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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week 3 of 10: Dublin training block - 49 days to go

    Monday: 5 miles v easy; Lower Body strength session

    5 miles @ 9:58 - more pep in my step than expected after Saturday’s half marathon

    Tuesday: 6 miles v easy, Upper Body strength session

    6 miles @ 10:09; Manky weather but Wednesday looked worse so decided better to get my run out of the way. Was nice and smug that the rain had stopped and then at 2.5 miles the first of about 3 torrential downpours got me. It was a bit of a plod and legs were more tired. Showered when I got to the gym and into dry gear but called my upper body session a day after 30 mins as didn’t have the energy.

    Wednesday: Rest

    Weather was as manky as predicted so popped into the gym to walk on the treadmill while I had a spare half hour to get steps done.

    Thursday: 7 miles very easy, 1 mile 8:20ish / Lower Body Strength

    Warmup a little fast with the 7 miles @ 9:46 and the 8th miles was at 8:24 and hard going. Ran with a friend and we both found the humidity really high. I was puce after and dripping with sweat so took my time going to the gym to try look more normal. Had a good session then though and progressed with weights for both barbell squats and leg press.

    Friday: 6 miles very easy + 5x20s strides / Upper Body strength

    Legs more awake again and the 6 miles @ 9:58 and enjoyed the strides. Humidity high again. Calories increased for the day by 300 in prep for this morning’s long run. Enjoyed the extra carbs.

    Saturday: 21 miles: 6M Easy, 4M 8:25ish, 4M Easy, 4M 8:20ish, 3M Easy

    21 miles in 3:08:26 @ 8:58

    6M@9:24; 4M@8:16; 4M@9:09; 4M@8:18; 3M@9:43

    Had company for this as my coach was in Cork which was fab. Weather seemed perfect with no wind and off we went. We realised fairly quickly that the humidity theme was continuing today. We’d gone over to Rochestown to run a few loops in Blackrock / Passage area so we could drop by the car a couple of times. I wore my hydration pack anyway to be well used to it for DCM. It is working well. Just before the first 6 miles were up we stopped at the car and I took a bit of extra water. We set off then for Passage West and upped the pace. The heat was tough but managed fine and every mile was very slightly faster than the last. Looped around Passage and back again and hit the car during our easy miles which were probably faster than I normally run easy but my coach felt it was no harm to keep those miles slightly faster than easy anyway. Took a bit more extra water and headed for the marina and started our second set of faster miles by Pairc Ui Chaoimh. I was fine for the first mile but started to struggle a bit on the second after we rounded onto Monaghan road. M seemed strong enough still so I was quiet for once and tried to stick to her pace which helped matters. Had a brief respite on the small sharp hill by Atlantic Pond back onto the marina and back onto the line. We’d about 1.5 miles to go at pace here and M was planning to stop at 17 miles while I did 4 more myself. She kept going though until about .35 miles before I was due to switch to easy and took herself to the shop for coffee while I kept going. I kept going and finished the pace miles and shuffled along for the first of my last 3 miles. I was embarrassed passing people coming towards me because I looked a state. I was soaked from sweat and no doubt puce again and now shuffling along so felt people were probably saying ‘god help us”! For some reason in mile 20 my right knee was killing me and my IT Band really pulling on it. No way I’d stop though and funnily enough it went away during mile 21 and I picked up the pace again. When I’d .2 or .3M to go I picked up the pace further as dying to finish. I was fairly shattered after and soaked through. I was able to wring out my T-shirt and hydration pack.

    I used 4 scoops of tailwind in 1L and that lasted the whole time and I carried an extra bottle of 300mls as will as a couple of sips from the car twice. I ate well after and had a really busy day flying around the place with the kids but was happy as no headache or picking at food and again fuelling and recovery seems to be good. Wore the Saucony Endorphins and my ankles were hurting a little for the last couple of miles but I suppose 21 miles is a long way really so they just need to get used to it!

    Sunday: Will rest and walk 

    Total (running) mileage: 46.65 miles so the highest week so far

    Strength: 4 sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    That was a great run K. Wouldn't worry too much about the shoes. 21 miles is a long way in any shoe!

