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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    Don’t dare 🙀

    Your full of absolute bile. If you never blamed any Ukrainian, or Polish I might add, for or current situation in this country why the utter funk did you post the following,

    @Danno said today at 6:25pm the following “ We're six months into the Ukraine-Russia conflict and everybody from Kiev to the Poland border who ventured into the EU has been looked after. No sign of any relief for the EU citizens.”

    You do have form in this game as I recall.

    Post edited by Banana Republic 1 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    Governments all around the world not just those that had a Green minority were tricked into believing that a change to diesel and its “new tech” was better for the environment on the whole.

    Goverments all over the world were shafted by corporations. What’s your peddling there is a complete falsehood.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    More baiting I see - angling for the opportunity to pin the label of racism, I supposed it's all you've left when your arguments are falling down left, right and centre, just like the policies you advocate for. Everything you support is big government this, big government that, interfering in markets and lives. Everywhere a big government goes and everything they touch all goes to sh1t, time and time again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    Awww the poor naïve governments and their green leaning policies were tricked by the nasty brum brum makers. Same as the money maker banks. Very easy to pull the wool over their eyes, isn't it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    The smell seems to be the issue with that. 🤪

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,600 ✭✭✭ps200306

    Oh the irony -- California just banned the sale of ICE vehicles from 2035 ... and right now they're begging people not to plug in their EVs.

    They don't have a natural gas crisis to blame, but otherwise they are a good analog of what Ireland will become. Nuclear and natural gas plants have been retired or allowed to become dilapidated, while they went all in for unreliables including large amounts of solar. Now they face blackouts which, of course are being blamed on "climate change" in the form of a heat wave. But there's nothing especially remarkable about a few days of 100+ heat in southern California. Basically they've replaced their reliable grid with a crock o'shite. They have interconnectors to neighbouring states, but those have gone "green" as well and may not have power to give.

    Despite the buy-in, continued disruption of the power grid threatens to weaken public enthusiasm for such measures. Replacing natural gas-fueled plants with less consistent wind and solar energy is a balancing act, and even some leaders of that transition say lawmakers and regulators have at times allowed their policy ambitions to cloud their judgment.

    The price of renewable energy installations has also gone sharply up as developers struggle with supply chain disruptions and a trade dispute that hobbled the sale of solar panels for months.

    “California has to be coldly realistic about matching its loads and resources,” said Bob Foster, a former chair of the board governing California’s grid operations. “You can’t just wish it to be so. You have to be very realistic. They are on the right path, but maybe in a little bit too much of a hurry.”

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,569 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    Statement by President von der Leyen on energy (Sept 07)

    Anyone remember the previous 2 weeks to flatten the curve . . . and how well that worked out.

    And this is what is expensive, because, in these peak demands, the expensive gas comes into the market. So what we have to do is to flatten the curve and avoid the peak demands. We will propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours.

    Her 5 points.

    1. flatten the curve (hint: warm blankets, clothing, candles and thermos flask for hot water and soup)

    2. cap the profits from wind and solar (coining it at the moment due to high price of gas and CfDs.)

    3. tax oil & gas profits.

    4. taxpayers underwrite the middlemen (suppliers)

    5. price cap on Russian gas (And the Russians are obliged to sell, they will just flare off the gas)

    The first option is near irrelevant to the problem and only helps the supply-demand balance in the most marginal, minimal way possible. The third option actively worsens the supply-demand balance.

    With European countries buying up all the LNG they can get their hands on: Thailand at risk of fuel crunch with imported gas too pricey

