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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yeah, but you could probably say the same about the US wanting Europe to stay weak, and dependent on their support. Russia plays in European politics, especially those of the Baltic states.

    I find Russia to be the convenient scapegoat for the stupidity of European (and US) actions. There was years if not, decades of this environmental BS going on, and the European governments jumped in headfirst. Just think how much attention Greta received... <shudders>

    Whenever I look at the stupidities happening in Europe, most of it can be allocated towards press conferences, talking up how virtuous they are. Whether it's immigration, aid to 3rd world nations, or the environment. Policies with very little awareness of what the consequences are going to be.. but plenty of ass-kissing praise in the process.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I would be pretty shocked if it didn't come out that some movers and shakers in policy in Gremany say, weren't compromised by Russian money and influence. 

    Oh, I'm sure they were. Russia has been dabbling with Europe forever. I'm sure they have been involved in everything.. but I think there's a lot more going on, that just Russia. However, this environmentalist nonsense has been going on at the same time, with many very powerful people becoming advocates of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,420 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    I think Moore St is one of the dirtiest streets in the capital, and given it's location is an embarrassment to the city.

    The whole street trading thing there should be scrapped and the place cleaned up, imo. I'd rather 'get my peaches' somewhere more hygienic.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    "Sources said the State may soon be unable to fulfil its obligations under international law to provide shelter to asylum seekers, with one official raising the prospect of asylum seekers having to sleep rough if the situation does not improve, a move which would significantly worsen the already severe homelessness crisis.

    A number of asylum seekers are already being temporarily housed in Defence Forces tents on the grounds of accommodation centres, while there have been reports of those in the centre in Citywest being forced to sleep on chairs.

    Gardaí are also concerned the accommodation crisis is stirring up anger, and in some cases violence, as temporary accommodation centres are opened in communities at short notice with little or no public consultation.

    Last week, asylum seekers had to be moved from a warehouse in Finglas after only three days following a number of violent incidents and threats."

    "Local anger in these communities is being compounded by a perceived lack of prior consultation. Officials said in the past they had months to consult local communities, while now they only have weeks or even days due to pressure on the system."

    🙄 what local communities did they consult months ahead, even before the Ukraine crisis, they haven't consulted communities for years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,177 ✭✭✭Fandymo

    Irish market is too Irish. Ffs. Why don’t they just give new arrivals prima nocte??

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    I don't. TBH I've always loved the outdoor shopping of the street trading setup, and one of the things I most enjoyed from living in Asia. It has so much character, and uniqueness to it, resisting the conformity that you see everywhere else.. The regulatory nature of most cities means that everything else becomes uniform, and quite boring.

    You see I've travelled a lot, and cities are my favourite part of human civilisation. I don't really care about the countryside, hate climbing mountains, get bored with rural areas really quickly.. but cities? OH! the energy, the vibrant cultures, the convenience. Wonderful. The problem is that it's very easy to kill the uniqueness of individual cities, and make them the same as every other city nearby. Oh, the architecture might be different (although not as much as you might think), and the differences in language can help to keep some distinctiveness, but when cities are so regulated, they become very very similar to each other.

    There was a push in China to become "healthy", where all the street food vendors were moved off the streets, leading to fixed designated zones. And as a result, the street food culture died a quick death, except in the outer suburbs which were less regulated. The same thing happened with street vendors, pushing them into designated areas. Now, the streets only have the designer shops, the low-quality supermarkets, etc. There's little that stands out as being unique to that particular city, except for particularly trashy expressions of tourism.

    How many streets in Dublin are given over to street trading? I can't imagine there's many. And you would like to see it ended.. but what comes after? More expensive boutiques or tourist shops that you'll never avail of? Just another boring street, that conforms with everything else in the immediate area..

