. Politicians just wait until it is clear which way the wind blows but are often swayed by the same kind of people in their boat regarding their stance and they dont like to be pushed out and are afraid of change. They only move in fear of losing votes. So now you notice some changes due to the current crisis and the pressures people are under. In the media there is continued reporting on hardships but mainly focus on what the government can do to lessen the burden in terms of tax, energy caps etc. They are overall on board with the Green Agenda. No skin off their backs. They can work anytime, anywhere really. They are fine. But farmers and other labourers are another story. The push is to make them comply with the Green Agenda but there is continued push back. Again, it is only a matter of time before politicians will start to worry about votes. Once the Greens are out and this goverment gone politicians will take a second look at reality. However, they have tied themselves to a world go Green agenda and signed up to EU legislation enforcing this with financial penalties for those countries resisting implementation. It remains difficult to get out of. This has been part of the Brexit debate and the conversation continues. We will see individual countries move in various ways. I hope Ireland gets its balance right but atm it does not look promising with the Climate panic still raging which is a continuation of the Covid panic with just a shift in horizon. It makes people really really stupid. It is as if part of their brain has stopped functioning altogether. Psychologically people will aim for the simplest solution in light of extended complexities. We have seen it during Covid and the continued Climate panic. So we are talking about THE experts, THE science (but not the scientific method) THE solution. Well, and i am pushing it here, we all know what happened in Russia and Germany in the 1920s/1930s with the 'simple' solutions. I hope we wont be ending up there..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,424 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Nope, they're sh1tting themselves about renewables. It's the only alternative to fossil fuels. It's why they have spent hundreds of millions on PR campaigns demonising renewable energy and milliions more on buying off politicians to get them to impose barriers to renewable energy

    We aim to have 80% of our electricity generated from renewables by 2030. Gas and Oil and Coal demand is going to be drastically reduced as hundreds of GW of renewable generation capacity is brought on stream around the world over the coming decade.
