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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    I wonder if they will clamour to get Prince and Princess titles for Archie and Lilibet. You can already see this happening on social media. Funnily enough those who agreed that not titling them when they were born was borne out of racism now seem to be experts on what the protocol was regarding that all along. I guess don't let the facts get in the way of the narrative. It puts them in a bit of a predicament. They might want the titles as it could give them the paid security they want (Harry versus the Home Office) but will have to be open to criticism from people who know what hypocrisy means considering how they criticised the institution which would be conferring these titles. Also why two children based in and to be raised in the US need British royal titles would be beyond me to be fair. I think they should refuse to take any titles if they get the offer. It would lend credence to their criticism and misgivings, their want to give their kids some sense of a normal life insofar as possible. Free to ride their own bikes kind of thing. They supposedly have their millions and millions anyway and so the security can't be a concern since they can afford the very best. I think Charles might go the way of the Swedish model and go with no Prince/Princess unless you're in the direct line of succession. So in effect when/if George marries and has kids he could have six children but only the first born, the heir, would take a title. I think that's what he is planning via the so called slimming down. If that is the case then wait for the inevitable no wonder they left reasoning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭superflyninja

    Firstly, I never pretended to be a professional making a professional diagnosis. I stated my opinion based on her behaviour. Leaving medical terms aside, you would want to be as deluded as her not to see the lies and spin she pedals. She may not be a narcissist, she may be playing a PR game, drumming up interest in her brand through controversy and scandal. Whatever way you look at it, she is a proven liar. Look at her actions on the Oprah interview, all the nonsense with her father. Are you of the same opinion as End of the Road that Markle is an innocent victim of bullying and nothing she did was wrong?

    Nice attempt at deflection by roping in the criticism of other celebrities.

    Any attempts to get a straight answer out of you Markle defenders is futile. You lot arent politicians are you? Because you dodge criticisms and facts like Neo.

    For example the recent comments by Markle about the South African Lion King performer comparing her marriage to Harry to Nelson Mandela. The only South African performer denied it. What do you think happened there then?

    That Markle was lying? Lying to drum up press inches? Or to fuel her ego?

    Or that its all a conspiracy against her by racist bullies?

    As an aisde though, that talk about her smirking in that photo at the funeral is so stupid. She isnt smirking, its just her face. That sort of reporting is just tabloid trash.

  • Registered Users Posts: 443 ✭✭Stanley 1

    Will be happy to listen to your alternative opinions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,148 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Firstly, I never pretended to be a professional making a professional diagnosis. I stated my opinion based on her behaviour. Leaving medical terms aside

    I know, that was my point, your opinion was she has a personality disorder, an opinion you are no way qualified to have. I said it in the post you replied to.

    Amazing the amount of internet psychologists that can diagnose a personality disorder without ever having to meet or talk to the person

    Personally I wouldn't hold much weight with an actual clinical phycologist giving an opinion on someone's mental condition just by watching them on the telly box.

    Are you of the same opinion as End of the Road that Markle is an innocent victim of bullying and nothing she did was wrong?

    I don't think that is exclusively End of the Roads opinion TBF.

    Because you dodge criticisms and facts like Neo.

    Which facts have I dodged?

    You mean when I pointed that her podcast was doing well, and the replies were no no they aren't it's tanked, Spotify is faking the numbers. Those sort of facts?

    As a side note, you seem rather emotionally invested in this, you seem to have a rather grand dislike for the woman.

    You do know the whole lot of them are a bunch of self entitled millionaires who would step over you, or at least have a servant remove you if you collapsed in front of them?

    The Nelson Mandela thing was beyond stupid, but hardly unique to loose breezed millionaires who live on a different planet to rest of us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭superflyninja

    You replied to Amazing the amount of internet psychologists that can diagnose a personality disorder without ever having to meet or talk to the person.

    You said that, not me.

    Ok thats progress, you acknowledge the Nelson Mandela incident, im glad there is something we can agree on.

    My grand dislike is actually not super personal on Markle. My grand dislike is for liars and those that twist the truth to suit their own ends. I think thats why the likes of you and End of the Road rankle me.

