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FF/FG/Green Government - Part 3 - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭howiya

    You drew a line between a post criticising the levy and the funding of the redress scheme. Do you support the levy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭jmcc

    I put Blanch on ignore because he/she does not contribute anything other than rabid anti-SF stuff to discussions.

    The RedC polls have always been more favourable to FG and to Labour. It could be due to their methodology which uses a 40K panel which RedC thinks represents the electorate. That panel has been sliced and diced so that they already know the locations and age groups of the panelists. It makes it a lot easier to provide breakdowns by location and age. A panel approach is not exactly the random sample that other pollsters use. It is also a bit of a double edge sword for the parties because it will have some of the characteristics of a tracking poll. A tracking poll surveys the same set of voters repeatedly. While RedC selects their sample for each poll randomly from the panel some of these panelists will have been surveyed previously over a year. For politicians, that kind of information is gold because it will show (slightly) how intentions are changing.

    There's also a kind of status thing with RedC among the FG/Labour voters. It has been continually treated as the best of the pollsters and that might help with the reponse rate. It also has been running polls for the Sunday Business Post and that has a different readership to that of the Sindo. If RedC polls are beginning to show FG support falling then this is the ice cracking beneath FG. Combine that with FF's poor showing and SF's support and FFG is facing a Titanic problem for the next GE.

    The one thing that the pollsters seem to ignore is the rate of change of the electorate. When Ireland was dominated by FF/FG and Civil War politics, the FF/FG axis used to get over 80% of the vote in GEs. That started to change as the generation that was born in the 1960s and 1970s became eligible to vote through the 1980s and 1990s. The old crooked FF/FG ways didn't appeal to many of these new voters and some may have voted Labour for a while as they thought that Labour was different.

    Without the Civil War politics dominating things for these voters, a fragmentation of political support happened. But it was nothing compared to what happened with the mismanagement of the economy by FF/FG/PDs in the early 2000s. Almost a generation of voters will have grown up seeing the stress that the bursting of the property bubble and the bank bailouts put on their parents and families while the politicians, banksters and cronys who caused the problems got away with big pensions and no sanctions.

    That has had a radicalising effect on voters. And for whom do the voters who have seen the effects of crooked FF/FG/PD/Labour policies on their families vote? Certainly not FF/FG/Labour. What is happening with the rise of SF and the collapse of FF/FG is a generational shift but the political journalists in the media generally have an Arts background rather than STEM background so they are intellectually incapable of properly analysing polls. Support for Labour in the younger demographics has collapsed. Support for FF is collapsing in these demographics. FG isn't doing well. In older demographics, FF and FG are beginning to cannibalise each other's vote.

    As part of the 2.5 party model, FF and FG could always rely upon Labour to be the third party. The polls started to show that model breaking down by 2013 but, again, the political journalists and waffling "commentators" never even saw it coming. By 2015, it was obvious that Labour was going to be demolished in the 2016 GE but there was the usual clueless commentary about how Labour wouldn't be badly affected and some were claiming that it would return around 15 seats. Labour was reduced to 7 seats from the 37 seats it won in 2011.

    This was the move to the current Big Three model where no two parties of the Big Three had enough seats to form a government. This was being predicted by the opinion polls and was glaringly obvious. Labour's problem was existential. It had shifted away from the unions and industry support base that it had for decades to becoming a (Yet Another Teacher Seeking Election) YATSE party and SF quickly moved in on its old union and Left wing support base as the upwardly mobile teacher/TD wannabes took over Labour. One of the problems with Irish politics is the massive over-representation of teacher/TDs in the Oireachtas. It was around 27% of all representative at one stage. When Labour imploded, FF/FG lost their lobby fodder party.

    The current opinion polls show a new political model in development. Some of it is down to a changing electorate but it is closer to being a traditional Left/Right political axis with FF/FG/Labour being on the Right of centre and SF and some others being on the centre to Left side of the political spectrum. What is most interesting is the development of the SocDems. The support for this party, again based on the polls, is a combination of younger voters and formerly Leftist voters who would previously have voted Labour. This is why the aging has-beens in Labour want to get their claws into the SocDem votes by proposing a very Stickies-like "merger". The nightmare scenario for FF/FG and Labour in the next GE is that some SF transfers go to the SocDems rather than to FF/FG candidates and Labour candidates.

    As has been seen with FF's moronic strategy of continually attacking SF, attacking SF doesn't work. Even the Sunday/Daily Blueshirt effort from the Sindo/Indo is not effective. The abject stupidity of Foley's comments at the FF Ard Fheis might have worked well with the diminishing number of FF faithful that even bothered to turn up but most people are too busy worrying about how to pay energy bills and deal with the increased cost of living. A similar effect happens when Varadkar and FG try to attack SF to deflect from FG failure.

    Few things harden a voter's resolve like politicans attacking the party for which they are considering voting. Rather than winning hearts and minds of floating voters, FF/FG are doing everything they can to drive them to vote for SF. The FF/FG presstitutes in the media are preaching to a shrinking choir as bills and the Homelessness issue radicalise voters.

