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Is it time to join Nato



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    oh no, an embassy. whatever shall we do prAY teLl.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,680 ✭✭✭eire4

    Have the Russians reduce the size of their embassy in Dublin to a similar level to ours in Moscow at the very least so it cannot be as big of a spy center as it is especially given we currently have no creditable intelligence service to deal with the threat. Although no idea why your bringing the embassy up with me given I never mentioned it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,680 ✭✭✭eire4

    Given the incoherent nature of your reply I have to assume the first paragraph is talking about Ireland joining NATO although it is hard to be sure. Assuming that is correct I wonder why you bring that up with me as I never suggested we join NATO.

    What I did say was that as a member of the collective that is the EU from which we have and continue to benefit from our membership of greatly it is time for us to develop a creditable defense and security capability so that we can play our part in the defense and security of that collective rather then being the free loaders in that regard which we currently are.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    Invasion of Afghanistan, including triggering of nato article 5.

    I don't actually have the power to reduce the size of the Russian embassy.

    But I say let them stick on another floor and a patio/smoking area. Makes little difference. They're largely incapable.

    Having seen their drunken performance in their neighbors back yard, and considering the geography (and UK territorial waters) I think we're quite safe from any sort of invasion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    We do play our part in EU defense. Ireland partakes in csdp missions and nordic battlegroup missions.

    And we've taken in refugees from Ukraine, and provided hospital beds for injured Ukrainians.

    I understand that certain nerds get wet for military toys, and yes our DF is underfunded, but clicking up with America, becoming another asset of Washington and its fight to maintain hegemony, (as per the thread title - not you, sit down) is not the answer.

    A European centered response is the answer. Europeans have mutual interests with one another, whereas Americans understandably only care about themselves and America first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    Do you want us to join nato so that we can have lots of cool military hardware that goes pew pew pew nyeeer ack ack ack ack pow?

    Or is there some other reason?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Afghanistan was UN Security Council mandated (unanimously), including by Ireland as it happens which had a seat on the SC. The precise opposite of an illegal intervention.

    Think before you type.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    "The UN Charter is a treaty ratified by the United States and thus part of US law. Under the charter, a country can use armed force against another country only in self-defense or when the Security Council approves. Neither of those conditions was met before the United States invaded Afghanistan. "

    Print that out and roll it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    I think wallace or grommit has been on the sherry again. new at 11 illegal use of Shannon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Take it to the UN, or indeed the 15 members of the UN Security Council who voted unanimously for it.

    And no, I don't take the word of a Troktsyist crank no-name lawyer (who teaches at a "law school" that isn't accredited by the American Bar Association 😂). You'll be giving us links to Oliver Stone documentaries next.

    Afghanistan was a legal intervention by definition. You owned yourself, put it in your pipe and take a big hit off it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,645 ✭✭✭Feisar

    I agree with you in principle however if we took our defence seriously it'd make feck all difference. It'd be like me getting off the couch to fight Tyson Fury vs me with a years training behind me.

    First they came for the socialists...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,680 ✭✭✭eire4

    You sure keep up with your obsession about the Americans. I have not suggested joining NATO and or teaming up militarily with the Americans. But you know that and nonetheless continue with your diatribe about the Americans. I suspect your being disingenuous when you mention Ireland's participation in Nordic battlegroup's which we have done on a periodic basis. The current battlegroup that Ireland will play a role in will have a whopping 8-10 Irish personal. Ireland does indeed participate in the civilian csdp missions and is to be lauded for that. However that changes not a jot the fact that when it comes to the defense and security of the collective of the EU and the free open and democratic society within which we live we do not play our part, we simply do not have a creditable defense and security capability and are currently free loading in that regard within the EU.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    Seems the invasion took place in October, prior to approval (December).

    Turns out the qualified and experienced professor of law and head of a lawyers guild knows better than some ... user ... on boards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Jus ad bellum and SC resolution 1368 (unanimously adopted September 12th, 2001) which affirmed it. If you think Ireland, Norway and others voted for an "illegal war" come out and say so. Because that's what you're saying.

    Trotskyist crank lawyers and internet edgelords don't make up international law. She's not an "experienced professor of law", she's Lionel Hutz with a Trotskyist bent teaching at an unaccredited law school. She also opposed putting Slobodan Milosevic on trial for war crimes. So yeah, that's who you're dealing with. National Lawyers Guild sounds impressive until you realise it's a coven of communist idiots who are still shook that the Soviet Union collapsed.

    If you're going to do appeals to authority, try and pick someone not so ridiculous and with a smidge of credibility.

    Post edited by Yurt2 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Boom things go boom ....

    Imagine actually having military capable of actually defending the country, including skies and territorial waters ,

    A real proud defense force, properly equipped, motivated, trained and paid well .

    Is it too much to ask for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    What part of "as per the thread title - not you" did you not understand.

    There is no freeloading. If history and geography have conspired for Ireland to be largely uninvolved and marginal thats just good fortune for once. The positive to all the negatives of being largely isolated.