    Nah. Keep Moore street the way it is. Let's retain some symbols of our own history that isn't a Museum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Yes the Irish market needs to be representative of the new demographics, especially the darker kind because no one cares if there aren't enough polish shops. So they need to have some illegal african and asian shops, deliveroo delivery only, with people that don't match the person on the account.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Who could have predicted this? Announce a pie in the sky plan to house all new arrivals in own door accommodation in 4 months in the midst of a housing crisis. Allow an unlimited number of Ukranians to come. Get flooded by applicants from other countries as well and blame the brits.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,143 ✭✭✭✭The_Kew_Tour

    Era it will be fine. Another decade is not far away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭mohawk

    I am kinda shocked they made such an admission. Up until now they appeared to have their heads stuck in the sand about this issue. The majority of the rest of us knew it was practically impossible when they first proposed the plan.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I would say they probably felt they could get away with it because of Ukraine, people will probably cut them a bit more slack because of it but anyone with a bit of sense could see that they were never going to achieve it even if Ukraine hadn't happened. They don't seem to have any cooperation with the local councils that they expected to bend over backwards to house people within 4 months and as far as I am aware no sites for the proposed new centres have been located.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭1800_Ladladlad

    The Department of Justice released information in response to a Freedom of Information request the number of people in the last 5 years that have landed at Dublin Airport claiming asylum but could not provide a passport. The statistics show that up until the end of July 2022, 2,915 people have arrived in Dublin and failed to produce a passport or other documentation to confirm their identity. Of that number 2,232 have been allowed to claim asylum rather than being sent back to the safe country they flew in from, which is not the country they're claiming to be fleeing. The state only began recording this information in October 2021. The FOI shows that in 2018, 895 presented no documentation, then 1564 in 2019, and 712 in 2020. In 2021, 2083 presented with no documentation, and 535 claimed asylum. The vast majority here know these people destroyed their passports while on the flight to Dublin, how else would they be able to board the flight on the departure end. No doubt, that in another few years or so there will be orchestrated celebrations outside government buildings, looking like a three-ringed circus... photo ops, manufactured stories and talking points, and prepared signage funded by NGOs...well us.

    It's clear that our country is going to take a nose dive into a downward spiral, with essential services at breaking point and the numbers applying for asylum, something has to snap. We cannot tolerate undocumented people, instead, we are enticing them and rewarding them. This is nothing new I know .It has been well documented in EU countries about the negative impact of illegals, a lot of innocent victims have had their lives taken from them etc but paddy will follow them down this path.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭malinheader

    You have to laugh when you're country is in a total mess between school transport, places, teachers. Hospitals are full to capacity, can't cope and are cancelling urgent operations for children among a list of others and well where do you start about accommodation or trying to buy a house or our own homeless. Country has not got the resources to cater for the population and still they carry on adding more to it.

    What does our government do.

    Take a holiday for 6 weeks.

    You couldn't make it up.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Ireland, like a lot of countries, is like the Titanic one minute after it hit the iceberg. For most of the people, everything is carrying on as per usual. They don't realise the consequences that have been set in motion by our inaction on the migration issue, but will not be fully appreciated until maybe 10-20 years time. Ireland is going to become like France or Belgium if we're lucky.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    "Multiculturalism" is a nothingburger.

    A sh1t sandwich it's more like it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,363 ✭✭✭1800_Ladladlad

    McEntee wants people to believe that any criticism of their open-door policy equates to racism. They think they are being smart here but They are being deliberately manipulating for a narrative. Here we see the marginalisation of those with genuine concerns, with the aim of shutting down discussion, suppressing any dissent of a delusional, near noon-existamt immigration policy that is impacting Irish Citizens who are in need of vital services and housing, all while being apart of a government failing those in most need of help.

    She Stated that the sentiment is the view of the minority and yet 84% of the Ipsos poll in the IT said that they agreed with the statement: “There is a limit to the number of asylum seekers and refugees Ireland can cope with”, while 60% said they were concerned that “too many asylum seekers and refugees might come to Ireland”.......“There is a sentiment there, it is not one that I support and I think the vast majority of Irish people should have that view as well".....telling people what they should think? The arrogance. This is a dangerous statement when you factor in the convenient disclaimer on the DOJ site releating to the process in becoming an Irish citizen by naturalisation; “Applications are decided by the Minister for Justice who may exercise total discretion when granting citizenship”.