    Another issue she does not address is the carbon price. They intend to cap the wholesale price of natural gas, presumably at a much lower price than it is now. Then they add back costs via the carbon price onto gas generators. The whole carbon pricing system must be suspended until further notice.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    It all relates to the climate panic connected to the summary of the IPCC and the policy recommendations for governments. There is a difference/discrepancy between the 3000+ page IPCC report and the 60 odd page summary that most journalists and politicians read.The summary is heavily politicized and is at odds with the full report on important points. They take the highly dubious modelling as certain and use only that to steer the world to take drastic measures. It is a simplistic representation with high uncertainty as has been pointed out by several scientists high up the ladder like Freeman Dyson and Steve Koonin, the latter who has written the book 'unsettled' highlighting the difference between the official report and the summary and actually taking the big report as true. Together with people like Bjorn Lomborg it shows the many flaws in thinking that the world seems to have taken up as facts instead of taking the full report in context with reality. In short: the Green agenda wont achieve what it sets out to do even if we implement every policy. But that does not seem to matter. People just want to hear the simple message: THE science is clear/settled, THE scientists have reached a consensus (but never actually state what exactly it is), the world is doomed unless we take drastic action now by forcing everyone to cut Co2 by or % by year....It is numbers, targets, compliance, top down enforcing through courts away from democratic processes in a time frame that most certainly WILL lead to poverty, starvation, deaths, disruption and economic disaster, especially for the poor of the world. Instead of eleviating poverty and disease the Green agenda will make everything worse, real quick. It is not green tech per se but the exclusion of everything else that is the issue. No context, no checks and balances, no cost to benefit calculation. Just the simple message: DO IT, NOW!!!. Everyone is on board, politicians, the media, businesses who want to do or better said to be seen to do the RIGHT thing. It is as if there has been a gigantic lobotomy taken place. No more thinking but action. It is a bit like a doctor coming to a quick diagnosis by one symptom and decides something needs to be amputated. A diagnosis bias focussing on one aspect. Right now it is the evil Co2. Bad stuff you know, green house effect and all. No relational context but you know, something WE did.

    It all took a jump with Al Gore and: "an inconvenient truth" which contained a multitude of sins starting with the line:" if we disgard water vapor...". Well, yes, that is 75% of temperature influence but, too difficult to measure and not our doing. Again, the message is simple, we are to blame and have to pay for our sins. A self flagelation, medieval style. Couple it with the faulty Gaia theory and the wrong Mathusian statements and all the dubious environmental thinking of the late 60s and 70s and you are on the road to self destruction..blinkers on everybody!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    Yes, i spotted the parallel immediately with the "2 weeks to flatten the curve". That statement wasnt a coincidence. I always thought that the Covid measures were a good trial run for the future.I also had to laugh about ' a price cap on russian gas', as if the market price hasnt gone up and Putin has squeezed supply and is now selling the stuff to China and India (who are selling it back to the EU at elevated prices). Does she really believe that they can control the price? I think not. It is just signalling that they are doing 'something' and pretending to have some control over the process. Oh, and Russia has been taken out of the financial system so no dollars or euros. Now you have to pay in Roubles, still going strong. Dont pay fully, get cut off like Russia did with France recently. The squeeze runs both ways, folks!

    But hey, this post will be seen by some as supporting Putin io the reality that plays out. As long as we can signal our virtue everything goes. Makes you feel good you know😉

    Post edited by deholleboom on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭Nabber

    That is built on the assumption that governments and corporations are separate from one another.

    Most governments across the world are board members or stakeholders in those corporations. Many of the scientific institutions are heavily reliant on corporation investment or government investment.

    The only tricking that was done was to the average tax payer.

    Unless you are saying

    A. The governments didn’t use scientific papers to support fiscal policies


    B. The scientific papers didn’t use peer review


    C. Scientific peer review is corrupted?

    Governments tricked… god bless their innocent little hearts.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    Just a reminder. Renewables currently at 13%, the rest mainly imported oil and gas (over 80%). The Greens would, of course, like to see the renewables up to 100% but as reasonable people will settle for 'just' 80% by implementing (read enforcing) policies. By driving down fossil fuels they hope new green tech will take over and do exactly the same thing as fossil fuels. This is called 'hopium'. The idea is to make green energy on par with fossil fuel on price. Many greens really like the recent fossil fuel price hike but usually dont admit it in public. This makes green energy as cheap (or expensive) as fossil fuels. They play down reliability and all the other drawbacks because, again, technology will of course get us out of there. In time but we have no time so...we have to go with it anyway, now because we have to save the planet. Now. The rest falls by the wayside.

    Let me state here, there is nothing wrong with wind and solar power but if you make it the end all you are an ideologue with blinkers on and responsible for human suffering all over the world.