    As for being embarrassed for looking a state!! You just ran 21 miles! Screw what people think (usually people don't think what we think they think anyway - if that makes sense 🤣)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Hola! It was nice to hear from you on Strava yesterday. Your comment reminded me that I had your Waterford Greenway Half Report to catch up on. It was a great read and congrats on the PB! I’ve been enjoying reading along since you started logging again. I had a wee look back at your first post there; you should too to see how far you have come. I also love reading about your strength training; I’ve started a bit of it myself and love it more than I thought I would.

    Also, funny you should mention headaches. I’ve been getting exercise headaches all summer. I’m hoping they settle down when it’s not so sticky out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks P. I know, it’s silly really to be embarrassed. I’d like to have cleared things up and told these people that I’d just ran 21 miles and feeling the heat a bit but they may have thought I was really weird then 😂 . Not feeling too bad today. Ankles still a little sore and my right one more so but will see how I get on doing very easy miles tomorrow.

    Thanks E. I just looked back on my first post when you said that. There is a bit difference alright! It took a few years for the big leap forward and I definitely put that down to strength training and the right nutrition etc. My body composition has changed a fair bit in the last year. I’m actually not much lighter but much leaner and that’s from the strength work and eating well etc. it’s making a huge difference to my running. Glad to hear you are enjoying it. In terms of the headaches, are you hydrating well? I am now having 4 Litres of water a day and not running fasted or anything like that. I think that’s what’s helping me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week 4 of 10: Dublin training block - 42 days to go

    Monday: 7 miles v easy; Upper Body strength session

    7 miles @ 10:04 Can’t remember too much about this. Was with a friend and got soaked. Gym afterwards.

    Tuesday: 3 miles easy 3 x strides, 8 x 3' CV off 1' jog, 2 miles easy, Lower Body strength session

    Actual was 6x3’ reps and my legs said no more! I was aiming to do the reps at 7:25-7:35. Felt good starting out during the warm up and the strides and then started into the CV reps. Paces were 7:24, 7:29, 7:36, 7:40, 7:38, 7:51 and the last one in particular felt like the biggest battle against gale force winds …. Actually a gentle breeze! The legs were just too fatigued from Saturdays long run. I jogged back up to the gym keeping the cool-down at 2Km instead of 2 miles! Bit disappointed but there was no point pushing it. Took a rest and did my leg workout which went surprisingly well.

    Wednesday: Rest and physio

    The physio session was great. My ankles were a bit messed up since the Vaporflies in the Waterford half and sure enough a few things needed to be released there and a good going over my right IT Band too. Walked the 5Km fun run route I was organising locally and put out the kilometer markers and did it again later to put up arrows.

    Thursday: 1 miles easy, 10 miles 8:50-55

    Didn’t know if my legs would be still fatigued for this but set off with a friend anyway hoping for the best and it went well. We stayed at the slower end of the paces and the 10 miles were at 8:55. Unbelievably busy day after setting up everything for the fun run, cycling the route to check it, clearing it later etc. Huge success though with 280 registering for it so a good fund raiser and great for the community too. The spread after was amazing! Very late night collating results etc. feedback was fab and all the hard work was worth it.

    Friday: 40’ v easy

    45’ @ 10:29, Had my check in with my nutritional coach and she put up my calories by 100 a day to 2120 daily and 2405 the days before and of long runs, all carbs. Very happy with more food!! I was feeling pretty good but she felt there were a few red flags in my check in that would start to show in a couple of weeks. I’ve been aiming to maintain weight (for the 1st time in my life) but had dropped an lb each week for the last 3 weeks, I was starting to pick at food a bit as feeling hungry and a couple of other things that I can’t remember now! Exhausted and went to bed at the same time as my kids.