    It makes you wonder where all this 'anti-asylum' or 'refugee' sentiment' is coming from when we have record level housing lists, homeless people, record hospital waiting lists. Irish people emmigrating. When they refuse to ecknowledge let alone debate the majors issues Ireland is facing. How can the government disregard peoples concerns and state that they will not place a cap on refugees and asylum seekers

    Just a day or two ago the Irish times was asking How Ireland’s asylum and refugee accommodation system reach breaking point.

    It's very f*cking odd how during a crisis people are critical of the thing causing said crisis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    You know what happens when you can't find a place in the school you want yet you can clearly see that 1/3 of them are not Europeans and another 1/3 are not Irish? Or when you see the same in the GP or AE waiting room? You can actually develop racist and xenophobic ideas, even when you didn't have any before. So that's why even me, an immigrant, want those gates shut right now and kept shut for a long time, until all this improves. Because Ireland is indeed full.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Its happening, they're actually deporting someone. All it takes is multiple rape convictions at which time they will leave you to deport yourself and only then years later actually make you leave

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,551 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    And its us that foot the bill for that bollix to take a case to the High Court.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,551 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    "A welcoming country" she says.

    These single men who are coming every day to Dublin airport must be having a right laugh, make up some bullsh1t story that there is no way of proving if its true or not and on the off chance a deportation order is signed sure just appeal it multiple times and let Paddy foot the bill.

    McEntee can stick her head in the sand and ignore the growing anger people are feeling about this country being taken advantage of by these chancers but sooner or later immigration is a topic that will have to be discussed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭mohawk

    When did it become the case the politicians could tell the electorate what they should think. Is it not the case politicians should represent the views and interests of those the represent.

    If FF/FG had done a better job at managing the country over the years we mightn’t be in situation where people are experiencing a loss in the quality of life. We can see our services and infrastructures are stretched and struggling. You have to wonder how we will manage the challenges ahead when we consider things like energy, climate change, security of food our production.

  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭Deiselurker

    Hopefully Helen McEntee will lose her seat at the next election. She seems to be in thrall to the NGO's and determined to bring in as many non EU immigrants as possible despite the huge pressure on housing and other services.

    We could do with a Minister for Justice like Michael McDowell who said years ago a lot of asylum seekers were telling cock and bull stories. Can you imagine a minister saying anything like that now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,143 ✭✭✭✭The_Kew_Tour

    unthinkable 15 years ago. Get no pleasure from seeing this. Its worrying. But question needs to be asked, how it came to this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,434 ✭✭✭batman_oh

    Unfortunately the answer is pretty obvious - can't blame people there for voting against what has happened to the place recently.

  • Posts: 3,656 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    and the shift is happening right across Europe. As usual Ireland will be the last to wake up! There is an effort on Boards to shut down conversation about what is happening in Ireland , about the right to have a discussion and debate on this. The anger people are feeling right now is not going to go away. It is being pushed underground but it will resurface.

    Helen McEntee has an awful lot to answer for. I can't help wondering if she was older, more experienced, more worldly and more mature if she would feel the same about allowing hundreds of unvetted men from different cultures into Ireland. If she had 3 teenage daughters how would she feel? If she had got to the stage of them going out at night, coming home on buses how would she feel? If she had waved them goodbye to go travelling for a year? These experiences help our perspective, life experience should help politicians make good choices and decisions. She has none and is completely out of her depth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭mohawk

    Both the far-right and far-left are extremist positions. It never goes well to go down the path of extremism. No one wants to see this happen in Ireland, but it’s happening all over Europe. Our political class are a disgrace that they won’t look to what is happening in Europe and learn from the mistakes of others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,536 ✭✭✭✭Varik

    Just under 2 weeks to the Italian election

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    they won’t because there is no party on the right, or a Farage like individual, to focus their minds. Nothing for the right to coalesce around. So it’s easy for them to wilfully ignore the problem. But doesn’t mean that the sentiment is not there….just not sure right now how it will ultimately manifest given that it has no rallying point

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭mohawk

    I agree it’s very hard to see how any anger or dissatisfaction will manifest for Ireland.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There already is loads of anger and dissatisfaction here. It's just that most people are afraid to truly voice their opinions. Afraid of being labelled racist or some other ism. Irish people really need to grow a backbone and demand this asylum seeker insanity be stopped before it's too late.