    I just helped my brother installing solar panels on his roof in Holland. He lives on a barge with plenty of roof space. He has taken out a state approved loan of 20.000 euro and includes new triple glazed windows. He can pay it back in 10 years with a monthly cost that is less than what he paid for gas (especially now). AND he can put electricity back into the grid and get a decent return price. The geography of Holland makes solar a good option. In Ireland it is wind first and foremost.

    For my wife and i: we have a dormer style house and run an Aga w kerosine. The price has doubled in 6 months (800 to 1600). We are looking at the price of triple glazing to save energy. The new grands are of no use to us afaik. Attic already insulated, cavity walls insulation not possible. No grand for triple glazing. We are looking at at least 5000 euro cost. The government will continue to clamp down on fossil fuels. I cannot transit to renewables and get rid of the Aga without another 20.000+ investment. Ie, i cannot go where my brother is and that is the story of most people in Ireland. They want you to invest and say (or pretend) you can get your investment back in time. But the simple equation my brother can make and actually save money right away is not an option because it only works for solar. Before being connected to the grid my brother ran both a diesel generator and a small windmill. That broke and was not cost effective. Solar can be a good solution for individuals but depends on location/geography. In Ireland you cannot use it effectively and small windmills on properties are not supported. That leaves big windmills off and onshore. To go from 18 to 80% renewables in a short period of time by enforcing rules is madness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,274 ✭✭✭EOQRTL

    I think it's a fair question to ask if the Green's have been infiltrated by Russia. Refusing to let us make use of whatever energy is available in an energy crisis is very suspicious tbh. Do we know with 100% certainty were the Green's are funded from?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,068 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    President van der Leyen may as well of held her hands up and said, "We backed Germany and the greens legislation and totally fcuk up, and we have no idea how to fix that", rather than add to the farce.

    I do not remember flattening the curve with Covid meaning encouraging more to become infected, so how do you flatten an energy curve while promoting the use of more energy for heat pumps and EV`s

    Capping the excessive profits from wind and solar makes sense, but then it was the E.U. that put the policy in place that allowed those excessive profits in the first place.

    Taxing fossil fuels and the E.U. taxonomy legislation resulted in fossil fuel and nuclear under investment which is now also part of the problem. The E.U. finally recognised that changing the taxonomy rules for gas and nuclear, but it was too little and too late by the time they did.

    Taxpayers underwriting speculating middlemen, what could possibly go wrong there. It was such a great success during the banking crisis.

    Capping the price of Russian gas when the Russian`s are refusing to sell it to the E.U. other than on Russia`s terms is as useful as bolting the stable door when the horse is long gone. Especially when the Russians have an ever increasing demand for their gas in Asia caused by E.U. policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    As has been said countless times before all governments . as much as the blockheads here will try to make out 100% Green governments have never existed any where. 🧱🧠

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    Bullshit alert 🚨

    Californians are asked not to charge their cars during peak hours they are not being told to not charge.

    If the poster read the article instead of pulling down his pants at the headlines 🙄

    Some quotes from the articles,

    “The same state that is rushing to rid its roads of gas-powered vehicles was pleading with electric car drivers this week not to recharge during peak hours”

    “Aging transmission lines are fraying and unreliable, hydroelectric power is in short supply amid drought, and neighboring states that California has looked to for supplemental power have less to spare as heat domes settle over them, too.”

    ”Electric cars, many energy economists say, are likely to help stabilize California’s power system in the future: Their batteries serve as storage vessels for wind and solar power that could be fed back into the grid as needed”

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    Solar works in Ireland despite all the misinformation peddled.

    Have you looked into drywall/ plasterboard for the internal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    The evidence in this case is diesel gate.

    Where is your evidence that the peer review system is corrupted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    If only you understood what the zero represented; reality to the left and made up sh1t to the right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    Have you got any evidence that the Irish Green Party is funded by the Putin regime. My guess is you don’t and are just tossing out bullsh1t conspiracy theories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    I wish your internet connection was entirely solar powered, so we all could enjoy an 85% reduction in socialist greenie nonsense.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,274 ✭✭✭EOQRTL

    If i'd evidence it would be the lead story on every network across the country. I posed the question that surely it warrants a discussion because of how the Green's are conducting themselves.

