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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    What strikes me about recent reactions to the death of the queen is that many of the painfully woke are too nervous about attacking the royal family directly. Showing renewed support for Harry and Meghan is a safer, covert way of doing it.

    Whatever about scandals within the royal family, the perception of many people is that Meghan totally misjudged what being a part of the royal family meant. She is used to Hollywood, where any major increase in status is accompanied by increased power and influence. You also pay your servants there, you can treat them any way you see fit and they should count themselves lucky to be in your presence at all.

    I feel this led her to spectacularly fail to adjust to life in the royal family, particularly in the modern royal family where parliament, and especially the queen herself, have shifted the focus from power and prestige to dignified service.

    The press were actually quite fawning of her and the two couples, remember the 'fab four'? Then the stories of her bullying staff and even other members of the royal family started to leak out. The press accompanying them on their tours sometimes got to witness first hand how her demands left her staff in tears. Long-standing staff started to leave because of their behaviour. On top of that, Meghan started to pursue vanity projects that were narrowly focused on the concerns of the woke elite, and, according to their own Megxit statement, they yearned to cash in on her new status. Meghan's recent podcast reframes all of this egotism as 'ambition', which the palace did not approve of, confirming what we already knew.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,468 ✭✭✭Citizen  Six

    I think you need to get past your prejudices on wokeness.

  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    There’s speculation that many books and stories will be released now that the Queen has passed away and it was only because the Queen was still alive that these stories weren’t printed.

    Im not sure I buy that completely- it’s hard to suppress a story these days albeit not impossible - but you can be guaranteed that there’s dozens of people out there, who have any remote link at all to the Queen, and are not tied down by the official secrets act, are currently negotiating with their publisher- we’ll have books upon books in the next year and it will be very difficult to distinguish the fact from the fiction

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    I've always given wokeness the respect it deserves. I only judge it when it opens its mouth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,468 ✭✭✭Citizen  Six

    That's very woke of you. Almost snowflake level.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,635 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    Very interesting interview with Harry. Not sure that I agree with everything he says, and of course, he is coming from his POV, but the man has deep trauma about what happened to his mother and has an intense fear about it happening again.

    One can argue about the rationale of that POV, he believes that he raised these concerns and was ignored. His family knew and seemingly did nothing to help him. Now, they could have tried to help, and sometimes nothing you do is ever enough, but I don't think Harry simply walked out. He feels let down by his family, he feels powerless to stop the repeat of what happened to his mother.

    It is odd though that he is very obviously aware of racism towards any non-white in relation to the royal family, and yet he married Megan. I know that you don't choose who you fall in love with, but surely they considered what was likely to happen? Maybe they hoped that they could change it?

    The line about his Dad saying that it had happened to him so it would happen to them, although I get where Charles is coming from, I also see how deflating that must be for his son to hear that the Dad just thinks he should accept it.

  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Buck up- stiff upper lip and all that- troddle on!

    There was certainly an element of that in Charles experience of growing up- obviously he’s not a person you would instantly think of as warm and loving but I’m sure he has some of those qualities albeit more formal and reserved.

    But, while Harry had a massive traumatic event in his childhood that I’m sure still affects him today, he has access to the best therapists and doctors and support structures money can buy- and whilst this may never be enough for him to regain happiness, he has a choice as to what level he and is wife choose to disclose to the public- if there’s an internal family dispute, which there obviously is to any moron with 2 brain cells (although there’s still some deniers on this thread) , he has the choice of going public or keeping it internal - he and his wife have chosen to go public - that’s not anything to do with mental health- it’s manipulation and shaming his family into giving him 24 hour protection that he doesn’t have to pay for

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,468 ✭✭✭Citizen  Six

    You think it's odd that someone married who they love, because the royal family, and society is racist?

    Your statement is what's odd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,635 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    No, I think it's odd that he went into the marriage expecting anything different. If he was so worried, then why put the woman he loves into that environment? Abdicate (or whatever a prince does) before he was even married.

    That's why I said maybe he hoped rather than experienced. He hoped the family would change, he hoped he could help change them. To his disgust and disappointment, they wouldn't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,148 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Why would he abdicate?

    Also didn't his father not marry the woman he loved (at first), why didn't he abdicate? because that turned out well didn't it?