    Many floating voters voted FF/FG out of financial self-interest. To use the quote from "Trading Places", the best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people. Take away the slimey media appearances by Martin and Varadkar and that's exactly what FFG policies are doing.


    Post edited by jmcc on

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭jmcc

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,068 ✭✭✭Murph85

    Wrecklessly spending 11 billion, in a hark to the insane pre celtic tiger budget giveaways, is total and utter lunacy! And they wont get thanked for it in the polls... At this state, decades of appalling governance, they are goosed, you cant just waffle and deflect for decades and not expect to run out of road. I hope to god , at the very least, they now stop this nonsense of massively mismanaging the state finances and accept that just flashing the credit card is nowhere near enough at this stage. 54,000 ukranians in ireland now.The calibre of irish politician is a disgrace, all weak , weasels.

    After decades of talking about it, it still takes years or decades for housing or infrastructure projects to come to fruition, they have done nothing about the bullshit endless legal challenges, that can hold up development...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,928 ✭✭✭Bishop of hope

    How do you propose this?

    Is it the producers of the bad micah, the builders responsible, Developers in general, please specify.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,068 ✭✭✭Murph85

    "One benefit of last week’s budget splurge of €11 billion is that it may be sufficient antidote to keep politics off the streets this winter. If it does, it has probably met its main objective.

    It has done the Government no good politically, however, if opinion polls are correct. This is now a country where people can no longer be bought with their own money. If true, that is an appalling vista for politics.

    It raises the more profound question of why the Government is chasing the rainbow of public support, with public money, in ways the ultimately bear down on the young and the houseless. It is not just that support from these groups has plummeted for Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, the conversation has stopped.

    The row about a levy on concrete blocks tells all we need to know about where power lies and how it is exercised. It is questionable if solidarity with those afflicted by mica in their homes should extend to rebuilding houses sometimes beyond the size of an average home. That cost is borne in part by those, overwhelmingly younger, who can’t afford any house of their own.

    The idea of a levy is a good one, however. It expands the tax base on a once-off basis. The obvious place for a levy was to add it to our feeble property tax. Putting it, instead, on blocks increases the cost for all buildings, from new houses to productive infrastructure. Home owners who are overwhelmingly a little better off than the houseless young, would have contributed something back.

    If you are housed and over 50 you are better off by accident simply because we house-hunted in the right decade. You are also cruising towards an old age pension years before you are likely to be incapable of further work. In a final display of bad manners, you will probably enjoy indecent longevity afterwards.

    But this is where power lies, and how it is exercised. The parlour game of reshuffles is of little consequence to anyone except those immediately involved. But for them, it is all. Outside, the social contract is broken. Even €11 billion is not enough wallpaper to cover over the cracks."

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,135 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Good article. I feel the only people that will vote for FFG in the next election are the "I'm alright Jack" types. I can see a new party emerge after the next election too.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    You aren jmcc can talk all you like about the polls, I don't mind.

    The issue is that they give zero guidance to what will happen in the next general election. Things may change dramatically, or only a little, but they will change substantively.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,135 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Zero guidance? You're deluded.

    You can continue to ignore the polling posts and we'll come back to you at the next election.

    Local and Euro elections in Summer 2024 are not far away now. Patience...

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Oh, I expect the local and European elections to go the way of these polls. Then when that is out of people's systems, we will see whether it is long-lasting or not.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭jmcc

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,220 ✭✭✭mattser

    Not until you make it so. You don't have to answer with a War and Peace contibution like earlier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭jmcc

    That new party option is an interesting one. There's a core of TDs in FF and FG who have become comfortable working with each other. As the next GE approaches, the would be the basis for the new party especially if there are defections or rebranding (going Independent) as TDs try to keep their seats. There are probably enough TDs to form a genuine "conservative" party. The problem is that most party TDs depend on the party and the party vote to get elected. The effects of a new "conservative" party would hit FFG as and might also affect SF to a lesser extent. It might also be concentrating on the Right of centre for votes.


  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Do the guilty parties have €3 billion lying around to pay for this? Of course they don't, it is silly populism to suggest that the guilty parties fund it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,135 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    The housing disaster and health system crisis and huge national debt will be 'out of peoples systems' in 2 years? Laughable. Your party's strategists are very weak. Plenty more chaos to come too.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    I don't have a party.

    Are you accusing me of being a bot for a party? If not, apologise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,135 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Oh comes the baiting. BA will be along next.

    I don't believe in bots. You owe me a thousand apologies at this stage. I have never reported your misinformation.


    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭jmcc

    Do you consider it just that those who are innocent should have to pay?


  • Registered Users Posts: 29,238 ✭✭✭✭Wanderer78

    what credit card? this is largely funds coming from corporate tax receipts! governments urgently need to push as much money out into the economy, to try reduce the negative effects of any oncoming downturn, as prevention is better than cure, i.e. if they dont do this, we ll more than likely see many businesses going bust, and a significant rise in unemployment, so if you think we have problems now, you can be damn sure these problems would be far worse without this injection of money into the economy....