    Saturday: 34km: 7Km easy; 4 x 4k @ 8.20ish, off 1k float, 1k LT(7:50-8), 6k easy

    Reps: 8:16, 8:19, 8:20, 8:20; LT: 7:53

    Total: 21.14miles @ 8:54

    Decided to try out the alphaflies for this so did my warmup in my Gliderides and noticed about half a mile or so into that I’d paused my watch at the start so ran a bit extra around Douglas to make sure my watch still got to over 21 miles and the session looked like it was supposed which is pure madness and my ocd tendencies really are ridiculous at times. Switched into the Gliderides about .5 mile before the first rep. Wow they were so weird and felt bizarre … and loud! More people than usual moved out of my way as I came up behind them I noticed though so handy out really 😂. Anyway, the 4km reps were grand and I was more worried about the shoes than anything else. They are fine when it’s totally flat but as I ran through Passage West they were a little unstable on the smaller bumpier footpaths that were all at angles etc. I was a bit worried they would give me blisters on my left arch and very conscious of them altogether. No blisters at all so that was good. Anyway, I ran on and turned around by the ferry and headed back towards the car. All fine and I was on my 3rd rep when I was passing the car so kept going. There were so many runners out. I timed it nicely that my 1km off was uphill by Blackrock Castle and my last 4km was all along the Marina as far as the end of Centre Park road. I was feeling surprisingly good and not guzzling my tailwind like last week. Did my last 1km off and then the LT kilometer. Wasn’t sure if I’d manage that but it was actually fine. Dithered a bit about whether to take the shorter route back to the car and change out of the alphaflies into my Gliderides for the last 1-2 miles of my cool-down but decided to go the longer way by the water. The first part of the cool down was awful and felt manky. When I’d two miles to go I decided to pick up the pace and that felt way easier in the shoes. My watch told me I was did an 8:50 min mile and then 8:49 but they were so much nicer than the “easy” miles at 9:37 at the start of the cool down. Was glad to get the runners off me to honest into something more supportive.

    I used 4 scoops of tailwind in 1L and had 100mls left over and I carried an extra bottle of 300mls but didn’t really need it. Humidity was way down compare to last week. 52% as opposed in the nineties

    Very pleased with the run but not sure what to do about marathon shoes now. The Alphafly is without a doubt my fastest shoe but I’m not sure how good they are for me. My ankles are very sore after them and I think it’s because I possibly need a firmer shoe as they are a bit squishy for me. I don’t think it’s a good idea to do any more training runs in them but maybe do the marathon in them? The Vaporfly is a definite no for anything longer than a 10k/10 mile I’d say for me. Hard to know about the Saucony Endorphin Speed 2’s as my ankles were sore last week too but I think that was caused by the Vaporflies the week before. Next weeks long run is 28km easy with the last 4km fast so will wear the Gliderides and I think try the Speed 2’s for the following week which has 3x6k @8:20 in it and about 20 miles in total I think. Any opinions? I do wonder is it a case that my ankles just need to get used to a squishier shoe but maybe not the time to test that theory 6 weeks out when I’m in good shape and could wreck it!

    Sunday: Rest and 5Km walk 

    Total (running) mileage: 51 miles so the highest week so far (51.5 if you count the half a mile not on Strava)

    Strength: 2 sessions

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I was thinking about this earlier. Ignore the mad time I'm posting. I'm in a different

    Is it true to say that generally you wear some sort of stability shoe when training? The reason I ask is that the vaporfly , alphafly and even to a certain extent the endorphins offer little stability especially with the stack height. If your ankles aren't used to that then it could be a case of your stability muscles in the ankles needing to do more work than usual. Over time, with more and more exposure to shoes with less stability those muscles will probably strengthen. In the short term id be wary about training in them. As for the big day itself I'd be taking the lowest risk option. Sure the alpha might be the fastest but maybe a little more stability might help you in the near term.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks P. Yes I wear a stability shoe and I think that’s the problem alright as I’d say I’m rolling inwards when I wear them. It isn’t as obvious in the Endorphins I feel and less so in the Alphas than the Vaporfly. I definitely won’t train in the Nike’s again or certainly a long distance. I’ve only one long run left with ‘stuff’ so I think I’ll try the endorphin’s that day to see how they are over the distance after a couple of weeks of training in stability shoes too. Maybe I should have gone for the endorphin pros rather than the Nike route 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    It might be worth introducing a low stability trainer into your rotation for future training and then see if you get the same ankle pain when you run in the alphas. It's a good way of trying to strengthen your stability muscles in the ankle . The endorphins are a little more supportive, especially the Endorphin Speeds. You have a pair of Hoka racers too don't you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well done on the half time - and great race report . Your training block looks amazing - I will deffo be catching up with your coach again whenever I make a glorious return 🤪. I see the shoe collection is still going strong - I blame the boards for shoe obsessions sure I haven’t ran faster than slow for over year and still managed to bag a pair of Vaporflys you know just in case . They are still in the box and I haven’t even tried on . Using your log now for motivational purposes so don’t stop updating ! No pressure