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  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I’m not getting his “surprise” at all that happened. And there’s two sides to the story and the palace have remained silent, which is what the palace always does in these matters, except the very particular press release of “recollections differ” which pretty much slammed H&Ms “facts” and instead made them simple “accusations” - a deft move on behalf of the palace - nothing good will come of sharing family fallouts - if he wasn’t able to continue in the family firm on his terms, he’s not the first son to leave his fathers company and he won’t be the last- but I’m taking his carefully crafted film with moody music et Al in the same skeptical way I take any piece of media that is pushed forward into my browser view - it’s obviously designed to influence public opinion because he’s not a farmer or a lumberjack who don’t really depend on public opinion- his livelihood depends on public opinion to survive so yes it’s going to tug at the heart strings

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    I'm not sure you understand what 'snowflake' means. Snowflakes are the type to say that hearing something they don't agree with makes them 'unsafe' or is 'violence' or a 'micro-aggression'. They are called snowflakes because they tend to appeal to, or demand that, authorities change the system to better suit their inner neurotic inadequacies. Rather than using opinions and actions inconsistent with their identity as an opportunity to grow and become more resilient, they retreat further into their own egotistical bubble where the world should change to make them more comfortable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    It's clear from what Meghan has said in interviews that what she regarded as 'treatment' to prevent suicidal tendencies was a PR blitz and campaign to stamp out criticism. To me, that's the only reason that also explains why Harry never did anything about this except apparently complaining to HR. What she wanted was not in keeping with the practice of the royal institution, which, rightly or wrongly, was not to get into a bitter, unwinnable tit for tat with the tabloids.

    The media loved Meghan until after the wedding, when tales of diva behaviour, bullying of staff and conflict over having to play second fiddle to William and Kate started to emerge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    I think the whole suggestion of the press and public being against Meghan and Harry is gaslighting. Selecting two articles and extrapolating this as being representative of the media in general is selective bias and manipulation. The majority of coverage was actually overwhelmingly positive. The UK public generally loved Harry and his antics actually endeared him to the public. His brother, up to his own antics, needed to mature much earlier. I think Harry took a lot of flak to defend his brother during their impressionable years. Having followed this since they were dating then my feeling was that there was always a sense of people seeking to give them the benefit of the reasonable doubt.

    She's not British! Beware the ides of Wallis! Well she makes Harry happy and it's good to see him settle down.

    She is a grifting social climber? She is American and new to this, they are in love give them a bloody chance.

    Only her mother was at the funeral? So she fell out with her family. So what. Who doesn't have family problems after all?

    She is called Duchess Difficult? She is American and there is obviously a working culture clash.

    Shenanigans with the birth of Archie? She wants to do it differently, leave her alone ffs.

    No one asked if she is ok? She is pregnant and emotional, she isn't supported, the royals are notoriously cold.

    They are stepping down? I support it, imagine how awful that life of service is and it's clearly not for everyone.

    She is accused of bullying staff? It's a smear campaign, they tried to destroy poor Diana as well.

    Even with the Oprah interview the scales wouldn't fall from some peoples eyes.

    She was a victim of racism? If she feels that way then it happened, she's entitled to feel that way.

    A royal was racist? Of course she won't name names, they'll get sued and they've been cut off.

    She didn't get help when suicidal? It's the royals, they are cold hearted bastards after all so of course they wouldn't help.


    Then when the litany of logical fallacies and the easily debunked lying is conducted then the excusing them became quite comical and so supporters turned towards accusations i.e. if you don't believe them then you're a racist, you support the racist monarchy, you're jealous, you're a hater etc.

    The go to reaction when criticising H & M is to point towards What about Andrew?. It's notable that those dastardly tabloids were actually the ones who exposed his links to Epstein and Maxwell, they were the ones who went in with studs showing. Any intermittent developments in his public and reputational demise received widespread coverage and categorical public condemnation. His attempt at explaining was via an interview in which Emily Maitlis skewered him and his comical excuses. A world away from Oprah allowing your "truth" to emerge without challenge. The major difference is that Andrew does not employ a PR machine to rehabilitate his image. There are no puff pieces about him giving gift cards to staff or buying coffee in an attempt to make him out to be something he isn't. There are no "sweet nod" type articles flooding peoples feeds. He also had the tact to lie low and has never attacked the monarchy or tried to destabilise it. That's not excusing him but simply pointing out that when you serve up nothing then there can be no return. There are only so many variations of condemning him and that gets repetitive. With the Sussexes there is always intermittent developments, there is always material with which the tabloids will latch onto in order to generate content. They faciliate the pile on but a factor in that piling on is that they did try and destabilise the monarchy. Accusing a senior royal (likely Charles or William) of being racist was likely an attempt at initiating a snowball effect i.e. the system and a head of state were racist to a biracial member of the family and one by one the commonwealth countries would take action in retaliation. None of that happened because "recollections may vary" was an acceptable response. In the end I just think that reputationally the genie is out of the bottle for the Sussexes and getting it back in may well be impossible. It would be brilliant if the tabloids simply stopped covering them period. There is nothing interesting there and clearly it's all done because it drives clicks which means advertising money. I won't even use the Daily Mail site anyway because it's such a head melt from a usability design point of view.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,468 ✭✭✭Citizen  Six

    Nah, when someone cries about being upset by what woke people say or do, that's them being a snowflake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,081 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    nobody has said she is as pure as the driven snow as far as i am aware, but simply we know that if a once full on nazi sympathising, still dog whistling racist publication who has no credibility or moral high ground to criticise anyone, dislikes and moralises over someone, chances are that someone isn't actually anywhere near being as bad as claimed at all.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,081 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    this would be the famous bullying that there hasn't been a shred of evidence to support?