    We don't have a credible defense, but then again the only threat on the continent seemingly doesn't have much of a credible attack (conventional).

    Defense is mostly a responsibility of individual nations anyway. The up-side of being a Poland or a Germany is that you're on the mainland, this has huge economic and cultural advantages. The down side is you have to keep an eye on Russia and fund your military accordingly.

    The down side of being a marginal island is it screws your economy, but the up side is that you don't have the responsibility of keeping much of an eye on Russia.

    If we're guilty of not fulfilling some kind of duty to the continent then equally we must also deserve some kind of compensation for being out here alone and cut off.

    I think neither is the case. Any individual nation will contribute the appropriate minimum. Our net contribution and our csdp status, is around about sufficient in this case. Although yes, I'd approve of some additional funding to the DF.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    I think she probably knows more about these matters than you. Doesn't really matter if she's this or that if she's right. Personal opinions on Trotsky and Milosevic don't really change anything.

    This whole pointless digression is all just down to your own lame pedantry by the way. How do you feel your little trip into pedantry land is going? You seemed quite angry at one point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    She evidently doesn't know more than me, because she's talking Trotskyist sh*te.

    Afghanistan was not an illegal intervention, I've given you chapter and verse why, and in detail. And again, if you think the legal unit in the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs (who know a thing or two about international law) along with 14 other countries gave the green light to vote for an illegal intervention, come out and say so. Because that's exactly what you're trying to float.

    You may be easily impressed by crypto-Trot idiots from unaccredited law schools; I'm not and everyone else reading this isn't either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    She is from California that's usually a red flag.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    The people calling it an Illegal war maybe ? 🤔

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    Call it questionable then.

    Like Iraq, and the wmds, or lack thereof. Questionable.

    The point (before the nerding-out) was who really wants to tie their destiny to the US which is always at war or meddling in some coup, when not electing some mad yoke.

    Not me. And I don't think nato's basement fanboiz in Ireland are ever going to sell the idea to the public. The reasoning is always too idiotic, everyone can see they just want some fancy toys. And now that everyone can see that Russia is a shambles its gonna be a hard sell.

    So no, sorry. No sale. No nato for you. 😁

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    When did the USA force a NATO member into a war ? You know they can't do that right ? Only way is if the USA is attacked on it's soil They did not do that in the case of 9/11.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,680 ✭✭✭eire4

    I understood your posts fine. The rantings, more difficult to understand. But what is crystal clear is that you have a real obsession with the Americans who seem to be the root cause of conflicts in your eyes. I have never said we should join NATO so you bringing that and or the Americans into replies with me is completely superfluous and more about your obsession with the Americans.

    Yes Ireland is freeloading it when it comes to the defense and security of our part of the collective that we benefit so greatly from the EU. We do not have a creditable and capable defense and security force and as such need at times other countries to step in. That is free loading. We need to step up and develop a capable defense and security force and play our part in the security and defense of the collective that is the EU and the free open and democratic society we live in by doing such. Our role being a small nation will be small but that is part of the beauty of the EU when at its best its collective strength.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    Yes its been repeatedly established that you dont want Ireland to join nato.

    You can stop saying it now.

    The "obsession" with America is what others may call a 'point', 'reason' or 'argument'.

    Nato is American led (and yes before you start yet again I know, I know, for the love of christ I do know that you dont want to join nato) and has its fingers in every pie of the member nations, and has previously made leaderships of member nations roll over like good little dogs. How much more so would that be for this country and its gombeens. We'd be just another asset.

    The above obsession/point refers to the thread title and does not reflect eire4s views.

    Im not saying you want to join nato eire4.

    As for requesting foreign support, this is not exclusive to us. Most of it refers to problems caused by other nations in the first place, such as requesting the raf to chase off Russian planes that are only there to mess with the raf anyway.

    I dont know exactly how much you suppose we owe but rest assured nobody who can do anything to influence our defense spend is reading your posts, so all your frEEloAdERs!!1 are just farts in the wind. Good luck with that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,884 ✭✭✭fly_agaric


    I dont know exactly how much you suppose we owe but rest assured nobody who can do anything to influence our defense spend is reading your posts, so all your frEEloAdERs!!1 are just farts in the wind. Good luck with that.

    I read this thread off and and on, but I judge you have it a bit backwards with that crack about "farts in the wind".

    I think the politicians in power don't need to be influenced by likes of posters here (or others of joe public) and realise it has to be done (start spending some money on all aspects of defence - not necessarily join NATO!).

    The Irish public though is imo still asleep, and may turn on anyone who tries to wake them up. They could get angry with these politicians if/when they see some money going to the Defence forces, rather than a bypass for BallyGoBackwards or a EUR10 increase on the pension or the dole!

    And then you have populists (SF) and the likes of PeoplePutin Before Profit party eternal student politicians and "USA is the root of all evil" gobshites who will indulge them in this and tell them to nod off again, all is safe, all is well.