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    I do … the Rockets! Prob the most stable of the lot but I don’t get any bounce from them …. Or feel I get any extra speed from them. I’d forgotten about them. I think you are right though. Probably even wear the Speeds more often after Dublin?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Ha ha! I’ve always had a shoe obsession … used be LK Bennett stilettos in a former life but I couldn’t walk in them these days!!! Happy to be motivating someone… thank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I used to have a similar thing years ago with ankle pain but I've rotated so many shoes at this stage especially low support ones that my ankles have no issues now. Now isn't the time to experiment so I'd say pick a shoe that gives you no issues and trust your fitness. You don't need the alphafly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week 5 of 10: Dublin training block - 35 days to go

    Monday: 5 miles v easy; Lower Body strength session

    5 miles @ 10:10 This was a lovely run in the sun. Thought my legs would be more tired. My ankles were still sore from Saturday’s long run but absolutely fine while running! Gym afterwards and a good lower body session.

    Tuesday: 5 miles v easy; Upper Body strength session

    5 miles @ 9:50. Was supposed to be a session but I knew that was hefty and still fatigue in the legs so another easy run for me.

    Wednesday: 3 miles easy, 2x30s strides, 4x6’ LT off 2’ jog, 3x2’ hill reps tempo effort, 1 mile v easy; Lower body gym

    Spent ages trying to figure out where I’d find a hill long enough and not too steep and decided to head over to Rochestown and run the line and around the marina for the LT reps and then head up Monastery Road in Rochestown a bit for the hill work. Very pleased with the LT efforts - LT is 7:50-8 min miles and my four reps were at 7:48, 7:51, 7:57 and 7:56. Totally misjudged my route though and finished those about 2 miles from my hill. Time was against me so I picked another that I thought would be long enough but turned out to be just a minute long. I gave a fairly hard effort for those one minutes and left it at that. Into the gym on the way home but dropped the number of sets so as not to overdo things. I wore the Hoka Rocket X which Swashbuckler had reminded me about during the week. I can’t make up my mind about them - they don’t have the bounce other carbon plate shoes have but they are a nice runner and prob more stable than most.

    Thursday: Upper Body in the gym and walk

    Torrential so did my upper body strength session in the gym and about 3 different short walks during the day when I could to get my steps in.

    Friday: 10 miles easy

    Had a friend with me for 4 miles and toddled around the next 6 by myself a bit bored. Must return my latest book to audible as not enjoying it. Legs felt a bit tired so I worried a bit about todays long run.

    Saturday: 30km: 24Km easy; 4km tempo (8:30ish), 2k easy

    Set off early as had to be home for GAA matches. It was cold starting out and even afterwards I threw on a fleece straight away before driving home. I ran from Ballincollig in The Model Farm Road and followed the Cork marathon route in reverse for a while as figured it would be no harm to stick a few hills into the route. The run was fairly non eventful. The Tempo part was a slight challenge but not too bad and averaged 8:30 so spot on. I did my 2Km cool down and considered running on a bit to get to 19 miles but figured better to just stop and walk. I always try to finish a little away from the car so I walk a small bit before hopping in and driving. I wore the new decathlon belt with 3x250ml bottle of water with 1 scoop of tailwind in each. I only used two of the bottles. I was well impressed with the belt besides feeling like I looked like I was wearing a swimming ring around me when I put the bottles in first . Once I was running and it wasn’t budging or bouncing I forgot about how I looked and just got on with it. I think I might wear that instead of the hydration pack for Dublin though it means carrying 250ml less …. Or more concentrated tailwind.

    I wore my ASICS Gliderides and ankles perfect after the run. Left calf gave me a bit of jip before the tempo part but changed my gait for a bit and it was fine. I’d say it’s a bit tight but have physio Tuesday anyway. It was a bit tired yesterday too and kind of crampy in the afternoon.

