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Gangland Shootings part 4 - Read OP before posting - updated 30/12/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 169 ✭✭Paul Lawlor

    Robbie Lawlor shot Owen Maguire and was pulled over 30 mins later with no clothes on and dripping in petrol. They reckon Crosby done Brendan in the retail park

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    He did then told everyone and laighed down the phone call asking about brendan the week after then put it online stupid personified.

  • Registered Users Posts: 169 ✭✭Paul Lawlor

    And then when Richie Carberry got shot Robbie was absolutely raging. That hit him personally. Hence the reason KMW got chopped up so viciously.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,187 ✭✭✭realdanbreen

    Don't worry sure yourself Bricks are under fierce pressure there in Store street! Bricks is probably slightly better at coming across as a ex dope head but it's entertaining reading the 2 of ye all the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    You think I'm a copper hahah ah so first I'm a bag snatching scammer, then I'm a journo now I'm a copper yeooooooo. Get on the lads.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7 IBEC

    I can't be the only one thinking that the fact the Garda flipped Dowdall must have meant they were not confident of nailing the Monk.

    If the tapes were as incriminating as being made out then surely they would have not needed Dowdall.

    They could have had three murder convictions but instead they will only get one and two lesser charges.

    Anyway thats my two cents worth, surprised it wasn't already brought up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,312 ✭✭✭secman

    Maybe they wanted belt and braces...

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭Spencer101

    Taped evidence can raise complications, for the prosecution, the long running Colin Duffy trial in Belfast which finally seems to be coming to a conclusion has shown that. Dowdall is about 15 years younger than Hutch and was released on bail, in April, as he had done 6 years for the Alex Hurley case. Aside from a night or two here and there whilst he was questioned by the Gardai Hutch had not done any time before his return to Ireland last summer since 1985. This is a non jury trial so if the evidence is admitted a judge's interpretation of what they were talking about is you would imagine going to be more rigid and restrictive than a jury. Even if they are talking in slang and code and using nicknames for the people they were to meet in Newry there is likely mobile phone records and other evidence that buttresses the recordings and so in totality it is all probably really troublesome for the defence. On the way up from Dublin doubt it sounds like they were planning what they were going to do at the Boulevard in Banbridge.

    The longer a trial goes on the added chance it will collapse for some unforeseen reason, trials in 'real time' often turn out to be longer than the estimated length. So as the court has been told this is a 12 week trial may actually be longer and might not last distance. But retrials usually just allow the prosecution to do it all again but better. Then if he does somehow beat his first SCC trial he has his second SCC trial. If he gets guilty on the first trial probably 2042 before he's out. If he beats the first trial but gets done for directing an OCG may be out in 2037 or thereabouts. It would make a great movie if he beats both cases but this is real life and 19/20 cases before the SCC see a conviction. He's 60 next year and Dowdall is 44 so they played the cards they were dealt allowing for their ages, background and the fact one of them is just out of prison after 6 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 169 ✭✭Paul Lawlor

    Post edited by Paul Lawlor on

  • Registered Users Posts: 169 ✭✭Paul Lawlor


    Post edited by Paul Lawlor on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 169 ✭✭Paul Lawlor


    Post edited by Paul Lawlor on

  • Registered Users Posts: 169 ✭✭Paul Lawlor

    Heard Buda was top marksman. Good few bodies on him and never caught.

    They say he did his first hit when he was 17. Mickey Devoy. Is that correct?

  • Registered Users Posts: 180 ✭✭John_D3

    Gerry has always been described as being smart, cunning, intelligent, leaves no stone unturned.

    With spending time with the Dowdall’s before they got bail how did he not get the vibe they had it with prison, were at breaking point, then when they got bail, know they would get the taste of freedom with the family.

    Surely then would have been the time to put pressure on. Convince them, they had the case beat. Have Mago let them know when they were out on bail, what happens if anyone ever talked. Not going to see the family when the deed is done.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    was this the monk? i think it was this robbery where people saw the robbers on the roof but thought theywere working on it

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭Spencer101

    Gave an interview last year where he said wasn’t a Hutch associate and in fact wasn’t a criminal. So must have been really annoying to have been shot at when in a car with Patsy Hutch in 2018.

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭Spencer101

    In some of the versions a close male Hutch associate’s jaw is broken in others a female associate. Irish Times wrote this years ago ‘ 11 Mar 1996 — Shortly after, gardai believe, the Monk shot dead another criminal, Mel Cox (50), at Blanchardstown.’ So media & Gardai has a similar view on this murder albeit lots of posts on here say that crime journalists are lazy and parrot what police tell them. So is real story that a Hutch associate who died in 2016 was responsible ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭Spencer101

    There’s a paywall but if this is the ‘96 AIB Waterford cash centre robbery normally credited to Monk.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]


    Mon Jan 22 1996 - 00:00

    SATURDAY'S raid in Waterford is part of a pattern of major robberies carried out on cash depots in recent years. It inevitably raises questions about the security measures at such depots.

    In January, 1992, about a half a mile away from the scene of Saturday's robbery, a gang stole about £2.7 million from an AIB cash holding centre.