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,449 ✭✭✭fliball123

    That horse has bolted the gov is spending 11 billion now to try and win some support back and to play some mind games with the Shinners its just not enough. The tax payer looking at this sees their costs that they have to stump up for mica/pyrite blocks, HSE, Public sector pay and pensions, our welfare rates and then we look at our p1ss poor services that they are paying through the nose for and they are not fit for purpose as one poster put it we pay Northern European amounts in taxes for a Eastern European style public service along with L'Oréal rates for welfare and public sector pay and pensions. . The country is banjaxed and giving these gobsh1tes more money to throw on the bonfire that is Ireland Inc is not the way to go, we tried it. 11 Billion this year and 240Billion up until now. This borrowing is and will be a lot more expensive as time goes by. How much more do we have to needlessly throw away before the penny drops that our kids and grand kids are going to pay for this in taxes and an even poorer public service that is unless they have emigrated. It is time to look at what we are spending and hard decisions like telling refugees that we are full and there is no room in the inn is part of it. The country needs a reset starting with a route and branch commission report on spending and our public services and welfare. I find it comical that the powers that be can put one of these together for more taxes when over 90Billion is being spent this year. Its an absolute joke

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  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    So you want the people who bought cheap building blocks without checking them to be made to pay to rebuild their own houses? They may not be completely guilty but they are not innocent either.

    In essence, by making only those who are not fully innocent pay, you are in effect calling for the whole scheme to be stopped. Strange.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    The baiting? Do you mean that where someone accuses another of being a party bot that they are baiting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,449 ✭✭✭fliball123

    Surely builders have indemnity insurance, I am sure the quarry who supplied the bricks had insurance. Sure FF/FG have already come out saying this brick levy will be passed on so in effect the people who are building or buying a house now pays. How is that fair. Here is an idea how about we get all politicians both ex and future politicians pay a levy through their pensions, they were the the ones that should of had proper regulations in place decades ago so the like Bertie should have 50% taken off their pensions until the cost is paid they were in charge and should of had a watchdog in place so the buck stops with them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Well actually, they did have regulations in place, but Donegal County Council, among others, didn't implement them (once more we are back to my second favourite topic - the incompetence of local government), we could increase LPT in the areas that are subject to mica, making those counties pay for it themselves. That would be fairer than lumping the whole country with the bill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    It is very strange to see the accusations of the government putting finances at risk.

    We have seen one-off measures this year which will still see a surplus and the combination next year of one-off and permanent measures will also see a surplus, and on top of that we are putting €6 billion over the two years into a rainy day fund.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    For those that are truly interested in polling results, and not the spin that is put on them, here is a website with a methodology of prediction that turns polls into seats.

    FF/FG/Greens within 5 seats of being returned.

    SF hoovering up the left.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,449 ✭✭✭fliball123

    So that's even worse. So now let all of the pollical public service employees step up and pay a levy on their wage and their pension until the cost is paid and problem solved, they should not of let it happen they were the ones tasked with regulation and failed and no we should increase LPT , people paying this have already paid for stamp duty (it was 8% not so long ago), interest rates, solicitor fees, Vat on Solicitor fees, annual life and home insurance not to mention the actual cost of the house on top of the current rate of LPT sorry that stone has been bleed dry and they have paid enough, our politicians at all levels should pay a levy on their wage and pensions, we can call it the "political stupidity fund for mica redress scheme" has a nice ring to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,449 ✭✭✭fliball123

    The issue is we have such a surplus as they are squeezing the life out of tax payers and they have the corpo tax which leaves us in the same position pre 08 bust, paying bills using a 20 billion a year windfall in corpo tax that we dont control and can disappear as easily as stamp duty did back in 08 did and this is a disaster waiting to happen (again) I mean over 90 billion spent and we still have one of the worst public services going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,667 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    You seem to have forgotten the concept of buyer beware. There are loads of people who got good deals on concrete blocks, deals that looked too good to be true, when the mica issue was already being talked about, do they not have any responsibility?

    As for bleating about LPT, remember the mica problem is being for by renters and the homeless in their taxes, so why not increase the LPT, after all it only falls on those who are lucky enough to own their own home.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,449 ✭✭✭fliball123

    Buyer beware you are you phucking having a laugh? If someone buys something legally in this country under consumer law if its not working or faulty you have the right to return it for a refund or to have it fixed. I don't see why this rule should not apply for the most expensive purchase you will ever buy. Buyer beware will you please stop smelling what your shoveling over there. There are enough people to chase between the quarry owners, the builders, the banks (who provided mortgages) and all of their insurers and the political regulators that should be made pony up for the cash.

    We already may a myriad of tases in this country and no more not one cent more in additional taxes should be paid until there is a commission on spend and where we can save on waste, as for LTP I have outlined the myriad of taxes and other costs that the home owner has to pay so no they pay enough already I find it disgusting that you want these people to pay more for an issue they had no hand act or part in.