    Sunday: Rest day

    Total (running) mileage: 48.21miles 

    Strength: 4 sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Sorry for more runner talk. Do you have the Endorphins? A little more stability than the Nikes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    No need to be sorry. Sure I love the runner talk! Yes, the Speed 2’s. I just didn’t want to wear them this week as I wanted my ankles to get a bit of a break I reckon I’ll wear them for next Saturday’s long run though as it’s my last one with stuff and I want to see how I cope wearing them for that distance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Great training. That belt seems a good investment.

    Sounds like you have a shoe dilemma going on - maybe time for a Pros/Cons list of each pair?

    I wore the Speed (first edition) last year for my marathon and had no issues with them but as I recall I was really happy to take them off straight after the finish and change into a more supportive pair before heading back to the finish area to meet my friends. I haven't worn Nike supershoes though so I can't compare.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I must say - I admire your commitment & consistency on the S&C stuff.

    Do you follow a set plan on this or how do you structure it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Yes, I was thinking I might even throw a comfy pair of runners into my drop bag at Dublin depending on what I wear for the race. I’ll wear the Speed 2’s this Saturday for my long run anyway and start dithering after that 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Pretty much. The one thing I’ve learned you are better off having a program of set sessions and you progress with weight in each of those exercises. I go to a personal trainer every 6 months or so and she writes a new plan for me of say 4 sessions - 2 upper, 2 lower and then I might go to her for a couple of weeks until I know I’m doing those exercises perfectly with the right form etc. Then I work away in my own gym local to me doing that program and progress the weights as time goes on. If you just do the same weights week in week out it doesn’t really do much for you and you have to move to the heavier weights. I listened to a brilliant podcast the other day that confirms everything I’ve been learning over the last year and answered everything I’ve ever wondered also. Here is the link:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week 6 of 10: Dublin training block - Peak Week, 27 days to go

    Monday: 5 miles v easy; Lower Body strength session

    8m@9:48; only 5 miles on the plan but my eldest seemed to have a slight headcold and Covid in the class so was terrified he’d be home from school the next day and I wouldn’t get out. Went into the gym and felt a bit tired so just did 2 sets of all the exercises instead of 4 and made the weights heavier.

    Tuesday: 8 miles v easy; 

    Son still testing negative so packed off to school and I went off to physio. I was worried about my left calf but she felt it was just a bit of scar tissue and gave that and my right knee / IT Band a serious going over. Checked everything else and sent me on my merry way. Was so tempted not to run as felt tired and it was raining but then remembered I’d to get my steps in anyway and running was faster than walking so set off and did 5.62 miles @ 10:05. I actually enjoyed it even though it was raining as it wasn’t cold. Was just a drowned rat driving home after.

    Wednesday: 4 miles easy, 3 miles @ 8.40, 2' easy, 4 x 1' hills, 3' easy, 3 miles @ 8.30-8.35, 3' easy, 3 x 45s hills, 2 miles easy

    This totalled 14 miles - a fairly hefty midweek session. My legs were sore from physio but just ignored them. Had to plot it out the night before to make sure I was hitting the hill at the right time. I got it spot on too. I’d chanced my arm a few times telling my coach it looked a horrific session hoping she’d make it easier but no chance. She told me I’d be well able. She was right too. I was thrilled with my pacing. The first 3 miles at 8:40 were 8:36, 8:37, 8:36 and the next 3 were 8:29, 8:27, 8:27. Not sure how I managed that. The hill repeats were horrible but I always hate them anyway. My body felt a ton weight trying to pull myself up them. Anyway, very happy after.

    Thursday: 8 miles very easy

    8.1 miles @ 9:50. I felt like Forrest Gump on this run. I had planned to take a rest day but Friday’s weather looked horrible so had coffee with my aunt and my sister and then set off for my run. I assumed my legs would be tired from the previous day but they actually felt quite good and I could have gone on forever. The weather was lovely and it was just a really enjoyable run. I hit 202 miles for September that day, my highest ever monthly mileage.

    Friday: 1 hr walking on the treadmill

    Pouring rain so went to the gym to get my steps in. Started into an upper body session but after 2 exercises I gave up. Just couldn’t face it.