    In that raid, two armed men cut through a wire perimeter fence and broke through the outer wall of the single storey building near the roof, gaining access to the space between the roof and the suspended ceiling below. They were then able to drop through the flimsy panels of the suspended ceiling to surprise the staff unloading a cash trolley from a van below. Another raider, meanwhile, had entered the building and confronted and disarmed a detective at the cash office.

    The AIB Waterford raid was the biggest cash haul in the State's history until January last year, when an estimated £2.8 million was taken from a Brinks Allied cash depot in Dublin.

    At the Brinks Allied facility, sections of the outer and inner fence were loosened before jeeps were driven through them. One jeep rammed the loading bay door in the building and held it open, allowing armed and masked raiders into the area where staff were unloading cash from a van.

    Saturday's raid followed the pattern. A fence surrounding the building was breached and raiders then cut their way through the metal panels of a wall, waiting inside for the security van to arrive.

    Although paramilitary involvement in the earlier raids was not ruled out, the prime suspects were members of a criminal gang led by the Dublin criminal known as "The Monk". Armed raids on computer chip factories and warehouses which have followed the same pattern have also been attributed to the gang.

    Yesterday, gardai said they had an open mind as to whether there was paramilitary involvement in Saturday's raid. The fact that one of the raiders carried a machine gun or some kind of automatic weapon could point to IRA involvement but gardai recognise that Dublin gangs also have access to automatic weapons. Catching Saturday's raiders will be especially difficult as no shots were fired during the raid, leaving no ballistics evidence.

    Banks, security firms and companies with high value stocks regularly share security information and also meet regularly with gardai to discuss their security.

    The apparent ease with which Saturday's raid was carried out, and the fact that it followed a pattern of robberies, inevitably raises questions about the thoroughness of security at cash depots.

    However, last night, a spokesman for Securicor said the company "rejected the view that security was less than adequate" at the depot.

    There are numerous measures which can be taken to secure a building. Apart from security cameras at fences and outer walls, vibration sensors can be installed which should detect any attempts' to penetrate the walls or roof. The fact that the Waterford raiders on Saturday were able to break through a fence and then gain access to the Securicor building suggests that such measures were not in place, or that they were neutralised.

    Cash depots are the most attractive target for raiders as cash collected from shops and other businesses by security vans is in used notes. The cash, therefore, cannot be traced by serial numbers. None of the cash from the previous Waterford raid or the Brinks Allied robbery has been recovered, nor have any people been charged.

    Securicor Ireland has a turnover of about £20 million a year. It does not disclose profits. Its cash in transit business accounts for about 30 per cent of revenue. The company is part of a British based group which makes a profit of £60 million a year.

    A security firm's cash in transit operations are usually insured with the security company agreeing cash carrying procedures with the insurer. There are limits on the amount of cash that can be carried across a pavement to a security van by one person and for the amounts held in a van or at any particular facility.

    Security firm staff are unarmed and a Securicor executive said in recent years that there were "no rules" about the level of commitment to the firm expected when a member of staff is confronted by an armed raider. Those who show exceptional bravery, however, are given a cheque to show the company's gratitude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭Spencer101

    Says he’s an ‘innocent family man’ which arguably is a denial of as of 2021 being a criminal. Says he’s not a member of Hutch gang or any gang.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Neddy hutch was slapped about by Mel and the rapist who died in 2016 was the man to do the damage. No way was the monk anywhere near it and I was under the illusion that was accepted by all and sundry outside the media

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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Was an innocent family man when he made calls to portlaoise prison to put a man on a walk for Delboy when they were in Mountjoy. Nor was he an innocent family man when he stabbed same lad he tried to set up father in a taxi with Buda on the five lamps, nor was he when he was ringing Gary Howard saying he wanted 50k for killing his uncle as compensation and Gary wouldn't be harmed in the joy, well we all know how that panned out, Gary panned by 2 AD HD and Gary Howard on the Gs of wheatfield. He's a fat scumbag who used to ask junkies to clean his cell for a line of gear then blow it off the CD case in the joy. Fat rat

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭Spencer101

    How about Patrick “Teasy Weasy” Mcdonald’s murder ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Pretty sure it was same man who done it after the stroke cause of loot going missing. He was a provo or an IRP

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭Spencer101

    So correct gang but wrong gang member put in frame. Think there’s a 3rd 80s/90s murder the Monk has been linked to - Paddy Shanahan maybe ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭PatrickDoherty

    Hanley is pond life scum, grew up on the north strand in the same flats as him and budda his cousin. Pair of them have been walking b"stards for their whole lives since kids.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Didn't Paddy Shanahan's death causethe monk a loss of money on the apartments? i understand from a video i watched

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭Spencer101

    Maybe I have the specific details wrong but there was a 3rd murder in 80s/90s he was whether correctly or not linked to

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭Spencer101

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I don't know. i just saw a video where it said hutch lost a lot of money on the apartments because of paddy S's death

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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Ur on hwre chatting bollox. He rang Alan Donohoe when him and del where in Mountjoy Alan was in pL del was worried cause Alan was calling him a rat he stabbed Alan's da him and Buda a 60 odd old man. U have no ides wat u5 chatting about.