    Im not calling you or End of the Road liars, but ye are certainly ignoring blatantly obvious, proven facts in favour of yer Saint Markle narrative.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    My alternative opinion is that everything you posted about her, i.e.....

    Am sure Netflix and Spotify will have clawback/get out clauses as the shine will come off her me, me and me podcasts.

    Netflix are not getting the access they thought they would have in UK to brin in/get closer to the RF.

    It will all end in tears and before a Judge, perhaps. a complete fabrication on your part which is not based in reality and amounts to little more than wild speculation to denigrate someone who you obviously do not like. You are couching your language in weasel words so that you can back out of your claims by saying "this is only my opinion..." when taken to task about them....e.g. "i'm sure......." and "....before a judge, perhaps".

    You have no idea what those companies are thinking. You have no idea about the contracts that were signed. And you've zero idea of how much access Netflix are getting or whether this is the level of access they thought they would get from the outset. It's complete fantasy, pulled from God knows where. You've never seen any Netflix contracts, never mind her one.

    You are, essentially, making up lies to paint her in a bad light. This is a direct result of a smear campaign against her by parts of the British establishment who don't want her and Harry to succeed, for reasons up to and including her skin being the wrong colour.

    Except, of course, Piers Morgan, who hates her because she shot him down.

    How'd I do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,148 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    I think thats why the likes of you and End of the Road rankle me.

    So it's not personal but what someone else even thinks rankles you? 😂

    Sure if you would like to point out what I am ignoring that is rankling you

    My grand dislike is for liars and those that twist the truth to suit their own ends

    You must absolutely detest the Royal Family so, do you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Re Mandela thing.

    Article reports Meghan says South African cast member told her at Lion King premiere that people danced in the streets when she married just like they had done when Mandela was freed. That's very specific. Fact checkers go to the South African cast member to verify this laughable comparison while Mandalas grandson takes the piss out of it. Cast member says he wasn't at the premiere but suggests the South African composer was there. He says he spoke to Meghan but doesn't recall mentioning Mandela. Video exists of them meeting and while South Africa is mentioned neither Mandela nor a reference to dancing in streets is said. Recollections varying.

    Faced with this I have seen Sussex Squad types going with the suggestion that Leb M, the composer in question, might be misremembering something because it happened a few years ago and perhaps his memory is foggy. Of course they dare not suggest that it may be Meghan being the one failing to get her memory straight or saying something clearly inaccurate. Why? Because it opens it all up to accusations along the lines of if she is lying about that then she can reasonably be thought to be lying about other things as well. Monarchist types would thus love such a gotcha to discredit her against the famous allegations. I can't fathom why she would put something like that out there particularly if it wasn't ironclad. On the one hand you'd hope there is someone involved with them who might clock that, whether it be true or not, comparing herself to Mandela (albeit along with the comparison denial in the article) is probably not the greatest PR move ever and that it would be fact checked by Brits gleefully engaging in their new national sport of Markle Trashing. There is a brilliant phrase which sums this up. Let go or be dragged. I think the best thing the pair of them should do, post funeral, is go on a personally enforced embargo in speaking or engaging in anything royal related. Harry will be getting his wedge of the will and Spotify have gotten some content. Netflix will put something out in future. They’ve delivered something at least. They might be best served enjoying their young family in relative privacy and with the luxury of being financially capable of doing so. However with the memoir looming about and the surge in coverage in recent days ripe for exploiting for attention and relevance then I just think they won't be doing that. So when the new season of Markle Trashing inevitably kicks off in the months ahead after this incessant coverage then even the most ardent of defenders, supporters, sugars etc. must begrudgingly admit to thinking what the f*ck else do they expect? They’ll get dragged so long as this PR war goes on ad nauseum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 443 ✭✭Stanley 1

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,236 ✭✭✭alan partridge aha

    I'd love the media/photographers to do an Andrew Ridgeley on them.

    As the come out expected themselves to be papped, all photographers should turn their backs. This is what they are living of no publicity is bad publicity. Ignore them.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Excellent counter-point.

    You've really argued your case there, chief, I'm sure you've managed to sway everyone's opinion. I'm certainly convinced now that you didn't just pull it out of your hole.