    Saturday: 32km: 6k easy 3 x 6k w/1k float rec at 9.15ish 5k easy (1st 6k @8.35, 2nd @8.25, 3rd @ 8.20-8.25)

    20 miles @ 8:46 average. Was fairly worried about this as my calf was quite sore the day before. I did foam roll the night before and just hoped it was the result of physio and not the start of something. Decided to head over to Rochestown to do the Blackrock / Passage area so I’d pass the car a couple of times if the calf did give trouble and I was prepared to stop. Figured I’d leave my drinks in the car and pick them up each time I passed too while I was at it. Wondered was I asking for trouble wear the Speed 2’s but tried them out anyway. The warmup was grand and picked up one 250ml Tailwind before heading to Passage West for the 1st 6Km. That felt very easy and averaged 8:29. Made sure to have that bottle gone before reaching the car again and took the next two. The calf eased out and I just felt the odd twinge every now and then but no trouble. The 2nd 6Km was fine too (8:22) and I somehow managed to time the 1km float for the only uphill on my route! These 6km reps were going so well I was having a notion of making my last 6km a 4th rep. The 3rd one knocked that out of me. The majority of it was directly into the wind which had been getting stronger and I was trying to make it faster than the last rep so by the time I finished it (6:22) I was wrecked. All 3 of my 1km floats were fast enough too at approx 9min miles so it was a good workout. Initially the 5Km cool down was tough but I picked up the pace which felt easier in the Endorphins. I passed a little horse box with about 1.5 miles to go and treated myself to a cold bottle of water and filled my soft bottles and on I went. The workout was over at 19.88 miles but sure I couldn’t stop there and trotted on to get to 20 miles. Last of my hard long runs … though I honestly think it will be easier than 21/22 miles next week all at easy pace. The Speed 2’s were grand and fairly comfortable. I feel my right big toe in them for some reason. My ankles were a little sore after but not really during. Thinking of them for Dublin now or at least they are the most likely option. Let the dithering begin!

    Sunday: Rest day

    Junior Parkrun 1.2 miles @ 9:48. My 7 year old asked me last night could we do Junior Parkrun this morning. I said to him my legs were tired after running 20 miles but he told me that I’d have 24 hours rest and be fine! Glad he’s not my coach! He took off sprinting so I let him off and I jogged along and picked up some random child who was crying and got her to run with me instead. I caught up with him when he dropped his barcode and stayed with him after that. He did it in 12:15 which was a good start. He’s a determined little lad and wanted to know the times for first and last and where he sat between them and is already planning his training to get faster! Did an hours walk later on to stretch the legs. I was so tempted to jog 3 miles to make it a 60 mile week but that would have been for pure vanity and probably no benefit whatsoever.

    My legs are definitely tired and quite a few sore spots after the last few weeks which have been my heaviest ever. Time now to start getting them into better shape before this day 4 weeks time ( I’ll have had so many drinks in McGrattans at this point!!!). The week ahead has high enough mileage but should be much easier and then the taper! Woohoo!

    Total (running) mileage: 57.1miles 

    Strength: 1 session … need to get back to that this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week 7 of 10: Dublin training block - 20 days to go

    Monday: 4 miles v easy; Full Body strength session

    4m@10:02 and into the gym where I did a great full body session with a few new upper body exercises that I really felt for 3 days after.

    For some reason that afternoon my left hip and calf were very sore and I was fully convinced this was the end for me. I now know it was early onset taper madness because somehow everybody I texted told me not to worry and go do my run the next morning. I was sure they were all mad having me take that risk!

    Tuesday: 9 miles 9:10-9:20; 

    9m@ 9:07. This was a disgusting run besides the fact that there wasn’t a twinge in my hip or calf and everybody else was right and I was the mad one! Had been raining all night and expected it to continue so went to the local greenway next to the river and planned to run it 3 times. I had a rub down booked for 12 and wanted a shower before going in so stayed local. The rain stopped and it was really really muggy but the worst part was the sea of midges that I was running through. It was absolutely gross. Rub down was good but he said my quads were way too tight so supposed to be stretching daily or I could end up in trouble. Just remembered I haven’t done any today yet. I’d been worried about my left calf but he said that was a complete build up and fine, no injuries. No issues since after he worked on it which was a great relief.