    It's a well known fact the Russians have their hands in political organisations the world over and have assets positioned to take advantage for their own gains of idiots the ilk of Ryan.

    Would be very very interesting if the Green parties finances are explored in detail at a very minimum for starters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Diesel gate is irrelevant. Diesel exhausts contain the most potent carcinogen ever discovered, which has nothing whatsoever to do with NOX. This knowledge about 3-nitrobenzanthrone was available since 1997, when Gormley lived up to his name and made owning and operating a petrol vehicle far more expensive than a diesel.

    Dieselgate doesn't begin to be an excuse for the excise on petrol and the taxing of petrol cars being maintained after 2015. Still to this very moment petrol contains Gormley's fuc​king tax hike, 7 years on from when it should have been removed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    UK - lifting ban on fracking and North sea drilling also speeding up ofshore wind.

    France - bringing back online 36 of it's 54 idled nuclear reactors before this winter.

    Germany - global leader in all things green is watching citizens chopping down forests and losing urge fining Poland for using coal in hope Poles throw some their way.

    Ireland - wannabe leader in all things green banning oil and gas boilers. Oh yeah, and giving people "credit" for energies before Christmas. They wont say how much but it will be bout 200 euro I suppose with ER shouting people are getting 400 just that they already got those first two hundred back in summer...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,569 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    As much as it's fashionable to heap scorn on Green ideology, the cut off from gas and oil molecules from Russia are not the Greens doing. It is more a concidence of wants, the Greens intention is that hydrocarbon based fuels are eliminated and they have spent years lobbying for and got the legislation to ratchet up energy prices to make cheap energy a thing of the past. The actions of the larger political parties to impose sanctions on Russia are not their concern as far as they are concerned this will accererate the transition to energy nirvana (or electrical grids powered by rainbow and unicorn farts). Ther are trying to leverage blaming Putin for the fact that their actions put the public in this position and took a way any leverage that the EU has over Russia. The blame for that rests on the shoulders of Angela Merkel.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    "Putin Is Funding Green Groups to Discredit Natural Gas Fracking"

    And that's from 2017 so hardly new news.

    Of course it's just a sheer coincidence that Eamon Ryanski is doing his damnedest to block and oppose an LNG terminal in this country, and that the greens are vehemently opposed to it and insert 'fracking' in every second sentence.

    I don't understand this opposition to fracking. It's not happening here, it's happening in another country where the Environmental Protection Agency employs 14,581 people, many of whoom are scientists. The irrationality and chutzpah of opposing fracked gas in another, far more advanced country, is mind boggling.

    It would make as much sense for the US to ban the import of Irish beef and butter because we drive on the left.

    Post edited by cnocbui on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,044 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Green junta wholeheartedly adopted most of socialist ideas and principles. Deciding who is going to use what modes of transport, energy, temperature in your house, prescribing how many times one can shower... Economy planning (ending up always wrong)...

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    The Greens are **** themselves now that J Rees-Mogg has his UK energy brief position. I was listening to a BBC interview, all greenies of course commenting on the 'ideologue' Rees-Mogg. They of course are no ideologues, just like a member of a cult never thinks he or she is. They are on the righteous path for sure. I dont like JRM but it's time to row back from the green precipice..

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    The opposition against fracking is usually the same as the one against GM food and quite a few other ones. Accidents and bad stuff will happen and taken as proof that the whole thing should abandoned instead of regulated (Monsanto anyone?). The 1920s dust bowl in the US was about land management. When oil was discovered they were dumping left over gasoline in the rivers. Over time better regulation and technological advancement will get rid of most of the drawbacks as it has with fracking. It is ironic to see that the Greens always seem to bet on better green tech in the future while rejecting other ones like fossil or nuclear energy. The same with the population bomb. As if everything remains the same. Of course it doesnt. Again, adaptation will save the day/year/decade..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    That is where 'smart meters' come in. Remote control (just not by you)