    long term staff could have quit fo all sorts of reasons, it could have been simply down to her refusing to stick with tradition which of itself is a non issue, but to old timers who don't like change then modernisation is never going to be able to work with tradition.

    ultimately that is a lot of what this is really about, meghan focused on some stuff deemed "woke" by the far right and that cannot be allowed and must be avenged.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    Maybe it's time to ask the people around you if they see people crying over what woke people say. It's not normal to think these are real people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    There is a letter from one of the senior aides describing how she hounded two people out of their jobs and was taking every opportunity to undermine the confidence of another. This was released before the Oprah interview but Meghan has never sued over it, which is unusual for her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    I get you, if the Daily Mail don't like 'em, that's a great endorsement of their virtue.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    No evidence?

    "I am very concerned that the Duchess was able to bully two PA's out of the household in the past year. The treatment of X was totally unacceptable. The Duchess seems intent on always having someone in her sights. She is bullying Y and seeking to undermine her confidence. We have had report after report from people who have witnessed unacceptable behaviour towards Y"

    So there is that with two explicit references to bullying as well as “report after report” regarding unacceptable behaviour. Then there is the evidence that an actual investigation took place into bullying. Clearly there was something which prompted this to actually happen. But sure not a shred of evidence. You know what I find odd? That the Mail on Sunday printed a bit too much of a letter to her Dad and Meghan sued them but The Times ran an article, which is damaging to her public reputation, about Meghan bullying staff and that got nothing but a PR response claiming smear campaign. Very odd eh? I don't know about you but if something like that happened to me and I knew I did nothing then I'd be lawyering up so to speak.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,081 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    i know, but it''s not proof in fairness.

    realistically what likely happened is the aids and staff wanted meghan to abide by the traditions, she didn't want to do that because that is her right, they took that as bullying as there is a culture clash between americans and english and sometimes they can take each other up wrong.

    yeah, she probably is a bit of a deva but american zelebrities generally seem to be, but bullying is a very serious allegation and the fact she hasn't sued doesn't mean it took place.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,081 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    yeah, again none of that is actual proof.

    it's someone stating they are concerned and that there are apparently reports which there is no evidence of their actual existance.

    then an "investigation" for which there are only claims it has taken place with no results and proof.

    unacceptable behaviour can mean anything in an insstitution such as the RF, as i suggested meghan refusing to abide by a particular tradition could be considered such.

    yeah she sued one paper and won hard, good for her, she didn't sue another, well that's her choice for whatever reason.

    you need to get over it that the MOS lost, losing losers who lost hard.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    She pretty much confirmed the letter was both real and truthful, she said she was 'saddened at this attack on her character', there was no denial or claim that the details were false.

    If your charitable reading of the situation is correct, she's then lying about no one telling her what the traditions and expectations of the role were. Or they were telling her, that didn't suit her new self-importance, and she freaked out on them. There's being a difficult 'boss' and there's being hounded out of your job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,102 ✭✭✭Brief_Lives

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    You mention tradition. What exactly would she be doing differently beyond tradition? Bear in mind that traditionally for, oh say, a millenium a working royal is working on behalf of, representative of and as an ambassador of the monarch. Meghan was a working royal in that capacity. The litany of staff were not working for her as such. In addition the staff, advisors, grey suits are all working with all the working royals to help them on behalf of the monarchy and thus the monarch e.g. getting them prepped, keeping to a schedule, admin work etc. They do all this helping and assisting under the umbrella of the boss i.e. the monarch. Any plans or strategizing by Meghan would have been accepted but discussed under the principle of how it would reflect on the monarch. That’s the catch. You could have all the biggest and best ideas in the world but if there was a sniff of any of it crossing the neutral and impartial line then it would be dismissed. Now if someone didn't understand what being a working royal actually meant then I could see how this could have created an acrimonious and difficult working environment and how something like Sussex Survivors could be an actual thing. I still don't know what this modernising of the monarchy actually meant in any great detail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,081 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    we don't actually know that anyone was hounded out of their job, someone claimed it happened but that is not proof.

    the hangers on in the institution were always going to see anyone leaving it because of any little slight meghan may have said or done as them being hounded out.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    So basically British tabloids are c*nts? I'm shocked.

    Same outlet. As Meghan said rude is not the same as racist. I can't see any of those 20 articles in your link being racist, I see tabloids being tabloids stirring up sh*t and creating rivalries. Like a soap opera writer creating drama.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 443 ✭✭Stanley 1

    Abdicate, she would have been on the next bus to LA, her ambitions of being as rich as the Khardashians blown, she would then have to get a decent lawyer and get rich the old-fashioned way, divorce, 2 kids and keep her in the custom she was getting used to.