    Wednesday: 4 miles v easy, 1 mile @ 8.15, 2' easy, 8 x 45s hard on slight incline with jog back rec, 2 miles v easy

    This totalled 9 miles. It felt quite long and I intended going to the gym after but decided to leave it and went for a coffee to warm up instead!

    Thursday: 6 miles very easy

    6m@9:52; All fine except skipped the gym yet again. Motivation a bit low and just ticking the running boxes

    Friday: Rest day 

    Saturday: 21-22miles @ easy-moderate pace

    22 miles @ 9:30; Friday night I dropped my 9 year old son to youth club and came home, sat down with my iPad to check the weather and plot a route for Saturday morning and my phone rang. He’d run into a pole and had a cartoon style bump on his forehead which required a trip to hospital. Off we went to A&E and hung out there until 2:30am. He’s ok and we just need to watch him for a few days but that meant he was staying home Saturday morning so I wasn’t running. I got 4 hours sleep before going to collect my other son from my sister and getting him organised for activities etc. I decided to get the run done anyway that afternoon as weather looked horrendous for today so I went out once my husband was home fuelled with 4 coffees and a number of rice crispy marshmallow bars and 4x250ml tailwind in the car which I planned to pass twice.

    1.5 miles into the run a small child flew passed me on a bike and proceeded to fall off it. I stopped to pick him up and realised he’d been stung by a bee which was still stuck to his neck. The poor fella was roaring. His sister said she’d go to get their parents who were about a mile back. I asked an old couple to stop as I said I didn’t know the child and I was there for about 10 mins trying to calm him down and hugging this random child I didn’t know. His poor Dad eventually got to us and I got going again after telling his parents I’d told him he would get a sugary treat 😂

    I had taken two of the bottles and every mile I sipped a bit and got back to the car after 10 miles and threw 2 empty in and grabbed the third bottle. Headed off to Passage West this time and was running really comfortably. Breaking it up by sipping the bottles and waiting to swap over was helpful when the run was all the one pace. I felt the outside of my knee starting to hurt at around 14-15 miles which was a bit annoying. I tried to change my gait and pace and that helped a bit. Swapped my bottles fast again just after 16 miles and headed off towards Blackrock Castle for the last 6 miles. Energy wise I was flying but the knee was annoying me. I played around with paces to see could I make it disappear and that helped. Running downhill into Blackrock was tough though and it really hurt. Once I got to the last 2 miles I was bored to tears and just wanted to be done with it so picked up the pace which definitely helped the knee until the downhill off the flyover but nearly done so kept going and had no problem getting faster to just be finished.

    Sunday: Rest day 

    Slept for nearly 11 hours last night and was so tempted to not move for the day but yesterday was day 286 of over 10000 steps so I donned the waterproofs and went for a walk in the woods to make it to 287. I needed it to stretch my legs and felt better after anyway.

    Total (running) mileage: 50.1miles 

    Strength: 1 session … not good enough! Want to try do more the next 2 weeks and then take a break marathon week.

    So relieved to be done with the marathon block till now. It’s been great to be fair even with the mental fatigue the last few weeks. Thrilled to have finally gotten to taper time! It’s certainly been the most intense block of training I have ever done and if nothing goes wrong I think I’m capable of 3:45. I’m slightly worried about the knee. It’s a regular thing that I get but not every run and can’t quite tell why. I know it’s my right IT Band. I have physio Thursday morning and another session with her the week of Dublin and hopefully that will help.

    Post edited by Kellygirl on

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,417 ✭✭✭Lazare

    Cracking week K. Jesus, Friday night and Saturday were plenty drama huh. Hope your little fella is on the mend. The poor little kid falling off his bike with a bee stuck in his neck, jaysus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Another fine week, really hope you get the run on marathon day your training deserves. I haven't commented much of late aside from the oul kudos/thumbs up but your training has been brilliant and well done on it all. A combination of stuff there really going against you at the weekend in getting your long run meant you could have easily said feck it, that mental strength and sheer determination will stand to you no end on the day cos when the going got tough you still got going!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks C. He’s loving the attention but back to school and milking it.