  • Registered Users Posts: 443 ✭✭Stanley 1

    Reckon you pulled that straight out of your hole but then again I could not possibly know that

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    See, the difference is mine is based on fact and can be verified.

    You did use weasel words.

    You don't know what Netflix is thinking, or what might be in their contracts.

    And, you've no idea how much access they want/are getting.

    You're the one making claims without anything to back it up. What I've posted can be seen by others (and by yourself, let's not forget) as verifiably true. Now you've been caught with your pants around your ankles, you resort to schoolyard tactics of accusing others of being guilty of your own crimes.

    I've gotta say, it doesn't look great. Should've quit after your adios amigo post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 443 ✭✭Stanley 1

    My opinions have been expressed and you, of course, are entitled to yours.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    The estimated wait time for Westminster Hall is now longer than Meghans time as a working royal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,118 ✭✭✭StrawbsM

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,177 ✭✭✭✭Purple Mountain

    To thine own self be true

  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    How we all doing this evening?

    Are the Megan haters still hating? Are the Megan lovers still wondering why they're always in the minority? 😀

    Thread quiet- the calm before the Megan storm on Monday's funeral when all eyes will be on .....MEGAN!!

    Who will design Megan's black dress? Or, will she wear white or pink or.....a smile?

    What Diana jewellery will she wear?

    Will they hold hands? Nah, scrap that- how long will they hold hands for?

    Is your credit card subscription to the special Daily Mail insight on MEGAN, stories you can't read elsewhere, up to date?

    What's the best popcorn to watch all of this take place? Salted, chill, sweet? YOU DECIDE

    We're LIVE on the MEGAN factor- please don't adjust your browser.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    “What's the best popcorn to watch all of this take place?”

    Salted, with a hint of butter. And vinegar. And sour grapes.

  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I brought salt and vinegar peanuts once- I love salt and vinegar crisps so thought, that should be OK- they were RANK!- nah, I'll mix chilli with salt and sweetness with popcorn but not vinegar.

    Are we still frwends on this thread or is this a deal breaker for you? 🤣

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,047 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    Harry is wearing a uniform at the vigil tomorrow at the request of his father. He gets to pretend to be a working royal again.

    Will Meghan hold his hand on the podium? Will one of them float off into the ether if they can't frantically clutch one another? Will Meghan be allowed to attend? Will the Daily Mail explode?

    Do we all need valium to cope? So many questions, so little Netflix.

  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Oh that netflix comment was so thinly veiled, it was like an after Eight waffer- minty minty anyone? 😍

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,047 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    I just hope we get some insider i for from Obi-Wan Kenobi.

    Does anyone know where to see the pic of Hasbeen and Mediocre in BP?

  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Just thought I'd put it out there:

    We've been talking for 367 pages about MEGAN!

    Is there a help group I can attend?

    Anyone feel like going off-topic to maybe get banned, even for a few weeks or so, so we can recover or something?

    What's Megan cold turkey like anyway? Is it painful?

    Is this an international disease or just Ireland and UK based?

    Is someone working on a vaccine?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,047 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    You need to rage quit, fall out with your family, move to California and spend all your time complaining about why you rage quit, what all the mean posters said to you and how you're trying to forgive us.

    The most important thing is that everything you say must be an easily provable lie.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,678 ✭✭✭Multipass

    It’s interesting to watch the information wars going on, with this pair repeatedly releasing false information through Omid Scobie and which gets picked up immediately by certain media outlets. Tonight it was that Harry and Meghan received an invite to the state reception, and it was being repeated by various US outlets and the Express in the UK. An hour ago the Telegraph reported that the pair were ‘uninvited’. Someone’s releasing fake news, or could you call it ‘manifesting’?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,678 ✭✭✭Multipass

    We could always switch to Harry - I hear that Bunkerharry is trending 😂

  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Oh God, is that all? EVERYTHING I say say here on this thread is likely to be "an easily provable lie" - awe thanks Leg End- you're not such a reject after all 😝

  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Replace one addiction with another? ermmmm... what's the feel good factor like? We're talking Spinal Tap 11 here right now.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

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