    Thanks D, that’s a lovely post. Hopefully weather etc will all be good on the day and I should be sorted. I had to get that long run in as mentally that would have bugged me over the next couple of weeks even though chances are one missed run would not make a huge difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Week 8 of 10: Dublin training block - 13 days to go

    Monday: 5 miles v easy; Lower Body strength session

    5m@10:03 and into the gym for a leg session. Really enjoyed the run with three friends.  

    Tuesday: 6 miles 9:56; Upper Body session

    6M@ 9:56. Ran with a friend again and we found it a little harder than the day before which made me worry about the following day’s session. Gym was good though.

    Wednesday: 2 easy, 6 miles @ 8.25ishw/40s surges to LT at end of each mile, 1 easy, 2 x 1mile @ LT off 1' v easy, 1 mile easy

    This totalled 13.14miles and took 1hr 54 mins. That amused me as one of my goals at the start of the year was to do a 1:56 half marathon. I was in such a different place in January and didn’t hold out much hope for ever getting back to where I was, never mind get to where I am now. Hopefully that bodes well for Dublin! Anyway, decided the try out the Alphaflies for this and make a decision then about what I’ll wear for Dublin. Did my 2 mile warm up in my Gliderides and changed then. They felt so weird at the start. Was apprehensive of the 40s surges between the 8:25 miles but they were like recoveries and I settled into pace again after each no bother at all. All the surges were well beyond LT but hard to get the right pace in 40 seconds. Had 1 easy mile then which was awful in the alphaflies. They are so unstable at easy pace. 2 LT miles then and I realised I would hit the car at exactly the right time after finishing them so I changed back out of the alphas and did my cool-down. Decision made and I’m not wearing them for Dublin. They are not stable enough for me and I feel I won’t be running fast enough for them. They are fab at fast paces and for me I think that’s HM pace and faster for now. I’ll use them to annihilate all my shorter PBs after Dublin :-) Loved the run and was buzzing after though.

    Thursday: 5 miles very very easy


    Physio first which was great. I was wondering how I’d stay well behaved with pace on this one so switched on heartrate and watched that. Tried to stay below 147 … because that was a number I remembered from the bit of HR training I did last year. Afterwards I checked and that meant I was in Zone 1 for most of the run whereas last year I used struggle to stay in Zone 2 (147-163) for comparable paces. Nice little boost.

    Friday: 16 miles with last 4 at MP

    I feel I cheated slightly doing this on Friday. I saw the awful forecast for Saturday and Sunday and though ‘flip that, I’ll get it done in good weather’. Checked with my coach and she figured would be no harm to run on tired legs and give myself two days rest anyway after so off I went. Decided not to take Tailwind with me and to bring one High 5 gel as will carry 2 of them in Dublin just as emergency fuel in case something goes wrong with the Tailwind. Off I went doing the easy miles which were just grand, not amazing, not awful, just grand. It made me worry slightly for the MP miles. Decided to take the gel at 11 miles so it might have kicked in for all 4 of the MP miles. I actually picked up the pace no problem at all though timed it for the first of them to be on the only uphill on the route so effort was high for that mile. Still it was fine and I ran them at 8:26, 8:26, 8:24, and 8:21. They weren’t particularly easy and possibly slightly hot. MP is prob more like 8:30. However, when I looked at Garmin Connect after I realised I had now run 67 miles in 7 days so legs probably tired too.

    Saturday: Rest

    Sunday: Rest

    Junior Parkrun with my youngest …he got a PB!

    Total (running) mileage: 46.42miles 

    Strength: 2 sessions

    Loving taper time. My mood has improved dramatically and I’m feeling positive. What will be, will be. I’ve done my very best and had a brilliant training block. Just have to hope all the stars align on the day … and we don’t get weather like today where the whole of Cork flooded!

    Post edited by Kellygirl on

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,417 ✭✭✭Lazare

    Cracking week again K. Love how relaxed you are and in control. You're gonna smash it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Best of luck in Dublin, you will have a great run, as always be positive and enjoy it, run with a smile on your face, millions will never get to experience the feeling you will have on mara day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks C. If it’s half as good as yours last week I’ll be very happy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    It will be we all have our own little personal goals, go out there and grab it with both hands.
